Fire and Silk

By MissShanya

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Zoe Myers never drank, she gave her best friend speeches on why alcohol is bad for you and what could happen... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
The Hunters

Chapter Thirty Two

59 3 0
By MissShanya

life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced - soren kierkegaard



KIDNAPPING was something that i read in a fan fiction; they made it seem like this awesome experience when the bag comes off their head and their favourite celebrity stood in front of them. I wasn't sure where i was, after Tobey punched me and knocked me out i assumed my head was covered with a bag and i was shoved into the back of a vehicle. My hands were cuffed behind my back; every now and then i'll jump up in my seat when we hit potholes. Music pumped through speakers draining out my own thoughts, i could only pray that Matt already knew were i was. For the last five minutes or so i try to free my feet which had been bound in rope, i curse into the air as i feel the rope rub against my skin; the pain of the cuffs digging into my wrist hurt just as bad.

"You can stop trying to escape," I hear Tobey as the music stops; his hand wrap around my calfs and he pulls me making me back slam against the seats. He drags me out to the edge of the car and then i'm flung over someones shoulder.

"He will come," I warn him.

Justin's familiar grumbly voice is heard from behind my ass which currently sat next to his face, "Are we supposed to be scared?"

"You guys were loyal to my father."

"Your father was a cunt, he did nothing good for us and he was no boss," Tobey snaps at me.

The bag on my head falls off and i make eye contact with him; i hadn't even bothered to escape their grasps because i couldn't take Justin, Tobey would be easy but Justin was much larger then i was.

"He was also an easy kill." Tobey smirks at me before bending over grabbing the bag, i take the time to scan around me; a forrest and a small shack coming into view.

I meet darkness again as the bag is shoved onto my head, "Matt won't be."

"Fuck Price," Tobey laughs loudly, "He's a fucking pussy."

"Let's get her inside," Justin says, "Stop speaking to her, we will deal with her later."

I laugh, "Now who's the bitch."

"You're pretty chatty for a girl who's going to be tortured."

"Don't promise me with a good time," I snort not scared of them, i knew Matt wouldn't be far behind.

"Put her on the chair," Tobey demands to Justin, my ass is placed on a seat and my hands and legs are tied to the chair, the bag is ripped off my head and i blink in the bright light that swung above my head.

"Gag her," Justin says, "Can't stand her voice."

I roll my eyes as Tobey places a sock into my mouth, "Now what?"

"We wait," Justin says, "Once Matt realises we aren't backing then we make the cal-." Justin's phone goes off in his pocket, he fishes it out and answers it with a grumble, his head snaps to me after a second a devious smile on his face, "Already? Well then i'll make the call, thanks Richard."

My eyes widen, Richard had betrayed Matt? He had been a loyal worker underneath him for years, was all this just a clever way to undermine him?

"Hey Matty," Justin says after dealing the number into his phone, "Whoa calm down, she's alive and well... for now anyway," he glances at me, "She's quite beautiful isn't she? I can see why you are so smit- oh is that so?" He looks at me again and pulls the phone away from his ear and clicks on the screen, Matt's voice flooded the room and his words bought tears to my eyes.

"-Even care for her," Matt says, "Rape her, kill her do whatever. I was using her to get to her father and now you've killed him you made it easier for me, all i had to do was make her fall in love with me and boom i had the Myers mob."

"Did you hear that Zoe?" Justin grins, Matt goes quiet and i look away blinking back the tears, "Seems as though your relationship was all a sham, imagine getting used by your boyfriend and then getting kidnapped?"

I stay facing the wall; trying not to dwell on if Matt was speaking the truth or lying in order to cover for himself, i can't help but feel ashamed by his words 'rape her' it made me feel sick to my stomach at how easy he was able to say that.

"Now what?" Tobey grumbles, "He doesn't seem to give a shit about this bitch."

Justin snorts, "Okay Matt technically we have the Myers mob as we are them, we can force this whore of yours to agree... which i will be very happy to do so to give us her fathers wealth and then we can join forces or you'll have to come and fight for it."

Matt laughs, "You really are stupid aren't you.. It has me fucked how Myers kept you guys under his leash, so do you want to do this easy way?" A gun shot fires off, "Or the hard way?"

"How did he fucking find us," Justin snaps.

"Tracker," Matt laughs, "You really think i wouldn't place a tracker on her?"

"Grab the whore," Tobey says; my head snaps to them as i watch Tobey pull the phone from Justin's hand. Justin unties my feet, i watch as he does so and for a moment i see the glint of a knife behind his backs he squats in front of me.

"He's going to kill you," i tell Justin after Tobey rips the sock out of my mouth, his hand clenched around the phone as he listens to Matt on the other end.

He glances up at me before my feet are freed, he stands up and walks around behind me grabbing my hair he pulls my head back forcing me to look at him, "He doesn't even love you, how does that feel?"

"Pretty great," I hiss through my teeth as he yanks on my hair once more before he unties my hand, he grabs me harshly and rips me up from the chair pressing his gun against my temple.

"You speak, i shoot you even try anything i'll enjoy watching your brain matter drip on the walls. We clear?"

I hum in response, my hands were still tied but my feet were now free as he forces me forward towards the cabin door. Tobey opens it revealing an angry Matt stood with his gun faced towards us, his eyes darken when they meet me a new sort of fury that i've seen.

"Now hand her over," Matt says, "I'll give you anything you want."

"We want your mob and hers," Justin says.

Matt sighs, "I can just easily shoot you, i'm not going to give yo-."

Justin's gun clicks causing me to tense up, "Agree and i'll let her go."

"How do you even think we could make a deal like that, you both have no experience with running this sort of business," Matt says, "You's are just two dickheads Myers used to do his dirty work."

"Because we are the best at it," Tobey interjects, my eyes lock with Matt as a million ways of getting myself out of this runs through my head. My eyes narrow as something stupid pops into my head, it probably won't work but why not try. There was no way i was letting Matt agree to this dumb deal, honestly they think it would work? Matt's eyes pour into mine and i mouth 'shoot' and his mouth opens to protest and i furrow my eyes deeper, 'do it'.

"Not something to be proud of," Matt says, moving his gun to aim at Justin.

"Lower your gun," Tobey says pulling out his own gun and pressing it against my head, "Shoot and i shoot her."

Matt looks at me once more, i slightly nod and he shoots missing Justin on purpose; they both flinch and Justin releases me for a single second. I spin around and kick Justin in the nuts as hard as i can, causing him to double over; i pull apart my hands with one simple pull as i had been working on freeing myself since i was shoved into the van. I grab the knife from the back of his pants, ripping the protective sheath off of it.

"What th-," I spin around to Tobey and without hesitation i slam the knife into his skull; his body drops and the next thing i know i'm tackled to the ground. A gun shot rings off into the air and Justin slumps on top of me the wound in his head dripping blood onto my face. I close my eyes and push my hands on his shoulders, he's rolled off of me and i feel a hand wrap from underneath my back and something rough against my eyes as blood is wiped from my face.

"Open your eyes baby," Matt whispers; i do as he says and his eyes once filled with angry now soft and relieved, "Are you okay?"

I nod feeling tears in my eyes, i wrap my hands around his neck and pull him down to a kiss. I pull away for breath and whisper, "I love you."

"I didn't mean anything i said on the phon-."

"I know," I smile, "There was a moment i doubted you but i knew deep down it wasn't true."

He sighs kissing me once more, "I love you so much."

"You have a tracker on me?" i remember randomly.

He nods, "Your necklace, it wasn't activated until i said too. It's off again now you don't have to wear it if you don't feel comfortable i can buy you another one."

I shake my head, "I feel safer having it."

"You ready to go home?" He asks; i nod and he helps me up off the ground.

"Life truly has changed," I tell him, "It's never going to be normal is it?"

He laughs, "Sadly not but we can make it as normal as we can."

I smile hard as he wraps his arm around me; we walk through the forrest as a snap goes off in the distance we pause and look to the left. A shadow moves across the trees, another snap before a person comes out a gun in their hands and a wicked smile.

"Delilah?" I whisper squinting my eyes as she comes into focus, "What th-."

"Save it," She says, "You really think those two idiots thought up a whole plan on their own? My brother was the original planner but someone had to go and fucking kill him."

"I'm sorry," I tell her putting my hands up slowly walking towards her, she clicks the gun back and i pause, "I had to protect myself Delilah."

She laughs, "It's actually pathetic how obsessed he was with you and now you have Price to protect you whom by the way is now preoccupied."

I turn to see Price in a fight with some random dude, "If he get-."

"What are you going to do?" She says stepping forward, "You're a disgrace the fact your father had to pass his whole business down to you who has no idea how to run it."

"We are-were friends Delilah," I tell her, "Are you really going to kill me for money?"

"Yep," she says easily, "It was all fake honey, i fucking hated you."

I step forward, "You kill me you know Matt is just going to kill everyone you love."

"Which is why i plan on killing him as well," she says, "with him out of the way my father will actually see me differently."

"This is for money and respect then? Delilah i thought you would be better then that, you know i can give you both of those things."

"After all this?" She snorts; i step one foot closer and push myself forward grabbing the gun with my right hand and she groans as i tackle her onto the ground. I pin her down onto the ground and punch her in the face; her hands reach out and she claws at my face scratching me. I punch her in the nose a crack could be heard.

"You fucking bitch!" She groans blood coming out of her nose and mouth, she punches me again in the cheek and blood spurting from my mouth for a moment my vision is lost and she pushes me up and throws me onto my back. I groan as the pain of my back landing on a rock shoots down my spine, i open my eyes as look up to see her standing over me with a gun in her hand, "It was nice knowing you."

I close my eyes waiting for the gun shot and when it goes off nothing, i feel nothing i open my eyes and Delilah stood her eyes wide open as blood appears on her shirt. I scoot away as she falls onto her knees, Matt's hand wrap underneath my armpits and he assists me in standing up. I spin around and hold him tightly; my body shaking the pain i once was feeling now gone from the adrenaline that rushed through me.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, he pulls me back his hands on my arms; his face was blooded, "jesus."

"That bad?" He smiles, "Are you okay? She didn't?"

"No," I shake my head, "Just a few punches nothing i can't handle."

"That's my gi-."

My eyes meet his as the whole word stills; it hurt for only a moment and in that moment everything flashed through my head as if i was relieving every second of my life again. Matt's eyes widen as he looks down at me, tears in his eyes as he pulls something out of his back pocket and shoots behind me. My knees grow week and i fall into his arms, we both fall to the ground and he holds me tightly.

"Eric's sending an ambulance, baby please hold on please don't die. Stay awake."

I knew being shot would eventually happen within this new job of mine, but not this soon. I had so much more to do in my life like graduate, move in with Matt, marry him have his babies. See Penny get married to Zac; watch my kids grow up and be best friends with their children. Run this business like a boss ass bitch.

"It doesn't hurt," I whisper, "You can't trust Richard. Take my fathers mob ensure Penny gets money from it so i know she'll be safe and secure in life. Tell her that i love her."

"You can tell her," he whispers, a tear falling from his face hitting mine, "You aren't dying."

"Find someone who will love you as much as i do," I begin to cry, "Don't not love again, you deserve happiness Matt."

"Baby please shut up," he sobs pulling me closer to him, i could feel my body becoming cooler as it goes numb, "I love you so much stay awake please."

"I'm trying," I whisper, "It's hard."

"I know it is," he says sniffling, "I can't lose you too."

I smile, "You'll never" I whisper feeling my body shut down.

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