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After he comes out, we lay hands on him. He's part of the people now. Although Tsu'Tey still doesn't trust him. I can't blame my mate. Now, I have a secret to keep. Tsu'Tey hugs me from behind in the waterfall. "Upe ke zo? (What's wrong?)" I shake my head.

"Oe 'efu nitram. (I am happy.)" I say half truthfully. I turn and wrap my arms around his neck. I pull in for a kiss, he gladly replies. I suddenly feels like I am going to throw up. I pull away from Tsu'Tey and run to my Ikran and fly to the home tree. I run to find Mo'at. When I find her, I start paniking.

"What is wrong child?"

"I feel sick." She leads me to a quiet place. She examines my body and smiles.

"You are with child." My mouth drops. This can't be happening, not now. I'm pregnant? I can't be...can I? I didn't notice I was walking and walked right into someone. I apologize and try to walk by, but a hand stops me. I look back and see my brother and Neytiri. Tears form in my eyes.

"What's wrong? Did Tsu'Tey hurt you in anyway?" I shake my head. "Then, what is it?" Tears now spilling from my eyes.

"I don't know what to do? Please, Jake tell me what to do." He hugs me and tells Neytiri he will see her soon. He then, leads me away.

When we are away from everyone else, he sits me on a tree trunk. "What's this all about?"

"I'm keeping a secret from my mate."

"Okay, I..."

"I'm pregnant, Jake." I look in his eyes. "He's going to hate me after finding out about your secret. How can I tell him I'm pregnant? Please, don't say anything." My words squeak. I know I'm not making sense.

"Shh... I won't, but you can't keep this secret forever. He will find out about the pregnancy."

"The what?" We look back to see Tsu'Tey. My face paled. "You are with child? Why did you not tell me?" Tears start falling again. I try to run away, but an arm catches me. "Tell me why you do not want a child with me?" Tsu'Tey whispers in my ear.

"I do, but I'm keeping something else from you. I can't tell you, because it's not my secret. When you find out what it is, you'll hate me. How can I bring a child into that?" I fall to my knees, the pain of keeping something from my mate is hurting me.

"What secret?"

"I can't..."

"I'll tell everyone at hometree, but remember Tsu'Tey she just found out herself. Just give me one day of happiness, please." Jake pleads with Tsu'Tey.

"I will agree to your request, only for ma Arya's sake. I will take care of her, go and find you mate."

"Thank you brother. Arya it'll be over tomorrow." I look behind me to see Jake running off. He deserves more than one day of happiness. I sit in Tsu'Tey's arms as he calms me down


The tree of voices is destroyed and a Olo'eyktan wants to send a war party out. Jake and Grace are pulled out, I fight the pull. My head hurts. "Jake was sent here to g... Ah." My head is hurting. I fall to my knees. All of a sudden the pull stops. I stay on my knees. "Jake was sent here to get you guys to leave home tree." Neytiri kneels in front of me.

"No, say you lie."

"I wish. I just found out yesterday. We didn't know they were going to attack the tree of voices." I look at Tsu'Tey, who is looking at me in disgust.

"You hold this secret from me?" He exclaims, tears fall from my eyes, as I nod.

"He fell in love with you Neytiri. Everything changed for him." She begins wailing.

"Tie them up." Olo'eyktan says, Tsu'Tey grabs me and others grabs my brother and Grace.

We are tied up when they come to. "What's going on?" Grace asks.

"I told them the truth."

"Shit." Jake exclaims. He looks at me again. "The baby?" I look at my stomach.

"He is fine, for now." Mo'at looks at me. Olo'eyktan also looks at me.

"What baby?" He and Grace asks, I turn my head away from him.

"The one Tsu'Tey planted in her. The one he obviously doesn't want." Jake spits the venomous words at Tsu'Tey, Tsu'Tey looks at me. He remembers I'm pregnant. He walks up to me and rubs my stomach. I can tell he's hurting.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you sooner." My ears flaten against my head.

"You keep this from me. We are mates." He says, sternly.

"I have told you. I owe my brother everything. If I had to keep a secret, then I had to. It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." Tears form in my eyes. "It hurt me to keep this from you and our people."

"I will not save your brother from this. Only you." I go to protest, but I am interrupted.

"Save her. I don't care what happens to me, but brother save her." Tsu'Tey gets in Jakes face.

"You are not my brother." He takes out his knife. He comes to me and cuts my binding. He turns to the Olo'eyktan. "She is with my child, I believe her punishment is to not die with her brother." I fight against his grip, Olo'eyktan nods his head. I scream Jakes name fighting against my mates grip. He hands me to others, I'm still fighting. That's until I fly forward. I look to see the hometree is burning. I slowly get up and hear more explosions. I run, I turn to see the tree falling on me. I fall and hit my head. I black out and wake up in a linking bed. I open it up and grab the back of my head. I stumble out of the bed. I hear Max checking on me. "I need to go back in." Max helps me to lay down, I close the lid and close my eyes.

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