Midnight, The Stars & You

By WestCoast14

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Genevieve Chalamet has grown up visiting Paris ever since she could remember. Her father was from Nîmes, but... More



1.9K 39 6
By WestCoast14

Summer 2006

After the first night with the Gasly's and Leclerc's, Pascale informed everyone that Charles and Chloe's younger brother had the flu. She insisted that the twins stay with them for the rest of the week. Ginny was in one of the guest rooms where her parents were rooming, picking out an outfit for the day. Her dark inky hair was already tied back in a fishtail braid.

Perks of Chloe.

Ginny sorted through some tee shirts passed down from her sister. She picked a lavender top with black shorts that looked like they'd been through the dryer one too many times. She threw on her clothes and slipped on a pair of converse.

There was a knock on the door, making her jump as usual. "Who is it?"

"Your sister. Open the door."

Ginny followed her instructions. Pauline stood against the wall with her legs crossed. She stumbled into the room and plopped on the king-size bed. She was wearing a few layers of tank tops that were pulled down to show her chest. Her bra was bright and neon pink. It contrasted against all the dark colors in her outfit. "Did Nicole do that to your hair?"

Ginny rolled her coffee brown eyes. "Chloe did. And why do you call mommy by her real name?"

Pauline pulled a strand of her hair out of the braid, making Ginny wince. "That's her real name isn't it?"

Ginny let out a sigh, turning back to the big suitcase. She threw the extra clothes back inside with a frown. "You have a lot in common with Pierre."

She cocked her head to the side, "With a 10 year old? How so?"

"You both hate me."

Instead of a normal response like, 'of course we do idiot', her eyes softened and moved to the floor. Ginny peered over her shoulder, wondering why she was silent. Pauline fidgeted with her bra strap, sliding the lace fabric over her finger. "Why would you say that?"

Ginny stood in front of her sister, rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, I don't know. You always call me an idiot and so does Pierre. You never care about what I say and so does Pierre."

"He calls you a what!?" Pauline slid to her knees, grabbing onto Ginny's arms. She shook her gently. Ginny leaned her head back, feeling too close to her sister now. She could practically taste the spearmint gum in her mouth. "Has he been mean to you? Is that why you wanted to sleep with mommy and daddy last night?"

"You called her mommy." Ginny chuckled, but quickly changed her smile into a flat line. Pauline gave her the same look that her mom gives her when she gets in trouble. Ginny gulped a ball of nervous saliva down her throat with a groan. "He's not really nice... to me. He likes Timmy and Charles. Chloe doesn't seem to like him. She can be a bit scary actually. In a good way."

Pauline thought for a moment before a wide grin crossed her lips. "Do you know what that means, Ginny Gin?"


"Pierre like likes you."

Ginny's mouth dropped in shock. There was no way Pierre like-liked her. Why would he be so mean? They had just met and he was her worst enemy. She shook her head. "I don't believe you."

"Trust me." Pauline let go of her arms, standing straight. Her knees popped on the way up. "Boys act like assholes when they have crushes on girls. Especially at his age. Don't tell Nicole I cursed in front of you."

Back to her real name. Ginny grabbed her iPod from the nightstand and tucked it in her pocket, still thinking about Pauline's words. "So Pierre likes me because he's mean and Charles doesn't like me because he's nice?"

Her sister whipped around, crossing her arms in the process. "Not necessarily... what has Charles done?"

"What do you mean?"

"Has he been extra nice to you? That can mean something, sometimes. Only sometimes though."

Ginny shrugged her shoulders, growing even more confused. "I don't know, Paulie. He's just nice. He sat next to me last night and he shared his blanket too."

Pauline raised her eyebrows that were lined with makeup. "Hm."

"So should I not be friends with him? Since he's nice but actually mean? This is confusing..."

"No, no." Her sister placed a warm hand on her shoulder. "Charles seems like a nice guy, truly. But, just remember Pierre probably like-likes you. That's why he might be mean. Don't let it get to you, okay?"

"Okay." Ginny nodded. She still didn't really understand. Pierre definitely didn't have a crush on her. They'd only just met and he'd been mean every second so far. She didn't understand. Maybe it'd be easier to let it go. Whatever her sister meant.

"Do you think Pierre is cute?"

"No!" Ginny exclaimed.

Pauline chuckled, raising her hands defensively. "Alright, alright. What about Charles?"

Ginny giggled, blushing bright in the cheeks. Not all because of Charles, but because her sister was being goofy. "He's...he's kind of... cute."

"Oooooo." Pauline wiggled her brows.

Ginny playfully hit her arm. Pauline grabbed her own, making Ginny squeal. She lifted her up and spun her around in the air. Ginny gasped for air through a fit of laughter. After she was back on the floor, Pauline pulled her in for a hug. Ginny froze in her place- her sister never hugged her.

"I don't hate you, Ginny. I'm sorry you thought that. I tease you because I love you."

"So you're also mean because you're actually nice? Are all people like this?"

"No." Pauline chuckled, but she sounded sad. "You'll understand when you're older."

"That's something mommy would say."

"Don't remind me." Pauline groaned. She leaned back and pulled out her keys. Ginny listened to the metal jangling and hoped one day she could accessorize her own pair of keys. "Are you ready to go?

"Yes!" Ginny clapped her hands.

"The other kids are downstairs waiting. Timmy too. Now, remember what we talked about and let me know later how Pierre acts with you today. I want to know. Does mommy know?"

Back to mommy.

"No. Only you."

"Good. Let's keep it that way, okay?"

"Okay." Ginny was happy to share something with her sister.

"Let's go." Pauline ushered her out of the room.

They jogged downstairs and found everyone on the couch. Their parents were in the kitchen. They suggested that the children see a movie, so Pauline was in charge. She begged to drive them in return. They only agreed because the movie theater was apparently down the street, literally. Charles and Chloe jumped up and ran to meet Ginny with smiles.

"I like your shirt!" Chloe squeezed her tight.

Ginny chuckled, leaning back to look at hers. It was a glittery red tee shirt that could be headlining at Justice. She must have gotten it at a similar store.

"We're matching shoes." Charles pointed to their feet.

Ginny looked and he was right- they were both wearing black converse with the white stars on the side. "Oh wow! We are!"

Pauline peered over her shoulder and grinned. "Everyone ready? Pierre, Timothee?"

"Ready Freddy." Timothee joked.

Pierre didn't laugh. He was staring right at Ginny with a scowl. She quickly averted her eyes, remembering what Pauline said. 'Don't let it get to you'

"Your shoes are dirty." Pierre commented, and Ginny knew that dig was for her.

"They look clean to me." Charles glanced over his shoulder to look at him.

Ginny blushed. Pauline winked at her, making the crimson in her cheeks brighten even more. Pierre rolled his eyes. "They're cheap shoes, anyway."

"Can I sit next to you in the car?" Chloe asked Ginny with her hands pressed together like a prayer.

Ginny nodded. "Yeah!"

"C'mon, we're gonna be late." Pauline ushered everyone out the door. She was also in charge of all the money. The parents definitely wanted peace and quiet. She hopped in the drivers seat and everyone else filed in. Timothee and Charles got in first, sitting all the way in the back. Chloe, Ginny, and Charles filed into the normal backseat. "Everyone buckle up."

She checked the mirrors and took off shortly after. Chloe was talking about the movie they were going to see: Arthur and The Invisibles. She was really excited. She told Ginny it would be the type of movie she'd want to first star in. Timothee perked up from the back, but Pierre was rambling about racing again, so he stayed quiet. Charles leaned forward, looking at his sister.

"Do you have a marker?"

Chloe glared at him. "Yeah, why?"

"Can I borrow it?" Charles extended his arm.

Chloe reached into her bag and pulled out a black Sharpie. She placed it in his hand but held tightly, so he couldn't take it right away. "Don't overuse it! The ink is way too nice."

"I won't. I promise." Charles bobbed his head. Chloe let go and went back into her ramble.

Ginny wondered why he needed the Sharpie. She turned towards him, ever-so-slightly since she was still half listening to Chloe. Charles uncapped the marker and glanced at Ginny with a wink. She watched him draw a quick smiley face on the toe of the shoe, where the white part was. He drew the mouth into the letter G. She couldn't help but smile herself. She watched him do the same thing on his own shoe. When he came up, they accidentally bumped heads.

"Sorry." They both sang in unison.

Charles shook his head, smirking. "It wasn't your fault."

"Ginny is such a klutz." Pierre suddenly groaned.

Ginny turned to him with a frown. He stared her down with something burning in his eyes. She whirled around front where Pauline was looking in the rearview mirror. She shook her head, and Ginny knew.

Don't let it get to you.

Ginny turned back to Charles and smiled. Even if she felt Pierre's eyes hot on the back of her neck.

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