Chapter 1

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~2 years later~

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~2 years later~

[Al Haitham POV]

It was a alluring morning in the kingdom of Sumeru. Birds chirping, maids working away, bodyguard at their posts, the townsfolk working as hard as they could.

Festival after festival, that's what makes Sumeru one of the amazing kingdoms out of the seven.

Our relations with the kingdom of Inazuma have been once built again after the Queen had recovered from her past troubles and experiences.

However, The kingdom of Snezhnaya has fallen recently, we aren't aware of what they're up to, but, we've been more conscious and cautious with our moves.

I walk to one of the open balconies to overwatch my people of the land and hear the busy morning, the knights training away, blacksmiths carving a new weapon everyday. Gardeners tending to the gardens of the palace.

It was quite an amusing start to my day.

"My lord, there you are, you're already behind schedule!" My bodyguard, Kaveh comes running up to me.

"I know my schedule you fool, you're just too slow, maybe I should replace you and you go back to working under General Cyno." I say with a monotone voice, staring ahead forward.

"That won't be necessary my lord. I won't talk against you ever again." He muttered with a pout on his face. I flicked his forehead, turning around harshly and walking away as he sped up to catch up with me.

"Your coronation is soon right? I can't believe two years have already passed. It feels like two years ago was yesterday." He says, reminiscing.

As soon as the new workers came, I had set off on a two year expedition and only recently came back. 

Only to come back to piles of documents, demands and more stress.  

I suddenly hear rushed footsteps behind me as I stop in my tracks and my bodyguard also stops and turns around as I hear, "Big brother!!"

My sister, Nahida comes running up to me. I turn around and face her to see she has an adorable smile plastered on her face, she must have woken up early for her to be so energetic.

"Nahida dear, do you need something?" I ask calmly. She looks down and fiddles with her fingers in worry before looking up at me.

I sigh inwardly knowing what she wants but a smile plasters my face.

"You were scheduled to train today right? Why don't we have breakfast together?" She smiles sweetly at me while twiddling her thumbs.

"Of course, that would be lovely dear sister mine." I reach over to ruffle her hair affectionately like how mother used to do to me when I was a little boy and it seemed to comfort her. 

Fragile Love - Al Haitham x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now