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   I get dressed and my hair is done. The male sits me with him at the leaders side. “Fyape syaw fko ngar? (What are you called?)” I ask as he hands me my meal.

 “Fyape syaw fko ngar? (What are you called?)” I ask as he hands me my meal

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“Tsu’Tey.” He responds. “Yom wutsot. (Eat your meal.)”

“Irayo nitxan. (Thank you very much.” I try some, it’s good. “This is good. What is it?” He tells me it’s beetle larva. I’m surprised I like it. I quietly finish my food and watch my brother. He steps on a na’vi woman’s tail. He quickly apologizes to her, the female sits him next to her. She gets food for him, while she does this, another Na’vi woman flirts with him. A male na’vi sits her back down. Jake breaks into a quiet laughter. The first female Na’vi sits next to him and hands him his meal. They talk and she gives him some of her meal. Jake looks horrified. I giggle, she looks  annoyed.

“Who is that?” I ask, turning to the two leaders and my teacher. They look at Jake.

“The one by you brother?” I nod. “That is my daughter, Neytiri.” I thank her. I watch Jake, again.

   “Fayhetuwong fmi Na’vina livam… (These aliens try to look like people…)” Tsu’Tey looks at me and stares at Jake. “Sla ke tsun. (But they can’t.)”

“Oeru po snumina latsam. (He looks dim to me.)” Tsahik says. “Peya menaris nihawng lu hi’i. (His eyes are to small.)” I couldn’t take anymore of this.

“Hitxoa.(Excuse me.)” I excuse myself and leave. However, I don’t go very far. I just left to eating area, when someone stops me. I look behind me.

“Why do you leave? I am not done eating.” I yank my arm back from his grasp.

“Then, go eat.” I turn away from him, he grabs my arm again. I push him off of me. “Kehe! Ka! (No! Go!)” I yell. He glares at me.

“That is my brother. Yet, you insult him in front of me.”

“You are this mad over that skxawng? (Moron or Idiot?)” He shoots back at me. He looks at me like I was in the wrong.

   “That skxawng saved my life, saved me more time than I can count.” I say loudly. “He may be a skxawng, but I would change him.” My ears go back in sadness. I look behind Tsu’Tey to see Jake and Neytiri watching, making sure I’m alright. I turn my head to the side. Tsu’Tey grabs my wrist and leads me away. We get to this cliff and he sits down, with his legs dangling over the edge.

“Tell me how.” He says, I hang my head.


“How did that skxawng save your life?” I sigh at his question and sit next to him. I look ahead.

   “Long ago in my other form, before my brother lost his legs in his other form.” I hesitate. “A-A man forced me to have sex with him.” I try to keep it simple for him to understand.

“I don’t understand.”

“He-He made me do thing only mates should do with him.” Tsu’Tey hiss’ at this information.

“Why not fight him?”

“I tried, but I never learned to fight. Anyways, the man damaged my eyes with this liquid that destroys the skin. He did this after I scratch his face. He left me somewhere, blind. I followed a wall until a marine, a warrior found me. He took me to their hospital.  They did their best to heal my eyes, but couldn’t. Jake found this out and he searched for this man. When he found him, he almost killed him. If I hadn’t called more warriors to follow Jake, Jake would have killed him. That wasn’t the end, though. That man found me. He was going to kill me when Jake killed him. He was protecting me. He earned my respect.”

   “Keftxo. (Sorry to hear that.)” He says softly, rubbing little circles on my back. I shake my head.

“My other form is forever blind. I study to read with my fingers. I learned about the creatures here on Pandora. I learned to swim as well. I never imagined that I would be able to see Pandora with my own eyes. I’m happy that I could see this beauty.” I lay down and look at the night sky. Tsu’Tey looks forward. We stay like this for what feels like hours. My eyes get heavy, I rub them. “Can we go back? I’m tired.” I ask. He leads us back to the big tree.

“This is called the home tree.” I nod and follow him to a place where they sleep. I look around and see hammocks everywhere. I follow him to his, he jumps down and lays still. I grab the branch and lower myself on the hammock and face Tsu’Tey. He shuts his turning the other way. I copy him. I let my eyes close and I fall asleep.

   I wake up with everyone’s voices talking over each other. I sit up. “Grace, I…” Grace interrupts me and lets me know Jake told them everything. I relax, I feel for my walking stick. I feel someone hand it to me. I go to get down, my foot hits something hard. I curse, holding my foot.

“I’m sorry.” Jakes voice rings. Jake lets me know when I can get down. I get off the bed, but I don’t move. “Arya, what’s wrong?” Tears trickle down my face.

“I had my sight back, Jake. Now, I see nothing.”

“I know, I had my legs. Come here.” I search for Jake with my stick. “Almost there.” His voice is closer. My stick hits something.

“Is this you?”

“Yes. Sit on my lap. I’ll take you to your bed.” I get on his lap and he keeps his promise. I lay there and fall asleep.

   I wake up and I try to find my way to the cafeteria, I hear laughter. I follow the laughter, I accindently hit someone's leg. They yelled in anger. "I'm so sorry." I say.

"Are you blind? Watch it!" Tears threatens to come out, but all I can do is just stand there.

"Hey!" Jakes voice rings through the room. "You need to apologize to my sister." I here a chair scoot out.

"Who's going to make me?" The man says.

"We will." I hear Grace's voice. I get pushed a little.

"Hey! You haven't apologized and you pushed her so you really need to apologize." Jake says.

"Why should I? She hit me."

"Look what she hit you with idiot." Silence for a minute. "Do you really not know what kind of stick that is? It's a walking stick for the blind. So, you pointing out that she's blind really hurt her."

"Sorry." The man says.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to point out your condition in front of everyone." Jake apologizes, I shake my head.

"Thank you, Jake." He puts my hand on his shoulder and leads me to the table he's sitting at. I sit down and eat.

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