Por tachaspalace

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(BWWM) ๐Ÿ–ค Stassie Etienne is a 24 year old college graduate that scored a job as a nanny for the Roman family... Mais

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1.9K 92 38
Por tachaspalace

My mom bellowed into cynical laughter before she walked over to the counter. She grabbed the bottle of wine placed in the center. The sun had already set. There was an unnerving mood in the house. My mom, who I know doesn't drink alcohol, poured herself a large glass of wine. She continued to laugh as Minka began to hyperventilate. She has been drinking for the entirety of the day. She understands Josh finding out about me and Minka will change everything. Our family will never be the same.

"What... What did you say?" Josh asked, stunned at Stassie's statement.

Minka's eyes widened in shock. It was apparent that she was not prepared for Stassie to reveal our secret. She is so self-absorbed, she had no clue Stassie knew about the affair.

"You heard me. I know all about it bitch. Everyone knows." Stassie stood her ground.

"You are such a liar. I don't know what you are talking about?" Minka gasped as she took a couple of steps backwards.

She was shaking in fear. Stassie stood tall. Her hands were balled into a fist and the rage in her demeanor was terrifying. Minka has no idea just how much of a bad spot she put herself in.

"Oh really. Is that the game you are going to play?" Stassie rolled her neck.

"Stassie!" Her mother shouted from the corner, catching her attention. At that moment, Stassie calmed down.

Without any words, her mother was telling her to compose herself. This is the first emotion of fear I've ever seen come out of her. Stassie is terrified of her mom.

"You know what, I don't have time for this shit." Stassie snapped.

Her mom stood silently beside the entryway. Stassie had shown me what her mother looks like through pictures. She was short and with a youthful face. She wore a navy blue dress. Her hair was wrapped in a white scarf. I could see why Stassie is terrified of the woman. Although she was small, something was intimidating about her. Her eyes were zoomed in on Stassie. She didn't care about the obvious drama that was taking place.

Minka initiated something with Stassie that she could have never won.

My eyes glanced over at Stassie, and she was fuming. I can't believe she just did that, but I'm not entirely surprised. She has a lot going on with her family, and for Minka to bring her mom here with ill intentions will make Stassie react. And that she did.

"I'm not doing this. You are lucky I don't beat your ass bringing my mom into this. Fuck all of ya'll! I quit!" Stassie hissed before walking out of the house with her mom.

I did not expect that.

I looked down at Charlie and Murphy, and they were heartbroken. Those twins hold her in high regard.

Josh stood silent for a couple of moments. He was appalled. I stood there like the asshole I am, avoiding eye contact with him. I didn't know what to say.

"Okay boys, it's time to go to bed," Josh said over to the twins.

"But dad..." Charlie spoke up.

"I said go to bed, NOW!" He shouted.

It was the first time I think I've ever heard him raise his voice at the twins. Charlie and Murphy rushed off and went to their bedroom.

All eyes were now on me and Minka. Visibly, you can tell Minka was backed into a corner. Her hands were trembling. She had fake tears running down her cheeks. Josh took a couple of steps toward her.

"I don't know... what she is talking about or what has got into her. S-she's lying. I told you, Josh, she is crazy, we should have gotten rid of her a long time ago." Minka maintained the horrible act.

I licked my lips and let out a deep exhale. "Josh." I tethered my head back. "It's true." I glanced at Josh, and he gazed at me in disbelief.

"Stassie is not lying. Minka and I had an affair." I announced.

I was tired of holding it in. It was making me sick I began an inappropriate relationship with Minka

"You slept with Minka?" There were so many emotions rattling in his eyes. "I... I trusted you. How... How could you?" He said through gritted teeth.

I leaned against the wall. I felt like throwing up. The feeling I felt was much worse than I expected. I felt as if someone knocked the wind out of me.

"He's lying!" Minka shouted in a full-blown panic. She could not accept that she lost because she did something as reckless as engaging in a war with someone as habitually reckless as Stassie Etienne.

"Oh for the love of god, shut the fuck up!" My mom hurled angrily at Minka. She was intoxicated to no return.

"Minka, who is the father of your baby?" Josh asked, ticking his jaw.

"What are you asking me right now, it's you. You are the father of our baby. All the nights we made love, what did you expect would happen?" She hissed. "I can't believe you right now. You are really going to believe her!"

I rolled my eyes. She's just digging herself into a bigger hole, and she doesn't even know it.

"Minka... I had a vasectomy ten years ago." Josh said firmly, and the room fell silent.

"Idiot." My mom giggled as she poured herself another glass of wine.

"W-what?" She said as her bottom lip began to tremble.

"You heard me Minka." He took a couple of steps closer to her. "I had a fucking vasectomy. Now tell me this. How long has this been going on?" He stood over her with an intimidating glare.

Minka's eyes shifted around the room. For the second time today, things did not go in her favor.

"J-Josh, baby. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I swear it was only one time. I love you." Minka continued to lie.

Josh looked over at me, and I shook my head. I don't know why Minka was continuing with the innocent act. Minka and I both know that we had sex way more than once. We had a full-blown affair. She was supposed to leave him to be with me. I'm so grateful that it never ended up happening.

"I can't believe this. After everything I've done for you Minka. I've brought you to a life that you didn't know. I've given you everything you have ever wanted. Everyone, and I mean everyone told me that you were nothing but a gold-digging whore, but I stuck up for you. I loved you, and you did this to me. You slept with my fucking brother!" He unleashed his full anger on Minka. "You're sick. Fucking diabolically sick. I regret ever loving you."

At that moment Minka's lips curved into an almost evil smile.

"Don't paint me out to be the bad guy here. You think I don't know about you and Pearl!" Minka shouted back, and my mind went for a loop.

How does she know?

"That's different and you know it!" Josh hurled at her after a brief silence.

"Tell me how? I cheated, you cheated. We're even." Minka shouted.

Josh's breathing became heavy, and his chest heaved up and down.

"I don't know what you are trying to imply, but whatever this is, whatever you think we have. I'm telling you right now, it's done." He huffed.

"Minka, I want a divorce." He hissed at her before he concentrated his eyes on me. "Theo, I want you and all of your shit out of my house in one hour." I stood motionless as he stepped out.

I tilted my head back and let out a profound exhale. The truth is out. I hate that it had to be like this.

Minka rushed after Josh, and I was left alone with my mom. She frowned at me and shook her head. She was disappointed in me but not as disappointed as I was in myself.

I went into my room, grabbed as many of my belongings as I could, and loaded them into my car. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do next. Although I was furious with her, and I wanted to wring her neck. My mind will not be at ease until I see Stassie. I needed her in my arms.


I sent her several text messages as soon as I got in my car. All my calls went straight to voicemail. I know it was a bit extreme on my end, but I decided to just drive to her mother's house.

A teenage girl who had a strong resemblance to Stassie sat on the porch, reading a book. She must be Stassie's younger sister, Amelia.

I parked my car on the curb and slowly got out of the car. Amelia's eyes peeked up from her book, and she flashed me a small smile.

"You must be Theo." She said, shutting her book.

She seemed so timid and sweet. Nothing like her big mouth sister.

I slowly nodded my head. "Yeah. Is Stassie here? I need to speak to her." I said. I was mentally exhausted. The pounding in my head has been getting stronger and stronger.

"She's here," Amelia answered.

I stood glaring at her awkwardly.

"So you are my sister's boyfriend?" Amelia gave me a puzzled look.

I nodded my head. I can somewhat understand why. We come from two different worlds. I've seen the type of men Stassie chased after and I did not fit the category. I still can't figure out how we came to be.

"Let me go get her," Amelia said before entering the house.

A couple of minutes later Stassie came out of the house in a light pink sports bra and black sweatpants. I was happy to see her, I promise I was but all the anger I had stored in unleashed out of me all at once.

"Stassie, what the fuck was that?" I spat at her.

I still cannot believe she threw me under the bus like that. I wanted it so Josh learns about the affair from me. Stassie fucking ruined that.

"If you are here to yell at me, you might as well do yourself a favor and fuck off and leave." She said with an angry scowl on her face.

I let out a sigh. Of course, she was going to be hostile.

"Stassie..." I groaned, rubbing my forehead.

"I don't give a fuck if you came here to break things off with me, just know that I can find another man in two seconds. I'm pretty, my ass is fat. I have good pussy and...."

"Stassie I'm not breaking up with you! What in the actual fuck is the matter with you?" I cut her off.

"Oh." She said calming down.

I rolled my eyes. It made sense why she was so guarded. She thinks I came here to break up with her. That was the furthest thing on my mind.

I tugged at her arm and pulled her into my arms, and I took in her womanly scent. Embracing her brought out a tranquility in me. This is what I wanted. I wanted her.

"Josh kicked me out," I said, trying to reflect on everything that took place today. I'm still at a loss of words.

I wish the craziest part of my day was my encounter with Charlene. Instead my mom is drinking her life away. My brother is probably never going to speak to me again and I have to see where my girlfriend's head is at regarding everything.

Stassie pursed her lips. "Where are you going to stay?" She asked beaming concerned eyes at me.

"I'm going to get a hotel," I answered with a heavy sigh,

"Okay, Let me get my purse. I'm coming with you." She said before entering the house.

We both got in my car. The first few hotels we went to were fully booked. After an hour or so, we finally found a nice hotel on the outskirts of Miami.

"I can't believe you quit," I said to Stassie as we both got under the beige-colored blankets of the bed.

"I was in the moment." She said, laying her head on my bare chest. Her leg was wrapped around me.

"Are you going to go back?" I asked genuinely.

"I don't think so. I don't know. I want to venture out and find something more suitable for me. My mom is so angry at me. I tried to explain to her that I'm not a maid and that I'm a nanny, but to her, it's all the same." She nuzzled her face against me.

"Is it that bad to be a nanny?"

"No, we'll sort of. Being a child of immigrants, it's expected to be a doctor, or lawyer. There is no room for other jobs. It will be a shame to the family."

"Oh." I said calmly.

"I'm going to miss those boys, they drove me crazy, but I loved them you know." A tear rolled down her cheek.

I hate seeing her cry. It tore at me. I placed my hand on her cheek and wiped her tears away with my thumb.

"You're so beautiful." I smiled at her.

"I know." She smiled.

I let out a soft laugh. "I love you," I said without thinking.

I didn't regret saying it. It's how I felt. I knew from the night I saw her flirting with the doctor that I don't want to see her with another man. I'm selfish. It's a characteristic I'm well aware of. I wanted her only for myself.

"Aw." Stassie smiled before she leaned in and kissed me.

I placed my hands on her waist and rolled her on her back as I pinned myself on top of her. I kissed her as hard as I could. I was pouring everything into her and she was receiving it with no issue.

It was as if my life did not blow up in smoke a few hours ago, the only thing on my mind was Stassie. My hands found the straps of her top, and I rolled it down, exposing her breast. Her nipples hardened as I trailed my tongue around her piercings.

The sound of Stassie moaning circled the room, I wanted to bury my dick inside her and have her scream my name until she couldn't scream anymore.

I slid Stassie out of her sweatpants, and I palmed her freshly shaved pussy. She was so wet, and my dick was twitching around in my pants.

"Fuck, you don't know just what I have stored for you," I grunted as my index finger went up and down along her folds.

Stassie had a fiery desired look in her eyes. She wanted me just as badly as I wanted her.

I got out of my pants, and my erection sprung free. Stassie's hands wandered around my back as I slowly inserted myself inside of her. Her pussy took me in. It took all of me in. I nearly came from the sounds she was making underneath me.

"Fuck you feel so goddamn good baby. Your pussy is mine. All mine." I grunted as my fingers encountered her clit.

Stassie wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. I jammed my tongue in her mouth and kissed her.

The sound of the air conditioner was swallowed up

I began to rock my hips back and forth. I was taking my time. I wanted my dick to make itself comfortable in its home.

"Mhmm, fuck Theo. Ugh." Stassie was becoming a panting mess beneath me.

Beads of sweat formed on my brow, and Stassie wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Faster, baby, faster." She belted out.

Stassie liked to be fucked rough, but tonight I wanted to take my time with her. A quickened up my tempo but only a little bit.

"Better?" I asked cupping my hand around her full breast.

"Uhhuh." She managed to say with her eyes closed.

"Open your eyes for me, baby, I want to see your face when you come," I said, quickening my pace a little more.

"Mmmh!" A groan escaped her lips as she opened her eyes.

I stared deeply into them. The sounds of our bodies connecting turned me on. It was in the back of my mind that we were not using protection. As hard as I knew it was going to be, I had to remember to pull out.

"I love you Stassie," I said to her once more.

I could see the reluctance in her eyes. I don't care if she didn't say it back. I didn't expect her to. I just want her to know that I'm serious.

My body felt like it was on fire as Stassie tightly wrapped her arms around my back. She held onto dear life.

"Stassie." I panted trying to pull away.

We have been going at it for hours, and I felt the buildup forming.

"Stassie..." I said once more.

All it took was for her to make a subtle movement. She arched her back, and I released myself inside of her.

Stassie was silent for a few seconds, and I was on top of her panting.

"Theodore Roman... You stupid ass bitch! Did you... Did you just fucking come in me!" She screeched at the top of her lungs with an immense amount of rage.


Author Note
You guys are truly incredible for staying on this crazy story with me.

I'm writing the last few chapters and I feel so emotional about it. To think that this story I originally wrote to make myself laugh during a hard time ended up being probably my favorite story ever is so crazy to me.

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