The Boogie Woman (COD MW2 Dar...

By lovergirl9023

4.1K 97 58

After breaking up with her abusive boyfriend, a woman in Australia joins the army and becomes a corporal in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

177 5 4
By lovergirl9023

5:30 AM

After putting on your uniform and all of your gear and making sure you have everything, you left your barrack and head on out to meet up with the rest of the team. Today was the day, you get to show that bastard 'baby I'm back' and show him hell. While you walk down the hallway the door next to you opened and Soap emerges."morning Orca" he beamed. You glanced at him before returning a 'morning'.

As you both walked down the hall Soap tried to start a conversation with you, "let's get ourselves a win Corporal" you smirk at his enthusiasm."let's see if the enemy will remember who I am" you snickered."I can't wait to see the face Hassan and his son will make when they see my face".

You and Soap made it to the army jeeps that we were waiting outside. It was early in the morning and the sun hasn't come up yet. Price, Alejandro and Rudy were already outside."glad to see you are ready Orca" Price exclaimed. You had a stern expression on your face, you were ready to eliminate anyone who stood against you.

Ghost and Gaz then appear, now that everyone is here, the mission shall commence." alright team, today we capture Hassan dead or alive" Price Declares. He then turns to you and says."Corporal Orca, this is your first mission with 141, this is a big chance for you to show us your potential" You nod before replying, "I intend to".

Everyone jumps into the army jeeps and they drive away to the location where Hassan's safe house is.

The Car ride was quiet to contribute to the intensity that is about to happen. You have been thinking about how to show yourself to Tagiya when you find his ass. Should you just kill him when you see him or should you give him one hell of an entry and kill him with style? This is your only chance at catching the son of a bitch and making him suffer.

"You alright Hermana?" Your thoughts were interrupted by Alejandro looking back at you from the front seat."yeah" you replied, "I'm just preparing myself to catch that rat who calls himself a 'soldier'" Everyone can sense your grudge." most importantly, I'm just looking forward to getting my hands on his son". Ghost glances at you, he knows what your intentions with Hassan's son are and they are not very pleasant. He can sense something that felt familiar as if he went through something that he went through before.

2 hours later you arrived at the location. You all get out of the jeep and equipped your gear. Loading your guns and checking if you've forgotten anything, you are all ready to go on the hunt for Hassan.

"Alright men! Beyond the hills and in that safe house is our target!" Price commences, "but it won't be an easy task! This area is infested with tangos and we shall shoot them all down and fight our way into the safe house and reach our goal!!!" You all let out a war cry with your weapons in your hands." now men, let us commence force!!" Price commands.

The team splits into two groups. Price, Gaz and Ghost went in from the front while you, Soap, Alejandro and Rodolfo went in from the back. You advanced off the group, shooting down every tango that came into your sight. At some point, you pulled out your knife and stabbed your way through. The blood on your knife getting on your hands and some were even splattered onto your face, presenting a terrifying presence of a vengeful woman.

"Sweet bloody Jesus!" Soap mutters." she is like a machine! No one can stop her!" "Dios míos, I guess she does earn the nickname 'Boogie Woman'" Rodolfo Stated. You knew that the Shadow Company will come by and provide aid but it appears you won't need them due to your skills.

Finally, after slaughtering your way through enemy territory you made it to the safe house. Your face is smeared with blood and your hands are no different. You reach and grab the door knob and twist it only to find out the door is locked. Without hesitation, you then kick the door down and walked in and started sweeping through the house."Tagiya!! Where are you!?" You called out." you remember me, don't you?! How you destroyed my base and killed all of my comrades and left me to die in the rapids!!"

Down below in the basement, 2 men hailing alongside their bodyguards can hear the commotion upstairs." my son, don't be afraid, they are only after men and not you" Hassan reinsures his son. Tagiya looks up at his father, "But what if they know I'm your son, who knows what they'll do" she spoke with fear. Hassan puts an arm around his son and comforts him.

"Tagiya!!" A voice calls from upstairs, "Where are you!? You remember me, don't you!? How you destroyed my base and killed all of my comrades and left me to die in the rapids!!" Tagiya recognised that voice. At first, he didn't want to believe it but he heard what he heard, and he started shaking with fear, Hassan noticed his son's shaking and asked."my son, why are you shaking?" Tagiya looked up at his father, he didn't want to say it but he had to.

"Father, you know that SASR base that I've blown up with all of its soldiers?" Hassan didn't know where Tagiya was gone but he nods."well 2 soldiers survived the explosion, I managed to shoot one dead and I threw the other into rapids and when..." Tagiya paused for a moment. Ge knew what he was about to say will make his father very upset."My son, continue, what happens next!?" Hassan begs for his son to continue. Tagiya takes a deep breath before saying, "It appears the one I threw into the rapids has survived" Hassan glared down at his son."there's a survivor!?" Barked."WHO!!?!" Tagiya flinched at Hassan's sudden outburst. He started shaking, he gulped before replying.

"(y-y/n) (l/n)"

Hassan looks down at Tagiya with disbelief, his eyes begging his son to tell him that he was telling a joke but it wasn't." do you have any idea who you left alive my son!?" Hassan asked in a serious tone." Father, I know who she is and I know you're upset but she's just one woman and we can easily take her out" Tagiya was cut off by Hassan slapping him across the face."(Y/N) (L/N) IS NOT AN AVERAGE MILITARY WOMAN!!!" Hassan shouts,"(l/n) is what the rumours say about her, she's isn't the boogie woman, she is the one you sent out to kill the fucking boogie man" Tagiya clutches his face from where Hassan slapped him and listens to what his father was telling him what he was dealing with.

"She is a woman that has been forged from fire, discipline, pain and sheer will. I once witnessed her take on a group of 15 terrorist fighters, she killed 12 of them and let the remaining 3 men go to warn the others of a woman so menacing that they stopped all terror operations. Suddenly one day, she was promoted to Corporal and on the same day she was drafted to Mexico to hunt down me, and then my son destroyed her base and killed all of her beloved comrades and killed her supposed new boyfriend right in front of her eyes and dropped her into the rapids and she somehow survived!! Now she's going to stop at nothing to kill you!"

Tagiya gulps at the information that he is given. He had underestimated you and now he will suffer the consequences for it.

Up above, you roam around the house looking for Tagiya and Hassan but to no luck. After a little bit, the team all entered the safe house." any sign of Hassan?" Price asked you."negative sir" you replied. Price lets out a hum, "Search the house! Hassan is here somewhere!" He commands. Everyone scattered around the building to look for Hassan. While you were in the hallway you then heard muffled yelling. You stopped for a minute to listen and heard they were coming from below. One voice sounded familiar and you know who it was, it was Tagiya.

'So, they are below us in a basement' you thought to yourself.' but where is the entrance to it?' You started looking for possible entrances to the basement but no luck. Just when you were about to give up you then notice a shelf that looked slightly out of place. You gave it a push and it moved slightly and it revealed that it was hiding a hidden entrance. You then push it more and it shows off a door. You grin knowing that Tagiya is now within your clutches. You open the door and see a staircase that goes down. You walked down the stairs when everyone else in the team had seen you'd found a hidden entrance.

After walking down the stairs you found another door. You know that Hassan and Tagiya are now behind the door. You grabbed the doorknob and slowly turned it.

Hassan was holding Tagiya tightly and was telling him that everything is going to be alright." it's alright my son, everything is going to be okay-" Hassan was cut off with the door to the basement opening. He and Tagiya both looked to see who it was and were both horrified at who it was.

"Tagiya!" You hissed with hatred


To be continued

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