Who The Monsters Are(Cheater...


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A man that thought he was loved. By a group of people that accepted him. But what if he was nothing but all l... More

Prologue: Betrayal
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Beacon Academy
Chapter 3: Unrelenting Hatred
Chapter 4: The Devil's Wrath
Chapter 5: The Devil's Warning
Chapter 6: The Devil's Reveal
Chapter 7: Resting
Chapter 8: Blake Belladonna
Chapter 9: Denial
Chapter 10: Anger
Chapter 11: Infiltration
Chapter 12: The Past
Chapter 13: The Past Revealed
Chapter 14: The Dance
Chapter 15: The Pitiful Cries Of Those Without Strength
Chapter 16: Old Enemies
Chapter 17: Amber, The Fall Maiden
Chapter 18: Recovering
Chapter 19: Mount Glenn
Chapter 20: No Brakes
Chapter 21: Alyssa
Chapter 22: Foolishness
Chapter 23: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Chapter 24: The White Fang
Chapter 25: Blake
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Relieving Pain
Chapter 28: A Plan
Chapter 29: The Date
Chapter 30: The Returning Past
Chapter 31: Old Friends
Chapter 32: Adam Vs Y/N
Chapter 33: The Devil and Cat
Chapter 34: Sadness
Chapter 35: Comforting Blake and Yang
Chapter 36: Light and Dark
Chapter 37: Sparring
Chapter 38: The Spartan and Devil
Chapter 39: Missing Rose
Chapter 40: Reunion
Chapter 41: Memories
Chapter 42: Missing
Chapter 43: The Devil's Family
Chapter 44: Dream
Chapter 45: New Friends
Chapter 46: Y/N and the brothers
Chapter 47: Y/N and Vergil
Chapter 48: Anger
Chapter 49: Monster
Chapter 50: Preparation
Chapter 51 : Y/N Vs Mercury
Chapter 52: Aftermath
Chapter 53: The Past
Chapter 54: Training
Chapter 55: Y/N
Chapter 56: Two Swordsman
Chapter 57: Back Home
Chapter 58: Y/N and Mercury
Chapter 59: Mundus
Chapter 60: Sparda
Chapter 61: Back at Beacon
Chapter 62: Dante
Chapter 63: Dream of the Past
Chapter 64: Awakening and Resting
Chapter 65: Forever Falls Part 1
Chapter 66: Forever Falls Part 2
Chapter 67: Devils
Chapter 68: Revenge
Chapter 69: Returning to Beacon
Chapter 71: Fall Maiden
Chapter 72: Vale
Chapter 73: Road to Mistral
Chapter 74: Road to Mistral Part 2
Chapter 75: Night on the Road
Chapter 76: Night on the Road part 2
Chapter 78: To Mistral
Chapter 79: Mistral
Chapter 80: Hidden Evil
Chapter 81: Corruption
Chapter 82: Corrupted
Chapter 83: Corrupted Part 2

Chapter 70: Back at Beacon

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Y/N's POV 

Alyssa: Where do you think you're going? 
Her voice called out as I changed into a black shirt, looking at myself in a mirror as I stared at her reflection. 

"Out with my friends." 
I answered as I turned to her, seeing her crossed arms as she stared at me. 

Alyssa: With your weapons? 

"In case anything happens." 

Alyssa: Where? 
She asks as she continued to stare at me. 

I answered as I felt my weapons being flung onto the bed. 

Alyssa: Then you don't need your weapons if you're going out with your friends. 
She said as I sighed. 

"Alright, alright.  I won't take them when I go out." 
I said before walking out of the room, still feeling her glare. 

"I shouldn't need them when I'm out with them." 


Third Person POV 

Y/N: Wonder who that could be. 
He thought out loud before opening the door, seeing Ruby. 

Ruby: Y/N! 
She yelled excitingly before jumping onto him, hugging tightly. 

Y/N: Ruby, what are you doing here? 
He asked as she held onto his arm tightly. 

Ruby: You were taking too long. 
She said with a smile. 

Y/N: Ruby, I'm just down the hall. 
He said as she smiled cutely. 

Ruby: So? You've just been gone for a long time! 
She yelled at me before smiling. 

Y/N: I've only been gone for a few hours. 

Ruby: Still a long time! 

???: Quit yelling you dolt! 
Another voice said as the two turned to see Weiss walking into the room, followed by Blake and Weiss. 

Y/N: Hey girls. 
He said with a smile as the two girls smiled at him. 

Blake: Hey babe. 
She replied by kissing his cheek, hugging onto his arm as Ruby pouts. 

Y/N: So what are we going to do? 
He asked as he looked at the three of them. 

Weiss: Let's go and grab something to eat.
She replies as she looked at him, her hand on her hip. 

Ruby: Yeah! 
She yelled once more before hit on the top of the head. 

Ruby: Ow! 
She yelled at Weiss, holding her head with both hands. 

Weiss: Then stop yelling dolt! 
She shout at her, glaring at her. 

Y/N: Come on girls, no need to yell. 
He said as Ruby hugged onto his arm. 

Ruby: She's a meanie! 
She yells, pointing at Weiss as she hid behind him. 

Y/N: It'll be fine Ruby. 
He tells her before looking Weiss. 

Y/N: Is Yang okay coming out with us? 
He asked as she slowly shook her head. 

Weiss: She said she wants to be left alone. 
She said as she continued to look at him, showing signs of sadness. 

Blake: It's best to leave her alone for now. 
She said as she tugged onto her lover's arm. 

Y/N: So where are we going to go out to? 

Weiss: I've got a place. So let's go! 

Somewhere Else 

???: So how is the kid doing Alyssa? 
A woman with black hair asked as she stood behind Alyssa, watching her as she knelt in front of a small tomb. 

Alyssa: He's doing fine. 

???: Did you tell him about Dante and his brother? 
She asked as Alyssa shook her head, her eyes closed as her hands rested on her thighs. 

Alyssa: He doesn't need to know. It's best to leave him out of this mess. 
She answered as the woman sighs. 

???: You sure? He'll find out sooner or later. 
She said as Alyssa slowly nods. 

Alyssa: It's what Dante and Vergil want. It's better for him to know less. 

To Y/N 

Weiss: So why did you come to Beacon? 
She asked as she looked at him, her icy blue eyes staring at him as they walked down the street. 

Y/N: Why not.
He answers with a smile. 

Weiss: But why come to Beacon? 

Y/N: Let's just say Ozpin needed my assistance. 
He answers her. 

Weiss: Like the one you were fighting? 
She asked as Y/N slowly looked away from her. 

Y/N: Yes. 
He answers before feeling her hand around his arm. 

Weiss: At least you brought him down. 
She said with a smile as Y/N smiles. 

Y/N: Yeah. I finally did.
He said as Weiss smiled softly. 

Weiss: Here we are! 
She yells out happily before opening the door as the others followed her inside. 

Y/N: Not bad. 
He comments as Ruby nodded. 

Blake: Thought you'll want something fancy Weiss. 
She comments as Weiss looked at her. 

Weiss: That was the plan but here we are. 
She replies as Weiss signed on a terminal. 

???: Table 5 Ms Schnee. A waiter will be with you shortly. 
A robotic voice called out to her as the others followed her to a table. 

Y/N: How did you find out about this place? 
He asked as he sat down. 

Weiss: Saw it when we came to Vale for the first time. 
She answered with a smile as she looked at him. 

Ruby: You mean when you first came to Vale. 
She corrects her as she skims through the menu. 

Blake: I wonder what they have. 
She said before looking at the menu while Y/N looked at another. 

Ruby: This all look so good! 
She comments out loud with a wide smile. 

Weiss: What are you all going to grab? 
She asked as she put her menu down. 

Y/N: I'm going to grab the steak. 
He answered as Ruby put her menu down. 

Ruby: Um... I'm going to get the sandwich. 
She said, rubbing her neck as she looked at the menu. 

Y/N: What about you Blake? 
He asked as she looked at him, her hand hovering above his. 

Blake: Tuna sandwich. 
She responds as she clashed her hand over his while Weiss continued to look at her menu, clenching onto her menu tightly. 

Y/N: What about you Weiss? 
He asked as he looked at her, seeing her gripping tightly onto the menu. 

Weiss: I'm still looking at it. 
She answered as Ruby looked at her menu once more, running her finger through it. 

Blake: Ruby, are you going to order more? 
She asked as Ruby slowly shook her head. 

Ruby: No... I told Yang that I'll bring her something to eat.
She said as she rubbed her neck. 

Y/N: Yeah, some food should cheer her up. 
He said as she nodded. 

???: Are you all ready to order? 
A woman asked as she held a tablet in hand. 

Weiss: Yes, I will get the meatloaf. 

Blake: I will get the tuna sandwich. 

Ruby: I will like to get the cheeseburger. 
She said with a smile. 

Y/N: I will get the same. 

Waitress: It will be out in 5 minutes. I'll go grab you all a cup of water. 

To Ozpin 

Goodwitch: So what are we going to do about the Fall Maiden? 
She asked as she looked at Opzin, crossing her arms. 

Ozpin: Why don't we pair her up with Mr L/N. 
He suggests as she stared at at him with confusion. 

Goodwitch: Why would you want him paired with her? 
She asked, staring at him. 

Ozpin: Because he formerly worked with Salem and he knows their-

Goodwitch: Strategies. Fair point. But we don't know what else he plans on doing. 

Ozpin: From what I've seen so far, he seems to have no plan on doing anything to her. 

Goodwitch: You don't know that. He might slit her throat in the bathroom or take her to Salem.

Ozpin: We'll keep them on the school's grounds and observe from afar. We need her at full strength. 

Here is chapter 70 of Who the Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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