All I want is YOU! ๐Ÿ’‹ ( FIVE)

By EmmaaGabriellaa

2.6K 97 2

Hi , this is section FIVE OF MY STORYLINES, I can't help myself to keep writing! Ahah enjoy ! More

How do i un experience this?
That's a start
Why didn't i take the time ?
Chloe the tiny assistant ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš•๏ธ๐Ÿฉบ
Londyn is a big girl now ๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿ›๏ธ
Everyone has fears ! ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ
Momma , Nonna says "Hi" ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ
Would you love to work with me ? ๐Ÿฅบ
Its more STRESSFUL then JOYFUL ๐Ÿ˜ณ
The spaghetti monster
Juliette Hope
Its pooring hard ! โ˜”๏ธ๐Ÿฅบ
Momma we have a surprise for you
It's haircut time
Babe, it's okay to cry !
Let have a little fun !
Londyn's first playdate ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ’•
Planning / attending Alessandro's baptism
When were you going to tell me?
I don't want her to ..... ๐Ÿฅน
Its on Morgan Street, babe
FIRST DAY AT THE CLINIC ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš•๏ธ๐Ÿคฐ๐Ÿป
Back to the clinic we go ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš•๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€โš•๏ธ๐Ÿคฐ๐Ÿป
I legit can't stay home today ! ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Kayla you need to rest
Kayla's baby shower!
Happy 8 th birthday Violet and Scarlett
Things are slowly picking up now ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿคฐ๐Ÿป
Momma is home! Yayyyy!
I would sleep all week๐Ÿ˜ด
Five Fourty-Eight am !
Five Fourty-Eight AM part two ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿฅณ
I feel like a new woman! ๐Ÿ˜Š
Nahhhh uhhh Londyn !
Watching Londyn's birth video
Unicorns here , unicorns there ๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿ’•
No popsicles for breakfast!
Hello Quintuplets !
The Quintuplets are doing good,
Londyn's Teething oh my ! ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
You have to ask Bambina
Head And Shoulders !
Please be careful my Bambina ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿš’
It really really hurts ๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Why , it s annoying TO me ! ๐Ÿฅน
Can i try it momma?
I'm a big girl momma.
Parents- Teacher day ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ
I want the pain to stop ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
You are burning up babe! ๐Ÿค’
Authors Note

The kids are back home yay ๐Ÿฅณ

24 1 0
By EmmaaGabriellaa

Two days later

Tuesday April 24 th

** it's now 8h38 am maya and Carina are both up and ready for their children to come back home and tell them all about the fun things they did , Victoria and Andy are going to drop them off at 9h30 am ! **

Carina : ohhhhh i am soooo ready for them to be back home with us, I feel more relaxed and patient. If that's even possible, ** She chuckled**
My breasts have been ready to .... They are extremely hard and painful to touch , ahhh owww!
Maya: awnnn , do youuu want me to help you pump your breasts , so Londyn can get some... for later tonight!
Carina: that's not a bad idea, can you please help me look for it, because I don't know where I've misplaced my breast pump.
Maya: yea of course,
Carina: thank you, and we should probably just clean up all of my art supplies and put them away , in the art supplies closet,
Maya: yea, excellent idea I'll do that while you pump,

** Carina picked up her tank top and shorts and opens up the living room curtains, the sun was out and bright, the birds were chirping. Carina is now in her home office**

9h01 am
Carina: Babbeeee I found my breast pump!!!
Maya: okay excellent, I put everything away in your art supplies cabinet my love.
Carina: Grazie mille Bambina... now it's time to get this milk out of my breasts because they really really hurt . Can you please plug my machine into the wall?

** as she sat down on the couch and getting her tank top off of her chest, and she gestured to Maya to come sit down next to her while she pumps**

Maya: of course my love,
** she sat down next to her wife and she looked at her with étincelles in her deep ocean blue eyes**
Carina: thank youuu,
Maya: for what?
Carina: for everything, you have done for me , I don't say it enough and I'm sorry, but I'm just happy to have found you... when I did waaaay back in TWO THOUSAND AND SEVEN , we've been through thick and thin together and I'm more than happy that we can be back to our early days, when we look at each other and know that we are made for each other. And I'm lucky to wake up next to you every day , and to go to sleep next to you every night, so thank you for everything.
Maya: awnnn , you are more than welcome, babe, I think about it all too, and every day I know it's going to be a wonderful day because I get to parent the most well behaved and loving, caring children with the love of my life. So really I THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, for taking me back in your life.
**Carina kisses her wife several times **

Carina: hrmmmm , don't stop!
Maya: okay, we only have a couple minutes before the kids get home!
Carina: exactly, but you kissing me while I pump really really helps, and it's turning me on ! So we can do that until they get home!
We have twenty minutes!
Maya: okay!
** she kisses her wife some more and wants to touch her breasts but isn't sure it's a good idea **
Carina: hrmmmm ! You can Bambina'
Maya: okay, ** she then gently put her hands on her wife's breasts and caresses them **

Carina: hrmmm thank youuu Bambina,
Maya : you are welcome,
We have time to get our tops back on and wait for them to get home now!
Carina: right, **They both get dressed up again, and then they clean up the toys so they don't have to be embarrassed to show the house , totally chaotic to their friends. Even though they know it's never clean for long with seven children in the house now **

9h32 am
Maya: babeeeee , they are here!!!
Carina: ouhhhhh yayyyyyy, i cant wait to hear what they did !!
Maya: me too, awnnn look at how sweet our children are, ughhh , they are the prettiest and the most perfect children in the whole wide world,
Carina: yea I agree, ahhhhh ! Here they come!!

** Lorenzo, Chloe, Violet and Scarlett all grabbed their bags and they helped Vic and Andy out with Alessandro and Londyn's luggage. They had a blast, but everyone was happy to be home, Londyn had fallen asleep in the car in the way back home **

Lorenzo: right, like that obstacle course they had to go through to get the golden stars was soooo disgusting
Violet: Yea , walking around in a swamp , uhhhh ! No thank you,
**Maya opens the door **
Hiiiiiii , ouhhhh , everyone is wearing new clothes ,
Andy : yea hi, uhhh I think I might have initiated your children to the show naked and afraid, and now they all wanted to get RANGER OUTFITS ( like scouts uniforms ) like on the show , sooo sorry!

**Victoria and Andy both have been watching the tv show naked and afraid. Has been since season one episode one, and on the second night that the DELUCA bishop kids were at her house, they all wanted to know what was going to happen so they calmly sat down and watched! **

Maya: ohhh no , it's cool
Chloe: hiiii moms ! Ohhh how I missed you both so much ** she gave her moms a hug **
Carina: hiii Bambina! We did too!
Everyone has a cool outfit on !
Scarlett : yea we are dressed in the RANGERS OUTFIT IN NAKED AND AFRAID, they are the ones who brings them food, and extra stars and everything, we will show you what the show is '
Alessandro: yea we had lots and lots of fun . That swirly swing was the best part of the weekend, thank youuu Uncle Theo , and uncle James !
James and Theo : you are more than welcome guys, your children were a blast,
Carina: okay, ouhhhh , hiiiii my little sleeping ranger,
Come see momma! Ohhh she's so cute!
** Carina gave multiple kisses to her daughter who was slowly starting to wake up , Carina removed her little baby shoes and she kisses her daughter some more **

Carina: ouhhhh someone is a stinky little ranger , I'll change your diaper while you slowly wake up , hi baby girl,
Londyn : hrmmmm hi momma, I missed you!
Carina: ohhh I missed you too so much.

** two minutes later Carina changed Londyn's diaper and she wanted to put her in a different outfit**

Londyn : No momma, me love ranger outfit, my outfit, Momma, me no taking it off, yet, no dark outside.
Carina: okay , momma will let you stay in that outfit, we can take it out when it's dark outside?
Londyn : siiii momma, dis no my pyjamas, you know dat!! Up pwease!
**Carina laughs and laughs **
Alright let's cuddle up together Huh will you want to?
Londyn : hrmmm okay ywes , mehhh momma smell good,
Carina: ohhh thank youuu my little bunny !!
Violet: mommy , we unpacked everything, and our dirty clothes are in the hamper in the bathroom,
Maya: woahh that was quick huh?
Excellent job guys!
Alessandro: I need help with mine please mommy!
Maya: I will gladly help you out, so you had a blast with the swirly slides?
Alessandro: ohhhh yessss i had, they are soooo much more fun the straight slides
Maya: yea , I think so too!
Alessandro: mommy, have you ever watched naked and afraid?
Maya: No I haven't, but I heard of it,
Alessandro: well every night before bed we watched a little bit of naked and afraid, except Saturday night, we watched a movie! THE INCREDIBLES !
I loooooooooooove that movie !
Maya: ohhhh wow, THATS a cool movie ! It's my favourite too! Okay put all your dirty clothes in here and the rest, I will take care of it,

**Alessandro was standing up on his tippy toes to put his dirty clothes in the hamper !Soon he will be talk enough to have his feet touch the floor. **

Alessandro: high five mommy!!
Maya: wh—- ohhhh okay!
** she gave her five years old son a high five and followed him downstairs **

Carina: momma missed you sooooo much,
Londyn : me too momma,

** she laid her head down on her momma's chest and she was so comfortable she closed her eyes and stayed on Carina for the next two hours **

Maya: awnnn she's soooo cute , she really really missed you!
Carina: siiii, I'm sorry you didn't hold her yet ,
Maya: it's okay, everyone's luggage is unpacked, except Londyn's , but it's okay, we'll do it later.
Carina: okay, thank you for helping them unpack,

** the kids were all playing together in their playroom still in their ranger outfits. Londyn only has the shirt and little scarf. She doesn't have the pants, the belt and hat. **

Maya: she really loves that ranger outfit huh?
Carina: yea, I think she's going to want to wear it everyday now, and obviously we can't have her wear the same thing over again, I'm just hoping she doesn't throw us a tamper tantrum.... For it
Maya: yea...
** she came to sit next to Carina and Londyn**

If she does we will have to explain it to her that she can't wear it all the time or else it will get ruined.

Carina: ouhhhh , excellent Idea, Although it does bring out the green in her eyes and makes her little strawberry blonde hair pop up a little bit more.

Maya: yea I know, but we have to put our feet down,
Carina: yea I know, ughhh , how did we make such gorgeous looking stunning miniature versions of us ?
Maya: I ask myself that every single day.
Carina: ouhhh you know what we should do tonight?
Maya: what?
Carina: we should watch HER BIRTH VIDEO! We never watched it and the kids are going to be soooo excited!
Maya: yea , that's a wonderful idea!
Violet: what is ?
Carina: would you like to watch Londyn's birth video?
Violet: ummm yessssss obviously!
**Carina and Maya both laughed , **
Okay, well whenever this little ranger wakes up we can !
Violet: perfect,

** she ran into the playroom and told her siblings, they were all excited, but then the evening snuck up on them so they were going to watch it tomorrow after school, Maya and Carina both decided that they were not going to send Londyn to daycare because they missed her and she missed her moms so much! Everyone took a bath / shower, and everyone was asleep by 20h47 **

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