Fire and Silk

By MissShanya

4.2K 140 5

Zoe Myers never drank, she gave her best friend speeches on why alcohol is bad for you and what could happen... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five

The Hunters

77 4 1
By MissShanya

The Hunters

The city of Bomore was filled with creatures that walked among humans blending in; working nine to five jobs and the only humans who knew of them were the hunters. The hunter were under strict laws placed by the Authorities which took power over hunters and all supernaturals.

The Hunter Family had been around for decades, a generation of hunters of all things supernatural. Rose Hunter had been trained from a young age to hunt and kill supers. She took no mercy when it came to them especially after they take the life of her best friend Terry. Her family took pride in her as she was the best asset that anyone had seen in a long time; she was that good most supers cowered away at the sight of her.

After slaying a coven of vampires to revenge the death of her best friend; she returns home to a dark and quiet house. From the shadows steps out King Zane Ambrosia, insanely beautiful with a horrible personality. Rose defends herself and tries to attack Zane before he could touch her; this only ends up with Rose pressed against a wall as his deep chuckles sends a shiver down her spine. She questions his need to be there, he leans down to her ear and whispers, "Because i'm going to to make you my queen."

<3 <3 <3

The Hunters Prologue 

THE blood splatters in my face, the familiar warmth of the red liquid sending adrenaline through me. A wicked smile replaces my revengeful one as i stare into the vampires eyes as the stake i had driven through it's un-beating heart watching the non-existent life drain from its evil eyes before BOOM it melts into guts and blood beneath my feet. I place the stake back into my belt and use the sleeves of my shirt to clear some of the blood away from my eyes. I turn around when i hear the door to the room open, i reach to my back and retrieve the crossbow aiming it at whoever it was my finger on the trigger. My hands steady as i looked down my scope, the blonde haired man looks to me from the doorframe A dark smile on his face as he stares down my scope, he wasn't a vampire and i knew it, either he was a werewolf who came in here looking for his vampire friend or a shapeshifter who was amongst the coven. Some supers banded together, even when they are known to hate each other.

"Whoa there," he says as he steps over the remains of a previous victim that fell underneath my wrath, "Now how does a little thing like you cause so much mayhem?"

"Who are you?" I question ignoring his; he looks up at me after searching the room probably to see if there was another person as the room before this one was flooded with vampire leftovers. I was one person but i knew how to handle myself when it came to the lifeless blood suckers; they were strong but with my ability to handle the weapons i have strapped to me they stood no chance.

He stares down my bow as he steps closer to me slowly, "A friend of your fathers."

"Bull," I reply keeping the arrow on his heart my finger itching to pull the trigger just to shut the guy up, "One more step and this is going through your heart."

"I'm not a vamp," he says; his dark blue eyes could easily be seen in the dimly lit room, his blonde hair gelled back.

"Won't matter if you are a vampire or not," I tell him, "Stake will kill humans too."

He hums, "I'm not exactly human either."

I roll my eyes. "Either way anything that would pierce your heart would have you sprawled on the floor."

"I dare y-." I push the trigger the stake driving itself through his heart and just like i said boom, his body hits the floor with a loud smack and i smirk to myself. He really tried to test me and see if i was bluffing; you would think the carnage he would of seen on his arrival would of been proof enough.

This very coven had killed a good friend of mine; there was no way i would have let them get away with murdering him; i step over the dickhead's body and walk out the door. My boots squishing down on the guts and blood leaving a trail behind me on the floor that i walk on, i hadn't found the covens leader which was a disgrace but hopefully the death of his vampires would bring him to me instead. Once i get back to my car which was a black Ford Gran Torino; i pop the boot and throw my belt and weapons into it covering it up with the black blanket i had in the back.

Jumping into my car i speed off from the coven, it was about an hour drive out from my house where my family waited for me to come back. My best friend Terry had been murdered two weeks ago, drained of blood and left at his mothers steps as a threat; it didn't take long for me to find the coven as i was there when Terry and his friend stormed through the front. I had left them to finish the job and now i live with the regret; i should of stayed to help. My family were apart of the group they call the Hunters and the ironic part was our last name was Hunter; my parents had grown up learning about the supernatural and were taught by their parents and so fourth. When myself and my sister were born we also grew up with the same beliefs, my sister took a different route then me when she turned eighteen. She had met some werewolf, fell in love and now she was off in the woods somewhere; we hadn't seen her in two years once my parents disowned her.

As for me i stuck to what i knew best which was all supernatural deserved to die but due to the hunter laws we could only kill those who deserved it and maybe i had gotten a bit out of hand with the coven i had just murdered with ease but i really couldn't care less. The less vampires in the world the better. That being said the only good thing about them was the fact they hated other supernaturals as much as we did. It was us verse all of them and them verse each other.

Shapeshifters, werewolves, wendigos, witches and rumour about sirens existing as well all lived in our world undetected and unknown by normal humans (unless told by a supernatural themselves) which was rare considering anything that would come out about them could have their entire existence killed off the map. Every one of us had our own laws, which we had to obey. The laws were pressed into us by the authorities that made sure we all played friendly when necessary. They were a group of human and supernaturals who ensured we played by the rules and had a hold over all of us. It made life hard but the supernaturals didn't mind when it came to us not being allowed to hunt them, it was always so frustrating to make eye contact with them when walking down town; them trying to blend in with humans.

Plus side to most of them was vampires were bounded to the night unless they had witches for friends, then they walked among us because of the magic that the witches place on them -usually due to blackmail/threats or they were generally friends-. Werewolves were bound to the full moon, when human they had strength and speed but as werewolves their bite was serious towards all other supernaturals. Older wolves after sometime can control their turning but that was also very rare. The best part was the excruciating pain werewolves go through whenever they shift; their bones snap and twist until they reach their final wolf form. Witches began to die out a few years ago, there were a handful around our town and i had made friends with one. They were the only supernatural beings i could deal with; most of them were nice older woman just trying to get along in their life.

AS i arrived to my parents home my eyes grazed across the unfamiliar black vehicles that were parked out the front. I exit the car after i pull into the driveway and walk to the boot of my car, grabbing out my cross bow and a spare stake. As well as the knife i always had on me which was tucked away in my boot, slowly i open the front door and walk in aiming down my crossbow listening out for any sorts of movement. It was way to quiet, usually you could hear the tv going from the lounge room with my dad drinking from a can of beer and my mum clinking and clanging away in the kitchen making our food. Now i was greeted with darkness, shadows and an unsettling feeling in my stomach. Goosebumps rise on my body when i hear a step in the blackness; my head snaps to the left.

"Good evening," someone says from my left, i aim the crossbow and shoot towards the shadow; laughter erupts as the crossbow is caught in mid air. The person steps out from the darkness and my eyebrow furrow, dark black hair, bright blue eyes and tall. Zane Ambrosia sadly known for his god like appearance and his fuck-tard personality and the beauty of it was he was the King of Vampires. He was over three thousand years old, his abilities were unlike any other; there was a reason he ruled over all the other vampires even ones close to his age because he was unstoppable. The most annoying part was that, there was no known way to kill the Ambrosia's.

"Why are you here?" I question him, pulling out my spare wooden arrow and reloading my cross bow. He looms over me looking down at my cross bow with a sinister smile on his face; he grabs the end of it and lifts it up out of my hand with the speed of lighting.

I bring my leg up and grab the knife from my boot and scream throwing myself forward and pushing it towards him, with the blink of an eye his hand wraps around my wrist and he pushes me against the wall behind me. The knife dropping from my hand; his chest presses against me as he leans down to whisper into my ear my face squished against the wall.

"Because i'm going to make you my queen," he whispers as a chill settles down my spine; i think i'm going to throw up.

Go onto my page if you are interested in reading more about Rose and Zane x

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