Yours Truly, Austin Post - Po...

By Pepepolly

2.7K 463 53

Ava watches as he pulls Gracie closer to his body and burries he's his face in her blankets, his shoulders sh... More



36 7 1
By Pepepolly

Their mothers stay for dinner and their fathers join. After dinner, Ava helps clear away the dishes, and just as she turns the dishwasher on Gracie comes walking in from outside with Carter's flower crown. "Oh, look!  One of the kids forgot their crown," she says sadly. ", that's one I made," Ava says with a little sheepish smile. "Oh, well you did a lovely job. I think it will be a little big for your head though. I can help you make it a little smaller if you like," Gracie says. "No! I thank you. I made it for someone else...those are his favorite colors," Ava says taking the crown from her gently. "Oh...must be someone very special," Gracie says softly, Ava nods and bites her lip. Talking about Carter always stings. Austin is standing next to Gracie looking at Ava with a knowing look, he knows she made it for Carter. "I am going to dry it out, it should keep for a while, right?" she says. Both Austin and Gracie nod. "Although drying it out will make it lose its color I am afraid," Gracie says sadly.

"What about that stuff you used to dry out your sister's wedding flowers?" Austin asks suddenly. "Oh, yes!  Of course. Very clever, love. Silica gel. It's way better and faster than air drying and it will keep its color. I have a bag of it in the garage," Gracie says. "I'll get it," Austin says walking out of the kitchen. "We will need a big container with a lid," Gracie says disappearing down the passage to a spare room. Ava can't move because they are just so kind. Making a flower crown for Carter is silly because he is not even here but, Austin is treating the situation like it's not silly at all and all Gracie knows is whoever the crown is for has made Ava a little emotional so she is all in on helping Ava. They are both so selfless.

Gracie comes back in first with a large plastic container and places it on the kitchen counter then Austin walks in with a large bag of what looks like white sugar. "Ok, place a layer of silica down, baby," Gracie says to him and he pours a layer in and then smooths it flat. Gracie turns to Ava and smiles at her. "Ok, now put your flower crown in, Ava," she says. Ava steps forward slowly and then places the crown in the box gently. "This won't damage it?" she asks. "No, I promise," Gracie says. "Ok, love put silica on top but, use your hand to sprinkle it around so you don't squish and break any of Ava's beautiful flowers," Gracie says. Austin nods and grabs a handful of silica then sprinkles it gently over the flowers. He holds open the bag and smiles softly at her, Ava grabs a handful and sprinkles it over the crown. They cover the flower crown and then Gracie puts the lid back on.

"There you go. Now we wait five or six days and then you will have a beautiful flower crown that will keep forever," Gracie says. "Thank you," Ava whispers biting her lip and looking at the box. "Hey, uh...would you like me to place this in your room?" Austin asks softly. "Yes...please," Ava says around the lump in her throat. She avoids spending too much time in Carter's space because the longer she stays the sadder she gets - it's been too long already and she can feel herself starting to crack.

"Gracie...I don't think I can help you tonight. I just -"

"Say no more, Ava. We can do it another time."


"Oh, don't be sorry, " Gracie says running her fingers through her hair softly and then pulling her into a hug. "You go for a hot shower then climb into bed and I will bring you a cup of tea and some warm peach pie," Gracie whispers, squeezing her tight and then letting her go. "Thank you," she whispers and walks out of the kitchen. Austin is walking out of her room just as she gets to it. She feels terrible, this must be a horrible reminder of what's in store for him after Gracie is gone. "I am sorry, I don't mean to -" she starts but is cut off when he wraps his arms around her and pulls her into his chest. "You have nothing to be sorry about. You are one of the strongest, kindest women I know. Carter is welcome in this house, Ava and you can bring him in here whenever you need to," he says. Ava does not know why, she never knows why, but tonight is just a weak night for her and so she lets go and starts to cry into Austin's chest, wetting the front of his shirt. He does not pull away or groan, he just rubs her back and lets her crumble a little - he understands her pain like no other.

She hears Gracie coming closer and then dipping into her room, she must have her tea and pie. Gracie's kindness makes her cry a little harder because Gracie is just so kind. "She ok?" she hears Gracie's worried whisper. "She is ok, baby, she just needs a moment," Austin whispers. "Should I run her a bath?" Gracie whispers. "Yeah, I think she would like that," Austin says softly. Ava would like that. Austin lets her cry into his chest until Gracie has run the bath then Gracie takes her hand and leads her into the bathroom. The warm steam is comforting and Gracie has put her tea and pie on the edge of the bathtub for her. "The water is nice and hot, it will soothe your muscles...would you like me to stay?" Gracie asks softly.

Ava would like her to stay, Gracie is a comforting energy. But, she feels a little guilty - she is meant to be here for Austin and Gracie, not them for her.

"I am sorry, Gracie. I-"

"We can't always be strong, Ava. You are always there on my winter days. Austin says you always stay close by and even if I never had winter days I would still hope I could offer some comfort if you wanted it...we don't have to talk. I will just be here."

"Thank you, Gracie."

Ava gets undressed and climbs into the tub, the warm water making her groan as it soothes her stressed muscles. Gracie sits quietly by and her presence calms Ava enough to tell her about Carter without breaking down. Gracie listens quietly to every word Ava says and because she never interrupts Ava keeps talking. It feels good to talk about him, she has not done so in so long for fear of falling apart but, Gracie keeps her strong.

"He sounds lovely, Ava," Gracie says when Ava finishes. "He is. I am sad mostly but, there is this piece inside me that's so angry. He was so young...such a waste of life," Ava croaks out, her throat tired from talking.

"But, he had you..."

"That's what he always used to say. As long as he had me he was happy with the life he had."

"And now we have you and our lives too are better for it."

"I am sorry I ruined your summer day."

"Not at all. I got to meet Carter and I can't think of a better day than learning about such a wonderful man," Gracie says grabbing a towel and handing it to Ava as she stands up. Ava dries herself off and then dresses. Gracie opens the bathroom door to find Austin sitting on the end of her bed eating a slice of peach pie. "That's my pie," Ava says. Austin grins at her. "My house, my garden, my kitchen, my wife, and my peaches. Also..." he says sucking the last morsel off his spoon with a loud pop, "I had two slices."

"Take your puppy, Gracie," Ava says with a soft laugh. Gracie giggles and takes Austin's hand, drugging him out of her room. He stops at the door and gives her a pointed look. "Wake us if you need anything," he says. Ava gives him a small smile and nods. She climbs into the bed then jumps and nearly screams when something touches her toes. She lifts the blanket and sees a hot water bottle has been placed there. Austin must have done that. She smiles and lies down letting the warmth seep into her body just like the kindness and understanding Gracie and Austin shown her tonight.

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