Yours Truly, Austin Post - Po...

By Pepepolly

2.8K 463 53

Ava watches as he pulls Gracie closer to his body and burries he's his face in her blankets, his shoulders sh... More



39 7 0
By Pepepolly

Ava does not have to get out of bed to know that it's a summer day, the air feels warmer and has that sweet sugary smell to it. She can also hear Gracies laugh ring out as she rushes up and down the passage. It brings a smile to her face. She hears a soft knock in her and calls out that the person can come in as she sits up. Austin opens the door and pops his head in, he looks frazzled.

"She has lost her mind, Ava, look," he says holding up a piece of paper with a long list on it. "She wants to bake pies for each kid to take home to their families, she wants to take them fruit picking, she wants a painting station set up on the back porch and an afternoon picnic set up near the fountain and right now she is looking for her camera that turns pictures into stickers. I have to go down to the river and collect little rocks for the kids to paint and...aww she wants flowers for flower crowns?" he says inspecting the list again then looking at Ava with big eyes.

"You'll be exhausted by the end of the day."

"We...will be exhausted by the end of the day."

"Oh, now I can help?"

Austin raises an eyebrow then folds his arms and leans on the door with a smirk. "You have made yourself comfortable here, haven't you? Floating around like a queen bee while I do all the hard work," he says. "Living a life of luxury, M.r Post," Ava says with a chuckle. "Austin, can you see if you can get this thing to work? I can't seem to turn it n and if it doesn't work then we can't take photos and they won't be able to make them into stickers I wanted to do that for them they always loved that. They would come to my class just to get photos for stickers and if I can't get it to work they will be bummed," Gracie says coming up beside Austin.

"Hush, baby, I will get it to work and if I can't then I will pop into town on my way to the river and get another one. Don't worry about it. It's all good," he coos at her, taking the camera and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Besides, we have a bigger problem on our hands," he says. "We do?" Gracie asks with a puzzled face. "Mhmm," Austin hums and points at Ava. "It's broken. Think you could get it working?" he asks with a sly smile. "Well, I guess I could try," Gracie says with a giggle walking toward Ava and then wrapping her in a warm hug. "Please will you help us today?" she asks sweetly. "Sneaky bastard, low move, Austin. Of course,e I will help, Gracie," Ava says letting the warmth of her hug fill her chest.

"Hey, don't blame me for using the tools I have. Now, up you get. You are setting up the painting station and picking the flowers. I am leaving now to get the river rocks," Austin says. "My mothers are here and have started baking the pies, we are making twenty-five pies. There are only fifteen kids but I thought it best to make extra pies...or you two will kill each other later tonight," Gracies says. "We won't because she is getting a peach pie and I am getting a pear pie. I will not be sharing my pear pie with her," Austin says with a grin then ducks out the door.

"Ava, we need to talk to him tonight. This is perfect, he will get broody with all these kids around and so by the time we speak to him he will be soft and more open to hearing our idea," Gracie whispers. "Ok," Ava says climbing out the bed and opening her closet. She should be worried and maybe even a little hesitant but Ava will do anything Gracie asks - even if that means being a murder victim to Austin.

The morning is busy. Between helping with the pie making, setting up the painting station,n and picking flowers Ava hardly gets a chance to have a cup of coffee but, she does not mind when she sees Gracie dancing about in her bright yellow sundress as her smile beams and her eyes dance. She looks like a modern-day fairytale princess and by the way, she captivates everyone else running around the house Ava is sure she has pixie dust in her pockets. By mid-morning Austin is back with the river rocks and a new camera for Gracie which he helps her set up then helps Ava lay out the blankets and pillows for the picnic while Gracie and her mothers move on to make sandwiches, sliced fruit,t, and fresh fruit juice.

Then bpmpmm a yellow school bus pulls up the driveway and a river of children pursuers out. They are all smiling and squealing happens they eye rush for Gracie with cards and little bunches of flowers. "Miss Gracie," they squeal and hug her tightly showing her the cards they have made as Gracie sits on the front steps with them reading each card and smiling in delight at how wonderfully talented they all are. Ava needs a moment to gather herself and has to make a point of swallowing the haggard lump in her throat. "Hits you right here, huh?" Austin says patting his chest. "Nothing is quite as healing as the innocence of a child," he adds and then walks closer to Gracie and sits down near her. The children swarm around him too like bees in a hive.

"What are we doing today Miss Gracie?" a little girl asks as the rest hum in agreement. "Well...first fruit picking. You can pick as much as you like and you can pick all your favorite fruits," Gracie explains as they all cheer. "Then we are going to paint some rocks and make flower crowns," she says and they cheer again. "My sister is getting married and I am going to make her a flower crown," one little boy says. "Oh that's lovely, Brice, she will love that. After we have finished with our rocks and flower crowns we are going to have a picnic in my back garden and then I have a big pie for each of you to take home to your parents," Gracie says then stands. "Let's go, there are baskets out back," Gracie says as the hoard of kids follows her into the house like little ducks, all except one little girl who looks a little sad.

"Hey, why the sad face, Ally?" Austin asks. "Miss Gracie said she made pies for our parents...but, I don't have a dad, just a mom," she says. "Oooh, you have one of those moms," Austin says. Ava frowns, she does not think Austin would ever be nasty to anyone intentionally, especially to a sad little girl but she has no idea where he is going with this. "What do you mean Mr Gracie?" Ally asks looking at him almost as suspiciously as Ava is.

"You have a Supermom, they are like superheroes."


"Oh, yes! Most kids have a mom that just does mom stuff and a dad that just does dad stuff. But, you are lucky - you have a mom that is so special she can be both."

"She cooks and makes me do chores, that's mom stuff."

"Sure is."

"She also lets me get dirty in the mud by the kitchen door."

"Oh, now see... that's definitely dad stuff."

"So I have a supermom?"

"You sure do. You are so lucky, I wish I had a super mom but only very special people get supermoms...people like you. I bet she makes you feel lots of love."

"Yeah! Like a lot of love. Her love is so big for me it goes around the world - she tells me all the time."

"I have heard about that kind of love - super love from a supermom for a super daughter. It's the best type of love."

"It is, Mr Gracie," Ally says throwing her little arms around Austin's neck. He cuddles her then stands and Ava steps behind the pillar as he turns to walk inside with her. She needs another moment to gather herself.

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