Danganronpa Life Games |Life...

By Wolfie_PlaysG

620 62 49

FYI I do not own danganronpa nor any of the characters in this story. They are their own people and if anyone... More

Cast list
Chapter One: Investigation and Trial
Chapter Two: Changing The Heart Woven and Bound
Chapter Two: Investigation and Trial
Chapter Three: Lost Souls Returned
Chapter Three: Investigation and Trial
Chapter Four: Friends Lost and Found
Chapter Four: Investigation and Trial
Chapter Five: In The Deepest Pits of Despair Their is Still Hope
Chapter Five: Investigation and Trial
Chapter Six: The Beginning of The End
Chapter Six: Trial and Execution
Unused Executions

Chapter One: To Kill or Be Killed

49 4 14
By Wolfie_PlaysG

Martin woke up on a bed with two figures standing over him or more accurately sitting over him. The first figure (unexpectedly) was Ren, but the second figure. "Scott?" Martin questioned sitting up to get a better look at the boy who was giving him an unreadable look.

"Careful laddie, ye not want to overwork thine self" Ren said putting a hand on Martin's shoulder. "Ye ultimate survivor brought thee to thine bed" "well I mean you landed right next to me so it only made sense." Scott shrugged as if it were completely normal for people to summersault through the air and crash into the wall behind them.

"Thank you" Martin smiled and Scott looked away hiding his face. "You did good laddie, thee saved ye ultimate wolf tamer from meeting thine end." Ren congratulated patting Martin's back softly, "I must leave me hand, thee shadow queen needs thine help." Martin nodded and watched as Ren exited the room leaving him alone with Scott.

"Why did you save him?" Scott asked after a minute of silence, "because... it was the right thing to do?" Martin said confused by the question, "yeah but... you could've died, didn't you know that?" "I mean I did know that, but it was either me or him and it felt wrong to just let Joel die innit."

Scott shook his head, "I'll never understand people like you" "what does that mean?" "I'll tell you one day" and with that Scott left leaving Martin alone in a bed. It only took a few glances for Martin to know he was in a nursing wing or a medical bay he supposed. Before he could do anything Ren came back into the room saying that Monocuma gave them all a Monopad and Ren took it upon himself to give Martin his when he woke up.

The monopad had the rules listed on one page, a map of the first floor on another as well as a few other things. Martin pocketed the monopad as he left the medical bay he was immediately pulled into a random closet. "Ow!" Martin shouted as he bumped into something sharp. "Ooooh! It hit someone!" Cried a singsong, "oh deary me do you need a bandage for that Martin?" Another voice asked, "knowing Pearl that cut will be deep" a Scottish voice observed.

As Martin's eyesight adjusted he was met with the faces of Mumbo, Scott, and Pearl. "Uhm... what's happening?" Martin asked, "don't know, maybe someone wants to commit mass murder" Pearl guessed, "only you would do that Pearl" "awwwww, is my little cyan boy feeling guilty for being mean to little old me?" "Please never call me that again." Martin sighed wondering how long it will take until the two would finish their squabble.

Luckily for Martin that came in the form of Tango dragging Grian inside the closet and closing the door again. This time instead of Martin having to readjust his eyes Tango's hair lit up creating both a light and heat source. "Why are we here Tango?" Grian asked rubbing the back of his head with Pesky Bird still on his shoulder.

"Weeeellllll I thought it would be fun if we all bet on who's gonna die first!" Tango said, "absolutely not" Scott said at the same time as Pearl shouted, "don't have to tell me twice!" "Soooooo, how much are y'all betting?" Tango asked before the silence could get awkward, "what's the currency?" "Anything you want" "alright then" Pearl said tapping her chin in thought, "I bet my stuffed alligator that Scar will die first."

"I should say that the rules are you can't kill who you bet on otherwise it takes the whole fun out of it." "If you wish for me to place a bet on someone I shall" Mumbo said, "I bet my best butler award that Grian will die first, no offence" "none taken, anyway I bet my wings that Martin will be the one to die." "Hey! I'm now betting my own life that you're gonna die first now!" Martin protested, "ooh, he bet his life he bet his life" Tango said sounding fully in suspense.

"I'll bet two dollars that Jimmy might die first" Scott said without much preamble, "are you sure you wanna bet so small?" "Positive" "suit yourself anyway, bets on whose gonna survive?" "Can I bet on myself surviving?" Grian asked, "you sure can" Tango nodded, "ok then I bet my guide to hang gliding that I'll survive" Pearl let out a giggle, "I think I'm gonna bet my hunting rifle that my little cyan boy will survive" "I told you to not call me that" "like I give a damn" "can you both not argue?"

Scott shrugged while Pearl made a pouty face. "I think I'll bet some good oven mitts I own that Impulse will survive, he's The Ultimate Lucky Student right?" Tango nodded, "I think I'll bet my pc that Scott will live being the ultimate survivor and all." Tango nodded again, "and what about you? You seem to have pretty high bets places on your head for you living."

Scott shrugged, "I'll bet five dollars that... Cleo will survive" "what is she your new girlfriend or whatever?" Pearl asked, Scott paused to think about it for a moment before saying, "that's for me to know and you to find out." It could be Martin's imagination but he thought he saw discomfort in Scott's eyes for only a moment before it disappeared.

"I see I see, well I guess my work here is done" Tango said and before anyone could do anything Tango's hair snuffed out and the group was left in complete darkness once more. "Well this is awkward, do you think he's locked the door on us?" Grian said, "from what I've seen of the guy, he's definitely locked us in." Scott mentioned, "well shoot"

Martin sighed, "well this is gonna be a long da-OWW!!!" Martin shrieked as Pearl presumably stabbed him again. "Just making sure you're still alive" Pearl said sounding absolutely insane, "no you're doing this just to spite me" Grian let out a startled laugh, "you making fun of my bleeding arm now?" "No, no it's not that" Grian said in between giggles, "I just wasn't expecting you to say that.

After five more minutes (and yet another stab wound from Pearl) the group was finally let out by Impulse who had happened to be walking by just when Pearl tried to stab at Grian instead of Martin this time (thankfully) after both Mumbo and Impulse bandaged him up Martin was on his way once more.

After about an hour of exploring the first floor Martin ran into Grian again. "Oh hi" he said giving Martin a small wave, "hello" Martin responded, "do you wanna help me fix up my wings? I tried hang gliding while carrying Scar and it's safe to say it did not go well." Martin shrugged, "I don't think I've ever tried fixing wings before but I'll give it a shot." It turned out that Grian's wings were quite complex and Martin ended up making the damage worse.

"Sorry bout that" Martin apologized coughing up dust from where the right wing had practically exploded. "It's alright, I probably should've asked Mumbo to help instead so really it's my fault." "Hey don't say that, I was the one who blew it up the first place" Grian chuckled before glancing down at the bandage that basically engulfed Martin's arm from the amount of times Pearl had stabbed it.

"I-is your arm ok?" Grian asked something different in his tone, "I mean it still hurts a lot but besides that it's fine, why?" "Oh it's nothing I just... well..." Grian took a deep breath before saying, "my uh... boyfriend Taurtis he... got stabbed my ex best friend and... other stuff happened." "Oh wow that is... really deep man I'm sorry for you." "It's alright, he lived and we're happily married now, and I'm in a safe place."

"Well I'm glad to hear you're doing better Taurtis included" Martin said giving Grian a pat on the shoulder. "Hey, let's talk about something else like... Pesky Bird! How'd you two meet?" At this Grian perked up, "well I was hang gliding above a rainforest, and Pesky Bird came right up to me and started gliding along side me! After that he just sort of followed me around."

"I can see why you named them Pesky Bird then since it seems they just never left you alone and you eventually gave up." Grian barked out a laugh, "yep that's pretty much it, also do you wanna know a cool fact about Pesky Bird?" "Sure!" "Well you know how parrots have really good memories?" "I think so yeah" "well Pesky Bird is really good at remembering faces" "oh wow I don't think I knew that."

Grian smiled, "well then I'm glad I could fill you in on that bit of information then." He paused before added, "Pesky Bird is also incredibly protective of me, and holds a grudge so don't try and do anything to me if you value your life." Martin nodded, "I'll keep that in mind" after that they both went to their dorms Martin remembering how had bet on Grian dying first. Despite the fact that Grian had bet on it being him, Martin really didn't want him to actually die.

The next day Martin heard a knock on his door. He opened it to find Ren standing outside, "greetings thine hand" Ren said, "hello Ren, why are you here?" "Thee ultimate undead has suggested thine ultimates are to eat in thine same room." Martin nodded, "I suppose I wouldn't know that considering I was knocked unconscious... does Scott know about it?"

"Thine ultimate survivor took ye; me hand before thine ultimate undead could speak" "ok then so we should probably go get him then" Ren nodded and the two set off for Scott's dorm. Martin knocked on Scott's door and waited for an answer.

"Scott?" Martin called out, "it's me Martin" "and ye king Ren" still no answer, "Pearl didn't put us up to this I swear!" Martin called out fear slowly washing over him, "is everything alright?" A voice asked and both Martin and Ren turned around to see the face of Lizzie staring at them in confusion.

"My queen" Ren said immediately going into a bow, "thee ultimate survivor has yet to answer thine door" "that's... concerning" Lizzie said, "what's concerning?" The voice of Cleo asked, "Scott's not answering his door" Martin said, "and he wasn't in the cafeteria like everyone else" Cleo reasoned, "thee blood of thine ultimate" Ren said sinisterly, "ye king has smelt it" "lead the way" Cleo said and the four of them followed behind the brunette, each thinking the exact same thing.

They ran all the way to a door labeled storage containment. Martin held his breath preparing for the worst. "Ye blood of thine ultimate be here laddie" Ren said backing up so Martin could open it. Martin readied himself, preparing for the worst before he opened the door and saw...

The mangled corpse of Grian Grain.

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