The Captain's Wife

By NegansWarrior

22.3K 593 32

I've grown to love the tv show called 'Grimm', my favorite characters are: Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Monr... More

Lunch Visit
Dinner With Sean
What Are You?!
Blubaten Brawls
Blubaten Brawls Prt. 2
Don't Leave Me...
Captain Burkhardt
Solid Ice
Woge? Wesen? What?
The Moment Sean and Sylas Meet
Two Grimms?!
Last Day as Captain
Tribe Hunts
She's Not Me...
She's Not Me... Prt 2
She Striked Again!?
The Start of Destroying The World
For Juliette..
Vienna prt 2
Is This Power Forever?
Seeing Ghosts?
King Fredrick's Return
King Fredrick's Return prt 2
A Prince Is Crowned
Zauberbeist vs Grimm vs Hexenbeist
The Search For Both Burkhardt's
Zombified Burkhardt's
The Little Things
Ending The Royals
What The...
Into The Blackforest We Go..
King of Hell
The New Beginning
Our Family Fights
Take It With You..
Take It With You.. prt 2

Meeting Vincent

244 7 0
By NegansWarrior

Nick hasn't came into work since he found out he was no longer a Grimm anymore. If Trubel didn't choose to stick around to help us I'd be the only Grimm in town. We've been waiting for a few weeks to hear back from Eliza, waiting around isn't going to help him. Seeing Sean walk out of his office with a grave look on his face, he marched over to me leaning down a bit.

Sean:"You and I need to leave."
Sean:"Lunch, someone wants to meet us."

Sean's eyes narrowed which gave me an idea of who, nodding slowly I stood up looking to Hank and Wu.

Me:"Call if yiu think it's Wesen. You two can't go out there alone."
Hank:"I'll call."

With a slight nod I left with Sean.

Nick's P.O.V

Juliette's fingers snapped in front of my face causing me to shake my head then look at her,

Juliette:"Really Nick? You weren't even listening?"

She sighed then leaned against me,

Juliette:"You shouldn't worry, she can handle herself out there."
Me:"I know but she can't do this alone."
Juliette:"I know and we will find a way."
Me:"There probably isn't a way Juls."
Juliette:"Well we won't know that until Eliza gets ahold of Sean."
Me:"If she even does."
Juliette:"You need some sleep you haven't slept since that night."

Sean's P.O.V

Cautiously walking inside the café with Sy, I looked around to see if I could spot Vincent myself. It only took a small moment before spotting him, grabbing her hand Sy walked behind me over to Vincent's table.

Vincent:"If it isn't Sean Renard, please sit down. Oh, I see you brought Sylas with you."

Refusing to sit he gave me a cold glare, sitting down Sy took the seat next to me.

Vincent:"Excellent, now we can begin. Your brother Eric failed, along with my brother and your father. Why is that? Was it because of you? Or her?"
Sylas:"Both of us. I killed your beloved prince Eric."
Vincent:"Tch, that you did. Having someone outside of the family murder a family member... Sean you know what that will bring Sylas? Don't you? Or have you forgotten!?"
Me:"No, I remember and frankly Sylas will tell you nothing."

Vincent looked up from his plate,

Vincent:"Oh indeed she will Sean. You have not been around me in centuries. When I'm finished, there will be nothing left of Sylas. You two know what the hell I came here for, now either you do this the easy way or the hard way will be your choice. I'd choose carefully."
Me:"If we don't give you what you came for? Then what?"
Vincent:"I will kill you both and take your child, there is no one here that can stop me."
Me:"I wouldn't say that."
Vincent:"Really? Why shouldn't I?"

Sylas barely lowered her head looking towards Vincent with a look that could kill.

Sylas:"Whatever you came for you will not get, if you and your weaklings don't leave Portland this instant...heh, well you don't want to know what will happen to the four of you. Crowned Prince or not I could give a shit less what your so called title even means. Here in America? Your title is worthless."

Vincent snarled and leaned over to grab Sy's throat but I was quicker then he was by shoving his hand away.

Me:"Don't you dare. Touch her and you will lose that damn hand."
Vincent:"I'll show her worthless."
Sylas:"Go for it, you won't succeed. Especially with my panic button, one wrong move and this place will be crawling with cops. Care to behave now?"
Vincent:"Cops are useless-"
Me:"Not ours."
Vincent:"I wasn't fucking finished Sean! Yea I know about your 'cops', they don't faze me."
Me:"If it doesn't faze you then why don't you try to push her buttons?"
Vincent:"No. It's not the right time for that, you two must think I'm dumb! There's something about her I can't figure out but it's worth the torture."
Me:"You are not fast enough to lay a hand on her. Come on Sy, we're leaving. If you follow us you will regret what is coming to you."
Sylas:"Ta ta prince of the shitheads."

Sy and I stood up walking out of the café, I could feel her rage as we got into the car.

Me:"You need to keep that locked up for now. He's smart, he won't make a move right away. I can tell he's different from Viktor."
Sylas:"Does this mean I get the kill shot this time?"

Smirking lightly I glanced towards Vincent as I pulled away from the café,

Me:"Sure why not."
Sylas:"Have you heard from your mom?"
Me:"You mean mother? And no, I have an idea to grab her attention."

Feeling a hand on my arm I glanced over at Sy seeing she had a stern look on her face so I looked back at the road.

Sylas:"Don't do that, she will be furious."
Me:"At first, maybe. This can be overlooked by her due to my reason."
Sylas:"At least try to call her before doing that."
Me:"I'll give it some thought, you need to have Nick come to the precinct."
Sylas:"Yea that's like trying to get a turtle to walk faster. Nick is fucking depressed and won't leave the house for nothing."
Me:"Fine, his house it is."


I stood there looking between Nick and Sylas who told Juliette everything about Adalind's goal. She was furious at first but eventually understood why it was kept a secret.

Juliette:"Nick thinks there isn't a way to fix this."
Me:"It's possible but don't shoot the thought so soon."
Sylas:"On our way here we both tried calling Eliza but still nothing."
Juliette:"Is there another way?!"
Me:"There is, she may be angry at first so nobody walk towards her."
Juliette:"Walk towards her? How she's not even here Sean."

Sighing lowly I closed my eyes then caused myself to become overwhelmed, a small flutter appeared so I opened my eyes seeing my mother looking at me and boy was she angry.

Me:"Before you yell at me this is important."

Sy slowly stepped around so she can see my mother's face,

Sylas:"I didn't want him to do it but it was our last option. We need your help, we found out what Adalind's goal was."
Eliza:"Tell me."
Sylas:"She slept with Nick to take his powers away, Nick isn't a Grimm anymore. We need to know if there is a way to fix it?"

My mother looked down in thought but soon looked back up,

Eliza:"There is. But it's something neither of them will like."
Eliza:"I can make the potion but the rest is up to you and Juliette. In order to regain your powers Nick, Juliette has to change into Adalind and sleep with you."
Sylas:"Whoa, don't you think that's a little insane?"
Eliza:"It will be hard but that is the only way to be a Grimm again."
Juliette:"What? Nick I thought you wanted it back?"
Nick:"Not like that, hell no."
Eliza:"Since Sean has summoned me here, I will stay a few days and if your answer is still no I will leave."
Sylas:"Yea..the few days thing isn't going to work.."

My mother glared at me then looked to Sy,

Eliza:"What has he done my dear?"
Sylas:"Sean? No no he did nothing I promise, it's the problem him and I have."
Nick:"Problem? What problem Sy?"
Sylas:"Sean we're going to need Monroe, Rosalee and Wu here. You and Juliette need to make a decision, I'm sorry.."

Juliette looked into Sy's eyes, her expression confirms she understood Sy was serious but also sincere.

Nick:"I called them so they should be here shortly."
Juliette:"How long will it take to get the potion ready?"
Nick:"I can't do that Juliette."
Sylas:"Nick you'll have to."
Nick:"How serious is your problem?"
Me:"Very serious, if you don't you'll be killed quicker then the rest of us."

Nick stared at me so I narrowed my eyes causing him to nod.

Eliza:"Maybe an hour, it should be ready."
Nick:"Okay, I guess go ahead and get it started."
Eliza:"Very well, Sy would you like to help me?"
Sylas:"Actually I would."

Seeing Sy smile made me smile, great now that her new power isn't going anywhere, my mother seems to think teaching her spells is a great idea? Catching both Nick and Juliette's attention I had them follow me towards the kitchen, as soon as I leaned up against the counter their front door opened. In walked Monroe, Rosalee with Marie, Wu and Hank. All of them walked into the kitchen then Rosalee handed me Marie who I smiled down at as I held her close. Looking up towards the others they were all looking at me.

Hank:"Nick said it was important?"
Me:"It is. Sy and I met with Vincent today."
Me:"Yea. It wasn't pleasant, I believe we have the six keys and he wants them. He'll kill anyone who gets in his way, even threaten to kill Sy and I before he takes Marie."
Juliette:"She isn't going anywhere."
Me:"She is, that is part of the reason why I summoned my mother. To help you and Nick then take Marie."

Seeing them look amongst each other, Hank looked to me.

Hank:"Where is Sy?"
Me:"In the living room with my mother getting the potion ready for Juliette."
Rosalee:"Potion for what?"
Juliette:"In order for Nick to become a Grimm again I have to turn into Adalind and sleep with him.."
Nick:"Yea it's not pleasant but it has to be done to take Vincent down."
Me:"Look guys, if Nick doesn't become a Grimm again our odds against Vincent will be very slim. If there was another way I'd offer it but there isn't."
Juliette:"I know, it's not your fault it's all Adalind's."

Footsteps approached the kitchen causing us to look towards the doorway seeing Sy walk in. When she noticed Marie in my arms she was quick to rush over to me then take Marie,

Me:"Is it ready?"
Sylas:"It is."
Me:"Good, will you be ready?"

She looked up from Marie then gave me a serious look.

Sylas:"It's the only way."
Rosalee:"She'll be able to come back home soon."
Sylas:"I know, until then she's safer away from Portland."
Me:"Let's move to the living room."

All of us made our way into the living room. My mother placed the hat over the pot then looked up,

Eliza:"Just a minute wait. Are you two ready?"
Nick:"Ready as we'll ever be."

With that said the hat was standing up straight causing my mother to move Juliette in front of it,

Eliza:"Only three inhales no more unless yiu want it to be permanent."
Juliette:"Hell no."

Juliette soon did three inhales then took a step back looking at us,

Sylas:"You still look the same."
Eliza:"Give it a moment."

Right before our eyes Juliette transformed into Adalind which Sy went to attack but I was quick to place my arm in front of her.

Me:"Don't, it's just Juliette."
Juliette:"I take it, it worked?"
Eliza:"Okay we need to leave to let them have some space."
Me:"Before we leave, mother you need to take Marie with you."
Eliza:"It's time?"

I slowly nodded, my mother looked to Sy who was hesitant to hand Marie over to her but once she did Sy stared hard at my mother.

Sylas:"Remember your word."
Eliza:"I haven't forgotten. You will see her again."
Sylas:"Thank you."

With a quick flash my mother and Marie were gone. A piece of me broke knowing it will be awhile before seeing our daughter again but it's for the best. Clearing my throat I looked up,

Me:"Okay we need to go."
Nick:"I'll call when it's done."


Sy and I remained in our living room, I could tell she was missing Marie already so I did what I thought was right and wrapped my arms around her.

Me:"Don't be sad, we'll get her back."
Sylas:"I know we will it just hurts.."
Me:"I know..come on let's try to get some sleep before Nick calls."

Walking towards the stairs the front door was kicked in and multiple people rushed inside. I pushed Sy up the stairs staying close behind her as we made it into our bedroom, shutting the door I looked to her.

Me:"Keep your guard up."

Both of us looked towards the door as I backed up to stand in front of the crib. Our bedroom door was caved in to reveal Vincent standing there with a few others.

Vincent:"I told you I'll get what I came for."

Sy took me by surprise when she stood in front of me with her fists raised.

Sylas:"You won't get far."

Vincent smirked then flung Sy into the wall to my left by raising his hand, what the hell?! Glaring at him I woged then rushed towards him to come tumbling down the staircase with Vincent. My back smacked the floor causing me to gasp then slowly get back to my feet, Vincent was already up on his feet when one of his men leaned over the railing,

Male:"Boss, the kid isn't here."

Releasing a cold chuckle I stared towards Vincent who was furious,

Vincent:"Where is she?!!"
Me:"You'll never find her."
Vincent:"You bastard!!"

Grinning sinisterly I tackled Vincent onto the floor wailing on him, I was forcefully shoved off Vincent to look up meeting a gaze from Sy who had blood running down the side of her face. Seeing that made me angry, how dare he cause my wife harm!! Forcing myself up I shoved Sy behind me as Vincent got back on his feet, snarling towards him he smirked and back up towards what was left of the front door only for his men to follow him,

Vincent:"This isn't over, until we meet again."

In an instant all of them disappeared, I swung around checking on Sy when she looked me in the eyes. Her looked terrified me, she was very angry.

Me:"Are you okay?"
Sylas:"He wants to spill my blood, fine he'll get what's coming to him."
Me:"Yes he will, but we do this together."
Sylas:"No promises."
Me:"I know, let's get you cleaned up darling."

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