Wings Of Fire (WOF) : A dark...

By justaguychilling

188 0 1

Nightjar is a hybrid between a nightwing and a mudwing and that doesn't make her life simple at all. She does... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 16

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By justaguychilling

"... H... Hey... Hey, Nightjar," whispered a voice in Nightjar's ear.

- What... ?" she said quietly, still drowsy.

- We have to go now," said distinctly Maple, who was already up.

It was still dark in the room, and only the small silk filament of light was illuminating the room, as well as the dark blue rays of the moons that passed through the small window. The same silence that had accompanied the previous night's dinner persisted in the building and even in the streets. Despite some difficulty in motivating herself, she gathered all her strength to mobilize her muscles and stand up.

Nightjar still remembered the meal, which was strangely morbid. Usually, their discussions were always accompanied by fun, laughter, joy of living despite what was ahead of them. She didn't know if the end of this little daily routine was a taboo subject. In fact, on the one hand, it made them all anxious, Nightjar could not deny it. But on the other hand, she had seen the strange furtive glances that Charming and Dandelion were exchanging. Unfortunately for her curiosity, she did not have to dwell on the subject. Her attention would now have to turn to her main quest of digging up the past.

She walked towards the exit of the apartment with Maple. They passed in front of their host who signaled them to wait outside. Passing by the large empty living room slightly illuminated by the few lanterns present made Nightjar a little nostalgic. This feeling was perhaps ridiculous but this place and this rhythm of life which she had adopted during these short days had allowed her to find a little comfort. It was like being at home, with Root, Alligator and her siblings.

The outside of the city was deserted. Somethning normal at this hour she had thought. But she couldn't help imagining the place as abandoned and haunted. The atmosphere was clearly not the same one that suring the day. Moreover, in spite of the street lamps, it was impossible to distinguish correctly all that surrounded them, to the point that she believed to see passing, far away, fast dark silhouettes, like ghosts. Lack of sleep seemed to play tricks on her and she felt the need to entertain herself.

"Do you feel ready ? she asked Maple.

- I should be asking you, lazy girl," he laughed.

- Stop it this is not a schedule to get up you know that, she said smiling.

- Yes, I know that. And so ? How do you feel ?"

Nightjar realized that she was approaching the matter more calmly. There was a whole gang of criminals that she was probably facing. But things were different in her mind, for sure. "To be honest. I'm pretty stressed out, obviously. But... I'm not alone now, she argued, And so that makes me feel better in a way.

- Glad to know that," he said without elaborating.

She was surprised that Maple didn't try to extol the virtues of his presence. Normally, he would have said she couldn't have asked for a better sidekick. Even his posture was slightly unusual. He wasn't looking at her, his head turned toward the gloomy streets and was strangely distant. "Maybe all this is tormenting him more than he lets on. I hope he doesn't force himself". At the same time, she unconsciously wondered if she would continue her journey if he left her alone. But it wasn't something that was happening she thought, trying to convince herself.

She could feel a little tension in the air between them until the front door opened, revealing Dandelion's face as well as Charming, who looked tired. The red dragon had the same pouch as when they met for the first time, located against his side, and Charming looked like she hadn't slept enough. "I've come to say a final goodbye, declared the rainwing, I would have liked to go with you but I'm the one in charge now. Some people don't look kindly on it and I have to prove myself.

- I appreciate the attention," Nightjar replied.

- Me too," added Maple.

- You're all set ? Dandelion finally asked, I'll say it again, but once we get to Possibility there's almost no turning back.

- I don't want to think about giving up, she replied, I know that I can turn back at any moment. But will I have the opportunity later ? I don't thik so. Also, we're running out of time, too and they are behind us I know it.

She couldn't explain the feeling that was inside her. What had become a will, a desire to understand the mystery of her parents had become a duty. She had the feeling that it had become her reason for living, what drove her forward and if she let that flame go, she wouldn't know what to do. She quickly turned to Maple who was finally looking at her, his eyes seemingly filled with pride. Another feeling that Nightjar could not explain too.

"Very well then, concluded Dandelion, But let's not be heroes either. We must stay focused and prudent. In that case, let's ...

- Dandelion, wait ! interrupted Charming, Can we... Can we talk for a moment, one last time, please ?

- Sure. You, go ahead to the south exit. I'll meet you there".

The two companions did not look for justification. It was definitely not for their departure but for Dandelion's alone that Charming was there. As they walked toward the gates of the outer ramparts, Nightjar turned quickly. She swore she saw Dandelion hugging Charming, wrapping his four wings around her at the same time. "Do you think they've been a couple all along ? asked Maple.

- I don't know, she said, But it's none of our business.

- You're right. I was just curious".

They walked for a long time along the lighted stone path. The clouds that hid the moons were beginning to clear, those disappearing over the horizon. After a moment, Dandelion caught up with them quickly afterwards, without saying a word, and the little party reached the guarded ramparts. The half silkwing was quite silent. Certainly they had nothing to say to each other and asking about Charming's last wishes would have been inappropriate. However, an invisible pressure warned Nightjar to say anything. "Maybe this silence is a sign that we're all resolved to act now", Nightjar tried to reassure herself.

"Are you leaving already ?" a female voice echoed behind them. Nightjar's blood ran cold. She turned sharply, alert, but saw only a skywing guard she recognized. It was the same dragoness they had met when they arrived.

- Good evening... um...," Maple replied and moved closer.

- You can call me Cloud," she informed.

- Do you know her ?" Dandelion whispered to Nightjar.

- Yes, she whispered back, We have nothing to worry about.

- We're off to Possibility, Cloud, Maple continued.
- Well, good luck then, wished the guard, I hope you know what's going on out there.

- We have a vague idea, Nightjar replied.

- Good, then. Do me a favor and be careful while you will be there, she warned, According to our latest reports, things are escalating.

- You have contacts in law enforcement, Dandelion asked.

- I'm part of the mobile brigade, Cloud justified, So I travel a bit. Maybe we'll get the chance to meet again.

- I hope so, Nightjar said.

- I won't keep you any longer. I'll see you again.

- Goodbye," said Maple and Dandelion.

It was after they passed through the great wall that they all spread their wings and flew high into the sky. They made sure to get enough distance from the mountain range to avoid any encounters with the bandits. Nightjar, as well as Maple, didn't want to be in these prisons, which they would have an even harder time escaping without Hornet's help, if he had really helped them. They had taken the time again to discuss it properly and had concluded that it would be impossible for them to know whether it was true or false. Things had come to this point and that was all that mattered for now.

It was agreed that their journey would take place in the skywings' territory. Indeed the kingdom had its territory split in two by the mountain range and in any case was stretched to their destination. They would try to fly as long as possible for this first day in the morning, in order to get away from the capital as quickly as possible to avoid the possible criminals.

Nightjar quickly noticed Dandelion's innate ability to fly. He had all the advantages at the same time. Firstly, being a skywing, a clan renowned for its natural ability to fly, allowed him to be fast and enduring and secondly, being a silkwing gave him two pairs of wings, thus doubling his abilities. These are only his guesses but allowed the half nightwing to justify the lead she had with Maple despite the wind that was facing them. She saw him taking his distances with them with a disconcerting ease then slowing down in order to make sure of their cadence on several occasions.

Maple as for him remained mute beside Nightjar. The half mudwing was getting seriously worried about him. Something seemed to be bothering him, those eyes scanning around him, so much so that he didn't notice Nightjar's insistent gaze : "Is everything okay ? she finally asked.

- Not really, he answered with honesty, I am afraid that we are being followed and recently I have the feeling that we are being spied on. The fog does not arrange anything".

Indeed, the sun was beginning to rise and their sight was saturated by this air composed of fine water droplets. It is true, however, that this feeling of being spied upon did not leave Nightjar's mind. She could envision that they could be attacked again like at the inn. She tried not to think about it and after all, worrying was useless. It was impossible to predict, where, when and how they would be attacked. Unfortunately, if it happened, they would have to improvise.

"Don't worry too much. We took our precautions and on the contrary the fog is going to help us to camouflage us, she reassured.

- Surely, he said not convinced, I just do not want that all collapses from the beginning just because one was not attentive.

- I understand. You seemed nervous since we left, she remarked.

- I was preoccupied with something else at the inn, but it's nothing believe me.

- If you say so", she finishes, not persuaded of the veracity of his words. It is obvious that it is impossible to be nervous about something that we find trivial. Nightjar was convinced of this, but she did not insist any further.

Their first day of flight went smoothly, the group stopping only to eat and rest. Their discussions were not very lively. Indeed, they had no topic of discussion except their project, which they had already elaborated on, and moreover, their flight time was tiring them. To Nightjar's great joy, their fears of being stalked were dispelled after three days, since they had never crossed paths with anyone. The only trace of life they saw was the wildlife.

About five days passed. Maple seemed to be relaxing at last, as he had promised her, after Nightjar insisted that he get some sleep. They alternated nightly rounds between them. However, Dandelion, before Maple stayed up all night, tended to take up a lot of the guard time. Once, Nightjar watched him for a moment, intrigued, but she couldn't see much except his seated figure with his back to her and facing the fire.

On the sixth day, they felt the temperature rise slightly and then they could see the city appear in the distance. The half nightwing was beginning to lose hope, but they finally arrived at their destination. From a distance, she could hardly see what the city looked like exactly. She only could distinguish cubic dwellings made of smooth stone with dull colors that were sunk into the ground, mostly made of sand with small clumps of dry grass. Finally, she saw in the distance the river that crossed the village, cutting it in two. As they continued to move forward, Dandelion, who was ahead of them, stopped them. "We should make a stop here, he suggested, You know you're at the top of their wanted list, and you're going to need a cover first, which I'll get tomorrow.

- What kind of cover ?" asked Maple, just as curious and worried as his friend.

- You'll see. I've picked up some choice stuff, if that makes you feel better," he replied. "That's not reassuring at all", she thought loudly in her mind.

Nevertheless, they followed the wise advice of their guide and settled in a small wood fighting against the heat, not far from a small water point. In the middle of these trees, Nightjar saw for the first time palm trees that had blended into the environment. As usual, they lit a fire, fetched some cattle and fed themselves. When they had finished, Dandelion led the conversation : "I think... I think it's time I talked to you about some things, he announced.

- Well... If you need to, let's talk, go ahead" Maple continued.

- I think, he began, I think I can trust you now. You're clearly not the culprits but the victims in all of his schemes. However, I also think you don't trust me completely, he said, looking specifically at the half hivewing, which I completely understand". He marked a silence. He seemed to doubt himself but tried to continue, swallowing his saliva. "It is time to tell you about what motivates me to follow you in this dangerous ordeal".


Dandelion past coming soon. Nothing more nothing less.

- Just A Guy Chilling.

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