The Captain's Wife

By NegansWarrior

26.9K 620 32

I've grown to love the tv show called 'Grimm', my favorite characters are: Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Monr... More

Lunch Visit
Dinner With Sean
What Are You?!
Blubaten Brawls
Blubaten Brawls Prt. 2
Don't Leave Me...
Captain Burkhardt
Solid Ice
Woge? Wesen? What?
The Moment Sean and Sylas Meet
Two Grimms?!
Last Day as Captain
Tribe Hunts
She's Not Me...
She's Not Me... Prt 2
She Striked Again!?
The Start of Destroying The World
For Juliette..
Vienna prt 2
Seeing Ghosts?
King Fredrick's Return
King Fredrick's Return prt 2
A Prince Is Crowned
Zauberbeist vs Grimm vs Hexenbeist
Meeting Vincent
The Search For Both Burkhardt's
Zombified Burkhardt's
The Little Things
Ending The Royals
What The...
Into The Blackforest We Go..
King of Hell
The New Beginning
Our Family Fights
Take It With You..
Take It With You.. prt 2

Is This Power Forever?

414 13 0
By NegansWarrior

Sylas's P.O.V

We arrived in Portland at 8am this morning, after we got home both Nick and Sebastien went to get some rest while Sean and I remained in the living room to pour us a few drinks before heading upstairs to our bedroom. We grabbed our glasses then made our way upstairs, Sean used his elbow to slide the door open then let me walk in first. I sat the glasses on the dresser to close the door for Sean, as he sat his glasses next to mine he turned to me.

Sean:"I want you to try to fully understand what I'm about to tell you. It may surprise you at first believe me I was, so grab a glass and sit with me on the bed."

Sean wasted no time picking up a glass then move towards the bed, must be something serious. Grabbing a glass I walked towards the bed myself, sitting next to him I turned my body so I was facing him. He took a drink before looking at me with a look of concern,

Sean:"Sy, last night at the second safe house you were so angry.. your eyes? Darker than normal but it was quick what I saw, a small flash of purple appeared in your eyes. I know what it is and your not going to like me bring it up but, when Adalind changed herself into you and you know the rest, the thing is she must have done something else to the spell and I believe she's turning you into a Hexenbeist hence the purple in your eyes and the reason behind your strange rage-"

He paused for a moment but when I went to raise the glass to my lips he covered it with his hand then stared directly into my eyes.

Sean:"I could be wrong it may be something else I'm familiar about, so don't drink that please."
Me:"You told me to grab a glass and now I can't drink it? What are you not telling me?"

Sean inhaled while finishing his half full glass, exhaling he looked at me again.

Sean:"If it wasn't her spell then it's because you could possibly be pregnant. I never got far with her and that I promise you is the truth, but you? I can't hold back. Lately I haven't been either."

I slightly leaned my head back, sitting there in thought. Looking down he reached over using his finger to lift my head,

Sean:"What are you not telling me?"
Me:"I have been feeling different for some time now.."
Sean:"Why didn't you tell me baby? How long have you been feeling this way?"
Me:"A couple weeks, just my mind was occupied from your family with all the cases piling up from their destruction I forgotten about the change for awhile, I'm sorry.. I wasn't trying to keep that from you."

Sean gave me a reassuring smile,

Sean:"No need to worry I'm not angry, now I know I can help you the best I can and if you are pregnant you need to control your anger no telling which side of us it is destined to be."
Me:"I know, all of this is too overwhelming...I.."

With a gentle pull I was wrapped in Sean's arms, his head lightly rested against mine as he reached up grabbing my hand.

Sean:"I know it is, try to relax. Get some sleep your probably exhausted."
Me:"Aren't you?"
Sean:"Not really but would you like for me to lay with you?"

Sean responded with a smile then stood up getting out of his clothes before climbing in bed, I stood up doing the same and climbed in beside him. He pulled me closer wrapping his arm around me then used his hand to guide my head down to his chest, smiling softly I closed my eyes.

Sean:"I love you."
Me:"I love you too."

Sean kissed the top of my head then tighten his grip a little.

Sean's P.O.V

A few hours had passed by, Sy was still sound asleep. Laying here thinking to myself I've ran last night's outcome over in my mind multiple times. One thing stood out the most every time, the way Sylas flew into the car. Losing her would break me, glancing down at her I saw her eyes flinch twice so she must be dreaming. Slowly rubbing her back to try to soothe her my mind went back to Sylas slamming into Sebastien's car. I couldn't handle the image any longer, carefully pulling my arm out from under her I got out of bed walking over towards the dresser to grab one of the glasses that was untouched. Picking up the glass I left the bedroom quietly to head down the stairs, when I stepped into the living room I saw Nick sitting on the couch.

Me:"Couldn't sleep?"

Nick jumped then turned around seeing I was standing there taking a drink.

Nick:"Not really. Guess you can't either."
Me:"Not at all."
Nick:"I could use some company."

Nodding lightly I walked the rest of the way into the living room taking a seat in the chair. Nick leaned forward as he looked at me,

Nick:"What was with Sylas last night?"
Me:"What do you mean?"
Nick:"That power, I couldn't move."

Sighing softly I sat up straight,

Me:"Still figuring it out myself."
Nick:"It was odd and I felt terrified."
Me:"I know, that was twice I felt terrified of her."
Me:"Second safe house."
Nick:"Was that before or after the two of you went at it?"

Chuckling lightly I took another drink before answering his question.

Nick:"She will be okay, right?"
Me:"Yes she will just may take some time for that power to go away. Sy has been on edge after...Juliette.."
Nick:"I'm sure she is."
Me:"I'm sorry Nick."
Nick:"For what?"
Me:"For my family. None of this should have happened."
Nick:"Sean, I don't blame you. You warned us all about your family so unfortunately it was unchangeable."

Hearing those words come from his mouth caused me to clench my jaw, Nick may not blame me but I do I should jave just given the key like Nick wanted me to do. If that led us to our doom then so be it, maybe we could have suffered together. Nick released a huff,

Nick:"Mind if I make myself a drink?"
Me:"No at all, help yourself."

Giving me a nodded he stood up to pour him a drink. Just as I finished mine he sat back down on the couch, right when I was getting ready to say something to him I could feel the floor rumbling under my feet. Nick and I instantly looked to one another before looking towards the stairs, I got up in a hurry to run upstairs to the bedroom. After opening the door I saw Sy tossing and turning before this overwhelming weight came over me which sent me to my knees, struggling to speak I barely managed to move a few feet on my knees reaching out for Sylas. It took a lot to even call out her name but when I did she sat straight up and the weight I was feeling disappeared quickly. My eyes looked up to Sylas who had an apologetic look on her face. Regaining my strength I stood up sitting on the edge of the bed.

Me:"Are you okay?"
Sylas:"D-did I do that?"
Me:"Yea you did."
Sylas:"I'm so sorry.."

Barely frowning I pulled her against me,

Me:"It's okay, were you dreaming?"

She nodded in response, looking down at her I saw she was scared herself.

Me:"How about you come join Nick and I?"
Sylas:"Oh no...he felt the power didn't he?"
Me:"As well as last night.."
Sylas:"Does he know?"
Me:"No. I didn't tell him."
Sylas:"He needs to know."
Me:"Are you sure?"

Releasing Sy I stood up watching her get out of bed then put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, she followed me downstairs to the living room. Nick stood up from the couch to turn around.

Nick:"Everything okay?"
Me:"Just a dream. Go ahead and sit back down we have something to discuss with you."

Nick narrowed his eyebrows but sat down, I took a seat in the chair I was sitting in earlier as Sy sat on the couch near me.

Nick:"What's going on?"
Me:"After getting home, Sy and I had a talk while you and Sebastien slept. I told Sy about the power she released in the second safe house, her eyes were darker then normal but what caught my eye was the dim purple light that flashed in her eyes. Like I told Sy it's one of two things, when Adalind was Sylas she could have added something to the spell to turn Sy into a Hexenbeist but something else hit me that could be a possibility."
Nick:"Tell me don't leave me hanging Sean."

Taking a deep breath I leaned forward resting my elbows on my knees,

Me:"Sy could be pregnant. With me being a Zauberbiest it's a good possibility that's why she has so much power inside of her."

Nick was lost for words looking between Sy and I, he then nodded.

Nick:"Hopefully is the second one, Adalind wasn't in the palace last night so there's no telling where she is."
Me:"I may have an idea where she could be. You guys did go through the tunnel, that tunnel never stays the same it constantly changes to hide the dungeon that's down there. If Adalind did something to anger Viktor he could have possibly thrown her in there."
Nick:"We have to go back."
Me:"No, it'll be dangerous. Without knowing who is next in line for the throne I can't risk any of your lives so I'll go alone."
Sylas:"Absolutely not. At least take Nick or Sebastien with you."
Me:"Babe, it's safer if I go alone."
Nick:"No, Sy won't live with that decision. I'll go with you."

Thinking to myself I just gave in to make her happy,

Me:"Fine, looks like you and Hank have to handle things here."
Sylas:"We can handle it besides we have Monroe who will help us if needed."
Nick:"When are we leaving?"
Me:"Since I haven't slept yet, we'll head out tomorrow morning."
Nick:"Okay I'll make sure to bring more ammo."

Letting out a small yawn I rubbed my face then looked to Sy,

Me:"Spend time with your brother I'm going to get some sleep."
Sylas:"I'll be up in a bit."

Smiling softly I stood up leaning down kissing her slowly. Once we pulled away I kissed her forehead then went upstairs.

Sylas's P.O.V

It was quiet for a little while after Sean went upstairs, I didn't know what to say to Nick but he spoke up.

Nick:"I really hope it's the second possibility, Adalind has screwed up our lives enough as it is."
Me:"Maybe who knows."
Nick:"How long have you felt this way?"

Looking over at Nick I saw he was already looking at me,

Me:"Like I told Sean, only a couple weeks."

Nick remained silent then lightly laughed causing me to raise an eyebrow.

Nick:"Heh, Juls would have been extremely excited if you are pregnant."
Me:"I know she would have been, I'm sorry she's not here."

Nick smiled softly,

Nick:"She's still with me Sy, I can feel her."

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