Promised Future

By danka0529

7K 150 2

* BOOK TREE OF DAMAGE PAST* Celeste De Luca has fully healed from her psychological scars, trying to move on... More

Intro and Warnings!
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Writer's message

Chapter eight

295 6 0
By danka0529

Celeste was pacing in the waiting room as Aaron was sitting in the chair and looking at his phone.

"Can you please sit down" Aaron let out as he looked up from his phone, Celeste stopped and looked at him.

"Or not" he let out as he smiled before looking at his phone again. Moments later the door open.

"Celeste" the nurse said as she smiled at her. Celeste and Aaron fallowed the nurse in the back and into the room.

"Alright were doing the ultrasound today so you can have a seat on the table and the Doctor will be in soon" the blonde said as she smile at both Celeste and Aaron before leaving with closing the door behind her. Aaron looked at Celeste who was nervously looking at the door.

"Why are you so nervous?" he asked her, Celeste looked at him.

"we missed our last appointment, I'm twenty weeks what if something is wrong?" Aaron looked at her with a soft look.

"Nothing is wrong..."

"You don't know that"

"Celeste..." Aaron started to say before he was cut off by  a knock at the door before it opened. Courtney smiled at Celeste as she walked in the room and closed the door.

"How are we doing?" she said as she looked at Aaron who gave her a nod with a smile.

"My wife is worrying to much" Aaron let out as he looked at Celeste who rolled her eyes at him, Courtney let out a chuckle.

"What are you worrying about?" Courtney asked as she gestured for Celeste to lay down, Celeste laid down and lifted her shirt a little, Courtney gave her a little smile as she looked at the small belly that was forming.

"I'm worried that something is wrong" Courtney looked at her and gave her a little smile.

"let's check if we can get a good look at this little miracle" Courtney said as she pulled the ultrasound machine closer to the table. Taking the gel she squirted some on Celeste's stomach.

"Jesus, why does it have to be so cold?" Celeste let out in a hiss making Aaron chuckle. Courtney started moving the wand around.

"Ah there we go" she let out, Both Aaron and Celeste looked at the monitor.

"That's your perfectly healthy baby" Courtney let out as she looked at Celeste who had watery eyes.

"I'm going to try and measure everything to make sure" she said. Aaron took a seat on the stool that was beside the table, sitting by Celeste's head.

After a good thirty minutes Cortney took the wand away and grabbed a towel to wipe Celeste off.

"Everything is perfect" she let out, Celeste let out a breath.

"Good...that's good" she let out in a small voice.

"So you should start feeling the baby kick soon" Courtney said, Celeste pulled her shirt down then slowly sat up.

"Not sure what that feels like"

"It's going to feel like little flutters at the start, like when you fall in love and you get those butterflies"

"Oh! I feel those, I thought it was just me being hungry" Celeste said as she let out a laugh, Courtney laughed.

"Nope! that would be the happy baby, but now you know" Celeste smiled.

"Relax, enjoy this, everything is going like it should" Courtney said, Celeste nodded to her. Courtney returned the nod as she looked at the couple.

"So do you want to know the sexe of the baby?"...

One Month later...

"I don't understand why we have to do this" Morgan asked looking at Hotch. Dave and Prentiss were sitting around the table in the conference room and looking at their boss.

"because we worked that case" Hotch said as he looked at Derek.

"Why that case? we did so many, why the Foyet case?" Prentiss asked, Hotch let out a deep breath.

"I know, I don't like it either, but it is the case that took the longest to solve and how it ended is also a factor" he said, Morgan shook his head.

"Are you ready to bring those memories back, because I know damn well I'm not" Morgan said, Hotch shook his head.

"were presenting it to the recruits, we do this all the time" Hotch said as he looked around the table, Derek let out a deep breath.

"Well this sucks"

"What sucks?" JJ asked as she walked in with Reid and Pen fallowing.

"Sorry were late, didn't know we were having a meeting" JJ let out.

"It's not a meeting, we were just talking about having to present the Foyet case to futur agents" JJ looked at Hotch who was still standing at the end of the table.

"Your kidding right?" she said as she looked at Hotch. Hotch let out another breath.

"Guys this is not up for diccustion, were doing this and..."

"What are you all doing in here?" Celeste let out as she walked in the room holding a white box, she looked around the room everyone had a unsure look.

"Who died?" she then asked.

"No one died, were talking about the case were presenting to the recruits in a couple of days" Hotch let out already annoyed by the situation, Celeste looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"oh, which case are we presenting?" Everyone turned and looked at their boss who was still looking at Celeste, she watched as he swallow hard before answering.

"the Foyet case" he said in a calm tone, Celeste looked at him and everyone else was quiet for what seemed like ten minutes.

"Alright well this conversation is a little deppresing, I decided to let you in on a little secret" she said tapping the top of the box with her fingers.

"OH! what's in the box?" Garcia let out in ecxitment, Celeste let out a hum with a smile as she walked around the table to where Aaron was standing. Celeste gently put the box on the table.

"So I got some gender reveal cupcakes" Celeste watched as the whole room lit up with smiles.

"it's about time! I thought you were going to make us wait until you push that baby out" Morgan let out as he sat up straighter in his chair, Celeste let out a chuckle as she looked down at the box and open the lid. six cupcake were in the box three with pink frosting and three with blue frosting.

"Alright! choose your cupcake, there's a colour in the middle the one that shows up more that's what the sexe of the baby is" Celeste let out as she pushed the box in the middle of the table. Everyone took a cupcake and didn't waist time taking a bite, one by one they turned their cupcake so everyone will see it.

"Rossi it's pink, Reid it's blue, JJ it's blue, Prentiss it's pink, Pen it's pink and I have..." Morgan took a bite and looked.

"IT'S A GIRL!!!!"" he shouted. Everyone got up to hug Celeste and Aaron who were both smiling.

"Oh my god! I'm going to have to start shopping for her! give her the aunt Pen special" Garcia let out, Celeste let out a laugh as she gave her a hug.

"Hotch your going to be shit out of luck if she has her mother's attitude" Morgan let out with a laugh, Aaron shook his head with a smile.

"Oh I know" he let out, Celeste gently smacked him on the chest.

"What's going on in here?" A voice came from the door, the team turned and looked at the Section Chief as she walked in the space.

"We just found out that Aaron and Celeste are going to have a girl" Dave informed her, Strauss looked at Celeste and gave her a little smile.

"Congratulation" she said, Celeste gave her a nod.

"Well I won't keep you guys from this little celebration, I just wanted to make sure that everyone was informed about the presentation. I know it's not ideal, but I know that this team can do it" she let out as she looked at Hotch.

"yes ma'am" he said, she gave him a nod and looked around the room again before nodding and walking out of the room.

"she's so nosy" Celeste let out making JJ, prentiss and Morgan chuckle.

"Alright team, back to work" Hotch let out as he gave Celeste a smiled before leaving, Celeste watched him walk make his way to his office.

"He says he's fine, but I know you can tell his not" Dave whispered to her, Celeste looked at the Italian who head gestured for her to go. Give him a single nod she walked out of the conference room and made her way down the catwalk to Aaron's office.

The door was open and Aaron was sitting at his desk, Celeste cleared her throat and she walked in and closed the door. Aaron watched as she walked to the couch as took a seat, she looked up at him and gestured for him to come sit beside her. Aaron smiled as he pushed back from the desk and got up, he walked to the couch without a word and sat down beside her. Celeste moved on the couch so her head was in his lap and her feet were elevated over the arm of the couch, she then pulled her shirt up a little and pulled her pants under her belly that was getting bigger now, she then reached for Aaron's hand and laid it flat on her belly. Aaron gently started rubbing her belly.

"Is she active today?" he asked as he moved his other hand to play in her hair. Celeste let out a hum as she closed her eyes.

"she's definatly going to be playing soccer or something, might be pro before she comes out" Aaron let out a chuckle.



"Why are we doing the presentation on Foyet?" she asked, Aaron looked down at her as she was looking up at him.

"I'm fine..."

"That's not what I asked" she said cutting him off.

"Look you and I never really talked about it which is fine I was told enough by the team to know that it was bad, that's why I'm asking why this team and this case?" she asked, Aaron let out a deep breath as he looked up at his office.

"It's because of what I did that it's us, it's because of foyet going after me that were doing this"  he let out as he looked down at Celeste.

"I should have taken the deal when he made it with me" he said, Celeste looked up at him and gently shook her head.

"and then what? you really think that taking his deal would have stopped him?" she let out.

"taking his deal would have kept him from killing..."

"Yeah, until something happens to you then he would have started killing" Celeste moved Aaron's hand off her stomach and fixed her clothes before sitting up.

"Look, your made the decision of not taking the deal. I know you lost a lot because of it, but hes gone and that's all that matters...One monster less to worry about" she let out as she stood up, Aaron reached for her hand and gently pulled her to him. Celeste moved so she was standing between his legs, Aaron put his hands on her waist and moved forward and planted a kiss on her stomach.

"I love both of you so much" he whispered, Celeste gently ran her fingers threw his hair making him look up at her, Celeste gave him a smile.

"I'm not sure where she stands with you on that, but I love you too" she let out, Aaron gave her a smile.

"I hope she loves me like you do" he said.

"Oh I have a feeling that you two are going to be best friends" she let out with a chuckle.

"you here that in there, your mom thinks I'm going to be overprotective" Aaron said to the belly, Celeste let out a laugh.

"I didn't say that..."

"That's what you met" Aaron let out as he smiled up at her.

"Alright! I need to get back to work before my boss yells at me" Celeste let out, Aaron chuckled as he let her go.

"Thank you" he said as he got up, Celeste made her way to the door.

"I will always be here to talk you off the ledge, that's what we do right?" she looked at Aaron who was at his desk, he looked at her with a smile.

"That's what we do" he said, Celeste gave him a nod and that open the office door and walked out.

Celeste was sitting at her desk finishing her file as she sat back in her chair and let out a deep breath as she gently rubbed her belly.

"How's my niece doing?" Morgan asked looking at Celeste who looked at him with a little smile.

"doing backflips, that is making me want to puke" she let out, Morgan let out a chuckle as he rolled his chair towards her got closer to her.

"may I?" he asked, Celeste nodded. Celeste watched as Morgan got closer to her stomach.

"Hey in there, stop giving your momma a hard time, we need her to be able to work for a little longer" he let out, Celeste let out a giggle.

"Derek, she won't listen she already doesn't listen to her dad" she let out.

"Oh little one I would listen to the boss, if not he will ground you for life" Morgan let out.

"I'm sure she's already grounded for life definitely will not be able to date" Emily let out as she showed up behind Celeste, Celeste let out a hum with a nod in agreement.

"So how bad is this case presentation going to be?" Celeste asked as she turned a little to face Reid, Prentiss, Derek let out a hum.

"Hopefully not to bad, none of us really talk about it since it happen" Derek let out, Celeste shook her head.

"Do you think Pen would give me the foyet file?" Celeste asked, Morgan gave her a nod.

"she will, but I would talk to..." Morgan gestured towards Hotch's office, Celeste gave him a look.

"It's going to be hard enough to talk about it in front of a group, I don't want him to have to talk about that monster and it causes just more pain" she said.

"He knows about your monsters..."

"He was there for my monsters...twice" Celeste let out, Derek let out a hum in agreement.

"So be there for his" Morgan said as he slowly rolled back to his desk, Celeste watched him for a moment as he gave her a eyebrow lift with a little smile.

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