Chicken Shop Date *ᴹᵃᵗᵗʸ ᴴᵉᵃˡ...

By imagine-that-100

85.6K 1.5K 1.4K

You and your best friend Amelia came up with a very simple idea of taking celebrities on awkward chicken shop... More

The Date (1.1)
The Date (1.2)
Being Funny In A Foreign Language (2.1)
Being Funny In A Foreign Language (2.2)
Wintering (3.1)
Wintering (3.2)
Wintering (3.3)
Wintering (3.4)
Merry Christmas (4.1)
Merry Christmas (4.2)
Merry Christmas (4.3)
Merry Christmas (4.4)
New Year's Eve (5.1)
New Year's Eve (5.3)
New Year's Eve (5.4)
Happy New Year (6.1)
Happy New Year (6.2)
Happy New Year (6.3)
Happy New Year (6.4)
Sincerity Is Scary (7.1)
Sincerity Is Scary (7.2)
Sincerity Is Scary (7.3)
Sincerity Is Scary (7.4)
Sincerity Is Scary (7.5)
Sincerity Is Scary (7.6)
At Their Very Best (8.1)
At Their Very Best (8.2)
At Their Very Best (8.3)
At Their Very Best (8.4)
At Their Very Best (8.5)
Instagram Official
Brit Awards (9.1)
Brit Awards (9.2)
Brit Awards (9.3)
Brit Awards (9.4)
Brit Awards (9.5)

New Year's Eve (5.2)

2.4K 48 54
By imagine-that-100

Make sure you read 5.1 first x


You use your free hand to rub your eyes, taking a second for a deep breath before you look back up at him. His grin is huge but you're trying to be serious when you tell him off, "Stop because I'll combust before the starters even come out."

"That quick?" Matty chuckles.

You bite your tongue before raising your eyebrows to warn him, "I'll make sure to remember that later." and both of you start laughing.

When the starters arrive, you and Matty chat about your Christmases and your families. Discussing where the both of you fit into your family dynamics is quite funny, and the way Matty describes what his family is like and how he talks about them makes your heart warm.

Matty loves hearing your stories though. Your various anecdotes about this Christmas and ones earlier in your life have him giggling and it makes him long to make memories with you.

He also loves the way you talk about Amelia. It really seems like you value her just as much as he does the boys, and the love you both have for your friends is nothing but a green flag.

After your plates are taken away, you end up talking a bit about his US tour as he had a few more funny anecdotes he hadn't told you yet. You have your questions for him, and Matty answers them all honestly with a smile on his face, he can't help but find it cute how curious you are, not just for the stories but how you also check if he enjoyed what he was up to.

"You know what I think is a crime?" You ask just after a question about his tour, so Matty can't help chuckle at the complete switch in direction of the conversation.

He asks, "What?"

"That you don't sing This Must Be My Dream live." You call him out on it because it's something you think needs to be addressed, for your sake and everyone else who wants to hear it.

Matty bursts out laughing at that, making you start giggling as well as his laugh is just one of pure and utter joy. You could honestly listen to it forever.

When he calms down, he asks, "Is that your favourite?"

"Maybe on that album, but don't distract me," You smile but shake your head, not letting him change the subject, "I want you to play it on the UK tour. Preferably a day I'm in the crowd."

Matty chuckles at that, expecting nothing less. And despite the fact it's not going to happen, he double checks, "London, Manchester, and Newcastle, right?"

This makes you grin, finally having the upperhand with something to tease him with for a second, "And you say I'm obsessed with you? You've remembered all the dates I'm coming to."

And you take a successful sip of your wine as a mini celebration for getting that in there. Matty loves the smug look you give him, but he can't help but ruin it and bring it back around on you.

"You say that like you haven't paid to see me perform." Matty chuckles, taking a sip of his own wine before continuing, "Which you don't need to do... You can sell the tickets or gift them to someone if you want. I'll put you on the guestlist."

"Damn," You can't help but grin hearing that, "This must be going well if I'm already guestlist approved."

And you really think it is going well. There's never been a moment of silence between you other than when you're taking a second to compose yourself after he's just been overly flirty with you. And even then it's both of you trying not to laugh at your reactions. You love how this date is going, and you're pleased Matty thinks so too.

"Of course." Matty nods, reaching over the table for your hand again which you happily give him.

It really reminds you of that bit on your first date where he said 'we're all a bit needy' and you really relate to that especially today. You're glad he wants to touch you, it feels so much nicer than any other date that you've been on in the past.

You feel genuinely wanted by him. And that in itself makes your heart beat so much faster for him.

Matty decides to allude to something interesting that he knows you don't know about yet. "And those shows are going to be interesting ones anyway."

Your eyes somehow get brighter when they go wide. You have to ask, "In what way?"

"I can't spoil the surprise," Matty shakes his head, his curls almost going in his eyes as he does, but he's not giving you anything. "It'll give you something to look forward to."

You smile, "More like it gives me incentive to come home from LA."

"Yeah." Matty nods.

That certainly played a little part in why he didn't want to tell you anything. Because he genuinely wants you around him for as long as possible and using your love for the band could ensure that. But mostly because he really wanted it to be a nice surprise for you.

Even though he would have you backstage beforehand, so you'd probably end up guessing the surprise. But still, the thought of you even being there backstage fills Matty with so much joy he can imagine himself trying to keep you around for as long as possible.

"I can't believe you're not going to tell me more." You press your lips together and look down pretending to be hurt by it.

Matty chuckles at that, and he gives your hand a squeeze before admitting, "I like to keep you guessing."

"Yeah," You nod, giggling a little knowing that he really does. "So is Belfast going to be special because I'm bringing Amelia along for that one for her birthday, don't forget."

Your date chuckles but nods, "I'm sure we can make it special in a different way to the rest."

Cheekily, you hope, "By playing This Must Be My Dream?"

"No." Matty shakes his head.

You push on, "Antichrist then?"

"Woman, I will-" Matty starts warning you but you interrupt him.

"You can play Woman, that's a great song." You fire straight back, keeping your face neutral as you add, "Entirely fine by me."

"You know," Matty grins, "That's the first time since our chicken shop date that you've gone back into your character."

And when he points it out, you realise that you have. You drop the harder expression and let yourself smile.

"Sorry," You shake your head a little, looking down embarrassed as you didn't even notice,  "Sometimes I just slip into i-"

"Don't apologise, it's what drew me to you in the first place." Matty gives your hand a small squeeze, and when you look back up at him you see his big grin as he continues, "It just so happens I really like the way you can't maintain that around me. I like seeing you flustered too much."

"You can't let me just have this date where it's just cute?" You narrow your eyes like you're scolding him for it but your features soften when he gives you a little giggle in response.

Shaking his head and smirking at you, he replies, "No, I really love making you a hot mess." And you're about to scoff when he adds, "Emphasis on hot." giving you another evident glace up and down.

He can tell that the sarcastic, "Right, thanks." you let out is only a facade for your cheeks heat up and you purse your lips to try and not give him a reaction.

But he wants to break you, to see you flustered once more because he actually loves seeing the effect of his words shining through you and he's sure he'd never get tired of it. "Though I would love to make an actual mess of you."

Matty makes a subtle show of licking his lips and biting his bottom lip with his eyes stuck on yours. It all just makes you hold your breath and when you realise you're doing that, he sees the way you let out a shaky breath only to take a deep one right away.

"You need to be stopped, we are in public. Quit the teasing." You manage to say through your teeth, rolling your eyes but still giving him a little smirk. 

Your thoughts were already going crazy and he doesn't help at all, not when he looks like that, when he smirks at you like that and especially not when he says, "You don't know the half of it baby. I'll have you begging soon and that'll only be the start."

That comment only adds to all that's running through your head and seeing the scenario playing inside your mind has your mouth opening agape as you let out a scoff. He's the biggest menace but you secretly love the way your insides knot and feel like they're burning up at his words and under his gaze.

The mains arrive a few minutes after and you thankfully manage to pick your jaw up off the ground. Both of you have a normal, none teasing, conversation whilst you're eating, between moaning at how good the food is.

Enjoying yourselves so much, you even do the cheesy 'wanna taste of mine' and after some raised suggestive eyebrows, you do end up sharing a fork full of your different mains.

There's a nice ambiance to the restaurant and it's all very pretty. There are a few other slightly bigger tables across the other side of the room that gives the place a nice atmosphere, but you're thankful you still have your privacy as there are serving stations in between you.

You talk all about what's coming for you both next year, the continuation of the 'At Their Very Best' tour has both of you excited and you share the same excitement when you tell him all about the content you're getting at the very start of the year.

You're booked and busy. Golden Globes, the Brit Awards, your and Amelia's Valentines Day party, recording multiple ads with different brands and various events during London Fashion Week.

It's all very surreal to you so you ramble a little about the ideas you have to record in those events and when you mention your TikTok soon being filled to the brim with funny bits, he very quickly remembers his favourite videos you've posted both there and on your Instagram.

"Your latest reel made me laugh." Matty grins, remembering it fondly.

He found your videos on Instagram and TikTok quite amusing and he found them not long after the NME Awards where you first met.

Despite being best friends, you and Amelia were quite different, especially when it came to your personal social media output. Amelia tends to keep up with the new music trends and the viral dances that come with it, and you take a very different approach to your best friend.

You've become known for taking the piss out of Amelia learning and practising those dances and then the camera flicks to you and of you trying and failing not to laugh. It started off with you having enough of whatever the new song was as you were forced to listen to it on repeat as she tried to learn the dances.

It left you bored or completely over it and when the camera flicked back to you from your best friend, people found it hilarious. Matty found it hilarious. And your last video could quite possibly be his favourite.

"Oh," You chuckle at the memory, "The one where she stopped and told me off?"

Matty nods, already giggling as he remembers it, "When she threw that pillow at you, I laughed so loud."

Your eyes go wide and you pretend you're hurt, "Wow."

"It was how shocked you were about it." Matty giggles, replaying it in his mind as he grins at you, "And then you threw it back when she was dancing again and she fucking went for you and the video cut out. It was brilliant, something I would do to Hann."

"I'm glad you find them amusing." You smile, "Most of the time it's the only way I can get through the time where we're stuck together and she starts making the videos. It's the song playing over on repeat when I forget to bring my AirPods with me that kills me off. Rookie mistake on my part."

Matty chuckles, "You never want to get up and do it with her?"

Instantly, you shake your head, "Not to shit songs like the ones that go viral."

He frowns at you, knowing one of his songs has been quite popular in that app, "You calling About You shit?"

It's a wonder why he even asked that when he has seen just how much you love that song.

"Clearly not, but you didn't make a shitty dance to that song, did you?" You raise your eyebrows to make him understand your point.

He shrugs softly, understanding what you mean, "No, just to Oh Caroline."

You scoff out a laugh, not believing he's just said that. "That dance is far from shit."

"You'd dance to that one then?" His eyebrow raises as if he's challenging you to say yes.

"Yeah and I have." You easily admit, you loved that dance so much so it hadn't been a burden learning it.

"What?" He asks all smiles, trying to picture you dancing to it.

And you smile back at him as you explain, "Amelia asked me to learn it with her. And because I like the song, I reluctantly agreed."

Matty loves this new piece of information so he fully states, "Now you've got to do the dance with me."

But you quickly turn him down because you know you'd get so nervous dancing it with him that you'd end up messing up, and he also was a good dancer so you knew you weren't going to live up to his expectations. "I'll save myself the embarrassment and stick to dancing with Amelia."

He pouts exaggeratedly, doing his best puppy eyes at you, "Who am I gonna dance with then?"

You only give him a fake pout back, sarcasm in every word you say next, "I'm sure you'll manage to find someone, you always do."

In a fraction of a second, his expression switches to a shit-eating grin and he takes your comment as an opportunity to tease you, "Is that a little green I see in your eyes?" His eyes narrow like that's gonna make you admit you're jealous.

"No." You reply meekly, cutting his advances to get another reaction from you.

He's not quite done yet though, so he brings back a moment to refresh your memory, "Remember when you kissed Amelia and put it on Instagram because you were jealous?"

"Oh yeah," You nod, and after you've taken a sip of your wine, you fire right back at him, "Remember when you did the same when you kissed Ross the night after?"

Matty just smirks, "Bet you were jealous of that too."

"Jealous of you, yeah." You nod, knowing just how much it subtly enrages him.

Matty scoffs, "We're on a date."

You raise your eyebrows, challenging him, "And you're bringing up me being jealous."

"I like to tease you." He reminds you with a cheeky smile, really trying to act like he's all innocent and doesn't have any other intentions.

"Yeah I know you do." You giggle a bit and shake your head, fighting a smile breaking out on your face. "Trying to make me go crazy before the day is done."

He loves how you're trying to scold him for it but you're failing miserably at keeping a stoic expression, so he points out the truth that's written all over your face, "You love it really."

"Mhhh." You hum, not giving him an answer. "I think you love doing it just as much."

"Oh definitely," He assures with an enthusiastic nod of his head, "I'm dying to get my hands on you."

You let out a chuckle at his bluntness, "I bet you are." You say it in a way that seems uninterested but he knows you're forcing it so he can't fully see it on your face that you want it too.

"You act like you're not thinking the exact same." Matty calls you out straight away, "Or do I need to remind you of your texts?"

You bite your tongue and stay silent for a long couple of seconds before you can finally admit why you're holding back. "Maybe I'd agree if we weren't in public and you're not trying to tease."

He makes sure to joke about so that you get a bit more comfortable but completely understanding where you're coming from. "You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to the date."

"Maybe I just can't refuse a date when one is offered?" You offer as a reason even though you've never been more thankful to be sitting across from someone.

Rolling his eyes playfully, he asks with sudden curiosity sparking, "Has there been any other dates with anyone you've been on your chicken shop dates with that you wanted a second date with?"

"Oh yeah, loads of people." You nod enthusiastically, "Me and Amelia talk about them all the time."

Only letting out a small, "Oh." he keeps quiet to encourage you to continue and he's actually intrigued now because of how fast your answer was.

Making a rundown through the memories of your chats with Amelia about this exact topic, you take a small breath before starting your list. "So I want a second date with Yungblud."

Matty pulls a face at that name, and "Why?" immediately falls from his lips.

But you ignore him and just continue name dropping, "And I want my one with Charli... And I guess KSI, Jade from Little Mix, Bimini was a fave, Finneas too." And the more names you list, the further Matty's face falls. "I'm doing one with Kehlani too and I'm excited for that, and I would so go out with Phoebe again. I thought me and her made a great couple."

"Okay," Matty raises his finger to stop you for a moment and he says, "I thought you were just going to say one, not list your phone book."

"Aw, are we getting a little jealous?" You pout, teasing him.

He doesn't let a single second go by when he replies with a stern "No."

"Oh," You grin, knowing you have the upper hand now, "I think you are."

When you don't get one word from him, only that blank stare of his, you take it a bit further, "You wanna be my one and only Matty?"

It certainly reaches his ears in such a teasing tone but he genuinely answers it with, "Yeah, I do."

That makes you melt inside, seeing the soft smile that tugs at the corner of his lips when you just keep looking at him has you needing to reassure him of it all now and remind him just how special this whole situation with him really is.

"Well I haven't been on a second date with anyone else." You start, your eyes solely focused on him and a growing grin on your face, "Only ever had one in my flat." Your hand reaches out to grab his and when you do, you squeeze it as you say, "Only one has slept in my bed."

A few beats of silence pass, both of you are stuck staring at each other and the touch of your skin setting both of you up alive. Matty licks his lips and replies, "Lucky them."

If he wasn't so focused on every one of your movements, he could've missed the little shake of your head you give him before correcting him, "Lucky you."

You fill up with pride when you see his cheeks get a little pink and he breaks eye contact, getting too flustered under your gaze, so you take the opportunity to tease him. "Jealousy looks good on you."

And this becomes yet again one of those instances you are reminded to not mess with him because he knows just what to say back so your teasing ends up biting you back, "You know what else would look good on me?"

"What?" You naively inquire back.

"You." He simply responds, "Preferably with nothing on, riding me how you were going to the other night."

He can feel the way you freeze across from him, even your breath getting caught in your throat and it's like you have forgotten how to function after that. So to make it even worse for you, and for him to get an even better reaction, he continues to run his dirty mouth.

"Or would you prefer me on top of you?" Matty leans closer so he can drop his voice and ask you in a low voice, "Your legs wrapped tight around my waist, I can kiss and tease that pretty neck of yours until you're begging for me to put my hands to better use than holding yours above your head."

Matty's lip twitches up into the beginning of a smirk when he sees the way that has affected you. He can't help but ask, "You like that baby?"

You nod aimlessly, you're looking straight at him but you're not really processing him. Instead you're picturing that exact scenario he's describing in your head and how desperate you actually are for it.

And you're lost for what feels like a long few minutes when in reality it's ten seconds of barely breathing as you repeat his words in your head and love the feeling of him still gently caressing your skin from across the table as if he's not just talked about fucking you into a mattress.

But it's like you're jolted out of that fantasy when the waiter comes back over and politely asks, "Would you like to order any desserts?"

Matty glances at you, prompting you to speak first as if he hasn't just given you a mini stroke.

"I-" You stutter as you look from Matty down to your menu, but nothing sounds as good as what you were just offered. So you pick up the piece of paper and hand it back to the waiter with a small smile, "I'm good, thank you."

"You sure?" Matty double checks, not wanting this date to be over just yet.

"Yeah." You nod, and Matty realises exactly why you've declined when you add, "Might have something at home later."

So without question, Matty agrees and does the same thing.

"I'm also alright, thank you." He hands the menu back and with the mutual understanding that has just passed between you in just that glance, Matty asks, "Can we have the bill please?"

"Course." The waiter nods and wonders back off over to the bar.

Matty is pulling his wallet out of his inside blazer pocket when he catches you lifting your bag up and he knows what you're about to do so he instantly stops you, "Put your bag down."

"But I-"

"No," Matty interrupts, being serious when he says, "I asked you out, I'm paying."

"Okay then," You agree, because if you don't you'll argue over it for hours. Instead, you tell him, "But I'm paying next time."

Matty's grin is instant. He raises his eyebrows at you, smirking slightly, "Next time?"

You hum a little, and you play on it a little, "Depending on how your performance tonight goes, I reckon I'd go out with you again."

As if you wouldn't feel like the luckiest woman alive to go on another date with him.

"Okay," Matty stands up, "He's not fast enough, I'm going to go pay."

You can't help the laugh that falls from your lips, along with, "Eager much?"

Matty leans down and whispers, "For you, very." before he very quickly presses a kiss to your neck and he walks off over to the bar to pay.

You take a minute to control the way your cheeks start burning, and you look down to compose yourself as you take a deep breath.

Your mind is echoing with a chorus of what the fuck? and the pure disbelief seems to be stuck with you and not wanting to leave. It's a weird feeling that overcomes you as you are impatient and time seems to be going far too slow now but, at the same time, you're feeling like there's not enough time for you to get your wits about.

When Matty comes back over, you've just put your blazer back on and he takes your hand and helps you stand. He then grabs his blazer and puts it on, making sure your presents are still in his pocket before he intertwines your fingers and you both make your way out.

As you leave, you both thank the waiter for serving you and they wish you both a happy new year and you say the same back. When you get outside, it's no surprise to you that Matty pulls out his pack of cigarettes, it's certainly been a few hours since he last had one.

It had started raining since you were last outside and it's still coming down now, but neither of you mind too much. Matty pulls you out into the rain again, which has you giggling because it's all too like the end of your first date.

"Remember when you told me to live a little and stand in the rain with you?" You giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck as the rain falls on you both.

"I remember getting you all wet, yeah." Matty grins, his hands on your hips pulling you flush against him now you're in your own company again. But of course, he has to keep you on your toes, he leans in and quietly says, "Believe I can do it again, bit better this time."

You bite your lip and you scrunch your face up and look down so he can't fully see how much he affects you. Inside you're silently screaming and you playfully push against his chest, but Matty keeps you close.

He giggles, not letting you go at all, and he teases, "I fucking love teasing you."

"Yeah I know." You shake your head, trying your best to keep some composure when you look back up at him.

Matty can't help but laugh at your reaction, but then he notices the rain again and he starts moving the both of you back towards the side of the restaurant as the taxi he ordered clearly isn't here yet, "Come on, let's get you out of the rain."

"I-" You're about to tell him that you don't mind, that it's just a bit of rain. But then Matty moves you against the wall of the restaurant and he stands flush against you, practically pushing you against the wall as he's trying to shield you from the rain. A surprised, "Oh?" leaves your lips as you smirk at the entire situation.

Matty tries not to show how much he likes you reacting to him, this time he instead takes his cigarettes out of his blazer pocket and lights up his own before he offers you one, "Do you want a cig?"

You nod, "Please." and he offers you the pack and lighter.

After you've lit it, the first drag somehow calms you down a little, and you both find yourselves subtly glancing at the other like you're not practically pressed against each other and you've not just been on a date.

A minute passes that's filled with noises of traffic, the relief that smoking gives you, and longing looks at each other. But when the rain starts falling a little heavier and the wind picks up, it hits the side of your faces making you scrunch your features and laugh.

Both of you wipe the water away, and Matty takes a drag of his now nearly finished cigarettes saying, "You know what we really need right now?"

"Funnily enough, I do." You nod, remembering what you brought with you and Matty watches as you reach into your bag and pull out his umbrella that he gave you after your first date.

As Matty smiles at you, you hand it back as you remind him, "Promised you'd have it back for New Years." and he laughs and takes it from you.

"Why didn't you give it me a few minutes ago?" Matty asks, putting it up immediately and standing closer to you so he can cocoon you both against the wall and away from the rain. He tuts, "You let me get all wet."

"And give up you pressing me into a wall? I don't think so." You grin as you raise your eyebrows at him, and his smirk has you wanting to melt right then and there.

Whilst the confidence is bubbling inside you, before you back out of it, you say what you've been thinking for your whole date. "You look good by the way." You say as you take the last drag of your cigarette before you throw the stub to the ground.

"Thank you," Matty smiles, standing a bit taller at the fact you approve of his attire. "I did dress for the occasion this time."

"Mmmh," You hum, trying not to smile as you pretend to scold him, "Couldn't finish it off and do the tie for me though?"

Matty smiles at you taking a hold of either end of his undone bowtie then, but instead of teasing you, he admits as he takes another drag, "Not through the lack of trying."

"Awh," You coo, grinning at him in a way that makes his chest ache, "Did you make an effort for me?"

Matty nods, "I tried my best."

You hum, your eyes going from his back down to his white shirt with the top button undone and the loose tie that you have a hold of. You want nothing more than to tug on it and pull him into a kiss, but you refrain for a moment more before you look back up at him just after you whisper loud enough for him to hear, "One less thing to take off you I guess."

At that you feel his free hand grip on your waist that little bit tighter and when he sees you run your tongue over your lips, wetting them that little bit more that somehow makes them even more enticing, he's seconds away from smashing his lips against yours. The only thing that stops him is the little, "Oh." of realisation that you let out.

His eyes find yours again as you offer him back his lighter with a knowing smile and a, "Here you go." And it's when he takes it from you, you see the wave of realisation take over his face and he grins at you seeing that he had accidentally handed you the lighter that had 'if you want to fuck smile when you hand me the lighter back' on it. And you're smile is fucking huge.

Pocketing the lighter, Matty looks back into your eyes and raises his eyebrows at you, like he's checking your earlier rules. You just give him a cheeky smirk and eyebrow raise which screams that you're very much on board with the idea.

"Please let me take you home." Matty pleads as he presses you into the wall a little more, his hand finding your hip again wanting to hold you.

Trying your best to refrain from kissing him just a second longer, but you're only human. All you can do is nod before you pull on both ends of his undone tie and his lips crash against yours.

You've waited so long to feel this again and the way your heart rapidly beats in your chest as he freely moans against your lips has your head spinning. He tastes like the red wine you've both just been drinking, and it makes you pull that bit more on his tie so he can't escape you.

You feel Matty's free hand move from your hip to cup your jaw, tilting it up and he holds you there firmly, not wanting this kiss to end. It's been a long fucking week and he's been dreaming of kissing you again, among other things.

Wishing time would stop for you is clearly not enough because after a long minute of giving into what you've both craved for so long, you're interrupted. Both of you pull away when you hear Matty's phone ringing, and there's a buzz to you both. The air between you is charged and you don't for a second think that is going to change until you get somewhere private.

"Taxi's here," Matty announces, and immediately he takes your hand and says, "Come on."

You silently giggle and follow him to the car, and he protects you with the umbrella as you move instead of himself. You can't stop smiling at the way he opens the door for you and you get in with a small embarrassed smile and a little shake of your head. But you shouldn't be surprised when he slides in next to you, making you sit in the middle.

As you're putting your seatbelts on, the taxi driver greets you, asking how you are and once you both tell him that you're good, he double checks the address you're going to, but what surprises you is that he reads out your address that Matty must have already put into the app. You're about to correct him, but the curly haired man beside you confirms and says, "Yeah, that's great mate. Thanks."

And with that the driver is off, but you're left to glance at Matty curiously, and when he meets your gaze, you ask him, "I thought we were going back to yours before George's?"

"It's too far away." Matty shakes his head before leaning closer to say a little quieter, "Think we've both waited long enough, don't you?"

The look in both of your eyes screams sin. And something in you bubbles with nerves but overall excitement.

You nod, a little short of breath but you don't think Matty notices that, but he does steal a quick but longing kiss before you part and try to calm yourselves down. And as your date starts politely conversing with the taxi driver, asking how long he's on for tonight and if he minds how busy it's going to be, you have a quiet moment to yourself where you let your reality sink in.

You're about to have sex with Matty Healy.

You should know that the curly haired man can't stop his teasing for the journey back to yours. No, you're sure he insists on being a tease to slowly drive you insane as to what's about to happen.

At first you think it's nothing but him being touchy with you, him once again showing his affection towards you through simple touches to the top of your thigh. You half think its because he likes the tight leather pants you have on too, but it soon becomes clear what his intentions actually are when his fingers slip to the inside of your thigh.

Immediately, you hold your breath and you can't not watch what he's doing, as it somehow makes his touch even more agonising. The leather does nothing to minimise his touch, and when his fingers run along the seam of the pants you feel yourself go a bit dizzy.

If his touch feels this good now, you can't imagine how intense it's going to be when there is no restricting material between you. And you can't fucking wait for it, but here in this taxi his touch feels a little dangerous, something the both of you know you shouldn't be doing, but that somehow makes it even more exhilarating.

Matty can see the way you're watching him, and he can't help but smile as you're doing absolutely nothing to stop him. He fucking loves the way he can see your breathing gets a little more laboured and he can practically hear the thoughts running around your mind because they are the exact same as his own.

When you're a few minutes away, you can't handle Matty's teasing anymore, so instead you trap his hand on your thigh by crossing your legs, making it so he can't move it anymore but he's still holding you. The way you can feel his smirk when you do that, and you can feel it as if his stare alone is making your cheeks burn.

"Tease." You mutter under your breath.

And you can hear his smile as he leans closer and whispers, "You've seen nothing yet baby."

"Neither have you." You try to maintain your strength.

"We'll see." Matty backchats.

You quietly hum in response to that but let your fingertips do the same that he was doing to the top of your thigh. You trace patterns near his knee, and from your peripherals you can see your date is about to say something, but because he'd already been so chatty, the driver asks him another question about your plans for the evening. As Matty is telling him about the party you're going to later, you continue to tease, not letting him win like he was trying to.

As he gets a little more into the conversation, you move your fingers from running up and down the top of his thigh to the inside of it and you let them reach higher up his leg. You just about see his head whip around to look at you, but you ignore him and continue.

You move back down his thigh as the driver is talking, but as soon as Matty is chatting again, your back up near his crotch and you feel the hand on your thigh tighten, like he needs to hold something so he doesn't completely fall apart at your teasing. But that's how you know you've got him right in the palm of your hand, and whilst you still have some power left, you use it to your advantage.

Doing the same thing again, waiting this time until he's just about done talking, you move your hand right up the inside of his thigh until you grab his crotch and keep pressure on it. You can feel how hard he's getting beneath your palm and the sharp intake of breath as he stutters to the end of his sentence has you having to press your lips together and dip your head to maintain your innocence.

The driver must start talking again but neither of you pay attention to it as Matty's lips are against your ear in a second and he whispers, "You're playing a dangerous game baby."

"Think you're enjoying it." You whisper back and you gently but firmly squeeze just to tease him that extra bit as the car pulls over and you're finally back at your flat.

Rushed pleasantries are exchanged with the driver, all wishing each other a happy new year before you and Matty scramble out of the car. Matty even being a gentleman and grabbing your hand to help you out before thanking the driver again and shutting the door.

Walking up to your building, you stand at the door and try to unlock it as fast as you can, but you're letting your pent up emotions get the better of you. And it gets worse when Matty comes to stand behind you, it just makes your flustered mind even worse.

You feel Matty's hands on your hips, but the way he then presses himself against your arse and you can feel just how hard he is now he's standing up has your mind sinking further and further into the gutter. "You're such a fucking tease baby." Matty says in a low voice, as he waits for you to open the door, and he leaves a teasing kiss on the back of your neck after he brushes your hair away.

"Get used to it." You tell him, trying not to care if you think he can see your shaky hands, you unlock the door a few seconds later and the both of you head inside. Matty playfully slaps your arse as you both head up the stairs which has you both laughing as you practically race to your floor.

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