The Captain's Wife

By NegansWarrior

22.8K 593 32

I've grown to love the tv show called 'Grimm', my favorite characters are: Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Monr... More

Lunch Visit
Dinner With Sean
What Are You?!
Blubaten Brawls
Blubaten Brawls Prt. 2
Don't Leave Me...
Captain Burkhardt
Solid Ice
Woge? Wesen? What?
The Moment Sean and Sylas Meet
Two Grimms?!
Last Day as Captain
Tribe Hunts
She's Not Me...
She's Not Me... Prt 2
She Striked Again!?
The Start of Destroying The World
For Juliette..
Vienna prt 2
Is This Power Forever?
Seeing Ghosts?
King Fredrick's Return
King Fredrick's Return prt 2
A Prince Is Crowned
Zauberbeist vs Grimm vs Hexenbeist
Meeting Vincent
The Search For Both Burkhardt's
Zombified Burkhardt's
The Little Things
Ending The Royals
What The...
Into The Blackforest We Go..
King of Hell
The New Beginning
Our Family Fights
Take It With You..
Take It With You.. prt 2


262 6 0
By NegansWarrior

Waking up to loud talking I got out of bed to rush downstairs finding Sean and Nick in the living room with Juliette and a sobbing Rosalee. Running into the living room I looked to Rosalee then to Sean who had a distraught look on his face,

Me:"What is going on?"
Sean:"Someone took Monroe, he went outside and Roslee went to check on him and he was gone. All was left was a note."
Me:"What note?"
Nick:"This one."

Looking to Nick I saw he was holding up a piece of paper which I took then looked down at, I noticed a symbol and looked to Nick right away.

Me:"This symbol, I've seen it before."
Me:"The trailer, it was something about some weird cult that lives by the old Wesen days."

Rosalee stood up looking at me,

Rosalee:"I-I heard about them when I was a kid but I didn't think they even existed anymore. I should have known."
Juliette:"What is this all about? Why did they take Monroe?"
Sean:"This is something bigger than our usual days, if they believe in the old ways, they took Monroe because him and Rosalee are married. With them being married, the people who sees the old ways still sees that as breaking a wesen law."
Me:"That's not for them to decide, things are different now."
Sean:"Indeed it is but that's how they see things and there is no changing their minds, if we are dealing with Wesenrein then we need to work fast."
Rosalee:"Work fast? What aren't you telling me?"

I blocked Rosalee from getting up in Sean's face,

Me:"Meaning we only have hours before the trial is over and knowing them it won't end well for Monroe. You and Juliette stay here, and you two don't leave without me.

Going back upstairs to the bedroom I quickly changed into a tank top and light blue skinny jeans, shoving my feet into my boots I rushed back down the stairs to meet both Sean and Nick who was already waiting by the door, as I went to head back into the living room Sean stopped me by grabbing my arm.

Sean:"She'll be fine, we need to find Monroe."
Me:"Your right."


While rushing around one another adding clues to the board something didn't add up, looking to Nick he noticed my glance.

Me:"Something feels missing, do we happen to have a copy of Monroe's and Rosalee's guest list for the wedding? And why do it now they've been married for awhile."
Sean:"I'm sure there's others waiting before Monroe has his turn. Like you said earlier, Wesenrein doesn't always get to the point, some of them get a fair trial as long as they don't try anything stupid."

Nick and I looked to one another, Monroe won't go down so easily and that doesn't give us much time.

Me:"Yea I get that but, remember when you got ahold of Bud? Nick, he said someone at their wedding is the one who got the word out to the others. We need that guest list."
Sean:"Well, it's worth a try. Does anyone happen to have a copy?"

Nick and I looked towards the large doorway to see Trubel walking in with Bud,

Me:"Well, mention Bud and shall he come."
Bud:"You were talking about me? What did I do? I didn't say anything to anyone I promise."

With Bud getting emotional he began to woge which caused me to stand up and stare at him, soon he was back to normal looking down.

Me:"Stop worrying, it was nothing bad just remembered something you said about the wedding."
Trubel:"Makes four of us then, glad we found Juliette. We got a copy of the guest list and Bud knows most of the people there."
Nick:"Fantastic! Tell us who you know Bud."
Sean:"Not here. My office."

Once we were all inside Sean's office Bud began explaining most of the people off the guest list. My attention went towards the window seeing one of the officers staring at us. I looked to Sean seeing he was already looking towards the window, moving closer to Sean I lowly spoke.

Me:"You saw that?"
Sean:"I did. Wonder why he's watching?"
Me:"Not sure, could be curious?"
Sean:"Possibly, I'll keep my eye on him."
Trubel:"But the thing is, Bud and I went to Shaws house and we found a weird mask that could possibly be Wesenrein related."
Sean:"What did it look like?"

Trubel reached into her pocket to pull out a mask, Sean and I moved closer to get a better look and when I saw the mask Sean and I instantly looked to one another.

Sean:"We need to find out where they're holding Monroe, could possibly be others."
Trubel:"Yea okay, Bud and I will get on that."
Sean:"You two do that, Sy and I will go check with Harold's boss. Hank and Nick see what else you can find, Wu? Keep an eye on officer Acker's."


Sean and I walked into mechanic shop to speak with Harold's boss. After finding him Sean began questioning about Harold while I kept my eyes on our surroundings.

Sean:"So he hasn't showed up for work today? You don't find that odd?"
Boss:"No sir, I've tried calling but goes to voicemail each time."
Me:"Thank you for your time."

He nodded and walked away, Sean turned towards me with a look of annoyance.

Me:"He has nothing to tell us captain. Besides I saw someone watching us but he disappeared."
Sean:"Get a good look at him?"
Me:"I did."
Sean:"Shall we head back?"

I nodded then made my way towards the car, after Sean and I got in he looked to me.

Sean:"I can sense your worry, we will find him."
Me:"Before or after his last breath?"

The car ride was silent all I can think about was how upset Rosalee was, looking up I noticed we had pulled into the parking garage of the precinct. Getting out to meet Sean on his side I saw he wasn't there but the driver door was wide open,

Me:"Sean this isn't funny!"

Huffing softly I walked around to the front of the car seeing nobody was there,


Moving towards the passenger side I slowly knelt down to look under the car seeing Sean wasn't there either. Standing up taking one last look around it slowly hit me, no! Rushing back over to the driver side I reached in removing the keys from the ignition before shutting the door to run upstairs, barging through the double doors I flew down the hallway crashing into officer Acker's, papers flew all around us then soon heard both Nick and Hank's voices,

Hank:"What the hell guys?"
Me:"Sorry! We need to talk like right now."

Nick saw the look in my eyes then pulled me up to my feet to head towards Sean's office. Hank shut the door looking at me like I was crazy,

Hank:"What was that all about?"
Me:"Nothing he was in my way, they now don't only have Monroe but I think they have Sean as well."
Nick:"What? How and when?!"
Me:"I'm not sure how but after we pulled into the garage, I got out went to his side of the car and he was gone with the door wide open. I thought he was messing with me but I looked everywhere Sean isn't here."

The door to Sean's office swung open with Trubel walking in without Bud,

Trubel:"They got Bud."
Nick:"That's fucking great, how?"
Trubel:"There were three of them one must have got a jump on me since I woke up on the ground and Bud was gone."
Hank:"We need to work fast, it's just us now."
Trubel:"Just us? Where's your captain?"

The three of us looked at one another before looking to Trubel who had a worried look on her face,

Trubel:"Did I miss something?"
Hank:"They have our captain as well, happened before you got here."
Trubel:"No, this is bad. We have a possible lead but in not sure, somebody with the last name Acker was on the list, that's who told about the wedding. We was coming here and that's when we got attacked."
Me:"The first name wouldn't happen to be Jesse, was it?"
Trubel:"Yea how'd you know?"
Me:"You and Hank need to get him to talk if I do it he won't have another chance to breathe."
Nick:"Okay stay here."

Sean's P.O.V

The bag was pulled off my head revealing I was standing in the middle of the woods surrounded by people wearing robes and mask, obviously I know where I'm at. Looking to my right I saw Monroe who looked surprised to see me, huffing defeatedly I looked towards the small stage that held seven people sitting down. The one dead center must be the Grand Master, my assumption was correct by the way he stood up then grabbed a large scroll. Oh joy, here we go what do these assholes have against me.

Grand Master:"Defendant, are you Sean Renard?"

Due to being gaged, I gave him a glare which he indicated the guy holding me to remove my gag,

Me:"And if I am? Why do you care?"
Grand Master:"Answer the question or suffer the consequences."

Looking to Monroe he gave me a small nod, the moment I looked back at the Grand Master I nodded.

Me:"I am."
Grand Master:"Here by the wesen law you are charged for falling in love with a Grimm as well for marrying one as well! Have you forgotten our laws?! How do you plea?"
Me:"Your joking right? Do you have no idea who the hell I am!"
Grand Master:"Sean Renard, 3rd precinct captain along with being half Royal who happens to be a Zauberbiest. Not to mention you had a baby with that Grimm!! You should be beheaded for those crimes!"
Me:"Try me. You have no idea what my wife is capable of, none of you will make it out alive!"
Grand Master:"Hopefully she tries to rescue you so she can witness your death in person! She will die next along with her Grimm brother!"
Me:"Oh, you don't want to do that."

Feeling a slight rumble Monroe looked to me knowing what could have caused it.

Sylas's P.O.V

Small rumbles came from beneath us as Trubel and I left the office a second later a sharp pain shot through my skull causing me to fall to my knees gripping my head as I groaned, Trubel rushed to get Nick but soon returned with Nick and Hank who were squatted down on front of me, I could see their lips moving but couldn't hear a sound only the pain in my head. Slight crying appeared causing me to look around, a small whisper of Sean's voice filled my head only to fade away for loud ringing to appear that was very deafening. Squeezing my skull tighter it all came to a seize when my eyes met Nick's,

Nick:"Can you hear me?"
Nick:"Are you okay? What happened?"
Me:"Multiple things, did he talk?"
Nick:"Yes and we have a location, are you well enough to leave?"
Me:"Yes. Let's get back mine and Rosalee's husbands."


Nick, Hank, Wu, Trubel, Rosalee and I crept through the woods. Splitting up we made it, staying back some distance I stood there watching what was going on. Moving closer to get a better look I noticed Bud was with Sean and Monroe, Bud went back and forth with the Grand Master which I did a light whistle to signal the others that it was okay to step out of the shadows,

Me:"Let them go! Now!"
Grand Master:"Get the Grimms!"

Seeing all eyes on me it became too much due to them woging all at once, so many breeds surrounded me. Standing my ground I waited til they were close enough to raise my hand feeling the surge flow through me, with a small grin I unleashed a large amount of force that sent the group of Wesen surrounding me to fly backwards. The bodies scattered in every direction leaving a large view of the Grand Master, slowly removing his mask his eyes met mine. Moving in a hurry I reached behind me with both hands then lowered them to grip the knife handles, in a careful motion I cut both Sean and Monroe's hands free as I walked between them.

Nick:"Guys! I can't see!"
Me:"Go help Nick."

Getting closer to the Grand Master he was quick to dart into the woods, why do they always have to run? Growling deeply I took off after him, shoving branches out of my way I came to a crashing hault due to the Grand Master tripping me. Forcing myself up I didn't hesitate to throw punches leaving him to dodge a few, grabbing his throat I stared into his eyes.

Me:"Fuck your laws!"

With a quick squeeze I felt his body go limp so I dropped him. Making my way back through the woods I came out to see a group of the Wesenrein members on their knees and in handcuffs. Seeing Rosalee hugging Monroe made me happy but it didn't stay long when I noticed Sean wasn't with them.

Me:"Where's Sean?"
Nick:"He went looking for you!"
Me:"Follow me."
Nick:"Sy..I can't."
Me:"Why the hell not?"

He looked to me with sad eyes,

Nick:"I'm not a Grimm anymore, halfway into the fight I didn't see them woge anymore."
Me:"That's not possible Nick, they stayed woged the entire time, they still are. You can't see them?"
Me:"Trubel watch them I'll go look for Sean."

Heading back into the woods I looked around for Sean, hearing a few grunts off in the distance so I went into the direction it came from. Leaping out of the trees I tackled a Blubaten to the ground, him and I rolled around before I upper cutted him sending him next to me. Getting back on my feet I saw Sean was standing up himself, when he looked over he was quick to smile. Both of us ran towards each other only to cling onto one another, Sean's hands grabbed my face.

Sean:"I'm so happy to see you, is everyone okay?"

Instead of answering him I kissed him instead, hearing him lowly groan when I backed him up against the tree he was quick to deepen the kiss. Snapping twigs broke our moment causing both of us to look over seeing another Blubaten heading our way. Sean and I had the same idea due to our hands lifting at the same time, a grin tugged at my lips as I moved my hand closer to Sean's. Feeling our fingers interwine with each other's we shoved the palms of our hands together listening to a screechy howl as his neck snapped. Sean and I slowly looked at one another,

Sean:"Did we just do that together?"
Me:"We did."

Sean grinned then kissed me once more,

Sean:"How did you find us?"
Me:"Acker's, he was apart of this shit."
Sean:"Good thing we had our assumptions."
Me:"Right but something happened to Nick."
Sean:"I know. That was Adalind's goal."
Me:"Can we fix it?"
Sean:"My mother would have our answer."
Me:"We need to contact her."
Sean:"We will, first let's get the hell out of here."

Smiling at him I took his hand in mine to follow him through the woods, meeting back with the others Monroe hugged me tightly.

Monroe:"Thank you Sy."
Me:"Your family, I won't let my family die."
Rosalee:"How about a drink?"
Sean:"Definitely, we can go back to our house. Nick I will get ahold of my mother she may know if we can fix your problem or not."

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