Yours Truly, Austin Post - Po...

By Pepepolly

3.3K 519 53

Ava watches as he pulls Gracie closer to his body and burries he's his face in her blankets, his shoulders sh... More



44 8 1
By Pepepolly

"Ava! You are still here? Oh, hi Posty I didn't know you would be here...with Ava."

"She is my son's teacher and it's parent night," Austin points out with a confused frown. "Oh, poor kid. Well, hopefully when he gets to grade four he will be in my class," Carry says twirling a piece of hair around her finger as she gives Austin a flirtatious smile. "That's in three years," Austin says completely oblivious to her flirting. "It is. Hey, would you like to go for a drink?" Carry asks. Austin shoves his hands in his pockets and does not answer. They stand in silence for a few seconds and Ava is not sure if Austin heard her, but he is looking at Ava expectantly. Does he think Carry is asking Ava? "Austin, she's asking you," Ava says. "Oh! Me? Sorry, I thought you were asking Ava," he says. Still a bug dumb puppy.

"No thank you. Ava and I have a family dinner to get to," he says. Carry frowns and looks between them. "Family dinner?" she asks. "Yup," Austin says taking a step to pass her. "I didn't know you guys knew each other like that," Carry says. "Yeah, Ava and I go way back. She is family at this point," Austin says taking Ava's arm and tugging her to get her to start walking with him. They leave Carry standing in the hallway fish-mouthing.

"Do you have any say in whose class Grayson goes to?"

"No, not really."

"Pity. She looks like the type of teacher to get peanut butter sandwiches thrown at her."

Ava laughs and then climbs into Austin's car when he opens the door for her. The drive to Gracie's parents is quiet but not uncomfortable - they have been through so much and supported each other so much that they don't need to fill the quietness. When Austin pulls up in front of Gracie's parent's house he frowns. "That's odd...I didn't know my parents were coming. That's their car," he says then shrugs and gets out. Ava unlocks her door and starts to push it open but gets a little fright when it suddenly swings away from her. When she looks up she sees Austin has walked around and taken the door from her. "Thank you," she says climbing out.

They walk up to the house together then Austin opens the front door without knocking. "Hello!" he calls out. There is a sudden rumble and then Gracie's and Austin's parents, along with Grayson, all pop around the corner. Gracie's mom is the first to hug Ava followed by Austin's stepmom and then their fathers, Grayson goes in for a hug too then lets Austin pick him up in a tight hug. "Oh Ava it's so lovely to see you again, it has been far too long," Gracie's mom says. "It has, time does have a way of getting away from us all," Ava says, all four parents nod. "What are you doing here?" Austin asks his father. "What? Can't a guy visit his grandson?" he answers. "Mhmmm," Austin hums with suspicion.

"Ok, well," Gracie's mom moves to stand behind Ava and Austin then starts herding them like a couple of sheep towards the kitchen, Austin's stepmom helps. "You took too long and little Grayson just could not hold out any longer so we have all eaten," she says. "But, you invited Ava to dinner," Austin says then grunts when his father takes a now giggling Grayson from him. "There is food waiting and we have set you up in the kitchen," Gracie's mom says with one final gentle push into the kitchen. "Oh, you are not eating with us?" Ava asks looking over at the kitchen table that only has two places set. "We were right in the middle of a movie, dear," Gracie's dad says. "But-" Austin starts but is cut off by his stepmother. "It's a very good movie and we are simply desperate to get back to it," she says.

"Close the door gramps," Grayson says. "We are just going to close this door so the tv does not disturb you," Austin's dad says closing the kitchen door, leaving Austin and Ava alone in the kitchen. They stand in silence for a while and then Austin sighs.

"Ava, I am very sorry. I didn't know they-"

"It's ok. They're just looking out for you. My mom does it too."

"I don't think they are going to let us leave. We have a bit of a hostage situation going here."

"Well...I am hungry."

"Yeah, might as well eat," Austin says walking up to the stove and handing Ava a plate. They dish up and then sit down at the kitchen table. The silence is a little awkward now and Ava almost wishes she had declined the offer to come. Austin takes a few bites then puts his fork down and leans back on his chair. "Ava...I...I just don't...I'm not..." he tries to say but she does not think he knows what to say clearly. Their parents are sweet and have only good intentions. They love Austin and they are only trying to see him happy again, he deserves it. But, forcing them on a date is not the way to go - it's not a natural progression, if anything it would push Austin deeper into a pit of guilt.

"I have never been a hostage before but, I don't think they can restrict our free will, only our movements...this does not have to be a date, just friends having dinner. We still get to decide that."

Austin perks up at her words and smiles then sits forward. "Yeah...yeah, I like that," he says. "You should come around more often...not here, next time you come here they might just tie us up and put us in a cupboard," Austin says chuckling now. Ava smiles and nods her head. "Yeah, I would like that. I miss Gracie's orchard - can't find better peaches or pies although Grayson's pies are amazing."

"Right! That kid can run circles around any baker when it comes to his pies. He blows my mind. He baked a pie the other day that had me thinking it was better than Gracies."

"Better? Never."

"For real. I ate the whole dam thing. It was amazing. He took one of Gracie's recipes and added to it - kids a genius."

Ava lets out a laugh, the way Austin's face lights up when he talks about Grayson is beautiful.

"Sorry, I tend to always find a way to bring any conversation back to Grayson...and Gracie."

"That's ok, I don't mind talking about them...I love them too," Ava says. Austin looks at her with a sad smile. "She would have loved Grayson so much, not just because he is her kid but because Grayson is amazing."

"And part you. I see so much of both of you in him. He is so kind and has the most beautiful nature but, funny and puppyish too. He cracks me up with his hijinks. He is one of a kind."

"Yes. I would be fucked without him - he has kept me sane...but, what about you? You are still all alone."

"I have a cat."

"Aah, yes. You are a cat lady now. You just need an oversized knitted jumper and your life will be complete."

"Exactly," Ava says with a grin. Austin leans forward, reaching for the salt and the chain around his neck pops out, it has a weird little zigzag charm on it. "What is that?" Ava asks. "Oh, this?" Austin asks lifting the zigzag charm. "It's a ring holder. I keep Gracie's ring on it sometimes," he says taking her ring off his pinky and threading it through the charm without having to undo the necklace, it sits flat on his chest in full display. "Oh that's clever, I need one of those. I still keep Carter's ring around my neck on a string," Ava says. "They are hard to find but we will look for one for you," Austin says. "Yes, thank you. I would like that very much," she says smiling and then laughing as Austin goes into a story about Dre attempting to change Grayson's shitty diapers as a baby.

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