Law of attraction - KOOKMIN

By lonely-heartless

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When his unrequited love he had left behind asks him to drop everything to come at his help as he's being acc... More

We Will Laugh...


218 22 18
By lonely-heartless

A few hours later, Jimin was looking out the window comfortably sat on a plush seat as the plane took off.

                          * * *

To the very end, Yuna will try to punish me. He thought bitterly sitting on the single cot before he pulled himself together. In his chest, guilt twisted like a knife. It wasn't his ex-wife's fault if he's in this mess but her parents who in their grief were desperately looking for someone to blame for the death of their only daughter he reasoned.

It just happened that it landed on him because they had been married until he broke things off and took away Naeun.

Holding his head between his hands, he looked around the
cell, a feeling of despair threatening to overwhelm him. The room tiny and bare with the exception of a cot and a stainless stell toilet. There's a strong stench of disinfectant in the air that at times made him want to gag.

It was all very bleak and he couldn't wait for Jimin to get here.

Calling his former friend had been a spur-of-the-moment decision that he didn't regret as it's the smartest move. Despite the fact they'd lost touch after all these years for unfathomable reasons the younger man had kept tabs on him and he'd been really happy to hear that Jimin had achieved his goals to become a sought after Lawyer.

He'd been a little scared the other man wouldn't answer because he never seem to care about him after moving to Seoul and never returned his numerous calls and messages but he shouldnt have worried as not just Jimin had picked up the call but he'd also promised to get on a plane first thing to fix this.

No matter what his ex-in laws and law enforcement thought jungkook had nothing to do with his ex-wife's death.

The news of her passing had been a shock but not at all a surprise as it'd been a few days since he didn't get her on the phone and she'd skipped two consecutives weekends she's supposed to spend with Naeun.

He said as much to the cops when they brought him in to the station after arresting him at his home in front of his daughter, last night. At the thought he quivered with restrained anger.

He thought that it’s one thing if his ex in-laws wanted to mess wih him but he wouldn't tolerate that they involved Naeun in this because she's innocent. His little girl had already gone through alot with Yuna and their divorce. This was a reasom why he'd yet to break the news to Naeun about her mom's death yet as he didn't want to upset her. He would do anything to protect her.

When Yuna had told him she was pregnant with his child, Jungkook had been shocked and scared by everything that will entail. He was twenty-three year old, too young to be a father or husband but there's no way he'd not take his responsibilities.

A few weeks later, he'd proposed
to her with his mother's engagement ring. At the time, he's still naive and naturally thought things would be fine. He and Yuna would marry and start a family. They'd be happy enough but life wasn't a fairy tale and humans relationships were a lot more complex.

It didn't take long for him to lose his illusions. Naeun was born and upon looking at her bundled up, so small, fragile and perfect he had loved inconditionally. Too bad that hadn't been the case for Yuna.

His ex-wife wasn't cut out for motherhood. She didn't even try. A few months later, Yuna started drinking and going out late at night and sometimes wouldn't even comeback at all. Jungkook who worked full time had to take time off and step up to raise their daughter alone.

He tried to get her the help she needed but she's against it so he watched her slow and painful descent into mental instability mourning the girl she used to be and that he had married. At that timehe was also dealing with depression and the meds made him restless added to his incessant arguments with Yuna life was just too toxic at their place.

He held on until he could no longer and then he left, with Naeun. He asked for divorce and got full custody of the kid to Yuna's parents anger that to this day still think he stole their grandkid.

There's no point telling them how wrong they're so he didn't even bother. His own parents hadn't been of any help and he hadn't talk to them in a while after they took Yuna's side.

He glanced out the window, the sun setting down. He let out a sigh, giving up on the hope of getting out tonight. He worried about Naeun, alone at the apartment and his heart clenched while he prayed that Jimin was already here.

Seeing Jimin again after all this time was the only glimmer in the darkness that his lfe had all but become.

He’d seen photos of the other man in the newspaper and also when he's searching his name on internet. Jimin had changed a lot in five years and almost looked nothing like his old self. jungkook didn't know what to think of it.

The older man had traded his baggy sweatpants and hoodies for bespoke suits and his tousled hair that were so soft to the touch was now cut in a fashionable style but what gave him pause the most and haunted him were Jimin's smiles.

The sweet, toothy smiles were gone replaced by a predatory almost sneering ones.

But his thoughts came to a stop when sound of footsteps and voices coming from the other side of the locked door caught his attention.

He jumped to his feet just as the door is unlocked and froze when Jimin stared back at him in the doorway. His heart flipped in his chest like a bird flapping it’s wings in a cage to fly away. His throat dried up when theirs gazes locked.

He wouldn't be able to say how much time passed by as he drank in the vision of Park jimin standing in front of him, speechless.

The older man had bags under his eyes and looked tired but it didn't diminish his beauty. He wore a three-pieces suit under a long coat. His hair was swept back, revealing his forehead and a few strand was sticking out from the sides.

“Why is he still in a cell?” The man’s voice snapped like a whip, breaking the spell. The officer flinched back as a death glare pinned him.

He fumbled, taken aback and Jungkook hid a chuckle behind his hand.

“The accusation made against him are severe—” he started but was immediately cut off.

“As I told your boss earlier, my client is innocent and unless you have other evidences lying around and not the flimsy ones you showed me then let him out.” 

And that's how twenty minutes later he walked out the police station, a free man with Jimin ahead.

He climbed in Jimin's rented car.

“Thank you hyung.” he said with a cheeky grin as he fastened his belt. Jimin started the engine and pulled out of the lot without a word.

“Don't thank me yet, we need to talk.”


Introducing Jungkook😂 so what do you think is going to happen next? I can already tell you that Jimin really is in for a wild ride💅

Please vote and comment as it's what fuel me. Plus I love reading you all comments

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