Pomegranate love (DRAFT)

By _i_like_big_butts

60 2 0

When the greek god Persephone enrolls in a school made for gods, goddesses and everything in between she meet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

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By _i_like_big_butts

"I know you've seen that white wolf Kelos, he's mine after all. We had a business where he would deliver wine and such to Asgard. He has the power to make people forget things, a master manipulator of sorts. When Cam went to Asgard for training purposes he manipulated Cam into using his power to kill people. Not kill but turn them into objects, that's why he has blowback to make him not transform as much. I wasn't aware of this until a few hours ago, I went to some extent to get this information. Odin will be there at the front with Kelos and Helos as I requested, he won't be able to hurt anyone anymore." That's what I overheard from their conversation, I knew some of it, but to think that bastard did all that is insane. 

I want to kick Kelos in the ribs as hard as I can, I really want to but I pretend to sleep. "Does he remember the murders? Besides, Odin knows all, he will be suspicious of us, don't you think?" Ares tells him, I can't see his expression but I bet it's pissed off. "Yes, I am aware of that. The look on his face though, nothing measures up to an angry Odin." They both laugh, "Ha, are you two going to take charge of him, or maybe throw him around." The god of war says to him. "Most likely, we have a place for wolves like him." Dionysus says as we go over a bump, I drift asleep on Cam's warm body. 

I don't know when we get there but it's night out with the sky dark as ink when we do, he pulls in sloppily with Kelos and Helos on flanking the knowledgeable leader. Cam wakes up a little before I do, he rolls down all the black tinted windows, making Kelos eyes go wide as dinner plates. Odin takes somewhat of a bow, "Hey, I came here to talk. No wine exchange." He says in a plain voice I can't tell what emotion he's putting into it. 

Odin takes a rugged sigh, "What do you want to discuss, young one?" He asks him, we try not to smile and Cam holds me tight. "Hello Kelos, long time no see hm? I've seen your skeletons in your closet, don't even try to play us." Dio says, dropping his shades of deep indigo in his eyes peeking, Kelos looks at Dionysus, then at his current leader a horrified look paints his face, even whiter than his fur. "Kelos, what is this about?" Odin turns to the bleach white wolf a dangerous and stern look. He freezes up like a deer in front of headlights.

"S-sir you have a meet-'' He gets interrupted by him, "What did he do?" Odin says in a voice so cold that I even get chills. "Why don't you tell him, hm?" Dio asks Kelos but all that comes out is stuttered nonsense. The black wolf Helos looks angry and disappointed, Odin has to hold him to make sure his anger does not escalate any further.

"Well then, let me elaborate on his misdeeds. One of them is that he's actually my wolf, we both have matching tattoos on our wrists. See?" Dionysus tells him, showing him the red ink printed clear as day under his vein. Helos takes hold of Kelos pulling back fur to reveal that same one. "The next one has to do with Cam, as you might or might not know, Kelos has the ability to make people forget memories as well as put new ones in. He made Camiel kill people and forget about it, making him a murderer, or more specifically turning them into objects." He finishes with a smirk on his face putting out the cigarette with his slender fingertip. 

Odin looks to Dionysus, then the black wolf and finally Kelos who looks numb as a child who has hypothermia. He doesn't look mad but laughs maniacally, Helos pins him to the ground and starts beating the crap out of him. "You're welcome by the way." Dio says before dropping us off at our dorm. "Well that was something, now if you two don't mind i'm gonna go run myself a cold shower, see you sir." Cam says as soon as we enter and he leaves. A bunch of kids have gathered there including some of the advisors too. 

I let my body drop onto the messy bed with my bag landing with a thud next to it. My eyes go to the ceiling, just staring up at the white. Today was way too much for me, I don't know how long it takes but I drift off into some kind of sleep. 

I have these extremely vivid dreams with Kelos as my groom, we walk down the wedding aisle and all the people are my exes. They have hollowed out eyes dripping with black goo. I see Cam being fried alive like a KFC bowl, Dio is dressed in a bright red suit, suddenly everything goes black, I hear chimes. No, alarms. I wake up with Cam resting his head on my boobs, I giggle at him, parting his hair like people make a dead person look good at a funeral. 

There's a knock at the door, I carefully set Cam's head on the pillow, he shifts but doesn't wake up. "What's up?" I don't even care who it is, but this person I do. "Hey, were you guys causing trouble or something?" Aphrodite says, she doesn't look half bad with no makeup, but I can tell she's been crying. I gesture to her to come inside, I open the blinds and find the sun rising over the horizon. "Prom is tomorrow, I can't do it Seph, people will judge me." She says, "Nobody is going to judge you, not on my watch at least." I tell her hoping it helps, she brang a little organizer, her handwriting swoops with every y and l.  

"Oh hey guys." Cam says waking up and stretching his wings, they look bigger than any other time i've seen them. "Did you have nightmares too, babe?" He asks me and I nod, putting my head on the side of our couch. Cam makes us some coffees and a hot one for himself. The iced drinks slide across the coffee table next to us. "Thanks hun, you're the best." I tell him and he half yawns half moans, it's about 6:30, we have plenty of time before we have to go. I put my uniform on along with Aphrodite, we look like sisters almost. 

Except she has strawberry blonde hair, and I have my chocolate brown curls. "Don't you have to check the school with Ares every morning?" Aphrodite asks Cam who's buttoning his blazer and slugging his bag over his shoulder. "Yeah, even with what happened yesterday I still have to do it." He tells Aphrodite, he kisses me on the cheek and leaves. I have a weird feeling everything will be different now, that the wolf is gone, prom is coming soon. 

Me and her look at the prom dress she ordered, we probably have to pick it up today. From what I can tell it's very floral, like something mom would wear, but the back of it is all lace. I think it would fit her nicely, we both walk to campus around 7 not caring that we were late. 

Odin doesn't even care that we are late, we sit at the table but only Fenrir is there. "Hey where's that perv?" Aphrodite asks the wolf and he shrugs, sinking deeper in his chair, he looks bored and sad at the same time. "That was your brother right? Kelos?" I ask him, putting a hand on his furry shoulders, "Not really a brother by blood, but he felt like one. It's not like he's dead though, just gone temporarily." He explains to us resting his maw on his arms, his ears droop a little.

I pat him on the head scratching behind his ears and he grins a little bit, "He made me forget the whole destroying the world thing, not that I would do that. Kelos made a lot of people forget things, it's my mission to make people remember." Fenrir says closing his laptop, there are some rainbow stickers on his. "I'm guessing you're going to prom too?" Fenrir asks us, we both nod leaning in our chairs. 

Odin walks up to our table for some reason, "Where is Camiel, did he sleep in?" He seems way more calm than usual. "Went with Ares, I don't have any other info besides that." I tell him as I stretch, "Thank you." He says going back to the front of the room continuing his lecture. "Why don't you go to prom with Ares?" I ask her, her face lights up with a red avoiding my gaze. 

"I already have a date, that's all I'm saying." She smiles at me sheepishly, I already have an idea of who she's bringing. The bell rings and I head to my next class, it goes by slowly, every minute feeling like an hour and every second feeling like a minute. We watch a movie about how Rome fell, it's all stuff I know already. 

Eventually I  go to the workshop with Cam and Aphrodite by my side, she seems more distracted than usual, probably in her own headspace. I do my secret knock on the door and he opens it with a smile, "Hello you three, where's the fourth?" He asks us letting us sit in the lounge with all the cool kids, "Don't know, he didn't show up I think, he might be sleeping in." Cam says before we can put any info in, "Sleepy satyr, he's the one with red curly hair right? And stripes on his cheek? I've always liked his music, go little rockstar." Hephaestus says sinking in the comfy chair, I wonder where Olly actually is, probably at a concert with Dio or something, those two really get each other. 

We just sharpen our weapons for the rest of class, and I show how sharp my blades are to one of the training dummies set up. "Let me try, I'm good with sharp things." Aphrodite says getting up from her chair, she makes a request for more dummies and they appear. She's agile and graceful with her movements, slicing away at them getting the fake blood everywhere, it's not a lot. The goddess snaps one neck and finally ends it with stabbing the blade through their hands ending it with a crucifixion of some sorts. 

She wipes some of the fake blood and tastes it, then she sees as staring wide eyed. I think some of the cool kids are actual perverts, "You are really quick on your feet, lovely." Hephaestus says to her as they embrace, if Ares was here he would be steaming with hot jealousy. 

"Aphrodite showed me your prom dress, it looks great. I think black suits you well and the roses are like a flame." He says patting me on the back, we go get lunch and come back to the workshop with it. I eat my wrap with Cam by my side, "How is it?" I ask and he makes a thumbs up and nods, "Really good for school food, but I think the seafood from Olympus is better." He tells me as he finishes, I wonder about Jack and if he's hungry at all. "Hey, do you think we should get one for Jack too? I bet he's starving." I ask him, he shrugs. "I already got him one this morning and a bit ago, he'll be fine," Cam tells me, throwing his tray away in the trash. I don't know how he can eat so fast but it's quite impressive. I think he gets it from Loki.

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