Multi-Fandom One Shots

By OC_Femslash

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Female x Reader One and Two Shots. I'm finally reposting them here, thank heaven. More

Cellmates (Thirteenth Doctor)
My Lady (Moiraine Damodred)
Together, Alone (Thirteenth Doctor)
Got You (Moiraine Sedai)
Once Upon a December (Alma Peregrine)
Ascent (Moiraine Sedai)
Quiet (Farah Dowling)
Killer (Moiraine Sedai)
Lady of Stardust (Thirteenth Doctor)
Inn (Moiraine Sedai) NSFW
Joining Up (Siuan Sanche) Mild NSFW
Test (Moiraine Sedai)
New Things (Dahlia)
Defend (Moiraine Damodred)
Redemption (Brooke Augustine)
The Ultimate Chemical Reaction (Ancient One)
Darkened Hearts (Thirteenth Doctor)
Irresistible (Moiraine and Siuan)
Thorn (Morgana Pendragon) NSFW
Wheel (Moiraine Sedai)
Time; Part Two (Moiraine)
Settled (Maggie Walsh)
A Strange Sorceress (The Ancient One)
Dust (Moiraine Sedai)
Good Night (Buffy Summers)
Home (Charmaine Diyoza) NSFW
Back From The Dead Again (Julia Hoffman)
Jewel (Moiraine Sedai)
Four Times You Hated the Sonic; And the One You Didn't (13th Doc)
Night (Farah Dowling)
I Care About You (Moiraine Sedai)
I Did a Thing (Thirteenth Doctor) NSFW
Keeper (Alma Peregrine)
Heal (Moiraine Sedai)
Come (Agatha Harkness) NSFW
Incoming Calm (Moiraine Damodred)
Silence (Thirteenth Doctor)
Killer (Moiraine Sedai)
Mizunderstood (Moiraine Sedai)
Pleasant (Alma LeFay Peregrine)
Nap Acclimate (Rowena MacLeod)
The Shadows Reach (Angie Bouchard)
Just For Me (Rowena MacLeod) NSFW
The Daughter Who Never Was (Bookverse Alma Peregrine)
I'll Have You Restrained (Brooke Augustine) NSFW
I See What I Do To People (Hilda and Zelda) NSFW
I'd Wait Forever (Minerva McGonagall)
Moiraine as a Horrible Mother
The Warlock's Apprentice (Florence Zimmerman)
Poison, Savior (Marilyn Thornhill)
Forever In A Night (Alma Peregrine) SFW
Give In (Rowena MacLeod) NSFW
Sooted Fingertips (Agatha/Agnes)
Violet Fingerlicks (Agatha Harkness)
I Know You Feel It; The Shift (Larissa Weems) NSFW
Never Alone (Platonic Farah)
Forever Home (Alma Peregrine)
Nightmare Mania (Aeryn Sun)
Where You Belong (Valka)
Always Wanted a Baby (Marissa Wiegler) NSFW
The Falconess and the Huntress (Alma Peregrine)
An Eternity of Longing ~ A. Harkness
Ahead of Her Time (Bookverse Emma Bloom)
I Know Something You Don't Know (Marissa Wiegler)
A Tale-less Dragon (Moiraine Sedai)
My Darling Doll (Agatha Harkness)
Found in Nature (Moiraine Sedai)
Give My All (Miss G) NSFW
When the Sun Sets (Agatha Harkness)
Hold You In My Arms (Farah Dowling)
Delighted to Keep You (Dark Alma Peregrine)
Don't Let Me Get Me (Agatha Harkness)
My Servant, My Guide, Mine. (Hela Odinsdottir)
I Was Blind But Now I See (Cordelia Goode)
Not This Time (Phoebe & Piper)
Holding My Heart Hostage (Dom!Lou Miller) NSFW
I May Chose (Moiraine x Damane!Reader)
The Spirit Is Willing (Moira O'Hara)
Stay Here (Phoebe Halliwell)
Vengeance. Justice. (Moira O'Hara x Witch!Reader)
Stay Calm and Love Me (Hela Odinsdottir)
Knocking on Heaven's Door (Shachath)
Could Never Lose It (Piper Halliwell) NSFW
Seeing You Forever (Moiraine & Siuan)
Fly Away With Me (Fiona Goode)
Our Tribe (Misty Day)
The Fiercest Protector (Moiraine)
Peace in Pieces (Moira O'Hara and Rowena MacLeod)
See Me (Liandrin Sedai) NSFW
Pfisters Three and Mina (Wilhemina Veneble)
You Can Pretend You're on Top (Mildred Ratched) NSFW
You Left (Carol Aird)
You Are My Sanctuary (Lana Winters)
Cursed to Love Her (Sister Jude)
From the Flame to the Phoenix (Established Myrtle Snow)
One Day at a Time (Lana Winters)
The Hand Dealt (Diane Sherman)
Blue Skies Fade to Grey (Myrtle Snow)
The Will & The Way (Gloria Mott) NSFW
We All Make Choices (Rita Santos)
In It Together (Amazon Eve)
Believe (Piper Halliwell)
Trapping Perfection (Elsa Mars)
To Trust In Me (Queenie)
Come Back & Stay (Sally McKenna) MILD NSFW
All She Can Be (Agatha Harkness) NSFW
In Love With The Devil (Sally McKenna)
First Customer (Cassie Nightingale)

Love is Blind (Rowena MacLeod x Shifter!Reader) NSFW

205 8 0
By OC_Femslash

People always fear what they don't understand. You knew that. You were used to being shot at, targeted, awed, and feared due to your ability. But this world was very different. Those who feared you here possessed weapons unlike those of your past. Most were still loud and metal, but something had knocked you out without a moment's pause and you had no idea what.

But when you'd come back around, it was slow, like something was still coaxing you back to sleep. And you felt heavy. Not tired, but weak, like you could barely life your head. Which was true, but you forced it all the same. Your brain felt like it was split in two, but you looked around.

"Good day. Or maybe night, I've no clue," came a strangely accented voice from beside you. You were slow-moving, but you eventually turned to it. A woman sat beside you, also on the cold, stone floor. Her wrists were trapped in metal encasements which were linked to the wall behind you both. You leaned back, upon knowing it was there, slow yet jerkily. You followed the line of your chins up to where they hooked to the wall. "Don't bother. The black rush and willow root take our powers."

You stared at the woman silently, not understanding the relevance of what she just said.

"What did you do to get the Winchesters after you?"

Your head fell against the stone wall you were chained to, and the chill actually muted a bit of your migraine. "Who?" you asked in confusion.

The witch stared at you, determined to force the truth out of you. She already knew it would be pointless. But more than that, she knew why the Winchesters had been hunting you. They had called the ancient witch a week ago for help. They were certain they were hunting a witch, despite the lack of hex bags, vigils, or a witness who claimed to hear chanting or a foreign language. But entire rooms were left weightless and any criminal in the path of the mysterious monster and been knocked out and concussed by a single impact. Witch was all they could figure. But Rowena didn't feel your magic, as she could with witches, especially Naturals. She felt your strength, fighting her spells on you, but no magic to power such strength. Where did it come from? "Hunters," Rowena explained simply, spitting the word like the taste was vile. You ought to know. There was no way you really hadn't heard of the Winchesters. "I suspect they were on your tail before you even realized what was happening." She took the 'poor little witch just doesn't understand' route with an adorable, pitying pout. "Do you make things levitate?" she asked curiously. Perhaps you truly didn't know of your power.

"It's not levitation," you explained very seriously. Not only did you know. "It's 0 gravity, the constant state of space just without the air-sucking vacuum. I travel the universe, dimensions, whatever, to find new places to explore, experience, live, then I move on. Each new planet has a new gravity level I can learn to apply." You slowly pushed up to your feet, clinging to the wall when you almost fell.

The redhead held her hands out as if to catch you.

"Black rust and willow root," you mumbled to yourself before a gold corset and choker glowed themselves onto your person. The choker rested atop the necklace seemingly woven into your flesh. Your shoulders slumped and your arms fell as if weights were attached to your wrists. But only the manacles remained, unchanged. You stumbled back with no cause, arms being brought closer to yourself. The chains snapped as if centuries old and brittle, but the wrists stayed youthfully strong and only brought blood to the surface, just beneath your skin. You grabbed the offensive bracelets and onehandedly snapped them off.

The ginger jumped, startling you, and jerked her wrists in her own manacles. They weren't charmed nor did the mentioned mixture affect a witch as old as her. She was supposed to spy on you, but found an innocent target of those hunter fools and her own zeal to gain their favor and soon abandoned that mission. "Wait! Me too."

You paused and looked down at her. While she was wise and helpful, the term 'hunters' implied a conventional morality. Perhaps she truly belonged incarcerated. But those in power and armed had a habit of catching those who didn't deserve it in the middle. You were proof of that, used to being shot at.

"I like to travel myself. You'll be hard pressed to find an accent like mind around here. I can show you everything about this world and how to blend in."

You looked down at your decidedly foreign clothing appraisingly.

Footsteps sounded from slightly above and aside.

"Please," the redhead added at the last second.

"Even if I break your chains, I have no idea how to escape. My bed's been made. You really want them mad at your attempt too?" you asked incredulously. The steps neared.

"I can get us out," the woman claimed desperately.

You stared at her before impulsively snapping the wrist of her chains. She stood lightning fast and moved behind you. Oh, were you her human shield? You should've known better than-

She took your shoulders and mumbled some foreigner than you words just as the door bust open.

Neither of you were around long enough to see the two men turned to the corner at the bottom of the stairs to the dungeon. The broader man immediately cursed, kicking the wall while the taller man held the chains to examine them. "Dammit, Rowena," the older brother scolded himself for trusting the powerful trickster. She usually kept her word, but it seemed she had a more promising prize.

You grabbed onto whatever you could as you pieced back together in a new location. You groaned and lowered yourself to sit in the nearest chair.

For some reason, even the witch felt more taxed. She could move about the hotel room easily enough, but some part of her return to crystal spell was requiring more strength. "It gets easier, magic," Rowena informed you later, bending down to scoop up a dark crystal with a resin-like fluid shimmering along the exterior. She stroke through the many rooms in their immediate vicinity, gathering this and that, then packed it all into a bag and luggage. She found you in the kitchenette by the time she was done, gold accessories removed, and inspecting the common - not to you - machines. Your hands hovered over the toaster, shuddering the occasion. Rowena's eyes went to the lever pushed all the way down and smirked. Generating heat wasn't actually the purpose of a toaster. She couldn't help her smile when you jumped, listening to the springs bring the bread slots up. "They're'll be the same machines in the next hotel. But we've to go now." The Winchesters knew where she stayed and even the room number, when she was in town, and therefore not staying at the bunker.

You were easily herded downstairs and into the car she'd called. She'd have to get you dressed properly, Rowena decided as the doorman made no effort to hide his ogling. Why shouldn't he? You didn't notice, too taken with this new world. Why shouldn't he? Because the witch felt a stab of jealousy which prophesied nothing food for him. She left him a gift in his pocket and slid into the car with you. You watched everything with learning eyes, watching how she opened the door, from both sides, how the car rode and was driven, differently than the transportation modes in your home. "What's your name?" you asked, staring out the window at the world passing you by.

She told you and got yours in return. It was precious, just like you, and Rowena was hooked. If you noticed the possessive hand on your thigh, you had no protests. Rowena smiled smugly and watched as you were safely sequestered to a new state.


Rowena lived in style everywhere she went. And she brought some style to you as well. She got to dress you like a little doll, her little doll, and she kept you safe, even if it meant slipping hex bags (you never noticed) in your pockets to ensure that. By spying on you or repelling any wishing you harm or wishing for you, she was acting in your own best interest. Then she took it back when you got back, before you noticed.

Sometimes you left without, but the witch was particular about that. More often than was fair, Rowena worried about you going to your own world again or moving onto the next. Like she would wake up or come back from a personal errand or she'd just be waiting for you only for you to be gone forever. She made sure to introduce you to as many new things as possible. Your innocence and confusion at the smallest things delighted her, even while you understood and dealt with the harshest cruelties of life. It was like living with a hunter with how much you chased bad guys. But a competent one, as you usually solved them within the day. Her little wanderer.

You dressed well, Rowena would stand for nothing less. You weren't fond of dresses despite being fond of Rowena in them. Yes, she'd long since discovered the root of your weakness to her. Her pouts easily manipulated you into surrendering your clothes and trying what was offered to you. Once you decided on a slacks/blouse combination, Rowena ordered similar clothes in bulk. You would be stunned at the massive amounts of clothes - you deserved nothing less - and might argue, but Rowena was feeling touchy. She had plans for the evening the Winchesters finally caught up with you and her. She could have handled the boys fine, but they were still after you. She could have told them she was training and maintaining you, but you reacted when they tried to shoot. You disappeared and reappeared behind them, kicking Dean from behind and high. Sam spun to point his gun at you next, a reaction to Dean being injured, but you flew. The boys were obviously unused to flying enemies and you were incapable of sitting still or trusting Earth's gravity. Luckily for you and unluckily for the boys, you brought your own. The boys dispatched of, you returned to the ground and Rowena's side.

The witch was endlessly amused by your instincts to both defend and come back to the ginger and she proudly took you that night. You were a clingy thing, but she took that as a victory. The next time the Winchesters found them, they'd come to Rowena like they should have in the first place. Maybe they'd be peaceful, maybe not. She slightly hoped they wouldn't be so she could return the favor you'd just shown her. She did so enjoy flinging the boys across the rooms with a simple telekinesis spell. But she'd convince them she was training you, and keeping you from making any harm of your own.

Perhaps that wouldn't be assuring.


Rowena was confident in her ability to control you. From the moment she helped you escape the Winchesters, she wasn't really in danger, she believed she had power over you. In truth, everything she had over you was given. You could fall up, up into the sky and beyond and travel to a completely different, habitable plane of existence. You thought about it sometimes, missing home and wanting to get there sooner. You'd never been to the same place twice, except once to save your home's plane. But you desperately wanted back. You wanted to talk to your best friend, speak to your miner mentor, travel with them, but this was a good place for now. You'd been to a few not kind places. And Rowena was so kind. Perhaps a bit manipulative, but as long as you could see it, you could see when she went too far. And you weren't scared of much.

So it was easy to dominate the redhead once she explained her carnal desires and encouraged yours. You were excited, but gentle, and curious. She thought she had her magic at her fingertips, powerful as she was. She thought she could throw you off with a word, lift her hands and twist you both, but you sat delicately atop her, eyes bright as you glowed when flying, but you were shifting. You had silver jewelry atop your clothing, keeping you from accidentally hurting Rowena.

She laid on the finest bed you'd seen yet, but that might just be the presence of the naked woman, your own golden jewelry fierce against her pale skin. She was too heavy to move and had long since relaxed, turned on by this turn of events. She'd done her fair share of teaching and thought you would never take the reins. She didn't mind if you didn't, but she burned more inside now that you had. And you were so light, she couldn't possibly come like this. Even your lips closing around her nipple felt like water cupping it.

Your teeth were solid as they grazed it, earning a low moan. Your fingers trickled over her stomach, down where her son had rested for 10 bloody months.

She groaned your name.

"Patience," you ordered calmly. You weren't done. Your lips rose back to her neck, finding the spot you'd bruised already. Rowena let out an identical huff, though her eyes rolled back. You tilted your head. What a curious reaction. You squeezed one of her thighs and you felt it flex, trying to lift. "Don't," you reminded her in a light tone.

She whined pathetically.

"What happens if you don't like what I'm doing anymore?" you asked.

"We- I sae Yarrow or I'll tap the bed three times." She made a show of lifting her fingers and letting them fall three times.

Your eyes found hers, worrying you'd be too into it to notice.

"I trust ye," she admitted in a soft voice. "Yer... hyper-aware. It's a good thing, trust me."

You kissed her, even gentler on her skin.

Rowena immediately groaned your name, teeming with desperation.

"Shh!" you whispered harshly, now teasing her collarbones. It wasn't like she could speak like that anyway. Fingers occupied with that, you kissed down her belly to her navel. "I'm exploring." Her little wandered, Rowena managed to piece together. She felt dizzy, but it was delightful and you were adorable. Unfortunately, you moved onto her arms next. She was a little more well toned than you expected, but most of yours came from your abilities. You pressed your lips to hers, hands gripping her muscle. You felt her flex and moaned yourself, breaking the hiss. That made the redhead feel powerful, even from her exposed position. You were still pliant with her. Hence why you were being so maddeningly gentle. You kissed a scar she'd gained from her son's prison, not knowing it would fade in half a decade. You ran your hand down her forearm, making her fingers close despite the relaxed position. They blossomed back apart, but you were on them, investigating the hands that did such marvels. It showed signs of age, but that hardly mattered to you, or at all as she was apparently immortal. You traced back up, kissing her collarbones now.

She let out a few whines and you decided lips was always better with her. You kissed all down her other arm, earning desperate keens. She prayed to Hecate you were nearly done. She felt like she would melt her own flesh if you continued. You kissed everywhere, both her breasts, the valley between, every inch of her abdomen, her stretch marks too deeply ingrained. She would have arched if she could when you kissed the valley of her thighs, but she did whine when you continued down, down her legs. Your fingers still explored, but she wanted attention elsewhere. She yelped your name.

"Rowena," you warned.

"Please!" she begged.

Your bright eyes found hers and you practically floated up to straddle her. "I'm still learning," you tried to excuse herself petulantly.

"I need you now. We'll have more time- Please, my dear."

You let out a huff. "How?" you asked.

A tear-streaked face gazed up at you helplessly. Her pleas had been a slurred mess and she was trembling despite the weight. She just wanted you to take her finally. "Please," she whined again.

You sat up, reverting to Earth's gravity. Rowena was still bound to your glowing eyes. "You stopped me from doing what I wanted. What do you want?" you demanded quite mercilessly.

That made her helplessly more desperate. "Take me," she whimpered out.

"How." You were no longer asking and you lacked your usual compassion. She would obey or suffer as she was.

Again, it made her arousal worse. "Fingers, in me-" She barely pieced it together, knowing she wanted something bigger, but you'd done even seen one of them yet. You'd deny her, and she couldn't bear that.

You moved down, fingertips wandering her sopping, gaping hole. You'd not even done anything to it. You stopped teasing and slipped inside, pulling almost out to add a third and plunging back.

The redhead threw her head back, feeling the ache soothed by your obedient care. She likely would have came once and passed out from it if you'd continued. A possibility for another day, when you were able to resist her or she to control herself. It was almost lackluster if she hadn't been desperate for any intrusion. She clamped down around you trying to keep you in without meaning to. She moaned and whined, shuddered because that's all she could do with her body. Her eyes slammed shut, tears flowing like a river. She'd have soaked the pillow, though the rest of the bed was worse. "C-curl 'em, dar-" She lost it in another moan, one she couldn't hold in her throat like the other five.

You obeyed and her hips canted, gravity be damned. You laughed and did it again. She went delirious, losing all words as the pleasure finally took over rather than pulling her like the ocean. You bent down and kissed, her unable to tell you otherwise. She moved what she could so you focused on her breasts, belly, and finally took on a bit of gold yourself to pin her, strengthen your thrusts inside her, and then lick all along the bottom of her belly, chin unintentionally grazing her clit. She had so much to teach you, Rowena didn't even have the presence of mind to think before her orgasm crashed into her. You clearly hadn't realized, working away at her until she croaked the word. You sat back, releasing contact and hovering over her, concerned. Zero gravity allowed you no control on positioning so your feet floated up and then behind you so you landed to keep from eventually kicking her. Silver jewelry to prevent you from hurting her as you feared you had, you landed atop her, cupping her face. "Rowena? You alright?" you asked, voice cracking from fear.

With a hum, she nodded. "Now's... good time... explore," she managed.

You smiled, relieved, but still moved gently.

You didn't know it, back that was exactly what Rowena needed, a calm care after that intense experience. She wanted to let you leave even less now than before. Once her heart slowed enough that she could focus, Rowena found herself... just as worked up as before. She sighed deeply. "On my stomach works as well," she recommended, though she suspected you suspected she couldn't take anymore. But you just grabbed her arm and turned her over. She let out a wee yelp and laugh, but her green eyes sought yours affectionately when you checked her face wasn't smushed into the bed and she could breathe.

"Still okay with the weight?" you checked in, tucking some ginger hair behind her ear.

Rowena smiled, awed by the duality of your domination and careful consideration. "Let me readjust."

You narrowed your glowing eyes, but they reverted as both your gravities did and you moved your leg from over her to sit on them beside her.

Rowena pulled herself further up onto the bed, kissing you briefly, then positioned one pillow under her hips and another to prop her face and chest. "Okay," she sighed, feeling heavy as she settled. She used her hair and pillow to hide her faint smile. She felt the liquidy touch again, on her feet. She groaned. Not this again. She jolted at the sudden bite on her thigh.

"You stopped me last time. Not again, my dear."

Rowena's veins were electric as you let her stew, forcing her to feel your gentle touches, hardly there then you scratched. She whined, music to your ears. You traveled her thighs, rubbing your thumb in circles to help her relax more. You were unknowingly cruel, or were you? You skipped her ass going for her back. You wanted to know every freckle, wanted your lips to kiss every inch of her skin. You bit her shoulder lightly, laying on her though still so light. Any time you touched her, it was like you bounced lightly off. When you finally settled, Rowena couldn't help but buck her lips, feeling you play with her hair. You straddled her back, still in your clothing, but you were burning hot and pulsing over her hips. She couldn't help but moan, wanting to finish so she could exact revenge. You were being cruel to the both of you, but it felt so good. You kissed the back of her neck, nibbling on her ears, hands exploring to the sides of her breasts. You'd mastered her arms already, tweaking her nipples so she kept twitching under you. You floated down, your touch leaving her entirely until you were between her legs, moving them with- you didn't need golden strength, just normal. It was impressive and she gushed a tiny bit more. You whined at the sight. Your skin was solid against her, your tongue insistent where she needed you. You found where your chin had touched and listened at the wails she let out for you. You moved up to collect her wetness, licking without finesse but it was maddening. She pushed her hips into you as best she could, grinding for friction. You didn't allow it, silver lighting up your clothes. You laughed at her whine. Your touch felt like a ghosts. As you said. You were stopped last time. She'd be silver from the moon in her golden garb, your power before she came again. And she'd wake up, clean, cared for, in clean bedding, and with you in one of her nightgowns, her in another. She press her bruises and curl into you.

A/N: The photo is a basic must-have for and Shifter Reader. Consequence of it coming from a video game. The neck part is R's health and the green will get darker as she gets more injured. It will squeeze and puncture if she needs to leave to heal. The blue is of course how much longer R can shift and even she needs it if she isn't paying attention. She can feel what she cannot see. The center gem is colorless because it is directly proportionate to R's or requester's eye color. It can be added in the request and it is also the color R becomes when shifting. I imagine regular crystals will work for empowering R further, especially Rowena's. Any request with shifter reader, please add a plot idea because I never have any for her.

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