God of War (Book 1) Male Read...


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Your 26 years old, you thought of yourself as a normal guy, but you had anger issues, your skin is literal di... More

Pilot Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Pilot Part 3
Stronger Together Part 1
Stronger Together Part 2
Stronger Together Part 3
Fight or Flight Part 1
Fight or Flight Part 2
Book 1 Trailer
Fight or Flight Part 3
Quick Vote
Livewire Part 1
Livewire Part 2
Livewire Part 3
How Does She Do It Part 1
How Does She Do It Part 2
How Does She Do It Part 3
Red Faced Part 1
Red Faced Part 2
Final Trailer Book 1
Human For A Day Part 1
Human For A Day Part 2
Human For A Day Part 3
Trip With The Dead Part 1

Red Faced Part 3

932 39 26


Phantom landed on the snowy forests of Minnesota. He looked around as he looked at the small phone Morrow gave him. He looked and saw that the robot's ping was close... very.

Phantom: Weird, he landed close, but in the snow?

He slowly started to walk again, searching for him, until he heard snow moving... and someone panting, but the voice sounded... robotic. He looked to the direction of the panting as he saw his target... Red Tornado. Phantom walked slowly grabbing his axe as Tornado looked back, but his face... it looked scared... terrified.

Red Tornado: H-H-He-Help... m-m-me-e-e...

Phantom looked confused, the machine... it could talk? Like freely?

Red Tornado: Help... m-m-me-e.

Phantom slowly walked towards it lowering his axe slowly and later pressing a button.

Phantom: Who are you?

Red Tornado: I-I-I do not-do-do-do not re-remem-reme-remember...

With his only hand, he grabbed his head, Red Tornado looked distraught as his hand slowly lowers which causes Phantom to look a bit defensive... until Tornado blasted Phantom out of nowhere, sending him flying back. Phantom rolls but stops his momentum by burying his feet to the ground. He got up glaring at Tornado clicking something again, though Tornado again acted like a machine, as his waist starts to spin, at such speed that he started to create a tornado... Phantom looked in a bit of shock as the tornado slowly expanded. Phantom slowly freezes the axe as the wind got stronger quickly pulling Phantom to the tornado. He was inside the winds moving at rapid speed, being hit by trees and leaves and snow. He starts to grunt as with the frozen axe, he quickly throws it to the ground as the moment it hits the ground... a huge ice explosion was seen... completely freezing the tornado and quickly cutting to the intro.

DEO Base

The sounds of heavy steps were heard as DEO agents were talking, until they make way showing a fuming Phantom, parts of his clothes were damaged, thanks to the ice from the explosion, it froze him too. His fists were clenched and he definitely wanted some answers.

???: -he's still looking for it, let's wait.

???: Wait? You're piece of shit machine failed, 11 years for what? A failed machine that couldn't handle the punches of a miniature Kryptonian?

Morrow, Alex, Supergirl, Sam and Lucy Lane, Hank and Craighead were all there, in the main table discussing the situation regarding Red Tornado and Supergirl's outburst.

Supergirl: Look pal' sorry I damaged Red Tornado, but-

Sam: You lost control! Your friend clearly told you to stop but you didn't listened!

Alex: Give her some slack-

Sam: Slack? All right, let's give National City some slack when the robot completely destroys National City. Red Tornado was created to fight aliens, but now she threw a robot that can level cities in one go!

They heard some steps, seeing Phantom walking angrily towards Morrow.

Hank: Phantom?

The hero walked and picked Morrow by the shirt completely putting everyone in defensive.

Alex: Whoa!

Lucy: *grabbing her gun* Put him down!

Phantom: *to Morrow* How did you create Red Tornado?

Morrow: Let... go-

Phantom: The robot is alive! He has a soul, and he was pleading for help.

Morrow: What?!

Phantom: Don't play a fool! The robot is alive and he is in pain. Who did you kill?!

Morrow: I haven't killed anyone!

Phantom still frowning grabs a recorder and activates the recording.

Past Red Tornado: H-H-He-Help... m-m-me-e-e...

They all stayed quiet when they heard that voice, it wasn't Morrow's at all... but Red Tornado's.

Past Red Tornado: Help... m-m-me-e.

Phantom slowly walked towards it lowering his axe slowly and later pressing a button.

Past Phantom: Who are you?

Past Red Tornado: I-I-I do not-do-do-do not re-remem-reme-remember...

The recording keeps going, as the sound of strong wind was heard and the recording ends. Morrow looks in a bit of shock as Phantom gets angrier.

Craighead: I always knew you were insane but... shit you're really delusional.

Phantom: The winds, they're not based in science or machinery, they're based on air manipulation, almost air magic. You killed someone and implanted its soul... its consciousness to the machine! How did you create Red Tornado?!

Morrow couldn't answer... until the sound of a paper was heard, showing Craighead who managed to actually put the paper in the table though by being on his toes. Phantom and the others see it, as he looks at Craighead.

Craighead: Good to see someone could see something wasn't right.

Sam: Doctor Craighead?

Craighead: I knew that red fuck seems odd. All the pieces... they didn't fit in perfectly! There was a piece left and finally... someone exposed it.

Alex: You killed someone? To create a machine?

Phantom: You say aliens are a threat? Looks at this as an example, General, this is how much of a threat mortals are... they don't just kill people, they manipulate them and create something worse.

He drops Morrow who looks down with Phantom showing an angered face though of course... he has the mask on, so he's letting them know by his voice and actions. He looks at the Lane's with a huge frown under the mask.

Phantom: All this for what? For the country?

He walks away angrily just give something to Alex and Hank... looking a bit shocked and later bumping into Sam walking away.

Phantom: Useless military.


Cat was walking very annoyed... like extremely annoyed as she has been calling Kara for the last minute and a half.

Cat: Ker-rah! Ker-rah! *even louder* Ker-rah!

Kara came running to Cat's office very annoyed but keeping her rage inside.

Kara: Yes, yes, I'm here!

Cat: Finally! I have been screaming your name over and over for the past minute and a half. Ninety seconds I have been boiling alive in my office. Ninety seconds, each one of which, if amortized to reflect my earnings, is worth more than your yearly salary. One second of my time is 90 times more valuable than your pointless, sad, pathetic...

Kara: Don't talk to me like that! Please! I work so hard for you! I don't ask questions, I don't complain, and all you do is yell at me and tell me I'm not good enough. And it's mean! Why are you so mean?

Cat glared at Kara though... a little smirk... she knew she was like this for a while... she knew. Kara realized moments later what she said and completely turned into shock.

Kara: G-God I'm... I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know what I was... I didn't mean that, I'm so-

Cat: Shhh... enough...

Kara gulped... oooooh she did risk and definitely threw her job by the window... oh she screwed up BIG TIME.

Cat: We're going.

Kara: *scared* G-Going... where?

Cat looked at her scoffing.

Cat: Chop... chop...

She walked away as Kara was almost shaking... she was having so many things running through her mind... was she having a panic attack? Yeah... she was having a panic attack.

Lord Technologies

Y/N: Do I have to do this?

Alex: Yes. I'm not going to keep working as your sidekick for Max's information.

Y/N was wearing a black buttoned shirt, with brown grey pants and black shoes. They walked to Maxwell's office seeing him work on something but he smiles seeing Alex.

Maxwell: Nice to see you again, Agent Danvers. Seems you brought a friend.

Alex: This is... Agent L/N... my boyfriend.

Maxwell: Oh... you got a big one.

Y/N: Lucky her.

He looked at Alex slightly just to hit his rib without Maxwell noticing.

Maxwell: So there's two of you, what can I do for the FBI? Am I in trouble? Someone's targeting me?

Alex: I'm not certain someone was trying to kill you last time.

Maxwell: Supergirl... and Phantom of course, inseparably those two. I think... they have their facts wrong... confused in a sense, you know.

Alex: Well... you can prove it... here and now.

Y/N puts a briefcase he was carrying... and puts it in the table, opening it and inside... was Red Tornado's broken arm, partly frozen.

Maxwell: Red... nice color. May I?

Alex nodded as Maxwell grabs it and looks at it, the circuit, the connection... all of it.

Maxwell: The edging on the break is brittle... The kind of fracturing that would occur if the surface reached absolute zero. Like after being subjected to Supergirl's freeze breath. But... part is still frozen. *looks at the agents* It wasn't Supergirl... it was the axe.

A flashback is shown that Red Tornado was in the middle when Phantom threw the axe as Tornado goes to fly away... but the arm is cut by the axe and them is when the ice explosion happened.

Y/N: Yeah. Phantom's axe is... unique, the ice is different to Supergirl or Superman.

Maxwell: How different may I ask.

Y/N: Very...

Maxwell smirked as he puts it down.

Maxwell: I'm surprised The Phantom of National City was provoked to destroy an android.

Alex: It's military and gone rogue... you sort of know who to thank.

Maxwell: Like a couple. Sometimes a woman does something horrible... leaving the man to fix it... Supergirl caused it to go rogue.

Alex nodded... if they wanted to play their parts... they had to stand WITH Maxwell... god that was eating Y/N inside.

Alex: So... are you able to find it?

Maxwell: Well... who says I'm going to help?

Alex stays quiet just to get a bit more serious.

Alex: I know you don't trust the government after what happened to your parents. But this thing is dangerous. And if you want to prove to us that you're not the bad guy, then help me find the real one.

Maxwell leans back crossing his arms looking at them.

Maxwell: It really was good seeing you, Danvers. But I'm a little busy.

He puts the arm back in the briefcase and gives it to them. Y/N grabs it and he walks away and Alex behind him... things went a bit wrong but... at least they're playing their parts.


Cat was drinking a margarita and well... enjoying it while Kara looked confused but still a bit scared.

Cat: Here's the thing, Kara, everybody gets angry. Everybody. And there is no pill that will eradicate this particular emotion. I know this because if there were such a pill I would be popping those babies like Pez.

Kara: Miss Grant, I'm... I'm so sorry for what I said and-

Cat: Enough apologizing, you're only making sure that I DO fire you. But here's the thing, whatever you do, you cannot get angry at work. Especially when you're a girl.

The bartender was about to give Kara another margarita though she doesn't really accept.

Kara: Oh, s-sorry but I'm still working on my first one.

Cat: Well I'll gladly accept it.

She robs it from Kara and starts to drink it.

Minutes Later

Cat was like in her 4th or 5th margarita... she cannot stop and could go at any moment, drunk fully.

Cat: When I was working at the Daily Planet, Perry White picked up a chair and he threw it out of the window, because somebody missed a deadline. And no he didn't open the window first. If I had thrown a chair, or, my God, if I had thrown a napkin, it would have been all over the papers. It would have been professional and cultural suicide.

Kara: Then... what do you do?

Cat: Release it. Start boxing with someone or do yoga, or breaks some stuff, as long as it isn't yours then break it... but not literally. But you have to find out what's the real problem, what's... causing that anger, sort of with me. For example, I am so furious with my mother, so I took it out on you. And you are so mad at me, but... And this is the important bit, you weren't really mad at me.

Kara: I... I'm sorry but... I sort of was.

Cat: But something caused it, like a trigger, me screaming made you angry maybe because of a memory or something happening now, but you weren't really angry at me... but at someone... or something.

Kara looks a bit down in a very thoughtful spot.


Y/N was driving with Alex in the front passenger seat holding the case.

Alex: Things went south.

Y/N: Could've been worse.

Alex: Is it me or... did he sound angrier at... you, Phantom.

Y/N: I... I might have threatened him.

Alex: Y/N what did you tell him?

Y/N: Um... something, something, you do something like this again, something, something, prepare for war. There were many lines and all but... yeah.

Alex: You threatened him with war?!

Y/N: Yep.

Alex: He can make you public enemy number 1! Numero 1 if you think you're funny.

Y/N: What is he going to do? Throw a nuke?

Alex: Yeah!

Y/N: What's that gonna do?

He later saw people run away... seeing a tornado form from afar which Alex and Y/N saw.

Alex: Tornado.

Y/N: Red... Tornado. Take the car, and go to the DEO.

Alex: The car?!

Y/N got out as Alex did the same seeing Y/N run with the people but then to an alley.


Red Tornado WAS in fact in the scene, as he generated wind from his waist down, though he has eyes on some certain people... Lucy Lane, Sam Lane and Jimmy Olsen... see Jimmy? This is why you don't date military people related to Sam Lane. Red Tornado looked at Lucy and shot a blast at her without hesitation sending her back. Sam and James look back where Lucy landed who was groaning.

James: Lucy!

He ran at her direction as Sam went to grab his handgun... but doesn't shoot realizing some stuff... Red Tornado was made of metal and the bullets would either bounce off of him or enter the tornado and hit someone.

Sam: I order you to stand down!

Well let's see if that worked... which of course didn't. Red Tornado started to descend while looking at Sam, as he goes to punch it... but was tackled by Phantom. Red Tornado slid in the ground while looking at Phantom.

Phantom: Your welcome.

He walks to Red Tornado but not holding the axe... also realizing he had his arm back... someone repaired it.

Phantom: Red... can you hear me?!

Red Tornado doesn't say anything at all just to shoot an air blast at Phantom who this time tanked it. Phantom dashed at Tornado about to throw a punch... but Red Tornado... dodged it? That caught Phantom's interest... he dodged it? Phantom threw another punch and later a quick spinning hook kick which the robot dodged it... that confirms it, he was being controlled... or in a sense... humanly controlled, like the human was the robot. The punches were much slower as he didn't want to damage Red Tornado, but Red Tornado was hit by a blue laser sending it back. Supergirl lands with eyes glowing. Red Tornado looks at Phantom and later Supergirl as his waist spins... creating a tornado just like in Minnesota.

Supergirl: What?

Phantom: Don't lose sight of it!

The tornado was getting stronger as Phantom called the axe. The axe was in his car, as Alex saw the glow, quickly opening the window and the axe flew out to the point it even broke the speed of sound. Supergirl used her X-Ray vision and saw Red Tornado fly away... but she couldn't look inside though still... Supergirl chased it. Phantom ran to the tornado to replicate what he did as the arrived to his hand and threw it to the ground, again creating the ice explosion... freezing the tornado completely as the ice breaks releasing a very cold chill, with Phantom landing on its knees while looking at the sky where Supergirl and Red Tornado flew. For a robot, Tornado was faster than expected... which made Supergirl confused... he was covered in lead and he could fly fast... almost as fast as... her. When they reached the clouds... it was Supergirl who popped put first... Tornado used the clouds to escape. She looked around using her X-Ray vision but nothing.

Phantom: *voice* Did you get him?

Supergirl: He... used the clouds to escape, I can't see through him.

Phantom: *voice* Lead... I think Red Tornado wasn't just himself... but manipulated by someone. We'll talk more in the DEO.


Lucy was being checked with Sam, Supergirl, Phantom and a DEO agent being the doctor.

Agent: Nothing broken, she's lucky.

Lucy: *to the heroes* Both of you. Thank you for saving my life.

Supergirl: It's nothing, Major Lane.

Sam: You both let that thing get away. I thought you two were on our side.

Phantom: Wha-

Sam walks away though Phantom is first to follow and he didn't take that well.

Phantom: What's that suppose to mean?! That the mission, your country is more important than Lucy? Would her death be another casualty of war?!

Supergirl: Red Tornado was different this time, he was smarter, faster-

Phantom: More skilled... humanly skilled.

Sam: Doesn't change anything that because of her action, now more people will be hurt-

Phantom: Can you for once in your life, shut up!

He shook the entire DEO when he slammed his hands to the table... that's definitely not an IKEA table. Sam glared at Phantom though the vigilante just... he pointed at him angry.

Phantom: Ever since you arrived, you have done nothing but criticize both of us when all this happened because you wanted to test us! This is your machine, your robot, your Kryptonian weapon, your problem, you fix it.

Sam: Our problem?! You turned this into everyone's problem-

Phantom: This was always yours! You made Morrow make a Kryptonian killing machine without even looking at his background, you were desperate to be in control of everything! Your daughter almost died and you? You didn't give a damn! You put the blame on us for not stopping Red, instead for a thank you that Lucy is alive!

Sam: Don't you dare say that I don't care of Lucy!

Phantom: I can and will... cause since Lois is in Metropolis with Superman... you can't do anything to change her mind, not even trust your older daughter in the case, no wonder she is soooo separated to you!

Phantom was face to face with Sam though definitely clenching his fists.

Hank: You designed this weapon to kill Kryptonians, you chose a murderer to build it, and this kind of behavior that you have is not acceptable in the DEO! So unless you're gonna at least say thank you... get off my roof.

Sam glared at Hank and later at Phantom with much anger.

Sam: You're not like her or Superman... I can see your worse.

Phantom snickers at the comment.

Phantom: That's the whole fuckin' point.

Sam walks away angry and Lucy moments later follows him though in regret. Phantom sighs slightly as he looks at Hank.

Phantom: I'm fired, aren't I?

Hank: You did me a favor back there.

Hank showed a small smile with his hands in his waist, though Supergirl looked at him smiling as Phantom looks at her nodding though smiling under the mask. Alex walks in looking at the three.

Alex: Maxwell Lord just called. Said he saw you on the news fighting Red Tornado. He wants to talk to me.

Phantom: Should I come with?

Alex: Well... I might have something in mind.

Lord Technologies

Maxwell was serving wine though he hears steps and sees Alex and Y/N behind her.

Maxwell: Agent Danvers, Agent L/N, I'm actually surprised you answered.

Alex: Yeah, though invitation said Danvers. *looks at Y/N* Which means you might not be able to be here.

Y/N looks at Maxwell and later at Alex definitely not comfortable with this.

Y/N: *whispering* Alex... you sure?

Alex: *puts a hand in his cheek* You trust me?

Y/N looks at Maxwell and later at Alex though Y/N groans.

Y/N: Fine.

Alex nods quickly planting a kiss on his lips as he puts his hand also by her neck almost behind it but again... it was quick and he looks at Maxwell then.

Y/N: You do something to her, and you're dead.

Maxwell: She'll be back in one piece, Agent.

Y/N frowning walks away as Maxwell snickers.

Maxwell: He is pretty protective of you.

Alex: Well... when a man gets cheated a few times, they either become more alert, or paranoid, or just... sometimes turn gay.

Maxwell: Heard that before. So... if you want my help, I want to make sure I know who I'm working with. *points at her chair* Please.

Alex sits down in a way of... trust. Y/N who was walking outside grabs his car keys... but also grabs from his pockets a walkie talkie as now scene shows a chip... in Alex's back neck almost her back... covered by her black jacker

Alex: I'm just someone who is trying to help you.

Maxwell: We have that in common.

Alex: You seem to only help people if it helps you.

Maxwell: I've seen what it does to the selfless.

Alex: Your parents?

Maxwell: It cost them their lives.

Alex stays quiet for a moment taking in what he said, sort of like Jeremiah, he was too selfless, always has been.

Alex: My father died on the job... he was also too selfless, a good man.

Maxwell: My condolences. What did he do?

Alex: What me and Y/N do.

Maxwell: And... how did he... die?

Alex: I... I never found out, and till this day I still search for what happened.

Y/N back in the car looks down slowly at the conversation as Maxwell sighs.

Maxwell: The android isn't acting alone.

Alex: What?

Maxwell: The arm. *he gets up* I did some digging and... this... Red Tornado is just the Frankenstein monster, so you must look for Dr Frankenstein.

Alex: Dr... Morrow. *she gets up* He is still controlling it, which includes-

Maxwell: The attack today.

Alex nods looking at Maxwell later.

Alex: Thank you.

Maxwell: Any time, Alex.

Alex walks away after that. Moments later Alex was in Y/N's car going to leave her in her apartment.

Y/N: So I was half right?

Alex: Red Tornado is being controlled and the person behind it is Morrow.

Y/N: T.O. Morrow.

Alex: Hmm?

Y/N: That's... his name. I think it's Tyler?

Alex: Now you're just guessing.

Y/N: Bleh.

He kept driving but then... the question came to mind.

Y/N: Why did I have to go with you?

Alex: Hmm?

Y/N: You could've just given me the walkie talkie and all that, so why dressing and kissing?

Alex: 1st, Maxwell hates Phantom, he probably has some defenses against him. 2nd, last thing I need is Maxwell trying to flirt with me more than he sort of is.

Y/N: Tell him you're a lesbian.

Alex: I'm... still working on that part, on my behalf.

Y/N: What do you mean by that? You said it, 3 years ago, you said you were! You broke up with the idiot, got drunk, we met, hard core sex, luckily you didn't get pregnant, I didn't paralyze you, or blow you brains off literally and next day you said "Maybe I am gay."

Alex: Whiner.

Y/N: Buuuuut... in another case... you wanted to kiss me.

Alex: Either way, it wasn't as good as before.

Y/N: Huh?!

Alex: The beard killed it... to itchy, prefer *grabs his jaw* this beardless and smooth.

Y/N: So you're saying you want me to shave for you?

Alex: Or for every other woman, probably Kara too.

Y/N: Still bit shocked Kara is... has fallen for me. I wasn't the best person when we met, I was...

Alex: Annoying? A son of a bitch? Very annoying?

Y/N: All that and more, much more.

Alex: Agreed... but tip? Shave the beard, many girls don't like it when kissing.

Y/N: But they do love it based on looks. Hold on... you said 2nd... not and 2nd... misspelling or there's another reason.

Alex: There is actually... just wanted to see you in something other than a jacket.

Y/N: C'mon... really?

Alex: Yep. It will help with the Kara love problem.

Y/N: Hmph.

She smacks his leg twice lightly in a friendly way.

Next Morning

Phantom was seated in the grass groaning and Supergirl who landed.

Phantom: Why call me?

Supergirl: If I want to let my anger out... might as well make sure I don't destroy a building accidentally.

Phantom: Like you could.

Supergirl: *glaring* I could level the city.

Phantom: What is it with people always saying they can level cities?

Supergirl shrugs though Phantom gets up from the grass stretching.

Phantom: Okay... what's the plan?

Supergirl: Easy... we're fighting.

Phantom: Huh?

Supergirl: We're gonna fight, let our anger out and talk, cry, and repeat this again and again.

Phantom: Why don't you go boxing with James? He probably needs this more than me.

Supergirl: Says the guy with the raging problems. Consider this as a... payment for staying in my home.

Phantom: The ice won't melt, Kara. But fine... okay, throw the first hit.

(Starts music)

He got on a defensive position as Supergirl set flight at his direction. He quickly dodged her dashing attack and kicked her back, she lost footing but looked back as Phantom tried to knee her, but she moved, as his knee broke the ground, forcing Supergirl to float. She looked forward as Phantom leaped at her connected a hit before she could try to fly away, she was sent far back but buried her feet in the ground slowing her momentum. She shot her Heat Vision though he blocked it with his hands, he groans noticing the burn. Supergirl realized that as he stomped the ground sending a shockwave though she covered her ears to dodge the loud sound. Phantom grabbed a boulder and threw it a her which she punched. She flew at him again dashing which he moved, but she back swings which he blocks creating a small shockwave with her throwing a few punches which he blocked and later some fast punches... she slowly abused her speed and threw a punch at his face staggering him but he delivered a back punch at her.

Phantom: You wanted to release the anger... release it!

Supergirl tackled Phantom to the point she broke sound, but he grabbed her head and headbutts her just to grab her leg and throws her to the ground while he free falls. Supergirl crashes to the ground glaring at the falling Phantom. This was a new whole experience, they have trained and fought inside the DEO but outside... means they can cut loose more, yes she had so many abilities, Heat Vision, Freeze Breath, Flight, Super Speed, X-Ray, even a loud scream... but Y/N was sort of built different... he could take her punches, his skin is unaffected by her Heat Vision and the cold doesn't even slow him down, as for her speed... he can react to it... like an instinct, or just... natural, like if his body has dealt with this before... gotten used to this. Phantom landed and dashed at Supergirl who she flew at him throwing a punch at him which he catches and he punches her back making her do a side flip but she lands almost in her chest though she shoots her Heat Vision at his feet but he leaps and punches her head down, breaking the ground even more. She slowly looks up though Phantom had his hand straight.

Phantom: Fight isn't worth it if you can't fight back.

She slowly grabs his hand... but he grabs her wrist and punches her back to the ground breaking the floor more. He gets on top and punches her down even more.

Phantom: You're still holding back your anger. Release it!

Supergirl grabbed his wrist though he breaks the grip, getting up and grabs her leg, slamming her to the ground then again, and again and again... Hulk style.

Phantom: Show your anger! Stop holding back!

Supergirl groaning shoots her Heat Vision to his eyes, he groans letting her go. She lands as she quickly gives him a barrage of speed punches which push him back. She flies at him full speed, giving him a punch equal to an atomic bomb... literally. The shockwave was intense as Supergirl throws another punch, but he catches it, just to knee her stomach quickly. He picks her by the legs, and slams her to the ground, stomping on her face and later throws her back. Supergirl looked at him slowly her eyes glowing. She roared flying at him full speed punching him far back but she kept flying forward slamming Phantom to the ground quickly grabbing his leg and slamming him again to the ground and grabbing his head... slamming that too to the ground. Phantom did manage to grab her neck, slamming her to the ground and having one hand in her neck. She tried to reach him but couldn't.

(Ends music)

Phantom: Why aren't you getting angry? Release it, dammit! Release it! Show me who you truly are!

Supergirl already had enough of his taunting... she really was as she grabs his sleeve, finally grabbing his jacket, pulling him just to hit him in his head with her own and with glowing eyes, she punches him full force... which makes him grunt and even let go of her. He stumbled a bit back looking away as Supergirl was panting in anger, her eyes glowing and even emitting heat. Her panting got slower just to look at Phantom coming back to her senses... her eyes widened seeing Phantom not looking at her as she quickly walked towards him.

Supergirl: *worried* Are you okay?

Phantom stops her as he moves his mask up spitting a bit of blood, that punch was all she had... just for a bit of blood.

Phantom: Don't apologize. This is the reason we fought. *getting up* Now... why did you get angry? What caused you to get angry?

Supergirl: Your... taunting?

Phantom: Okay, but... what was the nerve, what did my taunting activate?

Supergirl goes to tell but... stays quiet... thinking of the true reason... why was she getting this angry.

Supergirl: Maybe it has to do with... myself.

Phantom: Elaborate.

Supergirl: I'm trying so hard to... be nice, be Supergirl, to live up to this glyph, (puts her hand in her symbol) to not fail. Eliza said that I believe that everyone is good or has a bit of good, but the drunken guy from that other day, he didn't care for those kids, I tried to be nice and I could've done something awful to him, or the kids!

Phantom: Kara...

Supergirl: No! This is not okay! All this, constant warnings and telling me what to do and what not?! That even when Kal has been here for decades they build weapons against him?! It's like they don't want us here! We've tried to show them kindness, to show them that we mean no harm but-

Phantom: All this anger... is because you can't find your place here? On Earth?

Supergirl slowly looks down nodding.

Supergirl: I'm not Kal... he might be Kryptonian by blood but he's human... by heart, mentality, he is just a special human instead of an outsider like me. Each one of them, Sam, Hank, that drunk guy, even Maxwell Lord, they only remind me I'm not from here and that really... they don't want me or any alien here.

Phantom: They're afraid and that's... understandable from a human point of view. People would of course be afraid of absolute power... quite understandable. It always has been like that.

Supergirl slowly sits in the grass and Phantom kneels by her.

Phantom: Was that why you were so... upset in the game night?

Supergirl: Was it that obvious?

Phantom: *snickered* Very.

Supergirl: Is just... seeing James and Lucy... so happy, while you and Winn were being brothers, the closest of brothers... I was a third wheel with the four of you, one from love and other from brotherhood. It felt just like when I got here... alone... confused and... out of place.

Phantom slowly sits by her slowly taking his mask off. Supergirl looks at her hands shaking.

Supergirl: How did Kal manage to... make a stable life with these powers?

Y/N: I don't think he has completely.

Supergirl: But more than me. He has trained them, he was raised with them, I had to adapt, I could hear everything, every car in miles, the bell, steps, people talking behind my back, then out of control Heat Vision, unstable flight, Kal had to go through all that and look at him... he is happy in The Daily Planet, has Lois in his life, Jonathan and Martha okay... but me? I am not, not with this life, hiding for 12 years who I truly was, trying to be someone I was probably never meant to be.

Y/N looks at her as she puts her hands down looking away.

Supergirl: Maybe... everything would be better if I... didn't have these powers.

Y/N wraps an arm around her back though she still looks down.

Y/N: Sadly it's too late for that. Once you... start doing something, anything... it will be hard to stop, and if you do... consequences will occur. A man starts working, he works and works and works... he doesn't want to keep working anymore so he stops... but then he doesn't have enough money and he will be left in a worse position than when he was working. When you donned the cape, you took a huge risk, and now that Supergirl protects National City, more villains will come and if she stops... the city will burn.

Supergirl: So there's no escape from this?

Y/N: No. What we do... what you do is from fear, of losing again. Powers are a curse if you let them be it, they can be gifts, they will make things hard but... in the end... it makes you special. Clark hasn't made a stable life, but he still works to have it. What you went through, what you had to do was hard and horrible, but don't think of everything bad that happened to you here, think of the good that you have done without your powers, and the good you have done with them.

Supergirl still doesn't look at him though he looks at her hand grabbing it, and even though she doesn't look... she intertwined fingers with him.

Supergirl: You're the only one who can understand people like me... freaks as some say.

Y/N: Well... you're talking to a guy born from two human parents who realizes that he is actually a god... maybe by... reincarnation or something, would explain my visions. Trust me... the only thing worse than something with a reason and answer... is something that doesn't.

Supergirl smiles a little still holding his hand... though something does come to mind as she looks at Y/N who was looking at the sun in front of them.

Alex: *voice* Don't hide it, Kara. You're in love.

Supergirl: *voice* And that's... I really don't know how to feel about this.

Alex: *voice* I do, when you're ready... confess to him.

Supergirl took a deep breath... this might not be the time but... still holding this might help her with the anger issues and some other stuff.

Supergirl: *shyly* I... have something to... confess.

Y/N/Supergirl: You're in love with me/I... I love-

Supergirl: What?

Y/N: I know.

He looks at Supergirl who was honestly... no... completely in shock.

Supergirl: Wha... you knew? Y-You...

Y/N: *chuckles* Yeah... I did for a while, plus your pretty bad at hiding.

Supergirl: I... How did you actually-

Y/N: Word of advice, never let Alex get drunk, she spoils tons of secrets while drunk.

Supergirl: Drunk? As in... you knew for a whole week?!

Y/N: Yeah, that long. And... I'm not sure if... I want to get in a relationship... like... with anyone.

When he said that, something in Supergirl broke... part of her knew the answer but... still... it broke.

Supergirl: *saddening* O-Oh...

Y/N: *stays looking at her* Is not you... it's me. I'm very focused on getting answers, find who I really am, who I am suppose to be. But our lives are so complicated, and... I'm a bit afraid that because of our lives and jobs, we won't be able to extend that relationship or move forward cause our job, those barriers: CatCo, DEO, Supergirl, Phantom, those are barriers that will get in the way.

Supergirl nods but... still... she actually DID connect with someone and this the result. Y/N slowly grabs her face though she looks down.

Y/N: Hey... I said I can't... not that I won't. We both have some personal issues we both deeply want to solve, your anger, Astra, me with Baldr, we don't have space for romance... but when the time comes... *swipes one of her tears away* you'll know my answer.

Supergirl looks at him though he showed a smile and puts his forehead on hers as she grabs both his hands though not taking them off. But she does put one of her hands in his cheek, leaning in and successfully... planting her lips on his. She smiled a little under the kiss... she was enjoying it, Y/N feels another tear from Supergirl fall down which he cleaned still having both of his hands in her cheeks. Though he is actually first to slowly separate from Supergirl who he managed to see that... well... she was a blushing mess.

Y/N: *smiling* I suggest you save that for when we get together... officially.

Supergirl looked at him nodding though looking away with a fully red face.

Y/N: Are you... okay?

Supergirl: Yeah just... just glad I didn't break your nose.

Y/N: That bad you were?

Supergirl: Well... this can be considered my... first normal kiss?

Y/N: Oh... for real?

Supergirl: I haven't kissed an alien and definitely not Kal mouth to mouth.

Y/N: You know there cousins that even get married, right?

Supergirl: Which in my opinion, is very disgusting.

Y/N: *shrugs* Nothing we can do about it.

Y/N slowly gets up as he gives Supergirl a hand.

Supergirl: So... was it... good?

Y/N: Um-

Supergirl: I-It was bad, right? Even without breaking someone's nose I knew-

Y/N: Okay you're overthinking this way too much. It wasn't... bad... I did enjoy it.

Supergirl: You... did?

Y/N: I did. But we still have some work to do, Kara... we don't have time for relationships right now. *moves a strand of her hair behind her ear* But when we do... we will try, okay?

Supergirl smiling nods at his statement.


Alex called Y/N and Kara as both already suited up were walking behind her and Hank as well.

Alex: Thanks to Max, we managed to find out that Morrow is still in control of Red Tornado.

Phantom: Forgot to mention that. The way Tornado fought yesterday, I say it's telepathically.

Supergirl: So he has telepathy?

Alex: Or a gadget that allows him to control the robot. It's why Red Tornado targeted General Lane.

Supergirl: So Lane did fire Dr. Morrow after the whole fiasco here. How do we find, Morrow?

???: With me, blondie.

She looks seeing Craighead on top of the table as she looks confused.

Hank: Agent Danvers... both Danvers, Phantom... meet Agent Craighead.

Phantom: Agent?

Craighead: What?! You think I'm sticking with the old faggot? I work on the good side, "bulky."

Phantom: Huh.

Supergirl: *chuckles* So... Y/N, Phantom, Bulky, Hot One... Grumbles, is there another nickname we don't know-

Phantom: *glares at her* Don't. *to Craighead* How do we find him?

Alex: For Red Tornado to work, he must be in range. We use Morrow's signal that he uses for Red Tornado, follow it, kick his ass, and done. But we need to draw him out, first.

Craighead: And for the sentient part of the damn bot, we will use this.

He throws something at Phantom who catches it looking at it... a... USB?

Craighead: That USB will pull out the machine's consciousness, whoever Dr. Shithead put in that machine. When you pull the consciousness, the robot will be free and inactivated.

Phantom nods at Craighead putting the USB in his jacket.

Supergirl: So that's our plan.

Phantom: Yeah.

Hank: *looks at Supergirl* Can you keep your anger in check?

Supergirl looks away from him at Phantom who nodded.

Supergirl: Being honest, not sure... but I have to try.

Hank nods walking away towards General Lane who was actually in some computers. Phantom puts a hand in Supergirl's shoulder who puts a hand on top.

Phantom: Still unsure?

Supergirl: A little. How does... your rage work? What causes it?

Phantom stays quiet sighing... he honestly didn't know... it's so much.

Phantom: I don't know. When I use it... I feel... pain... regret... sadness... and unable to accept myself. I get glimpses of another life... a man...

There was a tanned man with red tattoo in his face and body... he was swinging some chained blades with people running, as he throws a blade impaling someone and with the other, swings cutting the person... blood showering on the man, screams heard, fire raging from his destruction.

Phantom: He was destroying an entire village... and when he reached to the final home... the last person he killed seems to be... dear for him... sacred.

The man impaled a woman in the stomach and a girl screaming in utter fear as she tried to run away but the man dashed at her, she looked back... the blades... the blood reflecting through her eyes... and after that... everything goes black for her.

Phantom: And this anger... unable to accept myself... maybe it has to do with... my heritage. A bond of godhood with my human self... trying to cooperate, to merge... but I am unable to accept that and... that probably creates my anger.

Supergirl: You haven't... accepted your powers?

Phantom: No... but maybe the way to control your anger is if you accept what we have.

Supergirl nods at him, now the main objective... save the soul in Red Tornado, destroy the robot and take down Morrow.


Red Tornado was flying almost in a deserted place in California, until be looks down seeing none other than Sam Lane in what it looks like an abandoned military site. Red Tornado lands glaring at Sam.

Sam: Hello, Morrow. Yeah we know what you were doing.

Red Tornado doesn't say anything though he slowly clenches his fists.

Sam: I'm pretty sure I made myself clear the first time, and I'm more than happy to say it again... you're fired.

Red Tornado quickly ran towards him as he spins his waist and floats just to throw a punch at Sam... but the punch goes through? Like... literally through. Tornado realized that and looks back as Sam turns back smirking at the robot.

Sam: Thought I would actually be in the open?

Red Tornado slowly puts his hand through Sam... he wasn't real... it was a hologram, and a perfect one. Tornado takes a step back... just to get a rocket to his back. Tornado doesn't get damaged by the rocket, but does look back, seeing Phantom holding a rocket and Supergirl behind.

Phantom: Hey, honey.

Supergirl: Was the rocket necessary?

Phantom: You wanted me to call his attention, I do it with style and looking badass.

He reloads it waving at Tornado and later shoots again, sending him a bit back. Phantom throws the rocket and smirks under the mask.

Supergirl: We got his attention, finally.

Phantom: Yeah.

Supergirl flies towards him as Red Tornado shoots a tornado from his hands, sending Supergirl a bit back as Phantom dashed at him punching the machine's face and quickly spin hook kicks Red Tornado back. Red Tornado loos up seeing Supergirl who smashes him to the ground even more. Red Tornado shoots an air blast at Supergirl making her stumble back, as Phantom ran and tackled Red Tornado getting on top of him, but Tornado shot an air blast at his face... trying to suffocate Phantom, but Supergirl flew to the sky and later flew down, smashing Red Tornado's head releasing a shockwave as she rips the chest part of Red Tornado with the USB on hand as she actually sees a USB port... Craighead was always a step ahead of Morrow... at least that's what he says. She puts the USB as Red Tornado grabbed Supergirl by her neck, starting to choke her with one hand just to send Phantom flying with a strong air blast, sending him to the sky... he puts the other hand on her neck putting more pressure on it. Her eyes glow until Red Tornado moves her head away making her unable to shoot her Heat Vision, he had her in a neck hold as she tried to break free... but she hovered and slammed him to the ground again... and again and again. She managed to grab its arm slowly moving it away from her... until he heard a beep... seeing the USB beeping... the consciousness has been extracted. Supergirl was managed to tuck her chin, spin to look at him and slams him to the ground, quickly grabbing the USB as she tries to put it somewhere... realizing she had no pockets, she looks between her... breasts and well... she blushes.

Supergirl: Nope.

Red Tornado slowly gets up but... something is off. Supergirl looks at the USB as she presses her comms.

Supergirl: I got Red Tornado's consciousness.

Alex: *voice* We have a problem.

Alex was inside a small building... with Morrow's body in the ground bleeding heavily. Alex walks to the counter looking at a computer.

(Starts music)

Alex: You removed Tornado's consciousness, but... he is still sentient Supergirl! You hear me?! He is still working!

Supergirl: What?!

Red Tornado was getting up and his hands generating tons of wind and air... making Supergirl take a step back. Red Tornado shoots her away through a truck. Supergirl groans looking at Red Tornado as she slowly gets up.

Y/N: *voice* You still use your anger as the source. Control it!

Supergirl's eyes glow shooting her Heat Vision at Red Tornado, but it wasn't putting him down... he was still walking forward. Supergirl's Heat Vision was even sparking but he still didn't go down. The parts around her eyes were glowing more, showing her veins even more... but it was extending even more... her hands were glowing like when she uses her Heat Vision, her legs were glowing too... her entire face was glowing... her entire body was glowing. Hank saw a screen... exactly where Supergirl was... the chart of energy she is generating, she is generating enough energy to even destroy anything within a 3 mile radius. Supergirl's Heat Vision was getting uncontrollable... turning red. She roared at Red Tornado as heat was even emitting from her mouth, her costume burning, the mere presence of her Heat Vision was melting and damaging the area. Out of instinct... she covered the USB and pushed herself even further... Heat Vision beyond her capabilities even if she can't control it, her burning clothes were slowly disappearing and her body generating yellow lightning like energy. Alex felt an earthquake from it... losing her balance as the building she was in was shaking. Phantom finally was descending down... but he saw the clouds expand... and a yellow light where Red Tornado was... energy completely shooting off like crazy. Supergirl finally lets go... everything she had was released... depleting every solar energy in her cells, in her entire body. Red Tornado melted almost in an instant, as in National City... people looked all at the same direction... seeing yellow energy shoot to the sky. Phantom's eyes widened as he was falling directly to the solar explosion, covering his eyes from the bright light.

Hank: Supergirl? Supergirl?!

Alex was under a table but slowly got out shocked from the earthquake. She ran outside... with one of the monitor screens showing where was a camera to see through Red Tornado's eyes. She did get outside... seeing a huge cloud of smoke... with some yellow lightning like energy inside of it... and... it worried her.

Alex: *voice breaking* Oh no...

She got in her car driving towards the explosion site.

(Ends music at 2:09)

Phantom landed though a bit of his shoulder exposed but that's about it. He was in a giant crater... ginormous one but he looks around looking for Supergirl. He deactivates his comms and looks around... in pure fear... scared... slowly getting angry.

Phantom: Kara! KARA!!!

He kept looking around and even running to any direction... but he saw from afar... naked skin in smoke on top of a few rocks, he ran in that direction just to see exactly what it was... Kara's naked back... and ass. Her entire costume was burnt by the light show... yeah she was butt ass naked... completely. He sat pulling her making her lean into him quickly taking his jacket off and putting it on her. She was passed out but breathing, he sighs in relief... he was glad to see her okay... as he sees her hand clenched, as he opens it... showing the USB, it was a bit smoked but... okay... she kept it safe.

Phantom: We're going home.

Kara doesn't say anything or grunt... of course as she was passed out, but she did get more comfortable, as Phantom gets up, carrying her with her head in his shoulder and he making sure his jacket covered her front and her parts.

Time Skip

Kara was connected to an IV, wearing some joggers and still Phantom's jacket. Alex was leaning to a wall looking at her... waiting that she wakes up, until Y/N walks behind her wrapping an arm around the worried older sister.

Y/N: She'll be fine... give her a few hours and she'll wake up.

Alex: I know. I'm just worried how she will react after waking up.

Y/N looks at Kara worried... because Alex was right.

Alex: Did she confess?

Y/N: Yeah.

Alex: And... what are you two now?

Y/N: Friends. I told her that... we still can't enter into a relationship... our work... our duties... they won't let us. We decided to stay friends but... I can tell that the friends part will probably only last months.

Alex: Good for her... she finally has someone who is different like her.

Y/N smiles at Alex who smiles back both looking back at Kara.

Y/N: Yeah. Are you gonna stay here? Or should I... get you a chair?

Alex: Chair. We'll take turns.

Y/N: You go first.

Y/N goes to get a chair as Alex walks to Kara's unconscious body grabbing her hand... smiling at her caressing her hair.

Alex: You did good, sis. Rest.

Y/N arrived with the chair as he puts it down letting Alex sit... and he puts a blanket over the older sister.


???: *unknown* Flight 352 of Finnair to National City, please get to Gate 45, I repeat, Gate 45.

There were many people in line, until a kid accidentally bumps into one of the passengers, dropping a toy. The kid fell to the ground as the person kneels grabbing the toy showing it to the kid... it was the woman... the one with white hair and blue glowing eyes, though wearing sunglasses and a hat.

Woman: *unknown language* Here, child, do not lose it.

The kid grabbed the toy happy, looking at the woman.

Kid: *unknown language* Thank you, miss.

Woman: *unknown language* Please don't call me miss, makes me feel old, but... you can calm me "Skaði" if you want.

Kid: *unknown language* Like the winter goddess?

Skaði: *unknown language* Yeah, exactly.

???: *unknown language* Mikael! Mikael!

Skaði: Seems your mother is calling, Mikael. Go.

Mikael: *unknown language* Mhm. *gets up amd runs* Thank you, Miss Skaði.

Skaði: *unknown language* Just Skaði.

She grabs a newspaper... which had Phantom and Supergirl as cover, frowning a little.

Skaði: Iak vita hvaðan þú'st, Guth Banamaðr.


Kara groans, she slowly wakes up, she looks around, seeing Y/N seated snoring while having his hand with Kara, as she looks in a bit of shock but happy. She slowly relaxes, until Alex walks in with breakfast... until she sees Kara awake.

Alex: Kara!

She puts the breakfast in the table as Y/N jolts awake, seeing her up. Alex runs and hugs Kara who hugs back though still in a bit of pain.

Alex: You were out for half a day, are you okay?

Kara: Yeah. Yeah I am.

She then hugs Y/N who did have a worried face.

Kara: You two stayed?

Y/N: We took turns, I decided to let Alex sleep a while ago and well... here I ended, just glad you're okay.

Kara smiled at him, until she looks at her arm... she was... confused to say the least. She was connected to an IV... and there was no Kryptonite in range.

Kara: How... How am I connected?

Y/N and Alex look at each other as he puts a hand in her leg with Kara still looking confused.

Y/N: What you did yesterday... you emptied your solar energy... all of it even the resourced ones... and... your cells haven't been able to absorb its energy.

Kara: A-Are you saying.

Y/N: Until you are able to absorb... you're human.

Kara looks at herself in a bit of shock... no... utter shock. She clenches her fists a bit saddened and agitated for what he said... and like that... the chapter ends.

Jesus Christ I have never written this much... over 9,000 words in this chapter, like holy hell that's a lot of words. Either way, hope you boys and girls enjoyed it, vote for it and goodnight.

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