✨Total drama x (fem!) reader✨

By Remibubs32

37.7K 641 289

✨🌸Hey! So this is my first story here!🌸✨ This fan fic contains NO male love interests!! only women in this... More

Audition tape
Not so happy campers pt1
Not so happy campers pt2
The big sleep
Not quite famous
✨The sucky outdoors✨
✨phobia factor✨
🌸Up the creek🌸
🌸Paintball deer hunt🌸
✨if you can't take the heat✨
🌸Basic straining🌸
The end.

✨who can you trust?✨

1.2K 31 11
By Remibubs32

Breakfast time and today you were being fed leftovers from the previous challenge, so that meant that somewhere in there was a lot of dust from the flambé cake thing that heathers team had made and you sure hoped that it wasn't in your plate.

"Achoo!" Heather sneezed across the table, you felt bad that her team had locked her in the freezer but on the other hand you were technically on her good side for getting her out ( >:] ) she then started having a go at Gwen, ending her speech with a sneeze.

"DJ can you, and I mean no offence, maybe not feed your rabbit with your own mouth at the table??" You asked as DJ was feeding his rabbit like a mama bird, you assumed he ignored you or simply didn't hear you as he just carried on, you then saw Courtney power walking across the room to where Duncan was standing, "I saw that! How could you just steal a mug?" She interrogated the punk "cuz it's cool looking and I don't have one, pft didn't have one that is" Duncan said as he walked away, you knew why she was poking her nose into his business but you didn't wanna tell anyone just yet that is, "but you might get kicked off" she whispered "nawwww and here I thought you didn't care about me" Duncan responded with a smug grin "we are one player short-" "no we aren't, I'm here Court count again" you said a smug grin now appearing on your face "y/n, I ugh you two are insufferable!" She said walking away.

You were now gathered on the docks and Chris was explaining the challenge, "so last weeks challenge exposed a few gofer issues aand I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the bass' pond too" Duncan was pushed over by Courtney and you couldn't help but snicker "so this weeks challenge is gonna be centred around building trust because all good things begin with a little trust!"

** cut to confession**
"Is Chris having a laugh??? I don't trust anyone here with mostly anything! I wouldn't let anyone hold a kettle much less have someone's life in the balance!"
**end confession**

"There will be 3 major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members or your team. Normally we like to let contestants chose their partners but not this time! More fun for me!" Oh good Lord we are all gonna die in this challenge aren't we?

You were all lead to a massive cliff. A massive fucking cliff. "Okay so for the first challenge you'll be doing an extreme free hand rock climbing adventure! DJ and Duncan will play for the bass, Heather and Gwen for the gofers, here's your belay and harness" Chris said chucking the items at Gwen who caught them only for heather to snatch them off her, resulting in more of the pair arguing. At this point, you decided to zone out as you no longer needed to pay attention to the explanation because you weren't participating, you were looking around at nothing in particular when you decided it would be a great idea to sit on the floor, picking at the grass when you tuned back into hear an explosion followed by Gwen screaming, he put explosives on the cliff...explosives on the cliff, what kind of a mad man- oh wait no now he's using a water gun to shoot pepper sauce at the belayers, Gwen hit the floor, Duncan however ate the sauce from the gun.

"Come on Gwen, you don't wanna fall behind!" Heather said tugging quickly at the second rope Gwen had attached to her ripping off Gwens skirt, "agh!!" Gwen screamed, and a pair of hands quickly flew over your eyes, "huh?" You instinctively went to turn your head, "y/n sit still I don't want you looking" Courtney half yelled half whispered, "Courtney? Why do you care I'm not a child" you got no response so you missed a lot of what was going on visually but you assumed that DJ and Duncan had messed up, due to them screaming and that Gwen had won due to her cheering, onto the next part of the challenge. As soon as Courtney lets you see again.

You had moved onto the next zone for the next challenge, throwing an apple at someone's head attempting to hit an arrow, fun. Well no not really because you were doing the throwing and you had been blindfolded, "y/n just attempt to not hit me in the face okay?" Courtney yelled from across the throwing zone, you nodded in response and started to attempt a throw when "wait! Wait! Y/n throw underarm! God are you trying to hurl an apple at me at full speed?" You hadn't exactly thought this through, so far your throwing skills had only really been used in dodgeball and technically, you weren't conscious for that "hang on where's my slingshot?" You asked only now becoming aware of the fact that we'll you didn't get one "yeah after your show in Dodgeball I decided that you definitely didn't need a slingshot to throw an apple" oh, you suppose that makes sense welp might as well throw the apple now how hard can it be? It's just like serving in rounders, and off it went hopefully soaring through the air and landing on the arrow giving your team a poi- "y/n.....that was the most pathetic throw I've ever seen. Do you want us to lose?!" Ah well you can't say you didn't try "No??? Maybe I just need to be on a sugar high to throw well?" You say taking of the blind fold to see that the apple was practically at your feet, you picked it up and polished it off a bit before taking a bite, "huh not bad" and before you could be told about germs and how we are gonna lose now Chris said to move your asses off to the next part of the challenge, hopefully someone else will screw up more than you did so you won't go home.....oh wait you won't go home, you have plot armour, and your contract is slightly different to everyone else's. >:)

For some reason, you were given a small break between that challenge and the next beats you why but you aren't gonna say no to a break, you were sat on the beach playing in the sand nothing special just grabbing it and letting it fall out of your hand, it felt funny, and you know you were thinking of some things like random memes you'd seen and how you missed your favourite YouTubers because it was 2007, damn. Time travel kinda sucks sometimes, like currently there is no well anyone born after 2007 or anyone before June which is weird to think about and how- "y/n what are you doing in the sand?" You were brought out of your daze by Gwen "I was thinking" you said looking at the sand which you had somehow poured all over your legs, "what about?" You were current wondering why she was here an not with Trent but you decided not to say that "I was thinking about what the future would be like.." she seemed curious about this and sat next to you, "what do you think the future will be like?" Gwen said while pulling her knees towards her chin "crazy." You said staring off into the lake, she giggled at that, "I think we will have flying cars by 2020" that made you laugh "we might get that....I think that by 2020 we shall have hmmm a global pandemic" she'd never know until it actually happened, "woah thats kinda dark" she said looking at you "not really most people will just stay at home and ignore their online work or school" you should probably stop with your 'guesses' here, Gwen was laughing "yeh that sounds like what people would do" you laughed along with her "anything else you wanna guess Gwen?" You asked, "Hmmmm maybe by 2020 we will have hoverboards" that would've been cool if it did happen "What from like back to the future?" You responded, Gwen nods. You suppose that 2020 is the future from the film, "I hope a pandemic isn't gonna happen, sounds spooky" Gwen suddenly said, "it is." You bluntly said you decided to change the subject "Wanna build a sand castle?" You offered smiling, Gwen nodded and so you build a sand castle well sand lump with a stick and some shells on it.

New challenge now and it was DJ and Geoffs turn, Sadie point blank refused to go up the hill, and you were attempting to look up at the top of the hill while not getting the sun in your eyes. And that's when you noticed that DJ wasn't steering the sledge. "DJ YOU HAVE TO STEER THE SLEDGE MAN!!" You heard Geoff yell and then Duncan shows up holding...bunny??? Wait no that wasn't bunny it was bunny 2.0 now with less death still it was sweet that Duncan did that for DJ and that's when DJ started to steer the sledge like a pro landing at the bottom of the hill and running towards his pet rabbit, it was a very cute moment, and that was it right? Wrong. DJ had lifted the blindfold to look at his beloved pet and that had made you loose the challenge, and Courtney did not look happy. But you knew you were gonna be just fine after all, your contract is just slightly different to everyone else's.

Campfire time and Sadie had gone home due to her refusal to go up a hill and basically not participating at all.

You and Courtney were inside the cabin it was just the two of you. You were on your bunk looking at the ceiling and Courtney was looking in the mirror, "hey y/n wanna talk about stuff" Courtney asked, this was out of character for her, "stuff like what?" You asked skeptical of her intentions "nothing in particular.." she trailed off into thought she really didn't know what to talk about with you??? Surprising Courtney in your experience always had something to say, "you know what forget it, I didn't wanna talk to you anyway after today's challenge" Courtney concluded crossing her arms, you giggled at her stubbornness "Court how about we talk abouttt-", "nope forget it! You have to sleep now anyway" you were interrupted by they supposed sleep schedule, the lights were switched off and darkness spilled into the cabin, "Courtney.." you said, "what?? Go to sleep." Courtney snapped back at you "Courtney I'm sorry for not throwing the apple very well... good night." You turned over in your bunk and you heard footsteps coming towards your bunk and then you felt arms wrap around you temporarily, something tells you that you are forgiven though to be honest you don't think Courtney was really mad at you in the first place, and with that you drifted off to sleep.

Yippie!!! New chapter at last :)))) when I tell you this one seemed to drag on and on whilst I was writing it ;-; hopefully ep 12 will be out quicker Bcs I love that ep (I'm a Major duncney fan what can I say lmao) anywayyyy apparently I'm getting married this summer?? /j  oh yeh and I finally made a little joke Abt how many of you weren't alive in 2007 I get it guys I was like a few months old also lmao. Also over 15k reads????????? I'm dead you guys are insane it was 6.7k last time what did I feed you??? Anyway I hate to say this but gcses are right around the corner for me so we may not see each other for a while :( but I will always come back! Dang long end message sorry a lot has happened what can I say? Anyway lots of love from me see ya next time~~~~~ Remi <333

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