Book 4: Arcane [Thor]

By Animemadness101

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The destruction of Asgard plagues Thor's thoughts, while the god continued to search the Nine Realms for answ... More

Welcome Back!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Book 4: Final Chapter
Author's Note
Book 5 Now Published!

Chapter 28

80 5 7
By Animemadness101

As Thor waited for Hela's arrival, he took note of how it felt sitting on the throne. It was almost foreign. This had been the spot for his father to rule over Asgard. A position the prince had once wanted with every fiber of his being. In the end, after many trials and tribulations, he had made the decision to not take his father's place. For his own personal reasons. He wasn't ready. But now the god had no choice but to challenge the queen.

Her shadow spilled into the room. The crown of antlers fell away into long strands of dark hair as the woman came to stand a few feet from the dais. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of the Asgardian. He gave a forced smile in return.

"Sister," he greeted.

"You're still alive," she mused.

What an unfortunate miscalculation. Not that his presence here and now mattered. She'd still claim the throne in the end.

"I love what you've done with the place," he nodded at the ceiling. "Redecorating, I see."

"It seems our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up."

"Or cast it out." Those words seemed to strike a chord in her. "He told you, you were worthy. He said the same thing to me."

"You see. You never knew him. Not at his best. Odin and I drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears. Where do you think all this gold came from? And then, one day, he decided to become a benevolent king. To foster peace, to protect life... to have you."

"I understand why you're angry. And you are my sister, and technically have the claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be you. You're just..." he sighed and gave a shrug, "the worst."

"Okay, get up." Clearly done with entertaining him. She raked the hair back for it to take on her helmet once more. "You're in my seat."

Thor stood to walk down the stairs, Gungnir still in his grasp.

"You know, Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war." He stopped at the bottom.

"But must always be ready for it."

The siblings charged one another, lunging through the air to clash head on.


The people of Asgard finally made it to the Rainbow Bridge. Heimdall took up the front to lead them across, eyes carefully watching their surroundings. A fog had settled in over the water and made it hard to see far in the distance to the naked eye. The former gatekeeper stopped, the others halting too. A noise came from the fog further head, his eyes squinting. A break in the mist allowed the Asgardians to see what had made it. But Heimdall knew a second before they did what stood between them and the Bifrost. Dread filled him. Fenris stood guard and a low growl resonated from the chest at the sight of the group.

"Go back!" Heimdall shouted.

The crowd began to scream and shout in fear. They ordered those behind them to run for solid ground, trying not to push back too hard so to not force anyone to fall over the edge. Fenris charged.

"Go back, now!"

Gunfire rained down on the animal. It halted its approach, body shaking from the bullets that ricochet off its skin. Bruce swung the airship low out of the clouds, Brunnhilde at the gun she'd strapped to the hold. She wore the armor of the Valkyrie, proud to be wearing it again. They managed to slow the animal's attack, but now the people of Asgard found another problem in their retreat. Skurge blocked their path to the mainland with an army of the undead soldiers at his back.

"Heimdall!" the executioner shouted. It gained the attention of the former gatekeeper. "The sword!"

Those that faced Hela's forces held their weapons tightly at the ready to defend themselves and those they loved. Even the women. When none of them stood down, when Heimdall didn't offer up the sword, the undead snarled and began their advance.


Thor managed to slice into Hela's chest a handful of times with Gungnir. Only they caused her no pain, merely forced the woman back a bit. In drawing her power from Asgard, her wounds healed in an instant. The goddess caught the spear and threw it backwards. When the bladed edge cracked against the ground, sparks flew. Gungnir swung under to catch the goddess in a blind spot. However, Hela caught the weapon between crossed arms, flipping it to the side as the siblings locked up once more at close range.

"To be honest, I expected more," Hela taunted.

Twisting the spear, the movement took Thor with it. He lost his grip on the weapon. It flew through the air, while he went crashing to the marble floor. Hard.

Hela lunged forward and caught the god around the neck. His back slammed up against a pillar, hand coming up to grip her wrist in an attempt to rip it off and free himself.

"Here's the difference between us," Hela sneered. "I'm Odin's firstborn, the rightful heir, the savior of Asgard." She lifted him a bit higher, which in turn made it even more difficult for him to breath. "And you're nothing."

She savagely threw him to the ground, back sliding against the tiles and ripping them up in his wake. Thor recovered quickly as the siblings began to throw punches in hand-to-hand combat. Hela's hand sliced up, a necrosword coming into her grasp. It barely missed his head when the prince jerked away. She quickly countered it with a slice towards his abdomen, which Thor was not fortunate enough to avoid. He grunted, clutching the wound and staggering a bit to a bent knee.

"So simple, even a blind man can see it," she stated.

Hela swiped the necrosword across his face, cutting out the eye in the process. The prince howled in pain and agony.

"Oh," she grimaced, "now you remind me of Dad."


The Asgardians tried to hold the line on the bridge, as Valkyrie continued her assault on the wolf with little to no effect. While the bullets may have slowed it down from time to time, it continued to gain ground. Heimdall removed his cloak in preparation to face off against Fenris.

"This stupid dog won't die!" Brunnhilde shouted in frustration.

Bruce sat in the cockpit conflicted. He said that he didn't want to get involved in this fight. Didn't want to risk giving Hulk the reigns. He was afraid of losing himself again. However... innocent people were in danger. Without any other assistance, no one was a match for the wolf except Hulk.

The man put the ship on autopilot and stood from his seat to approach Brunnhilde at the gun.

"Everything's gonna be all right now," he reassured. "I got this."

The woman didn't understand what he was saying. She knew he was a mortal like Anya, but he had yet to display any fighting capabilities. Bruce drew closer to the edge of the ship to judge how far of a drop he had ahead.

"You wanted to know who I am?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Brunnhilde questioned.

"You'll see!"

Without warning, the scientist performed a flying leap out of the ship in a freefall. His body hit the Rainbow Bridge feet in front of the charging wolf. The animal halted in confusion, muzzle nudging his lifeless form with a sniff. Bruce didn't move. Unconcerned, the wolf stepped over his body with its teeth bared.

Heimdall held his ground, Hofund in his grasp. Fenris lunged, jaw open wide to crush the former gatekeeper. However, the animal suddenly halted. He was dragged back a bit before being lifted off its paws. Hulk had a hold of the wolf by the tail and swung the creature back towards the Bifrost. Hulk roared loudly in an intimidating and threatening manner. Ready to challenge the growling Fenris.

On the ship, Brunnhilde stood gob smacked by the sight. This whole time Bruce had been Hulk. The Grandmaster's champion. She never would've guessed.

Fenris roared and charged at the green giant. The wolf tackled Hulk, the two rolling across the Rainbow Bridge. Both went over the edge seconds later and fell into the water far below.


Hela dragged Thor to a balcony attached to the throne room. This was a fool's mission to challenge for the throne. And she wanted him to witness the fall of Asgard and its people. The prince grunted as she forced him to look at the Rainbow Bridge in the distance where the battle was still being fought. Clearly, without Asgards trained warriors the civilians were struggling, though they fought bravely.

"You see?" Hela questioned. "No one's going anywhere. I'll get that sword, even if I have to kill every single one of them to do it."

The undead soldiers were starting to rip through those few Asgardians that did know how to fight. Some even managed to grab hold of the outer part of The Commodore. They began to claw and slice at the structure, causing a few parts to spark or burst into flames. It began a tailspin as Brunnhilde quickly took up the pilot seat as she tried to control its decent. It came to a crash on the bridge near the Bifrost.

A blade sliced through Heimdall's thigh, forcing him to a kneeling position. Yet the Asgardian swung around Hofund to obliterate his opponent. As three more undead rushed the former gatekeeper, he prepared for the onslaught when multiple blasts fired overhead, eliminating the threat. Footsteps came from behind, causing his head to turn at the new arrivals.

"Hey, man," the Kronan greeted. "I'm Korg. This is Miek. We're gonna jump on that spaceship and get out of here. Wanna come?"

From the clouds emerged a massive ship. One big enough to house everyone safely. On a platform facing them stood Loki. His arms were extended in a grad display, wearing his armor and helmet. Like his statue outside the theater.

"Your savior is here!" Loki announced.

Thor chuckled at the sight of his brother. And he wasn't alone. The contenders from Sakaar began to rush down the ramp once it hit the bridge to join the fight. Angered, Hela ran a sword through her brother's shoulder, making him wince in pain.

"Did you miss me?" Loki questioned as he disembarked. "Everyone, on that ship. Now."

The Asgardians didn't hesitate to rush up the drawbridge to safety. Loki approached the front line where Heimdall stood with Korg and Miek. All handling the new wave of undead soldiers.

"Welcome home," Heimdall greeted. "I saw you coming."

"Of course you did," Loki stated.

Together, they ripped through the ranks. The civilians need as much time as possible to board.

A war cry caused the undead at the end of the bridge that connected to Asgard turned. Anya came charging at their ranks on the back Gyllir with the whole herd of eight-legged horses behind them. The Aether had closed over the extended hand into that of a sword. Like a war leader guiding troops into battle. Hela's army set their sights on the new threat yet they didn't stand a chance. Their hooves crushed the bones under their thundering wave, as Anya slicked through those that were at first fortunate enough to slip between the animals' ranks.

Thor felt nothing but pride as he watched his girlfriend resemble a true Asgardian warrior. Hela's grip tightened on the back of his neck. Annoyed by the constant interruptions. She couldn't understand how any of them survived after she threw them from the Bifrost. Especially the mortal. However, the goddess refused to express that for now Thor's allies had gotten the best of her minions. It would only be a matter of time before the Goddess of Death regained the upper hand.

"It's a valiant effort, but in the end, you never stood a chance," Hela stated.

She threw Thor onto his back against the banister as pairs of short necroswords stuck in an X formation over his arms to keep her brother in place. Hela's grip resumed to hold the god's neck tightly. This time purposely cutting off his oxygen supply to end the prince's existence.

"I'm not a queen or a monster."

As his sight began to grow dark, a vision of his father on the plains of Norway where they said their goodbyes surfaced.

"I'm the Goddess of Death."

Odin drew closer.

"What were you the god of, again?" she taunted in his misery.

Thor found himself kneeling in the grass. Feeling weak and hopeless. He knew fighting against his sister there was a chance that he would not succeed against her strength and power. But to be reduced to this... why wasn't he strong enough? Strong enough to protect his people. How could he be worthy to take up his father's place?

Footsteps made his head raise, finding his father looking upon him.

"Even when you had two eyes, you'd see only half the picture," Odin spoke.

"She's too strong," Thor admitted. "Without my hammer, I can't."

"Are you Thor, the God of Hammers? Hmm? That hammer was to help you control your power, to focus it. It was never your source of strength."

"It's too late, she's already taken Asgard."

"Asgard is not a place. Never was. This could be Asgard," he motioned towards the space around them. "Asgard is where our people stand. Even now, right now, those people need your help."

Odin turned to leave, walking closer to the cliff.

"I'm not as strong as you," Thor stated.

The former king glanced back at his son fondly. "No, you're stronger."

Thor's head bowed. Felt himself being sucked through the void and coming back to the present. Hela was over him. Grip tight on his neck. With the sounds of those fighting on the Rainbow Bridge off in the distance.

"Tell me, brother," Hela ordered. "What were you the god of again?"

Sparks of lightning began to dance around his form as thunder echoed in the surrounding area. Storm clouds began to cluster quickly, which made Hela's head jerk up towards the sky. Suddenly, Thor's eye snapped open to give a great bellow. A massive streak of lightning came crashing down to strike the balcony.

Those on the bridge watched in awe. The sight made Loki smirk in approval and pride that this had been his brother's doing. The power behind the blast stretched across the golden exterior of the palace, thus enhancing the attack further as it splayed out to the buildings nearby. It threw Hela from the balcony. Only to crash into the courtyard far below and leave a crater in her wake.


Chapter Inspiration: Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin


The lightning carried Thor across the gap between the palace and the bridge. The tendrils cracked against the Rainbow Bridge feet in front of Anya. Separating her from the next wave of the undead. She jerked Gyllir to a halt, thus causing the rest of the herd to stop as well.

The moment the prince's feet made contact with the front line of the undead they were either obliterated or blow over the sides in pieces. As the god stood to full height his eye glowed brightly with power, sparks of lightning continuing to dance across the armor. More of Hela's soldiers charged, weapons raised. Thor spun rapidly through the air head on, ripping through a handful before landing on his feet once more. The prince began to punch through the undead. At points, bolts of lightning shot off the knuckles to rip through the armor and bones. Those fortunate to avoid the attacks and attempted to come around to cut down the prince from behind met a terrible end at the hands of the Aether. Anya was watching his back.

Fireworks began to go off in the air at the opposite end of the bridge. Where the Grandmaster's ship crash landed. From the hull, Brunnhilde emerged in her Valkyrie armor and brandishing the Dragonfang. To meet her opponents head on. It gained the attention of Hela's undead soldiers, who were attempting to get at the Asgardian civilians blocked by the former contenders of Sakaar. Meanwhile below the bridge, Hulk continued to duke it out with Fenris in the water.

Loki led the gladiators. Slicing through the enemy with precision and using his helmet as a useful tool to knock them off their feet. Thor and Anya continued to draw closer to the ship. Meaning that the undead army were being reduced to nothing. Skurge noticed the turning of the tide now that there was a worthy opponent to face the queen. Taking one look at the axe in hand, the Asgardian's mind was made up. He dropped the weapon at his feet before collecting up a cloak among the dead bodies. Skurge then disappeared, concealed, into the panicked crowd.

Finally, the princes found themselves side by side. [song ends]

"You're late," Thor said.

"You're missing an eye," Loki pointed out.

A battle cry and swing of the Aether in a downward motion decapitated the final undead soldier. Anya stopped in front of the brothers atop Gyllir.

"Glad you could join us," the young woman commented. Then to Thor, upon noticing the state of him shouted, "Oh my god, your eye! What happened?"

"Not the time, Anya, but I assure you, I am fine," the prince said.

"Ah, right, middle of a fight. Doesn't look life threatening..." She'd let it go for the time being. Her attention turned towards the individual standing next to him. "I didn't expect to see you here, Loki." She figured he wished to stay on Sakaar despite the revolution.

"Plans change," the God of Mischief said. "I didn't realize you had this kind of influence over the palace horses."

"Yes, when you said that you were coming with backup, this isn't what I expected," Thor said.

Yet this surprise wasn't unwelcomed. It had been a great help to give the people of Asgard time to board the ship.

"This isn't over," Brunnhilde stated. She marched past them to take up the front line and look upon Asgard.

A familiar face in the crowd around the large airship from Sakaar drew the young woman's attention.

"Silna!" Anya called ahead.

"Good to see you too, Arcane," the Amphibian greeted.

"What are you doing here?"

"Took your advice to leave Sakaar after leaving our mark. We needed a ship, and Loki seemed to know exactly where to take us. You all know how to make things lively."

There was a rumble behind the young woman. Head turning to find that Hela had arrived and was stalking towards their position.

"It's not yet over. Silna, can you please get all of these horses stowed away on board for now?"

"Yeah, we'll find them a suitable place."

She called over other contenders to help round up the herd. Though Gyllir was hesitant to leave her side once Anya dismounted.

"Go, go," she urged the animal. "I'll be right behind you." The agent rushed to take up position alongside Thor.

"I think we should disband the Revengers," the prince offered.

"Hit her with a lightning blast," Loki said.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing."

"We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board," the Valkyrie said.

"It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now."

"So what do we do?"

"I'm not doing 'Get Help'," Loki stated. Confusing Anya and Brunnhilde.

Thor glanced back at the airship as the last individuals were disappearing inside.

"Asgard's not a place. It's a people." Suddenly, it came to Thor. "Loki, this was never about stopping Ragnarok. This was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur's crown, the vault! It's the only way."

The god quickly caught onto the idea. "Bold move, brother. Even for me."

He rushed back towards the opposite end of the bridge to find a way to slip inside the palace undetected.

"Give me a moment and I can help stall her," Anya offered. The young woman took up her place behind the Asgardians before her figure shimmered until it disappeared.

"Shall we?" Thor questioned Brunnhilde.

"After you," the Valkyrie said.

Thor rushed forward, lightning coursing across his body before lunging towards his sister. The queen threw two sets of necrodaggers at him, which he quickly smashed before landing in front of her. His fists swung, lightning breaking off to cross the distance as Hela dodged. The prince lunged once more and she fell backwards deliberately to the ground in order for him to sail overhead.

Hela was quick to get to her feet again. Brunnhilde charged, slicing Dragonfang in the woman's direction. The queen managed to catch one of her wrists and tossed the Valkyrie harshly across the bridge to a sliding halt.

Thor rushed back into the fold, sword in hand. Coated in lightning, it managed to combat Hela's next attack and gain ground. Once close enough, the lightning encased the queen, lifting her into the air before slamming her back down against the Rainbow Bridge harshly. The prince flipped the sword around to stab it through Hela's gut. Only, the woman managed to avoid the attack and throw two necroswords in response. They clash against Thor's weapon, sending him backwards across the bridge.

Loki managed to bring The Commodore back to life, despite the damage to it. The ship took off into the air at full speed towards the palace in order to execute their plan.

"This is madness," he muttered to himself.

Thor threw Hela into Brunnhilde's path, the two clashing violently to dominate the other.

"Go!" Thor shouted to Heimdall. Who waited at the drawbridge of the ship as the last of the Asgardians and contenders had boarded. "Go now!"

Begrudgingly, the former gatekeeper followed the order. He slipped inside as the walkway began to retract for them to pull away.

Hela managed to throw the Valkyrie and instead set her sights on Thor. He barely had time to dodge a necrospear throw in his direction, only to be caught by another that embedded in his chest. The queen threw him over a shoulder, thus making a clear path to the ship. It hadn't gone far–

Something sliced down across Hela's cheek, drawing blood. The force nearly threw the goddess face first to the Rainbow Bridge, hastily glancing around to determine where that had come from. The wound closed quickly, leaving red in its place. However, another onslaught of attacks came at her unseen to the eye until they made contact. Those on the ship watched Hela stumbling back in awe. Whatever was happening wasn't Thor or Brunnhilde's doing.

Enraged, Hela lashed out with two necroswords. The weapons swung around wildly to hit their mark when one eventually stopped. From out of thin air Anya appeared. Dark matter rippled around her body, coated the skin from the hands all the way up the arms to the chest in a sort of armor. Her hands held the necrosword in place unmoving. The Goddess of Death realized that what she had witnessed in the Bifrost in the return to Asgard hadn't been a trick of the eye. She recognized the power before her and was left stunned by the sight of the Aether working with a host.

"This is impossible," Hela said.

The area around them rippled. No longer did they stand on Asgard, but among the decaying lands of the Dark World. The hot wind of the face, the dry air, it all felt incredibly real. A mortal shouldn't be able to wield this level of power of an Infinity Stone. Not even Odin or her had been successful when they came face to face with the dark matter many millenniums ago.

Those on the airship couldn't believe that Hela remained rooted in place. They could see the two individuals on the bridge, but it appeared as if the goddess was confused. As if they had suddenly become invisible.

"Punch it!" Nusal shouted.

They couldn't waste this opportunity while the woman was preoccupied.

Hela's jaw clenched enraged. This wasn't real. Couldn't be. This illusion of the Aether was clouding her vision. The Asgardians would escape. She needed to break through by any means necessary.

"Release me," Hela hissed.

Anya said nothing, keeping eye contact with the Goddess of Death no matter how frightening she may be. The queen drove a fist into the Rainbow Bridge, cracking the surface.

"Release me!" she shrieked.

From the water below, massive necrospikes emerged in all directions in a rather erratic display. They sliced through the air at every angle in search of their target. Meanwhile, the woman's body seemed to ripple. The surface of her armor began to protrude into sharp spikes and blades. Extending out to stab the mortal. She didn't move an inch despite the oncoming danger. Instead, the Aether manipulated to consume, break, or block the assault. Protecting anything vital. The two sides pushed against one another in a deadlock.

Suddenly, a spike broke through the bottom of the airship. The jagged edges caught on the metal causing it to jerk to a stop. The vessel rocked violently, a few stumbling or falling to the floor. Many screamed in terror at the fact that they were stuck. Hela could sense that she'd caught her prey. A wicked grin spread across her lips. The area between them shattered like glass. It tossed both in opposite directions. The illusion of the Dark World broke in an instant, freeing Hela. The goddess flipped to a crouched position, sliding across the bridge to a halt. While the Aether completely encased the host to protect her from the danger of being run through. A spike had pierced the Rainbow Bridge, nearly running Anya through in the process.

A strong grip caught up the agent as she rolled. Thor stopped her from getting dangerously close to the edge.

"Are you alright?" Thor wondered.

The dark matter pulled away for Anya to see. She was a bit caught off guard, everything having happened so quick.

Remnants of the undead solders that hadn't been completely destroyed came to life again along the bridge. They made their way towards the protruding necrospike in order to reach the Sakaarian ship and infiltrate the defenses.

Hela watched the mortal rather curiously, for the moment ignoring the initial target. If only there was some way for her to harness the power that Anya wielded. If only there was a way to manipulate the young woman to fall under her control. Something caught Hela's attention. A necklace that had revealed itself from where it was tucked into the gladiator uniform the mortal wore. Sudrstjarna. A weapon that belonged to her mother. How on earth had Anya come into possession of this? Was this Odin's doing? The young woman had no idea what power was in her possession. Didn't even seem to know how to use it since it wasn't used against her earlier.

The mortal as a minion – an executioner – was a tempting notion. A role Hela needed to figure out how to acquire once all was said and done. With Anya as a servant, nothing would stop her desire to consume the Nine Realms.


Loki rushed into the armory within the palace, sights set on Surtur's crown up ahead. Collecting it up, he rushed to where the Eternal Flame was located when something caught his eye. The god stared at the Tesseract on display. A choice had to be made quickly as time was limited.


The airship desperately tried to break loose. Those inside near the opening where the spike had entered ran for their lives as the undead soldiers reached the edge.

"Cut them down!" Silna ordered.

Contenders rushed towards the opening to make certain that no harm came to the occupants. However, before they could reach the threat, heavy gunfire broke out. Everyone ducked in response as the undead were cut down and the tip of the spear shattered.

Skurge emerged from the crowd, brandishing two semi-automatic weapons that he had acquired during his time watching over the Bifrost. As more soldiers emerged, he didn't relent his onslaught, thus forcing them back. He removed the cloak that hid his identity, stalking towards the opening.

"For Asgard," he spoke.

The warrior broke into a run, charging the enemy in a hail of gunfire. Finally, the ship managed to break free as Skurge lunged from the hull. He continued to fire upon the undead even upon landing, as more soldiers reanimated to rush his position.

"Hela!" he shouted.

Her attention turned on him. A look of disappointment on her features at his choice to betray her. Finally, the clips on the guns ran out. Yet that didn't deter the Asgardian. Headbutting an undead that grew too close, he began to use one of the semi-automatics as a Billy club to crush his opponents. Arms high overhead to swing down on yet another one a necrosword ran through his chest and out the back. The warrior's breath hitched, falling to the Rainbow Bridge in pain and agony. High above him, Skurge watched as the ship began to disappear into the clouds and his vision began to fade.


Loki came to a sliding halt in front of the basin that held what he sought. Firmly planting the crown into the flames, the prince stepped back as it began to catch fire.

"With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn," the god spoke.


Hela stalked down the bridge as Brunnhilde struggled to drag herself to the Dragonfang out of reach. The breath had been knocked from her lungs, while Thor helped Anya stand. The queen's eyes were set on the transport that had not yet cleared the realm. She caught sight of Heimdall in the possession of Hofund on the bridge. There was still time before it was out of reach.

"Hela, enough!" Thor shouted.

She grinned maliciously at her brother in triumph. Foolish he was to get back up and try his hand again. Hadn't he learned his lesson by now?

"You want Asgard, it's yours."

Her head cocked at the comment. "Whatever game you're playing, it won't work," Hela said. "You can't defeat me."

"No, I know," the price admitted.

Suddenly, the gold exterior of the palace behind them began to bubble and boil as lava spilled from the openings.

"But he can."

Surtur burst forth from the palace, destroying it in his wake. He was ten times the size of when Thor encountered him on his home planet. No longer looking frail or injured. He bellowed loudly for he had found himself on Asgard to carry out his duty to end it. Just as he always wanted.

Hela appeared horrified by the sight. Actually, expressing fear. "No!" she shouted.

Before the queen could rush off to confront a new threat, Brunnhilde lunged from behind. The force of impact drove the Dragonfang through Hela's back to the ground where the queen became effectively pinned in place. The Valkyrie retreated in order to give Thor room. He lunged high into the air to conjure a lightning strike before casting it down upon his sister. The tendrils of lightning sparked against the surface, thus shattering it and plunging Hela into the watery depths below.

"Tremble before me, Asgard!" Surtur's voice boomed. "I am your reckoning!"

Those from the ship watched in sadness and horror as their home world was destroyed piece by piece when the fire demon's sword cut through their city.

"The people are safe," Brunnhilde said. "That's all that matter."

"We're fulfilling the prophecy," Thor agreed.

They watched as Surtur continued his reign of destruction upon Asgard. Unaware that no one occupied the city any longer.

"I hate this prophecy."

"So do I, but we have no choice. Surtur destroys Asgard, he destroys Hela, so that our people may live. But we need to let him finish the job, otherwise–"

Something lunged through the air in Surtur's direction. A familiar figure that made Thor's eyes widen.


Brunnhilde and Anya's attention followed his line of sight to see what caused this reaction.

Hulk, in his victory against Fenris, managed to climb his way back onto the Rainbow Bridge. And at the sight of a new and greater foe, the green giant lunged to combat them. His fists were raised high overhead, aiming for the fire demon's face. Surtur roared back at the Hulk, only for his head to snap in the opposite direction when the green opponent landed an effective hit to the crown.

"Hulk, stop, you moron!" Thor shouted.

Hulk had a grip on the horn of the crown, punching away at the base and causing cracks in the formation. Surtur stood to full height once more, annoy by this insect that dare interrupt him. A hand reached up to grab the brute's leg before throwing him like a ragdoll through the air. He hit the Rainbow Bridge and came to a rolling halt.

"Hulk, stop!" Thor ordered. "Just for once in your life, don't smash!"

He managed to stand, shaking his head to clear it. The green giant glanced between Thor and Surtur, and reasoned with,

"Big monster," as to the sudden attack.

"Let's go!" Brunnhilde ordered.

Thor wrapped an arm around Anya to make sure he had a secure hold on her. Hulk growled and huffed, yet turned his back and stomped towards them like a child pouting.


He rushed them, gaining speed as he went. The Hulk collected up his teammates before lunging high into the air, clearing the gap between them and the ship. All of them landed in the opening to the hull.

In the distance, Surtur swung his sword, cutting through the mountains and lighting them on fire as well in the process. A massive spike emerged from the water to fly through the air. It impaled the fire demon's chest, causing him to stumble. From the dark water, Hela emerged on a necrostructure made of green and black, drawing her closer to the enemy. Her arms moved to toss more and more necrospikes at Surtur. To kill him before the fire demon enacted his final plan. To stop Ragnarok.

"I am Asgard's doom!" Surtur roared.

He flipped the blazing sword around so the tip faced the ground. Hela's eyes widened in horror. The fire demon wouldn't fall. Wouldn't be pinned down. The large weapon came down with force on the goddess's position. Effectively ending Hela's life, but also embedding deep into the roots of Asgard.

As the airship continued to leave the blazing Asgard behind them, those inside watched sadly from the back window. The home world... ruined. Everything they had known... uprooted. But they were alive, which made this all a bittersweet moment. The Commodore pulled up alongside the ship. Loki emerged, unharmed, and joined the others to watch out the window at the destruction they had caused to fulfill the prophecy. To stop Hela at all costs.

"The damage is not too bad," Korg offered. "As long as the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven for all peoples and aliens of the universe."

Surtur twisted the sword and in an instant Asgard exploded. Obliterating it and the fire demon from existence. Leaving nothing but pieces behind as it floated through the cosmos.

"Now those foundations are gone. Sorry..."

"What have I done?" Thor breathed.

"You have saved us from extinction," Heimdall said. "Asgard is not a place, it's a people."

He was right and the god nodded in understanding.

Finally, there was a moment to breathe. As everyone collected themselves and began to tend to the wounded, Anya's eyes scanned the room. There were some individuals that she had not seen since their return to Asgard. Individuals she expected to fight alongside to stop Hela. Yet they weren't there.

"Where are Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, and Sif?" Anya wondered.

Yes, Thor was curious about that too. His friends would've never allowed Hela to take the throne willingly. And if anything, they would be alongside the former gatekeeper protecting the people of Asgard. The look in Heimdall's eyes made Anya heart drop into the pit of her stomach.

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