The Captain's Wife

By NegansWarrior

22.8K 593 32

I've grown to love the tv show called 'Grimm', my favorite characters are: Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Monr... More

Lunch Visit
Dinner With Sean
What Are You?!
Blubaten Brawls
Blubaten Brawls Prt. 2
Don't Leave Me...
Captain Burkhardt
Solid Ice
Woge? Wesen? What?
The Moment Sean and Sylas Meet
Two Grimms?!
Last Day as Captain
Tribe Hunts
She's Not Me...
She's Not Me... Prt 2
She Striked Again!?
The Start of Destroying The World
For Juliette..
Vienna prt 2
Is This Power Forever?
Seeing Ghosts?
King Fredrick's Return
King Fredrick's Return prt 2
A Prince Is Crowned
Zauberbeist vs Grimm vs Hexenbeist
Meeting Vincent
The Search For Both Burkhardt's
Zombified Burkhardt's
The Little Things
Ending The Royals
Into The Blackforest We Go..
King of Hell
The New Beginning
Our Family Fights
Take It With You..
Take It With You.. prt 2

What The...

186 7 0
By NegansWarrior

Sean's P.O.V

Walking out of the room drenched in sweat, I wiped my face to go look for Meisner. The moment I found him I didn't like the look on his face,

Me:"What? Did I miss something?"
Meisner:"You could say that. Walk and talk."

As we walked down the hall he began speaking again,

Meisner:"I'm afraid we wasted months of training."
Me:"What are you talking about?"
Meisner:"The Royals. They know everything and I spoke to Nick not long ago, him and Sylas are out searching for Juliette."
Me:"Juliette? What for?!"
Meisner:"We believe Vincent has her or maybe his cousin Kenneth has her."
Me:"How long has she been gone?"
Meisner:"Early this morning."

Stopping at the same time Meisner glared at me,

Meisner:"What are you not telling me?"
Me:"Do you remember Adalind?"
Meisner:"I do, I'm also aware of what happened."
Me:"What you don't know is, she's pregnant with Nick's kid. The only ones who knew were Nick and I."
Meisner:"Oh that's just great, if they know then they must have Adalind as well."
Me:"Did Nick say where him and Sy last was?"
Meisner:"Something about heading to a spice shop?"
Me:"Thanks, I'll be back later on."

Leaving in a hurry I made it to my car within a minute, this training is intense but the strength I feel made it well worth it.


Rushing inside the spice shop made all of them jump,

Sylas:"Sean? What are you doing here?"
Me:"When were you going to tell me?"
Sylas:"You were busy."
Me:"Babe, this is Juliette we're talking about here. You need all the help you can get and I have a possibility of where she is."
Me:"The Royals, they knew about our training and they also have Adalind."

Nick stood still but never looked away from me,

Sylas:"Why do we care that they have Adalind?"
Nick:"Because Sy, she's carrying my child."
Me:"Yes, Nick and I kept that to ourselves. Be mad all you want but we need to figure out where they are."
Sylas:"So we're a family full of secrets huh?"
Me:"Drop it, save your anger we may need it."
Sylas:"For what?"
Me:"To save Juliette along with your niece or nephew. Now do as I say."
Nick:"Would they still be here or did they leave already?"
Me:"I'm not sure, I wasn't given that part of information."

A phone began to ring causing all of us to glance at our phones but the one that rang was Nick's, he answered then placed the call on speaker.

Vincent:"Bravo Nick, you answered quickly."
Nick:"Where's Juliette?"
Vincent:"Why she's right next to me, would you like to speak to her? She is quite angry."
Nick:"What lies have you told her?!"
Juliette:"How about you having a baby on the way for starters! How dare you not tell me Nick!"
Nick:"Juliette, I will explain everything just please don't do anything you'll regret."
Juliette:"Like what Nick? Kill the baby's mother? You know, I had a wonderful life until you became a Grimm! Now that I have suffered so will you."
Sylas:"Hold the hell up Juliette!"
Juliette:"Sy, it's good to know your with Nick. The two of you come alone or Adalind dies then next will be your husband."
Sylas:"Don't you dare threaten me! I will end your fucking life before you can blink!"
Juliette:"I wouldn't do that, in case you aren't feeling the pain just yet, you may want to get ahold of Eliza."
Sylas:"Juliette, I swear if something happened to her and Marie I will hunt you down and I won't see you as my sister I can guarantee that."
Juliette:"Clocks ticking, I'd call if I were you. See you two very soon."

The call ended quickly, looking at Sy and Nick I could feel my breathing pick up. Sy's mouth moved but I didn't hear a single word she was saying, using my arm to move them aside I was quick to open a portal then stepped inside only to feel a hand grip my shirt to pulled through the portal with me, looking to see who it was, none other than Sylas. Should have known she wasn't going to stay behind,

Sylas:"What the hell happened here?"

Glancing around I saw that my mother's home was trashed and everything was all over the floor. My eyes looked down to see a hand, rushing over to see my mother was laying on the ground. Feeling for a pulse I had found it but it was very weak,


Quick footsteps approached me then Sy dropped down beside me to look at my mother,

Sylas:"Is she still alive?"
Sylas:"Sean, we need to get her to Rosalee. I got her just get the portal ready, please."
Me:"No, you wanted to learn how so now is the time to teach you but I can only show you once so please keep up."

Standing on our feet I moved behind Sy to grab her hands, placing her index finger close to her middle finger on both hands,

Me:"Use this stance, always. Ready?"
Sylas:"Let's do this."

I loved how determined she was no matter the situation, moving her hands in a fast pace she began opening a portal on her own. Releasing her hands I moved to pick up my mother then turn around to see Sy was able to hold the portal open,

Sylas:"Go Sean!"

Moving through the portal quickly I looked to Nick just as Sy jumped through the portal,

Me:"Clench your fist then release to close the portal."

Sy did exactly what I said then the portal disappeared,

Rosalee:"Oh no!"

Rosalee was quick to lead me into the back room to lay my mother down on the small bed,

Rosalee:"Do you know what happened?"
Me:"No but I can only think of who did it."
Rosalee:"What about Marie?"

Hearing a loud growl with a deep rumble following behind it I let out a sigh which Rosalee grew quiet knowing what the answer was. A set of quick footsteps came from behind us causing both Rosalee and I to look over our shoulders seeing Monroe who had a frantic look on his face,

Me:"Now what?"
Monroe:"Sy...she blew up then ran out of the shop. What is going on?"
Rosalee:"The Royals have Marie.."
Monroe:"What! We have to go with her we can't let her go alone they will kill her!"

Looking to Rosalee she gave me a reassuring smile indicating she will care for my mother, standing up I looked to Monroe.

Me:"Is Nick gone as well?"
Me:"Well let's go after them."
Monroe:"We do this as wesen."

Juliette's P.O.V

I knew that would get Sylas fired up, but the moment Kenneth walked in with a little girl I instantly knew it was Marie..

Me:"You said you wouldn't take Marie!?"
Vincent:"That's what I told you yes but what I do otherwise is not your concern. You made your choice when you stayed after given the chance to leave. Now are you up for the next task?"
Me:"Which is?"
Vincent:"Convince Nick's mother that he's in trouble and needs her help."
Vincent:"That is none of your concern. Now will you do it or not?"

Standing there thinking carefully, my eyes looked over to Adalind. Seeing her baby bump made me angry so I looked back to Vincent and nodded.

Vincent:"Very good, after that's done you will have a new life waiting for you."
Me:"I'll call when it's done."

Sean's P.O.V

Spotting Sy storming down the street after searching for awhile I quickly pulled over to jump out and run towards her. When I grabbed her I turned her to face me but her eyes...dark as the night and I could feel her anger flow through me,

Me:"Not like this, you need to come with us."
Sylas:"I can't, I need to get Marie back!"
Me:"We fucking will! Now, your coming with me."

Getting Sy into my car I got back into the driver seat then locked the doors.

Me:"You need to listen to me. We will get Marie back but we will do it the right way."
Sylas:"If I get my hands on Vincent I will kill him!"
Me:"No! Shut your mouth and calm down before we get to our destination. Nick will meet us there."

Sylas growled towards me so I gave her a stern look. Turning back around I began driving, this is getting out of control Meisner has his reasons keeping a part of information from her and Nick but now they need to know before Sy loses all of her control. Flashes of the footage crossed my mind but it took everything in me to bury those images once again, stopping outside the building I shut off the car then got out to open the back door. Of course Sy got out with the same mood as earlier, ignoring it for now I walked us inside the building and straight to Meisner. Entering the room I saw Nick was already here and was standing with Meisner.

Meisner:"I'm sorry Sean.."
Me:"Yea, we can't keep this from them any longer. We need to tell them now."
Meisner:"Very well. Your friend stays here."
Me:"No, he comes with us. You can trust Monroe, I do."
Meisner:"Alright, well all of you follow me."


Nobody said a word, the room stayed completely silent. Looking towards Sy I saw her back up then dart out of the room, I went to go after her but Nick stopped me.

Nick:"Don't, give her a moment. Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
Me:"After seeing it myself, how could I? But with Marie in the Royals possession I had no choice with the anger we felt from her."
Nick:"I understand, let me talk to her first."
Me:"Go for it, doubt she'll talk. We'll search for Juliette."

Nick walked out of the room, releasing a sigh Monroe cleared his throat.

Monroe:"We need to work fast or she will go on a legit killing spree. No offense to your bloodline but with some of it flowing through her? I wouldn't want to run into her down a dark alley.."
Me:"Trust me, I wouldn't want that either."
Trubel:"Hey! We got a hit, she's at the Grand hotel third floor room uh..368."
Me:"Thank you."
Trubel:"Uh huh, I'm coming with you. I'm quick enough to get Marie out of there if she's even there and Juliette? That's all you guys."
Meisner:"Ready a team, they will need all the help they can get."
Trubel:"On it!"

Trubel rushed out of the room just as Meisner suited up,

Meisner:"I'd go grab Nick and Sylas."
Me:"Monroe wait here."

Walking out of the room I rushed down the hallway getting into the elevator to head upstairs. Stepping out I was quick to walk out the main door to see Nick talking to Sy,

Me:"Whatever is going on needs to stop, we have to go."
Sylas:"What? Go where?"
Me:"To get our daughter back."
Sylas:"You found her?!"

Both Nick and Sy rushed over to me, I shook my head no but looked at her.

Me:"It's not for certain but she could be there. Juliette is at the Grand hotel which means she's not alone, Meisner and a group of their people will be coming with us. Sy, I know you don't care but we need to save Adalind as well."

Receiving no lip nor argument from her she nodded,

Sylas:"Okay. When do we leave?"

The main door swung open then Meisner stepped out with Monroe, Trubel and a large group of men.

Me:"I'm assuming right now."
Meisner:"We need to go, not sure how long she will stay there let alone what their next play is."
Sylas:"Let's give them something they'll never forget."


Rushing through the hotel I flashed my badge towards the front desk to have them stand down. Making it to the third floor Sy wasted no time darting down the hall to stop in front of a door, catching up to her I stepped aside to let Nick and Sy kick the door down. Walking into the silent room we stepped into the open living area finding Vincent standing there with Marie in front of him,

Me:"Marie! Are you okay sweetheart?"
Vincent:"Hush child! Glad I have all of you here, how's your mother?"
Me:"She isn't your concern! Give us our daughter or I'll let Sylas rip you apart."

Vincent laughed loudly like he was amused,

Vincent:"Sylas could try but, I have someone who would like to get their hands on her first."
Me:"That would be?"

Looking towards the door behind him I saw it open only for Kenneth to step out of the room.

Kenneth:"It's been awhile Sean, hope your mother is well."
Me:"I should have known that was your doing! You want your hands on Sylas so badly, fine. Sy their all yours."

Sy shoved her way through Meisner's men to step between Nick and Monroe to stand beside me,

Sylas:"Are you sure about this? It may get bloody."
Me:"Do your worst."

I noticed Trubel snuck her way around the room to be closer to Vincent. I assume Sy saw her too since her anger rose, stepping back a few steps I watched as Vincent flew across the room giving Trubel access to Marie, moving my focus to Kenneth I saw he was heading for Sy so I moved towards them to be stunned by him being tossed backwards into the door he had came out of, looking to Sy she was just as stunned as I was which only means that was Marie's doing. The both of us looked towards our daughter, her eyes were a bright purple then became normal again.

Me:"Get her out of here!"

Trubel picked Marie up then scurried out of the room.

Vincent:"You may have gotten her back, not for long. Another will die, time is being wasted."

Sy stormed across the room then grabbed Vincent by his shirt yanking him up to his feet then slammed him against the wall,

Sylas:"Where is she!?"

She snarled deeply towards him which only made him grin,

Vincent:"Home. Waiting for our guest of honor."
Sylas:"Who is she waiting for!"
Vincent:"Why don't you go find out."
Sylas:"I want you to tell me!!"
Vincent:"It's a surprise, besides you may want to go check on your friend."

Looking around the room I noticed Kenneth was gone,

Me:"Kenneth got away! Sy end it and let's go."

With one forceful punch Sy stopped his heart then released his shirt to let his body slide down the wall. Having them follow behind me we made to near the elevator to find Trubel laying on the floor, Meisner rushed to her aid as the rest of us wasted no time to reach Nick's house.


Getting out of the car quickly we all ran inside his house to find it a mess, with all of us searching inside for Juliette there was no sign of her. Making my way down the stairs I saw Monroe staring at something with Sy,


Nick walked into the room seeing them staring towards the corner of the living room. Moving mear Nick I saw there was a box that sat near the corner of the room with blood underneath it, Nick walked over to the box then knelt down to open it. When he did he was quick to shove himself back, the look on his face told me it was nothing good then he started yelling 'no' over and over again which made Sy move towards the box. Coming up behind her she swung around with tears in her eyes then clung onto me, looking down I now see why both of them are the way they are. It was there mother Kelly's head inside the box,

Monroe:"Oh my..."

Getting Nick and Sy out of the house was a struggle, but I understand how their feeling, this time my family has gone way too far!

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