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When Tsu'Tey doesn't get what he wants, he holds my chin between his index and thumb. "Open." He commands. I obey, as soon as my mouth opens he smashes our mouths together. His tongue slips into my mouth. My eyes shoot open.

'Oh.' I think to myself. He pulls away and studies my face. I just pull him down and kiss him. He responds by slipping his tongue into my mouth. I angle my head down a little. I need to breath. "I like that kiss." I say breathless. He leans his forehead against mine and smiles big. He sighs as my tail brushes against him.

"We must go back." He says.

"Tslolam. (Understood.)" I say. He stands us up. "Why did you sigh?" I ask. He turns to me and puts his hand on my cheek.

"I will tell you soon." I frown at him. "Makto Ko. (Let's ride.)" I smile widely and run to Balthazar. I connect our queue together and Balthazar flies backwards. We dive until he spreads his wings. I giggle as Tsu'Tey flies next to me.

We arrive Neytiri and Jake meets us. Tsu'Tey climbs down and comes to help as I try to climb down. I fall backwards he catches me. "We need to work on that." I nod. He puts me down. Jake walks up to us. Turning to Tsu'Tey first. He bows his head and his hand touches his forehead. He looks up with respect.

"Oel ngati kameie. (I see you.)" Tsu'Tey bitterly returns his greeting. Jake repeats his actions to me. I do the same to him. Jake looks at Neytiri, she nods.

"The leader wants the ceremony for her tonight." I look at Tsu'Tey in confusion. He looks at me.

"You are going to be Omaticaya." My eyes widen, my smile grows. I throw my arms around him and hug him. I realize my action and let go.

"Ngaytxoa. (I'm sorry.)" I say with my arms behind my back. Neytiri smiles warmly, like she knows that we have feelings for each other.

"Before we go. I must say, I want you to mate this woman. We will talk to my parents. She makes you happy and..." She shakes her head to clear a thought. 'If I say her brother makes me happy, will he accept?' I am looking at her, but her lips didn't move. Tsu'Tey bows in respect.

"I wanted to say the same thing. I plan to mate with this woman. I ask Jake already." He turns to me and I to him. "If you want. Mate with me." He looks at me concern as my eyes water.

"Oe..." I start, controlling my voice. "Oe mllte (I agree.)" He hugs me and I return it.

"Irayo Seiyi Eywa! Irayo seiyi Eywa. (Thank you Eywa! Thank you Eywa.)" He whispers in my ear. I giggle.

"Irayo seiyi Eywa." I repeat with so much gratitude to Eywa. We pull away and look at each other. "Kiva Ko! (Let's go!)" I say.

"Pey! (Wait!)" I look at him. "If we go now, they will think I am not satisfied with Neytiri. They will do everything to keep us together. For now, until Jake become Omaticaya. Then, we will go before them."I nod in understandment. I wink at him and run. He laughs, as I race down the home tree.

We meet the leaders and greet them. "You are go to be Omaticaya tonight. So, get some rest." I turn to Tsu'Tey. I know there is one more test I must pass before actually becoming Omaticaya, but I'm ready.

"Thank you for teaching me so much." I turn to the leaders. "Sa eoiori oe srofereiey niorrte. (I'm looking forward to the ceremony.)" They told me everything I am to be expected to do. I nod and walk out. I rest my head and wake up in the link bed. I do my video log. "Today's my birthday. Whatever happens I'm ready for it. I refuse to back down, I can't, not after coming this far. My brother is up to something, but he's showing signs of regreting it. I see that he's falling hard for Neytiri. My brother is good, I know it. So, whatever mistake he is doing now, he will make up for it. Tsu'Tey is no longer going to be my teacher. Being here on Pandora makes you fall for her. I can't wait to be Omaticaya." I search for the camera, when someone shuts it off for me.

"You're never going to be truly one of them. Everytime you sleep there you come back here." Grace says, I know there is no way I can be there one hundred percent of the time physically, but Pandora and Tsu'Tey have my heart. I get up and go to sleep.

I wake up by Grace. She helps me to my linking bed and I wake up in my Na'vi form. I quickly go to Tsu'Tey. He get this white paint and draws on my body. Every touch is amazing, but I sit still. After that, we go down the home tree and I kneel. Tsahik blows smoke at me, I welcome it by shoving it in my face and around my head. "Ma Txantslusama ngwang, a swonka utralti yom. (Oh wise worm, who eat the sacred tree.)" She starts, I wipe the smoke on my arms. A Na'vi hands her a basket. "Fitaronyur apxan teswotiving aiet angay. (Grant this worthy warrior true vision." She puts the worm in my mouth, it crawls down my throat I let it. "Teswotiving aiet angay. Teswotiving aiet angay. Mi ayewll, poru teswoting aiet angay. (Grant true vision. grant true vision. In the plants, grant true vision.)" Everyone is repeating. The leader lets a bug crawl on his hand as comes around me. I just sit there, unafraid. I feel two pinches on my back and I let out a small scream as the pain became more. I quiet back down. This is very surreal. Tsahik is dancing when she turns and blows smoke in my face. The Na'vi is lean in on their hands and knees and hiss. Everything is in slow motion. Next thing I know I feel like I'm floating. I see trees and then I see the home tree laying on the ground as a very unique bow and arrows lay next to it. I look at my hands and see my clothing is different. I come back from my vision.

I'm breathing hard, Tsu'Tey comes near me and checks on me. When Tsahik comes infront of me and looks at me. "It is finished." She says. I follow to the gathering room of the tree. I stand proud before the Leader. "Ngeng 'ite OOmaticayaa luyu set. Na'viya luyu hapxi. (You are a daughter of the Omaticaya. You are part of the people." He lays hands on my shoulders and Neytiri one side and The tsahik on the other. Tsu'Tey lays her hands on my back. Others touching each others shoulders and the leaders shoulders, all smiling. I feel like we're all connected. I smile, proudly.

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