GATE: Awakening The Sleeping...

De stevenwn1

203K 3.8K 4.6K

A mysterious, ancient-looking gate appeared in Washington, D.C., sometime in the 21st century. From the gate... Mais

Chapter 1: A Terrible Resolve
Chapter 2: The Massacre of Alnus
Chapter 3: Strange First Contact
Chapter 4: The Eagle of Freedom V.S The Ancient Fire Dragon
Chapter 5: The Men in Green
Chapter 6: The Visit for Italica
Chapter 7: The Fight for Italica
Chapter 8: Possible Peace
Chapter 9: Journey to Fort Alnus
Chapter 10: Welcome to DC
Chapter 11: Peace Negotiations
Chapter 12: American Firepower
Chapter 13: A Shocking Discovery
Chapter 14: Timely Reinforcements
Chapter 15: Old Buddies
Chapter 16: A Trip Gone Horribly Wrong
Weapon Suggestions (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 17: The Imperial Coup
Chapter 18: The Fall of Sadera
Give me your ideas (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 19: Unlikely Allies
Dream Team (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 20: Mother Russias First Battle
Chapter 21: Capture of Bellnahgo
Chapter 22: Did I Hear OIL?
Future Books (Not a Chapter)
I NEED YOUR HELP (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 23: Captain John Brown Sends His Regards
Chapter 25: The Eyes of the Slaughtered
Chapter 26: Reminiscing the Past
Chapter 27: Team Reconnaissance
Chapter 28: Strange Encounters
Chapter 29: Siege of Castle Ither
Chapter 30: A Powerful Message
Book Timeline (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 31: Unleashing Hell
Chapter 32: A New Enemy
Chapter 33: Strange Relationships
Chapter 34: Increasing the Coalition
Chapter 35: A Special Meeting
Chapter 37: The 'Friendly' Neighbors From The North
Chapter 38: The Beginning of a Revolution
Chapter 39: Return of Hunter 2-1
Chapter 40: Operation Silent Valor
Chapter 41: The Great Raid
Chapter 42: A Sudden Revelation
Primo Victoria (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 43: Magical City Of Rondel
Chapter 44: The Goddess of the Underworld
Chapter 45: Complete the Mission!
Can we please talk? (Not a Chapter but it's important)
Chapter 46: Perspective of Soldiers
Chapter 47: The Lenses of War
Chapter 48: Escalation of War
Chapter 49: Boarding the Vessel
Chapter 50: Incredible Demands
Chapter 51: Arms Dealing
Chapter 52: It Ain't Me
Chapter 53: Land and Air
Chapter 54: Futile Guerilla Fighting
Important Announcement
Chapter 55: An Alliance of Steel
OverSimplified script (Not a chapter)
Chapter 56: The Wisdom of Legionnaires
Chapter 57: Operation Sovereign Duty: The Beginning
Possible Final Good-bye
Chapter 58: A Tremendous Liberation
I'm Sorry
Final Update


1.7K 41 36
De stevenwn1

A couple hour's after the UN meeting...

The 'Peoples' 'Republic of 'China'

(A/N:Look at quotation marks)



"The hell you mean?!" GeneraL Secretary Dong Dechou of the CCP shouted at Ling in a laptop screen.

"General Secretary, it's true, more NATO and non-NATO allies will be deploying to the New World in a couple of days, we still do not know how many nations will be involved." Ling said.

Dong leaned against his chair, holding is forehead with his hand.

"Has President Ivanov received any of our collaborations and representatives for the New World?" Dong Dechou asked.

"No General Secretary, he hasn't replied yet and it is very unlikely he won't answer due to his concentration on the war against the Saderans." Ling replied.

'What is that fool doing with those western pigs, we're suppose to be allies aren't we?!' Dong Dechou shouted at his mind.

"...Call the rest of the party, we will discuss this with them soon." Dong Dechou said.

"Yes, General Secretary." Ling replied, as the laptops screen turned off.

Dong Dechou sighed.

"General Secretary..." One of his advisor said.

"Not right now..." Dong Dechou sighed.

"But Mr President... the regions of Xinjiang and Tibet are continuing to revolt, couldn't we focus more on that rather than the Gate?" His advisor said.

"I do not care, the Gate is more important than those idiot's in those region's." Dong Dechou said, not even caring about the revolt.

"But General Secre-" His advisor tried to persuade him, but was cut off.

"I. Do. Not. Care. Got it?" Dong Dechou said.

"Y-yes, General Secretary..." His advisor stuttered.

"Good... now get out my office." Dong Dechou said as the advisor left his office.


The Roldom Valley

In the Valley of Roldom, the German Army is watching over as Refugees flood around the roads and carts of the valley.

One of the soldiers is Master Sergeant Hans Schafer of the German Army.

He is watching over with his fellow German companions, as a German Colonel is instructing the Refugees with a megaphone, speaking the Saderan language.

"Attention! Attention, everyone!" The Colonel said in the microphone.

The Refugees turn their attention to the Colonel.

"We need to be careful here. This road is narrow and steep, and there's a risk of rockslides. I need you all to stay in a single file and walk slowly. Do not push or jostle each other." The Colonel said.

He looks around, making eye contact with as many people as possible.

"If you have any elderly or children with you, please keep them close and help them along. We cannot afford any accidents or injuries." The Colonel said.

He pauses for a moment to make sure everyone understands.

"Stay calm, stay alert, and stay together." The Colonel said.

The Refugees begins to move slowly and steadily, following the Colonel's instructions.

They walk in a single file, with some holding hands to support each other.

The Colonel walks at the front, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger.

"Nicht viel... (Nothing much...)" The Colonel muttered, as he walked by the Refugees holding the megaphone.

One of the refugees look at the Colonel suspiciously, and without a warning he tried to attack the Colonel.

The Colonel immediately grabbed his Heckler & Koch P8 and shot the man.

Suddenly more of the refugees started attacking the other refugees.

It's Imperial guerillas disguised as refugees!

"Scheiße Hinterhalt! (Shit ambush!)" One of the German soldiers shouted.

Immediately, the German soldiers opened fire at the Imperial guerillas, trying their best to not accidentally shoot at innocent refugees.

Suddenly, Imperial guerillas appeared at a nearby forest, charging at them with weapons.

"Hinterhalt! (Ambush!)" A German soldier shouted.

A ATF Dingo armed with a MG-3 Machine Gun immediately opened fire at the Saderan's, cutting them down.

A Puma then joined in, shooting it's 30mm MK30-2/ABM autocannon straight at the Imperial guerillas.

As more Imperial guerillas tried to attack the armoured vehicles, only for them to be cut down by the bullets.

Hans himself was fighting several disguised Imperial guerillas.

One of the guerillas attempted to stab Hans, but Hans places three bullet's straight at the man's chest, killing him instantly.

He then saw a woman being harassed by an Imperial guerilla.

Without hesitation, Hans ran straight at the Imperial guerilla and Spartan kicked him to the ground.

The Imperial guerilla attempted to get up but Hans placed his foot down the man's chest and began to beat him up with his own hands.

Other Imperial guerillas saw this and tried to reach Hans to rescue their own but would instantly get killed by a hale of bullets.

Hans continues to beat the guerilla up until the guerilla was limped and not responding anymore.

After a few seconds Hans got up and ran to help the woman.

"You okay?" Hans asked in the Saderan language.

The woman shakingly nodded.

"Good. Now go." Hans ordered, as the woman ran to safety along side different refugees.

The disguised Imperial guerillas we're already dealt with, but the endless hordes of Imperial guerillas in the nearby forest just kept on coming.

The rest of the German's joined in with the armoured vehicles and started shooting at the Imperial guerillas.

But they just kept on coming.

As minute by minute passed, the stack of dead Imperial guerillas kept pilling up to the point that it was giving the Imperial guerillas cover.

With no other choice, the Colonel grabbed his radio to call in air support.

"Wir brauchen Luftunterstützung! Es sind zu viele imperiale Guerillas an unserer Position, wir brauchen Unterstützung, bevor wir überrannt werden! (We need air support! There's too much Imperial guerillas at our position, we need support before we get to be overrun!)" The Colonel shouted at the radio.

"Solides Exemplar, ein Panavia Tornado ist unterwegs. (Solid copy, a Panavia Tornado is on the way.)" A voice in the radio replied.

"Schieß weiter! (Keep shooting!)" Hans shouted.

Things we're going badly, if the guerillas keep arriving before Air support gets here, they'll be killed as their ammo is slowly running out.

"Granate raus! (Grenade out!)" A German soldier shouted, as he threw a DM51 grenade at the pile of dead Imperial guerillas.

As the grenade exploded, the pile of dead Imperial guerillas falls down revealing the Imperial guerillas.

As things we're about to grow grimm and the Imperial guerillas ready to make a charge, a voice in the Colonel's radio spoke.

"Tod von oben. (Death from above.)" The voice said.

As the forest gets hit by by two BL755 cluster bomb, sending 294 submunitions of incendiary material at the Imperial guerillas.

The remaining remaining Imperial guerillas shouted in agony.

As German Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopters arrived at the scene, shooting their 30mm cannons and air-to-ground missiles at the Imperial guerillas.

As both air and ground troops finally began to kill off the remaining Imperial guerillas.

One single Imperial guerilla got up and made one final push at the German's.

Grabbing his sword he charged at full speed jumping over his dead comrades.

Before he could even get close, Hans aimed and shot a single bullet straight through the guerillas skull, killing him instantly.

After a few minutes of catching their breathes looking at the pile of corpse's of the Imperial guerillas, the Colonel shouted.

"Klar! (Clear!)" He shouted.

Everyone smiles and turned around to see the refugees, all had wide eyes upon seeing the German soldiers demolished the Imperial guerillas with ease.

Hans waves at them before one of them waved back.

Hans smiled before looking up, seeing the Panavia Tornado fly pass them.

Hans smiled, as he observed the iconic fighter fly by them in supersonic speeds.

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