I do believe in your galaxy...

By NivethaBaranikumar

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Y/N and Taehyung find themselves bound by an arranged marriage orchestrated by their parents, but beneath the... More



54 22 2
By NivethaBaranikumar


Taehyung called yesterday. I was surprised by his sudden behaviour. I thought that he will have a lot of work to do but he asked me on a date Even though I'm not interested in this kind of stuff, I accepted his offer because I too thought that I should know about him.

He told me that He will pick me up by 5 in the evening. So I returned from the office earlier. Currently, I'm getting ready for the date. As usual, I took a pair of skinned jeans and a top to pair with it and a sling bag. I came downstairs and saw Taehyung sitting on the Couch scrolling through his phone.

I went near the couch and greeted him" "Hi Taehyung "Hi Y/N ahh" he greeted me keeping his phone in his back packet. "I'm sorry If I made you wait for so long." I apologised. "No Y/Nah. I just came before 5 minutes Hajusi told me to wait inside so I come inside" he reassured me.

"ok, can we go now?" he asked me offering his hand. I think he watches a lot of drama I don't want to offend him so I intertwined my hands with his. His hand is bigger than my hands and I feel like a small kid. As always I seated next to his driver's seat. He started to drive. He still now not informed me where we are going tonight.

Most probably he will take me to any fancy restaurant or a candlelight dinner but I hate fancy restaurants. I don't like expensive places with large Chandeliers hanging above.

"where are we going?" I asked him "Wait a while Y/Nahh we will be there in a minute, "he said to me. "Why can't you tell me where we are going?"I asked him again. He just turned at my side Chuckled looked at me and again turned to face The road. Is he just ignoring me. . annoying. why won't he answer my question? Why have I accepted his offer for this date? I just stayed quiet for the next few mins.

"We are here "he announced and stepped outside the car. I exited the vehicle and scanned the Location around me It's a theatre ok, not a bad one I thought to myself and looked at my side.

"Can we go in now? The movie will start in five minutes. "he informed and took me inside the theatre my hands in his while dragging.

Right now, we are sitting in the last row of the theatre with a bag of popcorn and a Coke. then the movie started with a big round of applause but I didn't clap my hands because I fucking don't know for which movie we came here.

Then the Movie started and the movie's name was put up on the screen and that's when I recognised the movie. It's malignant. It's a horror movie so I started watching it with curiosity.

Kim Taehyung POV

The movie started and after the movie's name is revealed she stayed still and started watching the movie until then she was a lost puppy in the street.

Even when the ghost appeared she didn't even flinge a little but I'm hella scared. I just mostly concentrate on the popcorn next to me or I will stare at YIN until she turns her head towards me.

I think she will find out that I was scared. Thinking that I continued to watch the movie. She looks way more relaxed than anyone in this theatre and she just enjoys the movie... We are halfway movie and they left an intermission.

We came outside the theatre to fill the box and to get a drink." Wait Taehyung, I will get it" she stopped me." No. Y/Nahh. I will go and get it for us." I defended her.

"It's ok Taehyung, I will go and get it because you need to relax because there is halfway through and the end will be scarier," she said to me with a smirk and left the place.

Then she noticed that I was scared. She will tease me with it for my whole life. what do I do now? I should have chosen any other movie to watch. She came with a bag of popcorn and we went inside the theatre.

I watched the whole movie in complete silence and we exited after the end of the movie. , "To be true the end was scary because I have never Seen Such a creature before."
I told her and she chuckled at my statement.

We started walking on the pavement next to the theatre. After some time I saw a shop with some vintage things. "Y/N can we go to that shop." I asked her." She turned my side and said to me "Okay we can go but which shop".

I just took her hand and crossed the road excitedly to go to the shop. I then saw her face and she is looking at our intertwined hands. I tightened my grip and she looked at me."Can we go in?" I asked her and she nodded her head in reply.

We entered the shop and a halmeoni (grandmother) welcomed us with a warm smile. We just went around the place for some time. A huge statue was placed in one corner of the shop. I want a photo with that masterpiece so I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to Y/N.

"Can you take a photo of me with that statue?" I asked her and she nodded her head. She then took some photos from different angles and lowered the phone.

She handed me the phone and I turned on the front camera to take a selfie. "Y/Nahh turn this side," I asked her. She saw the camera and she walked out of the frame." Y/Nahh come here." I called her but she didn't respond.

I went near her to take the selca and she again tried to move but I caught her by her wrist and pulled her near to me and kept her hand on my shoulder. I suddenly clicked one selca and she tried to back off but I pulled her near me by holding her waist.

" you asked for a selfie and you took it so leave me now." She demanded . " but you didn't turn your face to the camera. You were looking at me when I clicked the pic ." I said to her.

I turned to see her that's when the realisation hit me hard that we are too close to each other and our faces are just inches away from each other. Moreover, I was holding her by her waist but I didn't regret it. She then turned to the camera and I asked her to smile without complaining she'd and I took a photo with her.

We then again started walking around the place. Then my eyes landed on some pendant and it looks good. Y/N went near the pendant and started looking at that. Did she hear me? Or it's just a coincidence? I asked myself and went near her.
For Namjoon

For Them

Suddenly a pendant caught my attention. It's a pendant embedded with a turtle on it and I took it in my hand to examine it." Always weird " Y/N commented." My brother love sea creatures like turtle, crab and so on. It reminds my joon hyung to me." I told her and she said," You love your family that much." She replied to me.

Y/N and I took the same model pendant in our hands which was in a heart shape embedded like wings and a red crystal inside it. "Do you like it ?" We said in unison and I started laughing. "Answer " she demanded and I nodded my head ." We Can buy this pendant. It looks unique." I said to her.

We went near the reception to bill these pendants. she took the pendants in her one hand and gestured us to give our Even though it feels weird, we gave our hands to her. Her eyes have some power that I can't explain. Suddenly she spoke," This will help you both to further understand each other, I promise, but you need to take care of it. You need to restart once a thing is broken will always be broken, the cracks will be there no matter how much you try to cover them up. So try to heal rather than covering it up."

I don't know what that means but I believe her words 'heal rather than covering it up'.halmeoni billed the pendants and she handed us the pendants in a small jewellery box.

We exited the shop and we again started walking down the road. Y/N adamantly paid the bill for those pendants even though I requested her not to.

" Why did you pay the bill Y/Nahh ?" I asked her and she just shrugged her shoulders." It's just my turn you paid for the theatre and I paid for pendants." She replied.

Then we went to the nearby park. We just stayed quiet for a while sitting next to each other on the park bench and looking at the sky she suddenly stood up from the bench and went near the swing and I followed her. She then sat on one of the Swings and started to swing I then sat on the other swing and started to swing. It feels like I'm back to my childhood.

"I always visit this pack every weekend with my father when I was a kid," she said. suddenly I turned her side to examine her expression she was calm but I can see how her eyes glittered with the tears she holding back.

"Then I will bring you every week after our marriage here "I said to her. She then turned my side and replied" But I won't come with you" She stuck her tongue out and started to laugh at me.

Y/N suddenly stopped Laughing and turned towards me. Our eyes met and it feels like I will be stuck in those deep eyes If I don't turn my gaze elsewhere. " You can admire your wife in your home gentleman," an ajjusi said jogging behind me.

"Can we go back home?" she asked me. I just nodded my head. We went to our car and took our seats and started driving. The whole ride was silent that's when I realised she is sleeping Leaning on the window. She must be tired after this whole hectic day I thought to myself. After some time I stopped my car in front of her mansion.

"Y/Nahh wake up" I tried to wake her up but she is in deep slumber so I shook her shoulders to gain her attention: she then opened her eyes slowly turning her head towards me with a questionable look.

"We are home." I hold her and she nodded her head. She tried to open the door with her half-closed eyes and at last she went out after a few tries. "Ok, Y/Nahh bye. See you later." I told her and she just nodded still half asleep. She looks cute. She then waved her hands when she neared the doorway.

I then looked at her seat and saw that pendant bag. She left it here itself and then I took Hyung's and mine from the bag and kept it in the car. I went to the doorway to return it and head back home.

" Y/Nahh, come here. You forgot something." I shouted from the doorway and I was startled by a sudden voice " Is that kiss?" Mr Choi asked me. Without even recognising I started to blush at his comment. "Son, come inside. why are you standing there?" Mr Choi asked me. I accepted his request and went inside and sat next to Uncle. Y/N came downstairs stairs and sat on the couch opposite us.

"What happened Taehyung?" She asked and I replied to her "You forgot to take this pendant." And then I have given her the pendant box. "Ohh gift from your fiance." Mr Choi beamed at us. " Uncle she was the one who paid for it but I bought two other pendants one for myself the same model and another for joon hyung." I explained to him." Couple goals, cute." He again told us. We saw each other not knowing what to answer.

"Taehyung do you want something to eat or drink?" Y/N asked me. "No Y/Nah I'm fine." I replied to her with a smile. I scanned the living room and on one of the walls, there is a picture of young Mr Choi with a baby in his hand. Is that Y/N? I asked myself and went near the portrait. "Y/N is that you ?" I asked her and Mr Choi came near and stood with me seeing the portrait.

"Yeah, it's me." Y/N replied from her place turning her head towards us where we are standing. " you look cute Y/N and you should smile a lot." I said to her and she just shook her head. "Why don't you guys go and look around the mansion?" Mr Choi said but I'm still looking at the portrait wondering why Y/N has never smiled like this even since I met.

"Came with me I will show you around the place." She said to me while gently touching my shoulder to make me come out of my dreamland. "Okay" I said to her and she lead the way to the stairs. "There you can have your kiss son." Mr Choi said from the ground floor. Y/N stopped climbing the stairs and stood still in the middle of the stairs like a statue. I went near her and took her hand and climbed the stairs. She was a blushing mess and she didn't even make an eye contact with me.

"Y/N is that your room." I asked her while stretching my free hand in the direction of the room which I'm talking about. "No Taehyung it's my study room." She replied to me and we went to that room. Her study room looks like a whole fucking library. "It's a library " I told her and she just shrugged her shoulders and replied to me "Maybe. I used to study a lot of books in my childhood and teen days because I don't have a lot of friends to hang out with."

" I should bring namjoon hyung to your house. He loves books and if you want to read books in our house you can go to Namjoon Hyung's room. He has a lot of collections. I'm sure that you both will get along well." I told her and she nodded her head with a small smile.

She then showed me uncle's room, two guest rooms and finally her room. " this is my room Taehyung." She said while opening the door. We entered the room and I saw a lot of paintings around her room a framed small butterfly caught my attention. "I used to be a Lepidoptery in my childhood days." she stated and I hummed in response.

I then turned to face her and we are standing so close to each other. She took a step back and I saw her blushing but why?. " Y/Nahh why are blushing?" I asked her.

Choi Y/N POV

" Y/Nahh why are blushing?" he asked me. " I just remembered what Appa told while we climbed the stairs." I replied to him while looking at all the sides of the room except his eyes. He took a step forward and I took a step backwards. " So you want what Uncle said." He asked me in his deep manly voice and I was shocked. I looked at him and he smirked at me.

"No I don't want anything from you right now " I replied to him while taking steps backwards and he was just moving forward for my every move. I hit the wall and I looked at him. "So you don't want anything." He asked me while keeping his both hands on either side of me. I just nodded my head and he suddenly pinched my nose.

"cute, you look cute while you're blushing and I'm so happy that it's because of me." He said to me and backed off. Now, I'm truly a blushing mess." Y/Nahh I won't touch you without your concern so don't worry. Come here." He said to me while taking a seat on my bed and he patted the seat near him for me to take a seat. I went near him and sat there silently.

He placed his hand above my hand and caressed it. "Y/Nahh many of them in the industry told me that you are rude and cold but what I'm seeing now is a completely different person. I should accept that you are cold towards me also but not that much how they portray you." He said to me and I chuckled at him.

" They are correct in some ways Taehyung, I will fire at least two or three of my employees in a week. " I told him and he started laughing like a maniac. He fell on the bed while laughing, but after some time he composed himself and sat straight." It's insane" he said and I replied, "Yeah, I know it."

He started yawning and I insisted him to go home and take a rest. Then we went downstairs and he bid goodbye to us and left the mansion.

Kim Taehyung OOTD


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