Magix Ultra

Por inky2556

7.1K 241 110

A mysterious ultrawoman crash lands in the Land of Light and wakes up with no memory of who she is or where s... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Notice of Hiatus
Chapter 25
Side story #1 Pt1
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 12

202 6 2
Por inky2556

Warning: Young Justice & Justice League salt and bashing up ahead. Don't read it if you don't like stuff like that.

Heads up: I might/will rewrite the prologue chapter since recent chapters so far contradict it. So for you guys who already read the original prologue in the beginning, be sure to read the rewritten one just so ya don't feel confused~

Chiara felt herself drift in and out of reality. She could see and hear her ultra friends. They stood around her as they worriedly called out to her. But then she would find herself back at...the cave with her old team. She was invisible to them. When she was seen, it would always be to question her, criticize her or looking at her warily.

She didn't know which was which. Were the ultras a dream? A figment of her imagination to escape her pain? Would she wake up and find herself face to face with the so called heroes again? Or were the team a nightmare? Bitter memories never seizing to stop playing in her mind.

Which was real? The nightmare or dream?

Chiara desperately wished for the latter.

At the moment, she found herself kneeling with her hands gripping her head in misery. Infront of her was the famed black haired sorceress supreme, the woman who's had it out for her for who knows what. She always had a look of contempt whenever she crossed paths with Chiara.

Encircling the fairy of light were the rest of the earth's heroes. She could feel their hostile, distrusting eyes piercing into her.

"Power like that is wasted on a fairy like you..."

"According to Dr.Fate, the magic she has is ancient and powerful. If she becomes a threat one day..."

"Listen, you're just over reacting..."

"We need a contingency plan if she..."

Stop it! Please stop it! What did I ever do to you people?! I just wanted to help. I never wanted to hurt anyone. Why do the lot of you always assume the worse? I tried my best but the more power I showed the more you hated me, the more you wanted to lock me up! You only decided to listen to me when your two grand magic users were useless against that thing...

It took me sacrificing myself for you all to treat me like an ally instead of a ticking time bomb. And now... my blood is on your hands.

I should've never trusted you. If only I had the Winx by my side. Then I wouldn't be alone or a doormat.

But like an idiot I held on to the hope that it was just all a misunderstanding and if you had just given me a chance, I could prove that I wasn't a danger, that I could be trusted. In the end, no matter what I did or said, what awaits is a cell and meta jamming cuffs if I made one wrong move.

While Chiara was spiralling in the thoughts and regrets she suffered, a warm and comforting touch was felt on her forehead. The black floor beneath her turned white. All the figures around her began shattering away into dust.

"Chiara, Chiara listen to me." A familiar motherly voice echoed.

"Whatever you see there isn't real. Follow my voice Chiara. I promise nobody will hurt you here. In fact, everyone is waiting for you..." said the voice. Then another chimed in,

"That's right, we're all here for you. Come back to us, Ultrawoman Chiara!" Light pierced through the darkness and shone brightly above her. Slowly, she tilted her head upwards to see the light. It got brighter and brighter until a voice boomed,

"Grigio Cheer Charge!"

Chiara's shot open as she felt a rush of energy coursing through her body. Then she sprung up, but fell back down when she head butted somebody. That somebody being Zero.


"I'm fine! I'm fine..." Zero gave a thumbs up while trying to find his balance and nursing his forehead. Why is it that everytime she wakes up he somehow gets smacked?

Though he didn't care much about that when he saw the fear in her eyes. Just what did she see in there?

"Chiara! Chiara how are you? Are you sick? Do feel hurt anywhere?" Grigio questioned worriedly while grasping her hands.

"A little dizzy but I'll manage." She replied and slowly sat up. When she did, she noticed all the ultras in the room looking at her in concern. Mother of Ultra, the new generation, even Zero who was still rubbing his forehead.

"Lay down Chiara. Whatever you experienced took a great toll on your mind and body. You need rest." Mother of Ultra told her gently.

From there, Marie elaborated that all the negative emotions and the bad memories associated with them got to her which led to her being trapped in her own mind. Or in this case, a nightmare. It was so bad that it effected her physically.

Which is why while Mother of Ultra worked on getting Chiara out of the nightmare, Grigio used her Grigio Cheer Charge to replenish her energy and shock her awake.

After the explanation ended, a tense silence followed. Chiara had her head down while tightly gripping the sheets of the hospital bed.

Her transformation had fallen so she was in her human form with civilian attire. The clothes she wore before coming here.

"You can talk about it or not talk about it if you want. Either way, we're here for you." Orb assured her.

There was hesitation in her eyes before she took a deep shaky and opened up to them...


My home world is Aeros. It's one of the many realms in a place called the Magic Dimension.

In the beginning, everyone thought I was a regular fairy of light. But it was during my thrid year in Alfea,a college for fairies, that I discovered my true power. I'm not just the fairy of light. I'm the fairy of the Dragon's Light. A power that hailed from an ancient and powerful dragon. In me is a spark of its soul, something it left behind when it mysteriously disappeared one day thousands of years ago.

During my time at Alfea, I had a really close group of friends. We called our selves the Winx. Funny thing though, one girl, Bloom, also had a power that came from ancient dragon called the Dragon's Flame.

We went on a lot of adventures, vanquished evil and helped a lot of people and beings along the way. All from our first year in Alfea to after we graduated, our work was never done.

But then came one fateful day. While the rest of the Winx were on a mission, I was given a separate one. There were traces of dark energy that led to a wormhole oozing with evil and darkness near Magix. Using my light, I combated the darkness before it had the chance to wreak havoc. After I succeeded in doing so, my new task was to investigate the caused of the dark energy.

That required me to dive straight into it.

That wormhole led me to earth, but not earth in the Magic Dimension. I wound up in a completely different dimension.

I just so happen to stumble upon the earth's heroes fighting against an evil entity known as Klarion, a Lord of Chaos. What else did I do? Of course I lent them a hand.

The fight didn't last long when I jumped in because Klarion couldn't handle my light. While they were thankful, they were also wary of me. The next thing I knew, I was being interrogated by an organization of heroes known as the Justice League. The people that I helped were their covert team called the Young Justice league.

I told them nothing but the truth. That I meant no harm and was investigating the dark energy that appeared in the magic dimension. They only believed me when one of their mind readers, a female martian, invaded my mind to see my memories.

Although I felt uncomfortable with it, I could understand if she just looked at the moments leading to my arrival in their universe and proof that I'm a good guy like them. But the problem was she tried to go further into my personal thoughts and memories. She couldn't dig any deeper since I mentally kicked her out of my mind.

But apparently, the fact that they couldn't poke around my mind willy nilly was perceived as suspicious and threatening to them. Never mind their teammate who literally tried to invade the privacy of my head for her own satisfaction.

I didn't have any other choice but to join their covert team under the pretence that I would be a big help in crime fighting and while I continue with my mission.

I tried making the most out of the situation and just went with it. Things weren't so bad. Some of them were cool with me while others... weren't.

Turns out Zatanna and Dr.Fate, their magic users, sensed the power I possessed and informed them about it. They said that if it fell into the wrong hands could be catastrophic. So they became more cautious around me.

When I started going on missions with them, the team started trusting me a little more and were nicer than before when I dealt with any magical problem we came across. Still, some of them would be on guard. It was like they expected me to blow up or something.

A little over a month of me being in the team, one of my teammates,a sorceress called Zatanna, started paying more attention to me.

I thought we would both get along because of our usage of magic. I was so wrong on my assumption. She hated me from the get go a I never knew why.

She would always question my capabilities and knowledge in magic. Give passive aggressive remarks about anything and everything about me. It got worse when she went on missions with me in it.

Magical threats had been spiking up. When missions involving magic increased, so were the need for magic users. I thought that at the very least she and I could work together on this. But I was wrong.

For every mission I had a plan, a strategy, I knew what spells to use and how to use them. Yet, she always got in the way. She would interfere in my spell casting, wouldn't help me when I needed her and whatnot.

And everytime I would get blamed. I don't know what I'm doing she said. I can't work with her she said. I always pick a fight she said.

No matter how much I tried to defend myself, even when I had proof, no one bothered to listen.

Fortunately, I was able to establish contact with the Winx thanks to an inter dimensional software programmed into my phone courtesy of my friend Tecna. They wanted to come and help. But there was trouble on their end as well.

Then came the day where the Justice League dropped by. I just came back from scouring a few places where I sensed an evil force. I had finally found the source. And it was worse than I had imagined.

Then the Justice League dropped by before I got back. I was about to warn the team when they barged in and cuffed me with meta jamming cuffs. They said I was a danger. That power like mine was too dangerous to be left alone. All their claims were based of Zatanna's reports. So that was why she hung around me a lot despite hating my guts. She got it in her head that I was dangerous and waited for me to slip up.

They perceived me as a threat when I injured her during a mission. Yes she got hurt. But it was an accident. I told her to get out of the way but she wouldn't. So one of my attacks ended up grazing her leg.

She spun things around and told them that I had no control over my powers and snapped during the mission. That was all they needed to bring me in.

Everyone else just watched me being dragged away. Sure some of them tried to protest but hesitated. They really thought I was a ticking time bomb.

I tried to warn them about what I found. That something big was coming. I even begged to atleast let me show them what it was. But they just thought I was trying to escape.

The Justice League locked me up in a cell that blocked my magic. I was scared of what they would do to me. I was scared I couldn't go back home.

I don't know how long I stayed in there but the next thing I knew, I was being released. They finally decided to believe me when everything was in chaos.

The cause of all was a portal that opened and from it, all kinds of dark creatures came out and wrecked havoc. But whatever was still in there threatened to end the world.

Luckily, I was able to devise a plan to defeat it. But I made the stupid mistake of trusting Zatanna after what she did.

Amidst the spell casting, she grew impatient and tried to do things her way. That in turn destroyed all the progress we made and caused a severe backlash. I took the brunt of it because I knew how painful it could be yet she still blamed me.

I just about had it. I decided to do things on my own. It was hard and it took a lot outta me but it worked. The portal was closing.

I was so close. So close to ending that nightmare.

But Zatanna ruined it again! She said she was trying to help but why?! Why did she want to 'help' when all this time she did the complete opposite! Things were already bad enough, she just made it worse.

Third times the charm they say. But I couldn't close the portal anymore. I had to destroy it. I was able to contain the explosion... at the cost of my own life.

For a moment, I really thought I was dead. But the next thing I knew, I found myself in the Land of Light. As an ultra...


Chiara was in tears when she finished her account of events. She sobbed even harder when Mother of Ultra gently wrapped her arms around her. A soft glow emitted from her hand as she stroked the fairy's back comfortingly. After a few minutes her sobs slowly became bare audible, steady breathing.

She closed her swollen eyes and let her body go limp. Marie then proceeded to gently lay her on the bed and pulled the covers over her.


"It's good to let it all out, but her body still needs time to heal from the physical toll her emotions caused. Speaking of emotions,"

Mother of Ultra delicately pressed the palm of her hand on Chiara's forehead. Just like before, a soft and calming light gleamed from it. Chiara's pained expression slowly relaxed until it looked like she was actually sleeping.

"Hopefully she'll have a peaceful sleep now." She said. Although Chiara looked at ease now,the ultras in the room were anything but.

"I can't believe she went through something like that..."

"No wonder she's always on edge."

"Just how bad was it that it effected her even when she had amnesia."

"How could they treat someone so horribly when they call themselves heroes!"

While they were busy voicing out their thoughts and frustration on the revelation of Chiara's past, one ultra remained unusually quiet and silently slipped out of the room. Mother of Ultra caught a glimpse of his blue mantle before the door closed behind him.

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