Midnight, The Stars & You

By WestCoast14

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Genevieve Chalamet has grown up visiting Paris ever since she could remember. Her father was from Nîmes, but... More



1.7K 36 15
By WestCoast14

a/n: thank you guys so much for 1k! I'm still new to the F1 world, but I hope you guys are enjoying the story nonetheless! looking forward to the Monaco race in this book and in real life 🙌🏻


Summer 2010

Ginny was exhausted and she wasn't exactly sure why. She had slept the entire flight over to Monaco. Timothée had even tried to wake her when the flight attendants came round with their favorite Biscoff cookies, but she didn't even budge. And when the plane landed, she kept her head glued to the window, rattling all over the place- but still fast asleep.

In the car ride over to the banquet center, she almost drifted off but was startled by an uncomfortable cramp in her stomach. Even with the excitement of dressing up like a royal princess for the KF3 ceremony, Ginny felt like she wanted to roll into bed and cry until her eyes were dry. The only thing remotely giving her any pleasure was her dress. It was a beautiful lavender fabric that layered in the front like sheer and there were metallic butterflies latched into the crevices.

Ginny had begged for a nice outfit to wear when she heard about their family's invitation to Charles and Pierre's end-of-season party. She wanted to impress the latter. But while Ginny watched her surroundings out the window, getting closer to their destination, she wanted to turn around and go to a hotel bed for rest and comfort.

"Are you sick?" Timothée rested his hand against her forehead. She tried to slap it away but he already had pulled back, probably expecting that response. He glanced into the rearview mirror in hopes of catching Nicole's eye. "Mom? Is Ginny sick?"

"I'm just tired." Ginny groaned, feeling more irritated than usual. Maybe it was the pending doom that came along with Pierre, but even then she usually prevailed, especially with Charles by her side. This felt different.

Nicole turned around in the passenger seat, leaning over the middle console to touch her forehead. She probably needed to feel for herself. Timothée watched with worried eyes. Their mom furrowed her eyebrows and sat back with a frown. "Doesn't seem like you have a fever."

"How much water have you had to drink?" Marc asked from the driver's seat. He was winding through the steep streets of Monaco with both hands on the wheel. The rental car was fancy and made Ginny feel like a celebrity, though no one seemed to double take. "She's probably only had soda."

Ginny rolled her usually soft-brown eyes, but they were more of a dark chocolate with the mood she was in. She pressed herself closer to the window with a sigh. "I've had plenty of water."

"If Coke is water." Timothée mumbled under his breath with a snicker.

Ginny hit his side with her free elbow. "Mind your business you snitch!"

"Ginny!" Nicole exclaimed, looking into the rearview mirror with a grimace. "Don't hit your brother!"

The youngest Chalamet let out a loud and forced laugh that sounded more like a burst of sarcasm. "Oh but all the other times he hits me you're suddenly blind!?"

"You're in a real pissy mood, Ginny." Timothée rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Have you forgotten all the times I did get in trouble for just being a brother to you?"

"I guess I have, because you're mom's favorite and she wouldn't dare talk bad about the only successful actor in the family. Wouldn't want to hurt your feelings... the only one following in her footsteps." Ginny was practically foaming at the mouth. She wasn't sure where all the rage was coming from, but she couldn't help but want to rip the whole world apart. The cramps were getting stronger, but she tried not to look like she had to throw up.

Timothée flushed in the cheeks, turning a bright crimson color that crept down his neck. His sharp features adjusted into a thin line. A thick vein nearly popped out of his forehead as his eyebrows creased together. "Mom doesn't love me any more than she loves you."

"Thank you, Timmy." Nicole glared at her daughter.

Ginny shook her head in distaste. "You just proved my point."

"Settle down, Gin." Marc finally spoke up again from the front.

Ginny let her head slump against the window. "Don't call me that. That's Pauline's nickname for me."

"Is that what this is about?" Nicole ran a hand through her hair. "That Pauline got to stay home?"

Ginny scoffed, "I just explained what this is about and clearly you weren't listening."

"Look, I know you don't like Paris as much as the rest of us but aren't you glad to see Charles and Chloé." Timothée tried to lay a hand on her shoulder but she quickly shoved him... and hard.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

"What the fuck is your problem!?" Timothée roared. "Is this about Pierre!?"

"Pierre?" Nicole raised a brow. "What's going on with Pierre?"

"It's not about anyone!" Ginny practically yanked her hair out. "I'm tired, my stomach hurts, and I feel like I might throw up, okay? That's what's wrong. Just leave me alone."

The car came to a halt in front of a huge building. There were families walking up a red carpet with fake photographers as paparazzi. They were just extra adults who worked with the Karting community. A big banner was spread across the entrance that read: OK-Junior Ceremony.

Ginny hopped out the backseat before anyone could detest. Some faint yells from her mom were drowned out by the sea of chants along the tweens and shrieking "fans." They were just more adults or family members of the Karting kids who were celebrating tonight. She looked for any familiar faces out front but found none, so she decided to scurry inside. One of the ladies at the door gave her a ticket for some kind of rally and pointed her to the room on the left.

Ginny followed the instructions and entered the party hall, where a bunch of the Karting boys were mingling in groups- along with some of the girls who were related to them or friends. The confidence from her favorite dress was starting to fade as she saw all the other tween girls in fabric that made them look so much older. They looked beautiful. Ginny looked like a kid. Cute and chubby. She tried not to tear up.

"Ginny!" She heard Chloé's voice from somewhere. She followed the sound and found her standing beside one of Charles fellow Karting friends: Max Verstappen. Ginny had hung out with him in group settings throughout the years, but she never quite liked him as a person. He was too similar to Pierre. He was a mean boy.

Ginny forced a smile and walked over to the pair. Chloé was quick to engulf her in a hug, while Max stood off to the side with his hands stuck in his pockets. He smiled with no teeth showing as Ginny rested her chin on her friend's shoulder. "Hi Chloé. Hi Max."

When they pulled away, Chloé was quick to take in Ginny's appearance... starting with the single tear slipping from her eye. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Ginny wiped her warm cheek with the back of her hand. "I had a small fight with my family but it's not a big deal."

"Oh I'm so sorry." Chloé coo'd, giving her another big hug that nearly cut off blood circulation. "You look amazing, though! I love your dress... it's to die for!"

Ginny cheered up a bit at the compliment. She leaned back and finally glanced over her friend's dress. It was a beautiful ruby red that had glitter shimmering everywhere, and the design was like a tutu. Very fitting for Chloé. Actress and all, she still loved to dance as a hobby.  "You look like you could be on a real red carpet."

"I wonder who would be your date?" Max asked with a devilish grin that spread across his lips. He was dressed like all the other boys- a plain colored button up, black slacks, and shoes only worn on special occasion. The kind that were stiff and pointy.

Chloé seemed to blush at his comment, throwing on a silly smile that Ginny didn't recognize and a giggle that made Ginny shudder. "Hm, I wonder too. Maybe George? He's taller than me and I like his accent."

Max frowned for a moment, but was so quick to change his expression to uninterested, Ginny thought she might've hallucinated. "I'm taller than you too and I have an accent."

"Are you saying you'd want to be Chloé's date?" Ginny furrowed her brows. He sure sounded hurt that Chloé hadn't first picked him. The tone almost sounded... familiar. Ginny shook her head, not yet ready to greet the idea nor in-person Pierre.

Max shook his head with disgust. "No, idiot! Did it sound like I was saying that? Why don't you go eat the cupcakes you fatty."

He was definitely just like Pierre.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Chloé groaned, slapping a hand against his chest. "You're just as bad as Pierre when you talk like that. Ugh. I hate boys. C'mon Ginny."

It was too late, though. Ginny was already crying. She shook her head and spoke through the tears. "No, it's okay. I didn't mean to interrupt anyway. I'm just going to find our table. Is Charles there?"

Chloé bit her lip. "Yeah. He should be there. Are you sure-"

Ginny already had turned her back to her friend, not out of spite, but because she was embarrassed. She wiped away her tears the best she could, feeling the salty sting under her eyes. She dodged some crowds filing in and slipped into the large room on the left, like the lady had said.

There were lots of tables filled with expensive glasses and silverware. A long table was lined with buffet style food, except more French. And there was a specified podium for the awards in the back. Her eyes landed on Charles and his brother Arthur at a table where her family now stood. She lowered her coffee brown eyes to her feet and slugged over.

"There she is." Nicole spotted Ginny with a mixed look of annoyance and pity. "We were just looking for you."

Charles whipped around in his chair and stood with a bright smile. His button up was a sky blue color that made his forest green eyes look lighter. The shirt was tucked into his dark slacks. They were a little long, so someone had cuffed the ends with a hair tie. Only Ginny had noticed because she stared longer than usual at the cute Leclerc. "Ginny! Wow... you look..."

"Careful." Timothée grabbed his shoulders. "She might bite your finger off. She's in a twisted mood today."

Ginny snarled at her brother. "Don't listen to him. Timmy is just being a dick."

That word seemed to bring Arthur back into reality. He was the same age as Ginny, but the two of them hadn't really bonded. She was Chloé and Charles' friend. He looked at her with wide eyes, like he was shocked. "How does she know about those!?"

"Ginny!" Marc and Nicole hissed at the same time.

The Leclerc's didn't mind the banter and even giggled at her outburst. She spotted Pierre's parents standing by with Champagne glasses. They also chuckled. She wondered for a moment where Pierre was, and another moment if Jean was going to hit him after the alcohol tonight. She shook her head. "I'm sorry."

"Kids will be kids." Pascale spoke after her swallow. "Good to see you, Ginny."

That sounded backhanded. She emphasized her English words just as always. Ginny nodded towards her, "Good to see you too Mrs. Gasly."

"Pierre was wondering when you'd get here."

"I'm sure he was." Ginny mumbled.

"What was that, dear? You'll have to speak up."

Charles held back a chuckle. "She said how nice."

Ginny shared a look of triumph with him. The adults went back to talking amongst themselves. Timothée excused himself to look around. Charles broke free from his grip and wrapped his own arms around Ginny's neck. "I'm so glad you're here!"

"I wouldn't have missed it!" She felt a glow forming in her attitude. Charles always knew how to make her feel better, even if he wasn't trying. Just the look on his face- the smile that was so bright and cute... it made Ginny feel warm and gooey on the inside. She melted into his embrace and for a long time, neither one of them let go. He'd grown since last year, towering over her unlike the boys in her grade. She felt so protected. "I'm sorry about my brother. He was just trying to tease me."

Charles leaned back. They let go of each other, but stood close. His chestnut brown hair sat across his forehead like the Justin Bieber swoop. "You looked upset when you got to the table. Did you two fight?"

"Yeah." Ginny shrugged. "I'm not sure. I feel... strange."

"Strange?" Charles cocked his head to the side. "How so?"

"My stomach just really hurts and I feel like I might faint. Well, I'm guessing that's what I'm feeling. I've never fainted before."

"Do you see stars?" Arthur butted in with a frown. "Because you'll definitely fall after seeing stars. Trust me. I've fainted plenty of times."

"He's never fainted in his life." Charles whispered in her ear.

A shiver ran down her spine at the touch of his lips against her skin. She held back a chuckle but couldn't help the bright blush. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Arthur."

"Maybe the airplane made you sick?" Charles wondered with a look of worry. "You guys haven't had any time to decompress."

"Decompress?" Arthur furrowed his brows.

Charles glared at him, but answered. "It means to relax."

"I don't think it was the plane. I kind of felt like this in New York. I don't have a fever but maybe I'm about to get sick. I don't know, Charles. I'm sorry. I haven't even congratulated you on your win!"

Charles flushed at the last part. He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. "It's not a big deal."

Ginny chuckled. "It is so a big deal."

Charles paused for a moment. He grabbed onto the back of the chair he'd been sitting in and pulled it out like a gentlemen. "Here. Sit down. I'll go get you some water and maybe that'll help."

"Now you sound like my dad." Ginny couldn't help but laugh.

Charles grimaced, shaking his head. "I'll get you a cookie too."

"Thank you." Ginny say in the chair, feeling Charles' warm hands on her back as he pushed her in. Arthur sat across from her, but was now preoccupied by some-sort of car booklet. She guessed the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

"I'll be right back." Charles whispered in her ear again. He was leaning down on her right side. "I can't wait to catch up."

"Me too." Ginny moved her head to look at him. Their faces were inches apart. His eyes wandered to her lips. She quickly turned away and he departed with a loud cough.

They'd been friends for four years now, and the spark was undying. Ginny had tried to have crushes on other boys at her school and around the Neighbourhood in Hell's Kitchen... but nothing compared to Charles. He was so special to her. He was her best friend. Her partner in crime. And her crush. She had so many memories of them already- highlighting the special times in her head when it seemed like maybe he also had a crush on her. But the thought was almost insane.

He would never like-like her. They were friends.

"Well, well, well." A familiar sound of a snake slithering caught Ginny's attention. Pierre. She couldn't say the same for Charles, for Pierre. The two of them were the opposite of friends. Enemies. She was face to face with her bully yet again. The older boy was dressed in a white pair of slacks and a black button up. The color of his soul. His sea-green eyes sparked a hint of mystery as he grinned. "Look who we have here."

"What do you want, Pierre?" Ginny tried not to look startled by his appearance. She needed to be strong. She needed to hold her ground. She wouldn't let him get under her skin. She'd been trying not to let him for four years. But sometimes, she couldn't help when little things slipped past.

He slumped into the chair beside her, scooting as close to her thigh as possible. His dirty blonde hair was tousled like someone had run their fingers through it. She wondered if it had been his own fingers or... no. It didn't matter. He cocked his head to the side. "Aren't you going to congratulate me on a great season? Kiss my feet maybe? Beg for a picture with me to show off to your filthy American friends?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. He was truly unbelievable. "In your dreams maybe."

Pierre stiffened. "I'd never dream about you."

"Okay." Ginny glared at him.

"Where's Charles?" Pierre looked around, landing on Arthur with a grimace. The youngest Leclerc widened his eyes and scooted closer to his mom. Pierre turned back to Ginny, waiting for an answer.

"He went to grab me water."

"How... sweet." Pierre said the word through his teeth like it was the most painful dentist trip. Ginny tried not to get scared. But, Pierre looked so angry with his brows furrowed together and face tomato red.

Ginny glanced at the podium. "Did you get first place again?"

"What do you think?"

"I wouldn't be asking you if I knew, would I?"

Pierre narrowed his eyes on her. "Are you and Charles fighting? You're awfully angry."

"We're just fine." Ginny groaned. "I don't feel good, okay? Have something to say about that?"

For a moment, Ginny caught a glimpse of the Pierre from four years ago. She'd only send that vulnerable side a couple times since. One time, when Ginny was eight, Pierre broke his leg and was out of the season. His summer was ruined too.

When everyone else would go out, Ginny stayed a couple times because she felt bad he was stuck in his room. He would be mean... at first... but then he'd go on a tangent about his dad or racing or even herself. He complimented her "nursing"skills and said, "I wish you'd always be by my side like this."

But the next day, he said he'd been tripping on the pain medicine.

During the last trip to France, Jean had gotten so drunk that he hurt Pierre real bad. It was at night again like the first time, only Ginny had stepped between the two of them. And she ended up getting hurt. Pierre had reacted so... odd... Ginny still didn't know how to process it.

After Jean had passed out, Pierre cleaned her wound with a hot rag and was so careful that it seemed like second nature. He bandaged the cut and his hand had rested against her face for so long, she thought he'd zoned out. They fell asleep in his room together, but when she woke up, he was gone and they never talked about it again.

There were only a few times that side of Pierre had peeked out. And this was one of those times.

He glanced at her with a frown. "Well, what's wrong?"

"I don't know." Ginny shrugged. "I'm kind of... scared. I don't feel like myself."

Pierre shifted in his seat. He fiddled with his knee, massaging it like always. "You look pale."

"Thanks." Ginny deadpanned. He was no help. She wasn't sure why she had told him.

"No I mean-" Pierre roughly said. His fingers were nearly skimming her exposed thigh. "Paler than usual. Are you sick? Because I don't wanna have a soar throat during the summer. That's the worst."

Ginny held back the urge to punch him. "No im not sick! Just leave me alone!"

Pierre looked taken aback. He moved his hand to his side and stood with fury. "Maybe you ate too much candy fat face. Ever think you're coming off a sugar rush? Or I guess you never do since you can't stop eating pig."

Ginny jutted her chin out and stood in front of him, pushing out her chair with a heavy force. "Have you seen me eat anything while I've been here!? And what's it to you if I do!? You're just like Timothée! Mind your own fucking business!"

Pierre bawled his hand up into a fist. He opened his mouth to speak but words didn't come out. A laugh did. He started to point at her, making some other kids nearby look. Arthur peeked over his book too. The parents didn't seem to turn their attention- they must've been too preoccupied in gossip. Pierre shook his head in what looked like shock. "I'll mind my own fucking business when I don't have to look at you spewing blood. Looks like someone started her period."

Ginny's mouth dropped open. She tried her best to peer over her shoulder, but then she didn't have too. She spotted the bright red blood dripping down her legs. The other kids started whispering and pointing at her like she was an item at a museum. The carpet stained with her blood. It was in fact her first period.

No wonder she'd felt so weird.

She could feel the tears coming on. Everything was catching up to her- maybe from the release. She must've started bleeding the moment she got to the banquet, maybe even in the car, because she was practically the Red Sea. Charles appeared from behind Pierre with a plate of food and a cup of water. He took in the sight- the kids laughing, pointing, Pierre making jokes about how Ginny was going to die. Charles placed the food down on the table and made sure to shove the older boy out of the way.

"Go away Pierre." Charles murmured after shoving past him. He unbuttoned his dress shirt and underneath was a plain white tee shirt. He handed the material to Ginny. "You can wrap this around your waist. It'll hide the blood."

"This is my favorite dress." Ginny whispered. "Now it's ruined."

"It'll never be ruined if you're wearing it. You're too beautiful." Charles smiled brightly.

Ginny blushed. "Im going to tell my mom."

"You look dumb." Pierre told Charles with a groan. "Underdressed. And you-" he pointed to Ginny. "You'll never be able to wear that stupid dress again. Charles is lying to you. It's a goner with that much blood."

"Shut up, Pierre!" Charles whirled around with his hands in fists. "Leave her alone!"

"Or what?" Pierre stepped forward. "What are you going to do, Charles? We're friends, remember? Or did Ginny tell you otherwise? That lying bitch."

"Charles." Ginny tugged in his shirt. "It's okay. Let's just go. Will you walk behind me?"

"Of course." Charles softened his tone for her. He grinned at Pierre one last time. "Did he tell you he came in second place? It's hard to beat someone who won the Monaco race."

Pierre never looked angrier.

But Charles just chuckled and followed after Ginny, standing as close to her back as possible.

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