The Reunion (Part 1)

By Youlo182

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Maya and Carina meet again after fifteen years without speaking to each other at their high school reunion wh... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 67

1K 26 1
By Youlo182

On February thirteenth Maya and Carina had to go to the airport to fly to London. Their flight was at noon. They had a direct flight and would arrive in London on February fourteenth around five in the morning.
Carina had contacted the hotel to pay the night before and get the room as soon as they arrived.

They had spent part of the flight talking and part of the flight sleeping. They were not necessarily tired but they knew they would have to face the jetlag.

They had arrived at their hotel, the Zedwell in Picadilly Circus, a little before seven in the morning.

The room was sublime, leds were all around the back wall, where the bed was, like in a recess.

She had looked at the room and the Italian had opened her suitcase.

-"what do you want to do?" Asked the brunette.

-"Honestly, I dream of a shower. What about you?"

- "Can I be one hundred percent honest with you?"

- "do you want to sleep?"

-"I want to come with you to the shower."
Carina replied, sticking to Maya's back.

- "don't stick to me"

- "why?"

- "because I've probably never gone this long without showering in your presence."

- "and you're afraid your natural scent will scare me away bambina? Need I remind you that I used to love making love to you after you ran?"

- "But we're not sixteen anymore."

- "and I'm still just as addicted to your scent" Carina replied, kissing her neck.

The blonde had stepped forward and turned around.

- "you know what else you love?"

- "that you don't cut me off as I kiss you in hopes of making love to you?"

- "I was going to say make love in the shower" Maya quipped as she backed up to the bathroom.

- "it's even more than adored and you haven't let me do it since..."

- "but just, I need to brush my teeth first, if you'll let me."

- "anything you want, as long as I end up naked in that shower with you"

They had both brushed their teeth and Carina had been the first to be naked and in the shower.

The water had quickly gotten hot, she had gotten underneath, then turned around, leaned her head back. She had been wetting her head, then had turned around to face the shower tile to relax her body after those ten hours of flying. When Maya had arrived behind her she had passed her hands to shift her hair to the side and the Italian had turned her head towards her to look at her, her eyes, then her lips.

Maya had slid her hand down the Italian's neck to encourage her to turn around, which she had done.
The captain's hand went up to Carina's cheek. They had looked into each other's eyes before lowering their gaze to each other's lips and they had both smiled at the same time, as the firefighter's hand had left the Italian's cheek, caressing it with her fingertips, and Carina had moved her hand up to her face. The brunette had moved back slightly and had smiled a little more, as if to give desire to her companion to come to seek her lips.

Carina's hand had finally come to rest on her cheek, while Maya's had done the same on hers. The blonde had approached her mouth of that of her companion and while leaning her face, their lips had opened and their eyes had closed. A gleam of desire had passed on their two faces, the anticipation, as if they had not kissed for an eternity.

As their lips finally touched, Maya's tongue came to caress the Italian's and she let out a breath of relief. Carina knew that although she didn't say anything about it, it had been two months since her trachelectomy was still working on the captain's mind. She felt her hesitating every time she had to touch her and knew that since this incident, Maya's desire to carry life had been reawakened and that she spent her nights, when she wasn't sleeping, reading articles about the journey of women who had undergone the same surgery and who had or had not succeeded in getting pregnant and about the increased risk of miscarriage.

So it had been two months since the brunette felt her partner was afraid of intimacy on herself and she saw that she was struggling to be them always. It was very often before she touched her that she felt Maya hesitating. As soon as she was inside her, that fear almost vanished.

The blonde's hand had slid down her cheek a little more, running her fingertips against her neck and they had intensified their kiss.

Carina's hand had slid down her girlfriend's body and had come to rest on her breast. She had made the captain smile and the hand of this one had gone down of her cheek, to place itself against her neck, whereas the Italian had broken their kiss, to go up her nose against that of the blonde and to smile a little more.

The manager had approached her face and had leaned it a little more, she had opened her lips a little more and the first thing she had felt was the tongue of the blonde who had come to caress hers again, in the way she had always liked their kisses.

Her hand had left her breast and she had slid on her body to come to embrace her size, to stick their two anatomy.

They had kissed for a while, those kisses in particular were Carina's favorites. The ones where she felt a moan leave her throat with each passage of Maya's tongue against hers, or each time their lips left each other to better find each other.

The feet of the brunette had then incited them to turn of a quarter of turn, putting the blonde back to the glass wall of the shower. 

The hands of the Italian had slipped of her back to her hips and she had turned over the blonde against her, then Carina had stuck her naked body to that of Maya.

One of the hands of the training manager had rested on the wall of the shower and the other had slipped on the belly of her lover.

The captain had turned her head slightly to look at her companion, but she had felt her lips come to rest on her jaw. Maya's eyes had closed and her head had leaned back to rest on her girlfriend's shoulder.

The lips of the brunette had passed on the other side of the head of the blonde, she had come to take her lobe between her teeth, then she had kissed her under her ear, before going down in her neck.

The lips of Maya had half-opened and she had pushed a moan, a moan which had even more encouraged her sweetheart to continue.

The Italian had then continued the attack of the skin of her neck of her kisses and the blonde had put her head back on the shoulder of the manager.

Maya had moaned again and Carina's hand had slid down to her sex. Two of her fingers had slid against her vulvar slit and the blonde's eyebrows had furrowed for a moment, before she felt the Italian's hand remain focused on her clit. She had then smiled. She always anticipated the reactions of her body when penetration, even if it was two months. She had trouble telling herself that she was 'okay' and that it wasn't going to hurt. She knew that Carina liked to feel her tight on her fingers and was just afraid that she would insert three fingers into her. With the surgery she had undergone, her uterus had, in addition to being reduced in depth by one centimeter, been closed off to leave only two centimeters of opening. She knew very well that she would never give birth by vaginal delivery and that didn't really matter to her. What she was really afraid of was frustrating her partner, who could no longer make love to her as she had so often done, as she loved.

The body of the captain was always and more and more pressed on her girlfriend. The brunette, her, still took support against the bay window to counterbalance their two weights.

Carina was still kissing Maya's neck and she felt the blonde's hand come to rest on her arm, the one that kept them standing. Her other hand was moving slowly in her folds and the moaning of her companion was the sound she loved most in the world.

Maya's second hand had come to clench on her companion's thigh, while the other side, her fingers had slid down Carina's arm, to her hand on the bay window, and her fingers had intertwined on the back of the Italian's hand.

The brunette's hand had descended a little further into her sex, along with her body against hers. Maya had tightened the thighs a fraction of seconds and she had stopped breathing. They hadn't made love in the shower since the accident. They hadn't had sex again, with Maya standing, since the accident. She didn't know what her vagina was going to be like when she was on her feet for penetration.

-"It's going to be okay Bambina, trust me. If it hurts, or if it's uncomfortable for you, if you don't like it, if you're not comfortable, just tell me" Carina whispered in her ear. "?" She then asked the blonde.

- "o-okay"

Maya's legs had loosened and she had spread her thighs a little wider. As slowly as their first time after the operation, two fingers of the Italian had entered her.

Once two thirds of the phalanges entered in the captain, this one had grabbed the forearm of the Italian to stop her.

-"Did I hurt you?" Asked the worried brunette.

- "no, it is good... I mean it's... Really good... I'm not going to take very long to..." Carina had dug her fingers into Maya a bit more and the blonde's fist had clenched. "... Mamma mia... Carina."

The brunette's lips were still against the base of her neck and her teeth had come to bite lightly into the skin of her trapezium, when she had felt her wife's walls lightly crush her fingers.

The blonde had removed both their hands from the shower glass and she had rested their joined arm against her belly, Carina's against her body.

The manager's hand had gone up against Maya's breast and the thumb of her other hand had slid into her vulvar slit. She had come to caress her ball of nerves with each of her penetrations, however slow they were.

The hand of Maya, which was at present more entwined with that of Carina, had come to slide on the cheek of the brunette, she had made her raise her face to come to kiss her, by turning her head to the maximum of its amplitude, their tongues came to caress themselves in a kiss as slow as good.

Maya who always had the hand of the brunette in her had begun to turn to come again in front of Carina. The hand of this last one had left her breast and had come to rest on the wall of shower, she had let the blonde come in front of her, without breaking their kiss and she had come practically to tackle her back against the glass.

Now in face to face, she had been able to penetrate her more deeply, but always as languidly. Once again Maya had stopped her arm.

- "less... Good please... I know I've healed but it's psychological, I feel like you're going to pop my stitches."

- "less good? Really bambina?" Carina asked between frustration and flattery.

- "Carinaaaa..." Had Maya moaned against her mouth before biting her lip.

The two arms of Maya were then them passed on her trapezoids and she had tightened the Italian against her body, while moaning in her mouth.

The thumb of the manager had again come to slide against her clitoris and she had led the blonde to the orgasm. A long, sensual and good orgasm. 

Carina had accompanied Maya's orgasm until it passed completely, and then had withdrawn her hand from her sex just as gently as when she had penetrated her.

The captain was always against the wall of shower, stuck between the glass and the body of her companion that she held tight against her.

The second hand of the Italian had left the glass and she had come to take the face of her girlfriend in section.

Once again their tongue had come to caress themselves mutually, sliding one against the other in a kiss as romantic as passionate.

The hands of the blonde had slipped between the arms of her sweetheart and they had come to put them against the hips of Carina. She had made her move back of a step and had made them turn to ninety degrees, to come to stick her back to the tiled wall of the bottom, between the glass wall and the mixer.

One of the brunette's hands had left the cheek of the blonde and had come to rest against the glass.
The firefighter had left the lips of the one who was in her eyes 'her wife' and they had both opened their eyes. Maya had started to descend on her body and the Italian had a huge smile. She had watched the woman she was madly in love with come to her lap for her.

The manager of Relentless had looked at her girlfriend until her lips had landed on her stomach, at which point she had tilted her head back and smiled. The captain's mouth had descended from her belly, to her intimacy.

Her tongue had immediately slipped between her lower lips and the hand of Carina which was not on the glass had come to place itself against the back of her head.

The moans of the Italian had come quickly to fill the bathroom and to echo through the vapor which escaped from the hot water of the shower.

Maya was going slowly, but Carina couldn't help but love and enjoy the moment. The brunette loved this woman more than anything in the world. She couldn't even bring herself to get back with someone after Charlie died because she knew that only Maya could make her happy. She had preferred to wait for her for thirteen years, even without any real hope of ever seeing her again, and now knew that all those years of loneliness had paid off. She was with the only person with whom the loss of her son could be bearable. Just as being with Charlie, her little cosmonaut, had made the absence of the blonde bearable; and this even if the love of a mother could not replace the true love, the only one, the great love, the love with a capital A, the soul mate and so many other definitions of love she shared. And conversely, this love would never replace the one she had for her little one, no love in the world could. They made each other bearable to live without the other.

Intimacy had always been a meaningful moment in Carina's life, but the one she had with Maya since the first time, was incomparable with anything she had known before and after her.

Maya was unique, she was her heart's desire.

The tongue of her companion was caressing her intimacy, she was kissing her there, and yet she could feel this tongue everywhere on her body, against her lips, on her stomach, against her breasts.

Carina still had her head resting back against the tile floor, her eyes closed, and despite the pleasure she felt, she was seeing her girlfriend again in that hospital bed two months ago. She always felt a hint of fear when they were intimate and she knew she couldn't blame her. One, because it's not something you can blame someone for, and two, because she had kept her from touching her for more than two months, so she was in no position to judge a fear, whether it was rational or not.

She had moaned a little louder and her eyes had reopened to descend on the blonde. This one had come to sink her nails in each of her buttocks, to intensify her action.

The fingers of Carina had tightened slightly on the wall of shower and with the next blow of tongue, her head had leaned back again, whereas her eyes had closed.

The Italian's orgasm had formed in her lower abdomen and she had cum against her girlfriend's face with an unrestrained moan.

Maya had gone up then against her body and the hand of the manager had left the glass to come to put itself in her nape of the neck and to approach again their lips, tasting herself in the passage on those of her companion.

They had kissed a moment, then she had finished by trying to detach one of the other for the first function of this place, to shower.
They had thus washed their hair and the body before rinsing themselves.

Once this action finished, Carina had approached Maya. The glance of the Italian was impenetrable. The blonde didn't know what to think. She suspected that the brunette sometimes felt hesitant, she did not hide to tell her to trust her. Notwithstanding, the manager had put her two hands on the cheeks of her companion, straddling her jaws, she had approached a little more and their eyes did not let go.

Maya couldn't hold her gaze anymore and her eyes had then gone down to her lover's face, to her lips, before going back up into her eyes, while smiling.
The blonde had tried to say through her eyes that she was grateful and relieved that her girlfriend was so understanding and patient with her, but the words had remained blocked in her, only her eyes managed to express her gratitude. She was maybe even on the verge of crying because the moment was so emotional.

But Carina's eyes were serious, they looked at the captain with envy, with passion, with desire and it is besides what had made fall back the smile of the blonde who wondered how a woman as beautiful, marvelous and adorable as Carina, had been able to fall in love with her sixteen years ago and to be still in love with her today.

And yet she could see it in this moment, she could see it as she did every time she looked into Carina's eyes. Every time she could read her soul. The Italian was in love with her. So in love with her. She was madly in love with her.

The wait had been far too long for Carina. She had not been able to prevent herself from wanting to kiss her under this shower, after having declared her love an umpteenth time through a glance.

Carina had then leaned her head and had come to kiss the one who in her eyes was already her wife, coming in her turn to caress the tongue of the blonde of hers, after having caressed the nose of the firefighter of hers.

When they had left the shower, the Italian had come to take the hips of the blonde while she was drying herself and she had looked at her through the mirror.

- "Don't tell me you still want to..."

- "don't tell me you don't want to?"

- "no I-"

- "I just wanted to wish you a happy Valentine's Day..."

Maya had turned around in her arms.

- "Happy Valentine's Day my love" she said, moving her lips to Carina's, but stopping herself just before reaching them: "Wait, where did Eros and Cupid go?"

-"I don't need to get my science out, I already know you're dying to marry me... I can very well impress you of thousand other ways" she made against her lips by smiling.

- "oh yeah?"

- "" answered Carina by approaching her lips before moving back towards the room.

- "where are you going?" Asked the blonde as she moved forward with a non-concealed smile on her lips.

- "vieni qua"

The captain had arrived in the room and the Italian was on her knees, her body raised, on the bed, surrounded by the led that reflected on her golden skin.

-"You are right, I am very impressed by your beauty."

-"You know that I would never do anything to hurt you?" Asked the brunette as she reached out her hand towards the blonde. "not intentionally"

- "I, I know that I... Since the surgery I..." She had come to the edge of the bed and Carina had come up to hug her waist.

-"I would never do anything you didn't want to do, or were afraid of; we can just... Try it together, when you're ready to try it, whatever it is. I want to make you feel good, I don't want to hurt you. If I hurt you at any time, I want you to trust me enough to stop me, okay?"

- "I'm sorry."

- "bambina, okay?"

- ", okay"

- "and then... Between us..." Carina had moved one of her hands up Maya's back to come and slide it over her trapezius, then over her chest. "You are so... No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't say that, I sound like a pervert, but you're afraid and you're not comfortable in bed anymore."

- "I am so?"

- "no nothing"

- "amore, that's me"

The brunette had put her mouth near the ear of the blonde, not to look into her eyes to make her statement.

- "you're afraid, you're afraid of hurting, that I'll hurt you, but for me, it's just good, really good, you know how much I love to feel you so tight on my fingers and... Believe me, if I tell you that making love to you so slowly since your operation, sliding inside you, and your walls caressing my fingers, even oppressing me, I have never known anything so... Good... I sound like an obsessive, but I've never been so frustrated, in a good way, and on the verge of cumming while touching you, as I have since New Year's Eve. And I know that for you it's not the same, and that you probably preferred it before your surgery. And I liked making love to you before your accident, you know that... But I... I feel like this is the first time for you as soon as we do it and it's just..."

The blonde had swallowed, the Italian's revelations in the hollow of her ear were making her mouth water.

Yes she was afraid, afraid to hurt, but she was also afraid to scare Carina away because she was in a sense different.

- "so you..."

- "ché?"

- "if you can't... With three fingers..."

- "Maya, it's not about the amount... It's about the way I feel you on my fingers when we make love and yes, I used to like to penetrate you with three fingers so that you would crush my phalanges... But since they closed your collar and left only two centimeters of opening... Mamma mia, it's like I have three fingers every time we make love".

The Italian had lowered her hand a little and untied the knot in the blonde's towel so that it fell to the ground.

"What are you afraid of bambina?" Carina asked in her sweetest voice.

-"I know it's... Healed, but, I, I've been in so much pain for days, not daring to say anything, that I'm stupidly afraid that it ... Tear. And the problem is that I always have this fear when it gets too good... That I'll moan too loud and you'll... That you'll find some extra motivation to make me moan more... And that you speed up, but I'm not ready yet, for it to be faster or more... 'violent'?... Not violent in the violent sense but... Fast and deep"

- "I understand. And I never want to do anything that isn't just pure pleasure for you... Maya I'm crazy about you, I'm crazy about your body, and all I want is to make you feel good. A lot of good. As much as you do to me... And as much as the state in which it puts me in to make love to you"

Her lips had come against her neck as her hands went behind her back to fully stick them together.

"Maya..." She had whispered. "You're fine... You're perfect. I just want you to tell me if I hurt you... But trust me. As long as you don't ask me, I won't do anything more than what we've been doing for the past month and a half... Forgive me for earlier, but I wanted you so much in the shower, I shouldn't have put you in an embarrassing situation. You've been so patient with me... And I should have asked you, I should have asked you, or waited for the request to come from you."

- "Carina, I don't blame you for making love to me in the shower. It was... Really good. I just had a stupid reflex, when you haven't hurt me once since the surgery... Quite the opposite..."


- "hmmm?"

- "there's something I miss though... And that you push me away every time"

- "I'm sorry, I feel like this is... different"

- "It's not... Trust me. But in a month and a half, you've only let me taste you twice... You didn't... Appreciate it?"

- "I did, but I read that-"

- "forget what the internet says. It's still you, it's still your flavor, believe me bambina, it's my favorite taste in the world, I assure you it hasn't changed" replied Carina her lips still in the neck of the blonde.

Maya had moved her hand up to the back of the Italian's neck and they had both pulled their faces back.
The captain's eyes had fallen on the brunette's lips and she had spoken in a barely audible voice:

- "you, you want us, to go somewhere?"

- "there's nothing to do in London at eight in the morning..." The manager's eyes had dropped to the firefighter's lips. "Everyone go to work..." One of Carina's hands had come to rest on her cheek and her thumb had come over her lips, pulling the lower one slightly.

Without taking her eyes off the blonde's lips, Carina had come to kiss her. Her hand had gone to put itself on her hip and her other hand had done the same at the opposite. She had stepped back and pulled Maya up onto the bed. The brunette had then passed one of her arms in her back and had made a rotation of her body to come to lay down the captain on the mattress, their lips always sealed.

The Italian had come to lie on her companion and she had drawn back her face to look at her, the eyes burning of desire. She had moved her hair to one side of her face and dropped her gaze to Maya's body between them, breathing rapidly for both of them. Her hand had passed over the captain's breast, then to her side where she had squeezed her phalanges. Then her eyes had gone up and they had crossed those of the firefighter who looked at her.

While maintaining  her waist stuck to the bed, Carina had lowered again her body to come to kiss Maya sensually.
Her lips had finally left those of the blonde and they had gone down on her body. At the moment when the mouth of the Italian had arrived at the edge of her low belly, the hand of the captain had come to slip in her hair.

Carina had gone down a little more and Maya's legs had bent, passing on one side over the Italian's shoulder. Her head had sunk into the pillow and a heavy, long moan had left the captain's chest the moment she had felt the tip of the Italian's tongue against her.

When the Italian had judged the hour descent to leave they had dressed and had left to walk in the streets of London.

Carina had taken the opportunity to take Maya to her favorite places in London and to Charlie's favorite places, which consisted mainly of toy stores, candy shops and bakeries. She had also taken her to the London Natural History Museum, the Science Museum and finally the London Transport Museum. Everything Charlie would have wanted Maya to visit if he had been there.

So they had lunch in Charlie's favorite pastry shop, which also made salads and other culinary preparations such as pizza slices, sandwiches and other non-English specialties.

The visits had taken them a long time and before they knew it it was already nine o'clock.
They had not stopped all day and Maya was now the happy owner of kitschy objects but necessary for any tourist, such as a mug of London, a small decorative object in the shape of a London bus, or magnets.

They had finished their evening by going to the London Ferris wheel and the arcade games at the foot of it, to relax before returning to their hotel and ordering room service.

They took a quick shower and settled into bed, covered in heavy robes, waiting for their room service to be delivered.

Maya had taken the remote control and was flipping through the English channels.
Carina was watching her.

- "What's the matter? Why are you staring at me like that?"

- "Did I ever tell you that you were the most beautiful woman in the world?"

- "It must have escaped you... But you are wrong".

- "never tell a woman she is wrong. Women are always right".

- "so I'm right"

- "and I am right"

- "I am more right than you"

- "no!"

- "you are much more beautiful than me"

- "non è verò"

- "sì"

- "we are ... Beautiful the same"

- "if you want" said Maya, coming closer to kiss her. "but you are still much more beautiful" she whispered against her lips.

Carina had just stepped back and pushed her face as if to say 'no way'.


- "look at your television bambina!"

Maya's eyes had fallen on her companion's lips but she had eventually turned her head and zoned out again.

However, Carina was still watching her. So Maya had put the remote down and turned to her girlfriend.

-"So what's up? And don't tell me I'm beautiful."

- "you... Are you ready for tomorrow?"

- "Are you scared? It was your idea... Your... Envy?!"

- "yes I know that, but can I be a little scared? Just a little?"

- "Carina I'm meeting your ex-husband, what can really go wrong?" Asked Maya as the room service guy knocked on the door.

/To be continued/


Hey hey hey!

I know... I took the scene I did for the 6x15... But I was pretty proud of it... Blame me!

Ready for the next chapter?

See ya'



Ps: i post today because it's one of my friend birthday.
See on Friday ! (As I post today, it postpone the next chapter)

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