Avoiding The Marauders

By weliveandbreathw0rds

253K 7.5K 6.1K

Lily Evans was tired of the deviance, trickery and destruction caused by the boys that liked to call themselv... More

In Common
Blow Up The Moon
The Perks Of Being Muggleborn
A New Side To Potter
How Could I Be So Blind?
What The Hell Just Happened?
No Pun Intended
What The Hell Are You Doing Here?
Muggle London: Part One
Muggle London: Part Two
Dinner From Heaven Or Hell
Some Things You Just Can't Unsee
I Love To Hate Him... Or Is It The Other Way Around?
That's Where You're Wrong
It's Not A Coincidence
Falling Apart
The Future
Psychopath Killers
Pre-exam Stress
The L Bomb
The Plan
The Last Prank
My Future Can Be Certain
One Year Later


10.5K 285 179
By weliveandbreathw0rds

I do not own these character or the Harry Potter world. They belong to JK Rowling. Thanks.

The holidays was drawing to an end and I was regretting the fact that it lacked interesting things to say about it. With only one week left, the most interesting thing that occurred was the power cut on the second week that left us in darkness.

My Mother had given me permission, much to Petunia's distress, for me to use magic to light up the room and give us some heat as it was a particularly cold night for summer. This was the first summer, and the first time, that I had been allowed to use magic around the house and I had amazed my family when I had lit the room up with a spell.

Unfortunately, other than that, my summer had been sadly uneventful. I was beginning to feel lonely. I knew that I had my parents but most of the time they were working and my sister didn't talk to me these days. It wasn't like I had any friends that lived anywhere near me; most of the wizarding community lived in a cluster in small villages and all of my friends from primary school wouldn't even recognise me anymore, it's not like I spend much time at home to see them.

Honestly, I missed the company of other Witches and Wizards. As far as I knew, I was the only magical being in my tiny village and I longed for the feel of my wand in my hand surrounded by others of my kind.

The only entertainment I had right now was muggle television; the News to be precise. A women sat stern face at a desk and was reading out today's news. It seemed pretty uneventful. "The Royal Family hope to visit the Hospital for young children, football fans are going crazy over last nights score and now for some breaking news.

"Three women were killed last night by means unknown to the police," I looked up at the screen in shock, it couldn't be possible, could it? "Doctors claim that there are not bullet or stab wounds and they were perfectly healthy when they passed. A spokes women claimed that 'they were doing all they could to discover the cause of death' but right now it seems like they have turned up nothing. The family-"

I blinked at the screen and turned to grab my copy of today's Daily Prophet of the coffee table. There, on the front page, was the words


I gasped and began to read the article;

"The Ministry of Magic is in outrage after the discovery of the death of three muggle women last night. They were killed by means of killing curse, an Unforgivable Curse, clearly illegal.

The Minister claims that this is the only attack that they have witnessed and that he will personally be hunting down the killer. We can only hope that this is a one off. However, the Ministry do warn citizens to carry a wand with them at all times."

I couldn't believe it, the muggle world getting mixed with mine. I didn't seem possible.

I threw the paper back down and shuffled through the letters I had already read. There were many from Melody as she was in Spain with her family, so even though I could apparate now, I couldn't see her and one I hadn't opened yet.

My letter from Hogwarts had only just come. My owl Tess had arrive a minute or so earlier carrying it in her beak.

Now, not being able to wait any longer, I sat forward on my sofa and tore it apart. I was looking forward to a trip to Diagon Alley. I was hoping I would see some people I knew. In the envelope was a letter containing a list of books I would need and equipment.

I shuffled on the sofa as something sharp jabbed into my back and looked down to see something shinny. I picked it up in confusion and turned it over.

"No way!" I breathed, starring at it.

It was a badge. On it were the words HEAD GIRL.

"Merlin's beard!" I fumbled with the letter and turned it over to see the curly scribble of Dumbledore.

Lily Evans

You have been given the opportunity to be Head Girl of Hogwarts. This is a challenging position, however we do believe that you will fit it perfectly.

You are to attend the Prefect Car on the Hogwarts Express to greet you Prefect team with the Head Boy.

And, Miss Evans, you do deserve this honour.

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Me? Head Girl?

This was amazing. It meant a wider range of opportunities for mu future and clearly showed that my teachers expected good things from me. I shrilled in excitement, grabbing the badge and hurtled myself up the stairs, throwing my Mothers door open. She was sat on her bed, my Father was reading the muggle paper on his desk, they looked up in surprise as I bounced in beaming.

"They gave me Head Girl!" I exclaimed, showing them the badge.

My Mother jumped off the bed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, Lily."

"You'll be an amazing Head Girl," my Dad said, also giving me a hug.

"I'm so excited!" I exclaimed. I glanced up at them hopefully. "Can I go to Diagon Alley now? Please? I need to get my books!"

They smiled at me. "Of course, Lily, make sure your back by nine though, it will be dark."

"Thanks, mum and dad!"

I grabbed my bag from my room, stuffed the letter and badge inside, and apparated on the spot.

Diagon Alley was packed to the corners. Apparently my idea of getting my things right away wasn't a single. Students excitedly swarmed the streets, crowding outside of the lighted shop windows, peering in to look at the next best thing.

It smelt heavily of chest nuts as a child walked past with a bag full and I wrinkled my nose at the horrid smell. I hate nuts.

I decided that the first place I would go was to get my new robes; my old ones were getting shabby and were too short at the leg. I went to the shop and got my new robes measured up and made for me.

Next, I went to the bookstore. I had a long list of books that I needed and was regretting not going there last as I hauled them around in a heavy bag with me.

I was getting peckish, so I stopped off at the ice cream parlour for a strawberry and vanilla sundae. I was just about to eat my first mouthful of the frosty goodness when I heard a voice yell my name.


I groaned, looking sadly at my untouched ice cream, something told me that I was about to lose my appetite.

"Sirius?" I asked when I realised the boy taking a seat opposite me didn't have glasses and black short hair, but long hair instead.

"That's me, Evans," he laughed. "You thought I was James, didn't you?"

I sighed. "Yeah," I admitted.

He chuckled. "I thought I heard you groan," he grabbed my spoon and began to tuck into my sundae. I pulled it away before he could. "So what brings you here?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Got my letter," I mumbled, eating, indicating to the paper on the table.

"Me too," he replied. "James was gonna come too but he was busy," he smirked. "Oh, Prongs is gonna be so annoyed when he finds out he missed you!"

I rolled my eyes. Thank Merlin he wasn't here. I had managed to avoid both him and Severus up until now, I was doing a good job. Over the holiday, I had considered whether I had been too harsh on the two of them, especially James. He was an idiot, sure, but in some messed up way off his I know he was just trying to help, but then I had to the conclusion that avoiding both of them would be an easier and more efficient way to ward off anymore trouble.

Sirius grabbed my letter off the table and began to look through it. "What books you got this- No way!"

I stopped chewing, startled. "What?" I said behind my spoon.

He looked at me through his hair. "You got Head Girl?"

I smiled proudly. "Yeah!"

Suddenly, he burst out laughing, grabbing his stomach and rolling forwards. His hair fell in his eyes but I tell he had a huge grin on his face and that it was probably turning red.

"What?" I asked, my face getting red. "What's so funny?"

In between laughter he managed to say, "This," laughter. "Is gonna be brilliant!"

I frowned. That didn't sound good. "What?" I demanded, snatching my letter back. "What will?"

Taking deep breaths he wiped his watering eyes. "Evans, you just made my day. No, you just made my next year!"

I crossed my arms. "I don't get it? What's so funny?"

He stood up and grabbed my bags from beside my chair.

"Black," I asked, standing up. "Your not mugging me, are you?"

"C'mon, Evans," he smirked. "I have something I have to show you."

He grabbed my arm and we apparated.

We ended up in a little field near a small house. It was dark and I struggled to see. Sirius grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

"Where are we?" I asked angrily. You can't just apparate people into the middle of nowhere!

He sniggered. "This, Evans, is where I live," he paused for effect. "This is the Potter Household."

And I thought this day started of well. I'm just so unlucky.

Sup! This chapter is my longest so far and it's one of the few outside of Hogwarts. I just love the place so much, I don't wanna leave!

I wanna know, do you think I should do James point of view? Do you think that will ruin his mystery??

Help me out with mistakes guys! I really appreciate it!

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