Temptation is a sin || Tyler...

By ritikaaahuja_

31.6K 815 57

"Don't tempt me, Rose! You don't know what I am capable of", Tyler whispered in my ear. He had me pinned agai... More

Prelude : A mystery awaits
I. 9000th
II. My Name is
III. The first meeting
IV. Resident Tortured Artist
V. Monster?
VI. Twilight
VII. Black's not your color
VIII. The first sighting
IX. Rowan
X. Tell me pretty lies and convince me otherwise
XI. Bloodlust
XII. Date prep
XIII. The Invite
XIV. Woe Cup
XV. As thick as thieves
XVI. The anguish of past
XVII. The night of carnage
XVIII. Secrets that bind us
XIX. Visions
XX. I am not here for the pleasure of your company
XXI. Rendezvous at the Crypt
XXII. What happens in Crackstone Crypt, doesn't stay in Crackstone Crypt
XXIII. Caught
XXIV. But when had Wednesday Addams ever listened to me?
XXV. Playdate
Interlude : Hyde & Seek
XXVI. Raven Dance
XXVII. And then there were two
XXVIII. Mommy Daddy issues day
XXIX. The skeletons in our closet
XXX. There's a shapeshifter amidst us
XXXI. Fire will rain
XXXII. Coming undone
XXXIII. Everyday is all about me
XXXIV. Farther from the truth
XXXV. Fancy dying on this beautiful night?
XXXVI. The mystery of LG
XXXVII. Flunking french
XXXVIII. A Vision's search
XXXIX. Ghost hunting
XL. The Devil's residence
XLI. I wish I were a side character
XLII. The looming cloud of death
XLIII. All that starts well, ends badly
XLIV. Master and the Hyde
XLV. Discovering Teresa L. Glau
XLVI. To land in trouble is what thou protagonist does best
XLVII. Champagne - A toast to three psychopaths
XLVIII. Clementine
XLIX. Danse Macabre
L. Crimson
Opinion Poll
Bonus Postlude
Cause I love y'all


326 12 7
By ritikaaahuja_

Happy Endings are a myth.

Maybe God handpicks some people to give them the best of endings. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of those people.

It had been some uneventful months. There had been desperate efforts to restore calm and order in the town and rushed attempts to heal deep scars that won't go away easy. Nevermore was more of a prison now, stricter checks had been put in place to ensure no student or teacher would bring harm to the institution or those who lived within it's black walls. 

There were hushed whispers about forbidden topics - the Hyde. Everyone including me seemed to think that Tyler Galpin had disappeared into the wind like the air we breathe and there was no catching him. Or at least that's what I had been trying to convince myself, for far away from the school, in the confines of our living room - I had been hearing the discussions Dad had on tests and behaviors that the Hyde exhibited. A lot of people in the outcast community felt like they were doing noble deeds, carrying forward the unfinished works of the legend Nathaniel Faulkner. 

I dreaded the day they would send Tyler to Nevermore, he had managed to convince people that he had been a victim throughout. While he hadn't been dismissed as a total threat , he was going to be put in Nevermore for a week initially to see how he would adjust to it. 

I had some theories no one was willing to entertain. Tyler had been right, when I tried to tell Dad what had happened at the crypt, he had me increase my therapy sessions. 

I couldn't help but feel that the master and Hyde theory was a bit flawed. While Tyler's Hyde required a master to put him in control, he had gradually learnt to gain more clarity of what was happening. Eventually, with the connection of the master being severed, Tyler was in control, not the Hyde. He had become the master and he relished having that control.

It had been a chance meeting, I had been hoping to avoid him till the day I die, which is why I had avoided going to Nevermore since Tyler had been back. But that one day, when I had to  go meet the new headmistress for an event that dad was conducting, I had bumped into him. What I found incredible was that with time, people had stopped blaming Tyler - and he had been classified as another victim of Laurel Gates and Joseph Crackstone. It was like he had been publicly absolved of his crimes. If only people knew that Tyler made Joseph Crackstone look like a goody two shoes. His features displayed a boyish charm, nothing gave away his murderous intent.

"Hi Rose, missed me?", if only I could punch the cocky motherfucker would I be able to tell him exactly how much I missed him. He was back from being a Guinea pig in the lab to a bitch I wanted nothing to do with. 

"I have kept my end of the bargain Tyler. I didn't tell anyone so I need you to back off", I tried to walk off after saying this but he pulled me into the secluded hallway and pushed me against the brick wall. 

He put his one arm around my waist to pull me even closer, leaving no space between us while his other hand played with the tendrils of my hair.

"Oh, but you did. You had frantic discussions with your father, didn't you? I told you, you shouldn't waste your time with this but you didn't listen. You never do Rose."

I couldn't absorb the fact that he knew it, he knew. 

"You do remember what I said I would do if you snitched."

I shuddered, losing my composure. 

"Or maybe I will spare people, just for you. We will have to wait and watch. But just remember Rose, it's a game of Hyde and seek and the Hyde always wins. Always."

He released his hold on me to whistle a merry tune and disappeared into the crowd. 

I knew Tyler sans the Hyde, the Hyde which was now a part of his being, the way he talked, the way he interacted and the past few weeks, the way he had mercilessly killed.

Seeing Tyler at Nevermore caused all my walls to crumble. If I could, I would have cursed him to eternal damnation; leaving behind a world which was better.

When I came back after the encounter, I had shut myself in my room; turning to music to calm down my mind, and prepare in advance for the blow my heart was about to receive.

I shuddered.

Tyler Galpin had left wounds that weren't easy to heal.


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