Avatar: I See You Tsu'tey X A...

By MarleeBee92

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What if Jake had a sister? What if her name was Arya? What if they both go to Pandora? Follow Arya and Jake t... More

No longer blind
Meeting the clan
You are mine. 🍋
Birth 🍋
What do you think?


2.6K 67 5
By MarleeBee92

   Tsu'Tey is very strict. I have to trust my body to know what to do. The fighting, the archery, the running, the tracking, the training of how to tame an Ikran. With him is learn fast or die. He says energy is only borrowed and one day you have to give it back. I teach Jake the language with Norm. By all this I'm tired. One month passes and I am finally able to kill my first kill. I track a Hexapede. When I find it I aim and remember Tsu'Tey's teachings. I shoot, I hit the Hexapede. I run to it and say. "Oel ngati kameie, my tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo. (I see you, my brother, and thanks you.)" I stab the creature. "Ngari hi Eywa salew tirea, tokx i awn slu na'viya hapxi (Your spirit goes with Eywa, your body stays behind to become part of the people.)" A tear escapes my eye. Although I understand it's how they do it. It's still so sad. Tsu'Tey wipes my tear away.

"Why do you cry?" He asks.

"It's sad. I understand to respect what I kill and talk to it. But I can't help but cry." I look at him innocently.

"It was a clean kill, you are ready." I nod, knowing he meant to get my Ikran. We celebrate that night. Jake and Tsu'Tey drink. Then, they start talking. Neytiri grabs Jake and Tsu'Tey grabs me. They teach us how to dance. I stare at Tsu'Tey and follow his lead. I look at his lips, I immediately look back at his eyes.

   I enjoyed that dance, but I need air. I walk away from the party and stand outside the door. I was never a party person. I take a deep breath, I think about that split second I wanted to kiss Tsu'Tey. I turn to return to the party. However, a pair of lips smash against mine. I push the person away to see who it was. Tsu'Tey. "You can't do this. You're to be mated with Neytiri." I whisper.

"She wants your brother. I want you." That did it. I throw caution out the window. I wrap my arms around Tsu'Tey's neck and kiss him. He kisses me back. We break apart and put our foreheads together. "I knew you want me too." He smiles.

"How did you know?" He grabs my bottom lip with his index and thumb gently and lets go.

"The way you look at me." I smile shyly and look down. "Kehe. Keep looking at me. I love the looks you give me." I look back up at him. He kisses me more gently. "I still don't like the skxawng." I frown at the name he chose for my brother.

"You will see he is not all that bad. He is a good guy."

"I don't like him." He says, I giggle. "I am thankful he saved you." I gasp at his words. I pull away and walk into the party. Tsu'Tey follows. We ignore each other the rest of the night. Jake drapes his arm over me.

"Soon, you will be getting your own Ikran. How do you feel?" I shrug.

"I'm nervous."

"You got this."

~Time skip~

   I go with Tsu'Tey to Ikran mountain. It's just the two of us. I feel like he did that on purpose. We jump from the boulder we are standing on a vine. We climb up. I find it much easier than when I first started. We climbed until we get behind this waterfall. I look around, but he had other plans. He smashes our lips together. We kiss as he leads me back against the wall. He pulls away and licks my top lip. "If you pass, I'll kiss you a different way." I gasp and swallow, nodding my head. I turn and walk forward. I see a whole bunch of Ikran gathered. Tsu'Tey hands me a weapon to tie my Ikran mouth. "Remember when your Ikran chooses you move quickly." I nod at Tsu'Tey's words.

"How will I know if he choose me?" I question.

"He will try to kill you." I gulp, but move forward. I walk around forcing my strong personality out. I hiss and jump at each one, they fly away. I look up and see one dive for me I roll out of the way. I hiss, It lands in front of me and hiss' back. It snaps at me and I tie his mouth. I jump on his back and get my queue and his, but before I make the connection, he starts running. I grab his Queue and grab mine once again, before he starts flying and make the connection.

"Stop." I think. He stops moving.

"Quickly fly! It seals the bond." Tsu'Tey says.

"I will go if you want."

"Yes, please." I say. He takes off. I get scared.

"Tell me where to go."

"Straight. I say, directing my Ikran. The feeling in me is unlike any other. Tsu'Tey catches up with me and we playfully fly around.

   We land back under the water fall. He helps me down off my Ikran I look at my Ikran.

He is beautiful. Tsu'Tey hugs me from the back. "What's his name?" He asks, I bond with him again.

"What do you think of Varg?"

"Do not." I laugh.

"What about Balthazar?"

"I like that one." Tsu'Tey walks up to me.

"Do you understand him?" I nod.

"I hear their thoughts when I use Tsaheylu." I say. He looks at me in wonder. "But you promised to..." I all of a sudden I feel fidgety and shy. He turns my waist and pulls me to him. My chest is just underneath his.

"Tell me, what did I promise?" He asks with a smirk. I look down and say.

"You promised to kiss my in a different way." I mutter, he lifts my chin up and lays us down.

"I always keep my promises." He kisses my lips and he licks my mouth for some reason.

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