Fragile Love - Al Haitham x F...

By Yoona1I

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Heavy curse words, sexual/mature content, mentions of trauma and abuse. Abuse. Minor's re... More

Meet the cast!~
Prologue - Where it all ends.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Lantern Rite Special! Chapter
Lantern Rite! Lemon Chapter
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

341 14 18
By Yoona1I

[(Y/N) POV]

My accomplice beside me looked at Cyno, staring him down and despite being short, Cyno doesn't let that bother him.

I just stood there, feeling uncomfortable due to the atmosphere that was created until Nahida cleared her throat and smiled.

"I'm sure he wants to protect (Y/N) since people have been targeting her lately, it is a good idea to have the extra protection." She says, folding her arms over her chest and standing very proudly.

'I wish that was the case Nahida...'

It's difficult to give them any sort of sign so that they knew something was going on. I'm pretty sure they do know by the way I talked was off putting but it is still not enough of hint for them.

"You're not much of a talker, are you?" Cyno says with an intimidating voice at the tall man beside me.

From the corner of my eyes, he just nods without uttering a word just incase they figure out that it is 'him'.

Footsteps came from behind Nahida and Cyno and I avert my gaze to see Kaveh and two other men from what I assume by their clothing, another nation.

"Kaveh! You look really handsome!" Nahida compliments his appearance and you could see him try not be embarrassed by that.

"You think so? I mean your brother did say the same thing."

"You should take it as a nice compliment, it's not everyday where you hear big brother showering his praises and positive comments."

He just sighs, placing a hand over his heart. I'm guess he's not used to Al Haitham being nice to him once in a while.

"Diluc. Captain Kaeya." Cyno says, giving the two men just slightly behind Kaveh a nod.

"General Cyno, it is a pleasure to meet you. Also, just call me Kaeya, I'm not one for title names." The man with Yale blue hair jesters with content.

"Well, I'll say the same thing too."

The man, Kaeya turns to me and notices my figure in which he walks towards me, leaving the red hair man to stand there, awkwardly.

"Hello Miss, I believe we have never met before." He says, taking my left hand and bringing up to his lips.

"A-Ah. Yes, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), pleasure to meet you Kaeya..."


He leaves a small peck on the back of my left hand and I just rubbed it off. He was only being polite, nothing else.

"Hello to you too Princess Nahida, you look amazing as always. Something about you pair of siblings just makes you naturally look beautiful. Of course though, only the Kamisato siblings are the real models." He jokes.

'I'm assuming that he has a calm but serious persona from first impressions.' I thought to myself. My eyes trail to the other man, Diluc who was looking with a curious look at the guard next to me.

He then averts his attention to me which makes me feel stuck in my place with his intimidating eyes. "You're Drugar's daughter, aren't you?" He mentions my father's name.

"You knew my dad?"

He nods, a small smile planting on his cold face, "Yes, he was good friends with our father." Referring to himself and Kaeya.

"Kaeya's your brother?"

"Adopted brother, yes."

He's not a man of many words, noted.

Diluc looks at the man beside me, furrowing his eyebrows out of curiosity for who this is.

"Anyways, what brings you guys here?" Cyno asks, with a curious tone in his voice.

"Right, well, we believe there is a person that should not be here, we're keeping an eye out for them, we know you're more than capable but make sure to have your guard up." Kaveh says seriously.

"You don't need to tell me my own instructions." Cyno says, signalling to Nahida to start to go and meet up with other guests and important figures.

The two siblings went off too, going elsewhere, away from us.

"Um. Kaveh, sorry if this sounds weird but do you know where Al Haitham is, shouldn't he already be here." I ask, wondering where my man- I mean 'friend' went.

"He's on his way, he should be here soon. How about a drink, you up for some fine wine?" He asks, asking one of the butlers to stop.

I nod and while Kaveh went to find another butler to find a glass of wine, I took this opportunity to talk with my future kidnapper.

"As soon as you meet prince charming, we're out of here, no questions asked you must do as I say." He says, I only just mock him with a facial expression that came out annoyed.


He lowers his head to next to my ear as I felt his eyes dig straight into my body. "I would be careful if I were you, some men don't hold back when they hear a woman snap back at them." He says, before going back to his original position.

"Such indecency, it's actually quite disgusting."

Kaveh returns and looks between the both of us weirdly, but dismisses it since he too, looks like he wants to enjoy the night.

After the drink, he bids a small goodbye and proceeds to go near the entrance of the hall. I just go off to one side, just hoping for everything to be over with and done.

A while later, we were told to stand on either side and make way, a sign that he's here. I made myself squeeze at the front near the end of the line where the staircase starts due to the amount of people there are.

The guard gathers by the door, all in symmetrical order, and Cyno and Nahida greet Al Haitham. He walked in with such confidence and elegance, as if he was born for this very moment (which he is).

The crowd made way for him and we all stood on either side of the room as he took steps with caution and greeting people along the way. His sister, Cyno and Kaveh were not too far behind him either.

Lady Viva awaited him by the staircase of the grand room, and he continued to walk down until he got to the foot of the staircase and turns around to face all of us.

His head turns towards my direction and for a slight moment, I felt my world pause, as if we're just the two of us in the room and no one else as I saw him. My heart was pounding strongly, enough for anyone around my to hear. He gave a small smile which was soon rubbed off and replaced by seriousness.

My arm was caught by my kidnapper who gave me the signal to move but I can't. Not until I see him crowned...

I have him wait in his place and look at him with pleading eyes to stay just for a moment longer and he becomes annoyed at my reluctant form not wanting to move an inch from my spot.

"It is my honour, as one of the divine beings to finally crown our long awaited king, Al Haitham." Lady Viva says, a guard next to her brings a sword, one that looks similar to Al Haitham's signature weapon.

Al Haitham kneels in front of Lady Viva and kisses the back of her hand out of respect and then holds his hand to his heart.

Just as Lady Viva says her words of wisdom, she places the sword on both sides of his shoulder, making him swear an oath to protect this land, his people and kingdom. To cherish and love, to commemorate and celebrate.

Another lady who was dressed in holy clothing walks up to her with a beautiful crown on a green velvet pillow, embroidered with gold lining on the edges. The typical gold and the design in Sumeru's symbolic crest with pure emeralds as the jewels.

Just as she was about to place it on his head, I felt a pinch on my arm and saw my kidnapper having a needle in his hand.

As I tried to fight out his grasp and shout for someone's name, my body felt weak and I felt very sleepy all of sudden. My place at the front soon got overtaken by countless of laddies who were praising Al Haitham and wanting his attention. 

In my weakened state due to the effects of whatever the needle had made me weak and more vulnerable to be tossed around, and, the room was full, it was difficult to move around with such a crowded room.

The guards who were by the door were no longer there, all of them moved to where Cyno signalled them to be and so he took this chance to ruin this beautiful but cruel night.

"Al Haitham..." I whispered, as my vision got blurry and my body was picked up.

The last thing I could remember was being taken away once again, being useless and a damsel in distress.

[3rd Person POV]

"Where is he, he should've been here by now. How slow can that child be?"

"Calm down, you're just annoyed that you weren't sent on this mission."

"Exactly! That little child brat, I still need revenge from her, how dare she gets away from making me look like a jester in front of a huge crowd!"

The man turns around to face the lady who was too busy admiring her delicate skin. "Why are you even here Signora, don't you have better things to be doing?"

"Like what?"

"Oh I don't know, burning to ashes?"

"So vulgar, do you wish for me to die to early? You're funny Doctor."

"Whatever. I still don't get why you sent that young boy, he's literally so slow and less powerful than I am. So useless!" 

As the two were bickering, one of the Fatui agents walked inside and gave them a nod. A nod was all it took for them to understand that the 11th has returned and done what he needs to, successfully. 

"You were saying?"


"That's what I thought." The woman said, smirking in victory and walking out of the tent with style.

She takes long strides towards him, seeing him return back with the prized possession in his arms, looking very comfortable in the arms of her enemy. "Look at you Childe, you seem to have had a nice trip." She says, looking at the state of him.

"That man who commissioned you to kill her, he's has unfortunately been captured in the palace, what a shame that is, bless his old soul. What was his name, Azaria? Anata?"


"Yes, him."

"He wanted her dead anyways but who says she'll be dead unless her majesty says so. We- Well, you are ordered to keep her alive no matter what that man would say. Thank the person above that he is out of the picture, good riddance. We didn't want him being a headache even though I could personally kill him at any time. 

Childe just sighs, he's so tired of everything, he wants nothing more than to rest and sleep for endless of days.

But the word fight is literally his serotonin booster, so he just spars if it's cases like this just to keep him awake for a while longer more.

More importantly since he has completed part of mission which was to kidnap (Y/N) without being seen. The next was to start to pack away the makeshift camp and relocate elsewhere for the time being.

"Whatever, we got the money from him so at least that's all that matters and the girl. She maybe a woman but she acts more like a young girl who never understood the world around her. Seems like she's quite gullible. 

"Anyway, we're going back all the way to her majesty, she has cooperation with the girl." Signora says, admiring her nails.

"But won't that only anger Al Haitham?"

"That's my point, dear Tartaglia. It won't kill him if we take his lady away from him for a while." She smirks, her eyes averting to (Y/N) as she slept like she was a fragile sheet of glass.

She stood up, rolling her eyes and felt disgusted for the fact she dare take pity for this girl. Her loyalty only lies with the Tsaritsa herself.

"Your fiancé is waiting for you, go check up on her." Was all she said before exiting out of the tent.

'So much for taking some time to rest.' Childe thought to himself.

He handed over the fragile woman in his arms to one of the Fatui agents and made his way to a small persona tent of his. He opened the flap of the tent, peeking in to seeing his fiancé resting on their shared bed.

-Back with the Sumeru lot-

"Everyone. This is your King, Al Haitham!" Lady Viva announced and many cheers was heard within the room.

He stood there with a confident posture, looking down at the invited guest, radiating his handsomeness. He looked calm but the smile on his face told otherwise, giving him away completely.

Cyno and the rest of his men came closer to Al Haitham and offered their best greetings and praises. They all swore an oath to protect Al Haitham in and out of battle and would most definitely take a blade in their stead just so their death won't go in vain knowing they served this purpose of theirs.

Nahida was given a crown by Lady Viva too, it was one in the shape of leaves which went all the way around, it glistens with bits of silver gemstones and the outline in a shiny dark green. 

"Now everyone, let's eat and drink together," Al Haitham announces to his guests, keeping it short and simple to his pleasure. As the crowd start to disperse to their respective dinner tables, countless butlers, chef's and maids walked into the room with trolley's and trays full of the local delicacies and one's imported from other nations. 

Al Haitham made sure that the commoners were also well fed, he sent out a team that do regular deliveries to the common area of the land, making sure they also got the same luxury for their hard work on making sure the higher parts of society eat the riches and goods. They too, deserve the credit back. 

The Morax, Barbatos and Ei all came to congratulate him and hope for happy cooperation's in the future for the peace of all lands. Barbatos was the most enthusiastic about this and decided to sing a short poem to him as part of the many gifts he brought - mostly begging Diluc to import lots of wine here so he can use the excuse to drink a lot tonight - for his coronation. 

After they too left to go re-group with their table of friends from their own nations, Al Haitham sighed a breath of relief. Little did he know that relief will soon be washed away once he finally notices. 

He decided to make his way to his table where his sister, Cyno, Kaveh, Nilou and the others sat, there was one seat missing, (Y/N)...

"Where is (Y/N)...?" He asked, his gaze permanently fixated on her missing figure. His eyes did not lie when he gave her that small smile earlier, she was definitely there so how can she already disappear within seconds? 

"She was here... Where could she have gone to?" Nilou said, her eyebrows furrowed.
"No, she wouldn't leave us, she wouldn't do something stupid. Something must have happened..." He trailed off when he felt his mind go blank. Cyno didn't say anything and just stayed quiet.

"I'm sure she just went out for a breather..." Kaveh tried to reassure  him, not knowing what to think or say, but knowing (Y/N) she would never ever leave any of them in danger and that she would always return safe and sound.

Cyno just stares ahead as if lost in thought, deep in thoughts.

Al Haitham couldn't help but ask one last question, "That guard behind (Y/N)... You don't think it could be..."

"That's exactly what Diluc was talking about earlier. He warned us that the enemy was in the room, it's so frustrating because we were there and we could've stopped that guard." Cyno says, letting a of a frustrating sigh.

"We can't act irrational, only finding the her will make us seem like fools because they want us to come to them." Al Haitham said, his mind spiralling with countless of thoughts about you getting hurt a single bit.

He was prepared and ready to spill blood if he has to. He is ready to smear the blood of his enemies all over the so called "pure land of snow", to rub the blood in the snow and stain the land. 

Azar has already been captured, now it's only the damn Fatui. They just had to target the wrong nation. If it's a fight they want, that is what they will get then. 

"Alright, we'll talk more later on. Nahida, I believe you know who to go to, correct?"

"I can bring my best friend?"


"Alright! I will do so, brother. He is an ex-member anyways, he may be reluctant at first but I know he will eventually open up soon."

"Kaveh, please send a letter to Lady Faruzan, we'll also need her assistance. Cyno, let Tighnari and the others know to meet up in my study tonight."

"We're going to bring back (Y/N) no matter what."

He sat there, contemplating his life as the night was filled with mixed emotions from everyone. It was both a blessing and a curse, this night couldn't get any worse than it possibly is, can it? 

A/N: So much happened, Childe taking (Y/N) away, Al Haitham having no idea, (Y/N) finding out that this whole time, Azar just wants her dead. Her family history, and this story will only get deep. 

P.S Childe doesn't get paid enough for this shit :') 

But fear not my fellow readers, I will make sure he gets the love he deserves <3. 

Not sure when to say when I'll post the next chapter but do stay tuned! 

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