Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexi...

By anikole

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Four months later it's May, time for Alex's birthday again, and she's out on tour with her brothers, and they... More

Prologue: Alex's Secret
Ch. 1: Hello Beautiful
Ch. 2: The Surprise Gifts
Ch. 3: A Little Fall of Rain
Ch. 4: The Secret's out of the bag...
Ch. 5: Pushing Me Away
Ch. 6: The Doctor visit...
Ch. 7: M&G and Carrying Alex?
Ch. 8: Don't Charge Me For The Crime
Ch. 9: Wrong Choice
Ch. 10: Be in the Way or A Burden
Ch. 11: love/miss you
Ch. 12: Big Sis for Real.....
Ch. 13: 1/3 Gets in trouble... w/o a prank first
Ch. 14: Back to work... again
Ch. 15: High/Lows/Exes
Ch. 16: black sheep?
Ch. 17: Snapped
Ch. 18: Peace/Love
Ch. 19: Who I Am
Ch. 20: F*ing Perfect
Ch. 21: Stay/Permanent Scar
Ch. 22: Shaking Off All of the Pain
Ch. 24: Say Yes to the Dress
Ch. 25: Sexy & We Know It
Ch. 26: bridesmaid dress shopping
Ch. 28: "I Do" :-D
Ch. 29: Party Time
Ch. 30: Just Dance with Me...
Ch. 31: I've Been Waiting For a Girl Like You
Ch. 32: flowers/garter
Ch. 33: Honeymoon/Sex
Ch. 34: The final Goodbye
Ch. 35: Honeymoon

Ch. 23: Finding the prefect wedding dress

2K 31 4
By anikole

AN: SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOO SSSSSSOOOOOORRRRRRRRRYYYYYY!  I had a lot on my mind and trying to get stuff done because I had a paper to write Saturday, and I was going to miss a friend that I started getting to know for a month since that friend was moving to Texas (home), so I was making farewell gifts, and was really touched by them, and we exchanged Facebook info, so I sent a friends request, so waiting for the except back... just got to give it time since that friend is going to enjoy family time, and some family trips are planned.  But at the end of the month I will be really busy so I might not update, but I will try to early that week before Easter Sunday.. okay?

ANYWAYS... here is your next chapter... I'll try to update again this week to make up for last week and this week... glad that you are all enjoying the series, it was my first Jonas story, and sad to see this ending soon... not to worry there is 12 Chapters left :)  ONTO THE CHAPTER!

And the dress on the side is the 'carnation/tissue' dress that Alex is talking about in the chapter (and if you remember about the dress before in the series earlier when she was engaged to Chris).


Chapter 23

“Alex, these are amazing,” Jen said. “Have you thought about your dress yet?  I know this amazing dress designer.”

“Really?” Alex asked.  Then she decided to have some fun.  “I found this really great dress when I was to get married before,” Alex winked as she got her phone out and shows Jen.  “Play along,” she words.

“Wow, that’s just wow,” she said taking the phone, “It’s amazing.  Well that saves you a trip huh?” Jen said.

“Wait,” Nick said and took the phone to look at the picture.  “Oh heck no.  Alex, you are not wearing that dress.”

“Which one?” Joe asked and Nick shows him.  “Wait, that’s the tissue looking dress.  No, you are not wearing it.”

Kevin looks at Alex, “You are not going to look like a carnation.”

Alex looked at Jen and smiled.

“But you guys,” Jen said, “it’s so different and fluffy. I think it would make quite an impression.”

“Yea, a dress that turns into a box of tissues after you’re done,” Joe said. “Uhuh.”

“Ya know Alex, you could always have a nude wedding?” Jen said trying to not laugh.  “Ya know, if the boys don’t want you in that dress, you might as well go naked.”

“HECK NO!” the boys said at once.

“We are going dress shopping,” Kevin said.

Alex and Jen smile and words, “Check.”


            The next few days, Alex was getting ready to go dress shopping with Dani, Mandy, Denise, and she even asked Jen to tag along.  Derek had to go get ready for another show of DWTS, but everyone was glad so that he didn’t have to take the chance in seeing Alex in her dress.

Paul had over booked the studio for Nick’s solo album since Alex had planned on going dress shopping and the boys were going to help out.  So, Kevin and Joe were going to go for lunch with Nick.  Nick was going to try and get done and then have lunch with his brothers and head to the dress shop.


            Alex and Dani were headed to the dress shop that Denise gave Alex to put into her GPS.

            Danielle’s text message ring sounded, and she looked at the message, and laughed, “Kevin just text and said that the boys have eaten and are on their way.”

            Alex laughed.  “Now, onto plan two.”


            “Find that ugliest and cheapest bride’s dress in the shop, and have it on before the boys walk in.”

            “Tell the staff what’s going on of course,” Jen told her.

            “Of course,” Alex chuckled.

            The girls knew what they were doing was wrong, but it was the only way to get the boys to finally understand why they are so important to be apart of Alex’s wedding, for the second time even.


            Alex, pulls into the parking lot of the dress shop, and they all get out of the car as Danielle gets another text.

            “Nick texted and said not to tell you but they are on their way here,” Dani laughed.

            Alex laughed, “Tell me what?”

            They laugh going inside.

            “Hello ladies,” a girl named Tori comes up to them, “May I help you with something?”

            “Yes, I’m Denise Jonas.  I called and setup an appointment up for my daughter Alexis Jonas for finding her a dress,” Dani told her.

            “Yes.  So who is Alexis?” she asked.

            “I’m Alex,” Alex answered raising her hand up with a smile.

            “The bride, congratulations on the engagement and the big day.”

            “Thank you.”

            “We have your room setup over here.  Now Denise you said that three boys are coming?”

            “Yes, my sons also her brothers,” Denise told her as they went over toward a private room.

“I asked them to be my men-of-honor.  They should be here soon,” Alex told her.

            Tori looks back, “You’re kidding right?”

            “Of course not,” Dani answered.  “Alex’s planned this last year when her and I were talking about it.  They are really close that she feels like they should be up there with us.”

            “Okay, I’ll let the staff know that they will come in, but they are here for you not someone else.  I’ll have them wait for you on the couch in the room with your party when they get here. And I’ll inform you the moment they arrive.”

            “Wonderful,” they agreed.

            She got them to a room, and shows them a pile of books and magazines.  “There are some pictures to look at to find the dress you want.  Pick your favorite 6 and we’ll start from there.”

            “Thank you,” the girls said.

            The girls put down their stuff each grabbed a book, and started to look together.


            The boys were in Kevin’s car and on their way to the dress shop that mom told them where their sister and the girls went too.

            “What are we going to do while we are there?” Joe asked.

            “Dude, we help find her a dress,” Kevin said.  “Luckily we get to see it before Derek does.”

            “But we can’t tell him what the dress looks like either,” Nick added.

            “Right,” Kevin agreed.

            Joe thought about it.  “What do you see Alex in?  I know that there are a lot of different styles of dresses.”

            “Does she want a train or no train?” Nick asked.

            “Veil or no veil?” Kevin asked.

            “I think she should have a veil,” Joe told him.

            “She should have a tiara with it too,” Nick added.

            “Beautiful and flowing.  Something that she can move in,” Kevin agreed.

            “It has to be jaw dropping,” Nick continued.

            “It’ll make us cry on how beautiful she is,” Joe added more.

            They soon found the shop and saw Alex’s car in the parking lot, and parked next to her.

            “Here we go,” Kevin said as he turned his car off.

            “No go backs,” Joe told them.

            “No go backs,” Kevin and Nick agreed.

            They got out and head to the doors.  As they walk in they see nothing but a big open room, with some fake models in wedding dresses.  Some walls had the wedding dresses hanging up.

            Someone walks over, “Gentlemen, may I help you with something?”

            “Yes, our sister Alex, and her party are here.  Our sister is getting married and would like us to come see her try her dresses.  She asked us to be her men-of-honor,” Kevin told her.

            The staff member laughs at them.  “I’m sorry… that’s a new one to me.  I’m sure that you want to see your soon-to-be wife in her dress, and you saying that she’s your sister.”

            “No, it’s true,” Joe said.

            “Please, if you go get my wife Danielle she would let you know that it’s the truth,” Kevin told her.

            Soon, someone saw the boys and smiles at them coming over.  “Jonas Brothers, welcome.  Your sister and mother said that you were on your way.”  She reaches her hand out toward them, “My name is Tori.  I’m here to make sure that your sister finds her perfect wedding dress.”  She looks at the other person.  “Shelly, you can go now.  I’ll take care of the boys.”

            Shelly just turned around and walks off.

            “I’m sorry.  Please come with me.  I think Alex is trying her first dress right now.  The girls are waiting and looking for other dresses.”

            “Thank you,” Joe said.

            She takes them to a room that was very private, and covered with a curtain.

            “Here you go and head on inside.  There are books with all of our dresses that we have in the shop in there with the girls.  Please take your time, and the assistant helping your sister is Heather.”

            “Thank you,” Nick and Kevin said at once, and she pulls back the curtain for them to walk in.


            Dani, Denise, Mandy, and Jen were looking in books for other dresses while they heard some familiar voices, and looked up to see the curtain get pulled back and saw Tori with Nick, Joe, and Kevin walking in.

            “Mrs. Jonas, your sons, your husband, and brother-in-laws are here.”

            “Thank you Tori,” Dani said with a smile.

            “You’re welcome,” she smiled.

            Tori left as she dropped the curtain, and the girls stand up to hug the boys.

            “Hi,” Kevin said as he kisses Dani.

            “Hi, we’re glad that you came,” Dani told him.

            “How is she?” Nick asked as he hugged and kissed Jen.

            “She’s fine, nervous, but she’s trying on one of the dresses right now, she should be out soon,” Jen told them.

            “Here she is,” they heard, they look to see another curtain open up, and Alex walks out with the fakest of fake smiles she ever had.

            “Oh, hi guys,” Alex smiled, “Glad that you could make it.  I would love your opinions on dresses.”

            Alex gets help stepping onto a platform in front of a three-way mirror with her brothers and Dani behind her.

            Kevin scrunched up his face seeing how ugly the dress was on Alex, as Joe tried not to gag onto the carpet.  Nick just didn’t know what to do, either turn around and go out of the room, or leave the place.

            “What do you think?” Denise asked them.

            Kevin looks at his wife, “Did you pick that out for her?” he asked.

            “Yeah, do you like it?” she asked with the fakest smile on her face.

            “You don’t like it?” Alex asked looking at her brothers faking a cry.

            “Is that the dress that was on your phone?” Joe asked was a worried look on his face.

            “It sure is,” Mandy smiled.

            Nick looks at his sister and smiles going over, “Alex, it’s not your style.”  He reaches out to take her hands facing her, “We know that you can do better then this.”

            Alex smiles, and looks at her brothers.  “So, are you willing to help me find the perfect dress for my wedding… and all three of you agreeing on it with the girls?”

            Kevin nods, “Yes, just please go put something else on.”

Alex smiled picking up the dress, and steps down with a sigh, “Thank god!  It’s itching me underneath it.”

“Wait a minute?” Joe asked.

            “You hate it?” Kevin and Nick asked.

            “Yes.  I was about to lose my breakfast in this dress.”

            They were speechless as Alex went back to get a different dress on.

            Then Kevin looks at Dani, “You two set us up.”

            Dani smiled, “Guilty.”

            “Why?” Joe asked sitting down between mom and Mandy as Nick sat down beside Jen grabbing a book to look for a dress too.

            “Well, she knew that if you saw how well this meant to her, you three would finally understand, and help us out,” Denise told her sons.

            “We get it,” they agreed.

            They nod as Kevin sat down beside Dani and mom to look together as Joe grabbed another book to look for a dress.


            Two hours later, they kept having Alex try dress after dress, when they were about to give up until Nick stopped in one of the last books and stared at it.

            “This is it,” Nick told them with a smile.

            “What?” Joe asked and looked over at what Nick found.

            “It says Alex for sure,” Nick smiled as he put the book on the table in front of them for everyone to see.

            “It’s prefect,” Dani smiled.

            “The back is so Alex,” Joe said.

            “She’ll be able to move and dance in it because train will gather up,” Nick told them.

            “Derek is going to love it,” Kevin added.

            “So we tell them that’s the dress,” Nick told them.

            “I’ll go find Tori,” Dani said taking the book and went to go find Tori.

            “Good job Nick,” Kevin told him.


            “You do know Alex’s style more then we do,” Joe agreed.

            Nick smiled, “Thanks.”

            Dani comes back, “Tori is getting Alex’s dress right now.”

            They all smiled.

            “Guys, being a man-of-honor isn’t so bad,” Kevin told his brothers.

            They nod in agreement and laugh as the girls join in and started to clean up their mess of books.


AN: SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO... what do you think the dress is going to look like???? Lets play a game... I want you to give me a link of a dress of what you think Alex will wear down below in the comment box... I will look and see them... whoever is right or CLOSEST to the style (remember her colors too), I will dedicate the next chapter to the person... AND IF I get ten votes AND ten or more comments, I will try to post the next chapter earlier this week (normally I do it on Thursday or Friday mornings), so once I get all those votes, comments, and dress links, I'll update before then...

So... Ready... Set.... SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good luck! OH... and CVF

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