You Are My Slave

By KingYuuko1317

27.9K 1.1K 62

FreenBeck Fanfic. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter ,4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13- (The Kissing Game)
Chapter 14- ChaeSoo's Confession Night
Chapter 15- FreenBecky's Rock Paper Scissors Game
Chapter 16- What?!!
Chapter 17
FreenBecky Special
Christmas Ball (Becky Gone Insane, Freen, A Theif?)

Chapter 8

1.1K 59 0
By KingYuuko1317

Freen's Pov

I dont know but when ever the topic about this necklace is being opened and whenever i tried to remember her. . My head starts to hurt.

I didnt mean to act that way to Rosé but really Im having a bad head ache. I walked straight to our room. And opened the door with out knocking.

And there.. Unexpectedly .. Becky is sitting on the sofa. Watching t.v.

I wanted to talk to her or atleast greet her.
But i cant. My head ache is killing me. This is the first time it ever hurt like this.

As i walk towards my own room. Then pain on my head keeps on getting worst.

My sight started to get blurry.

And as i walked another step . My balance went off.

Luckily she caught me..

" P'Freen! P'Freen! Are you ok?" Becky asked worriedly..
Owh this is the first time she called me like that..

And somehow.. They way she called me. Its so familiar..

So calming.  . .

And everything went black..

"P'Freen! "  the girl said happily as she saw me walk my way to hers.


" Hey P'Freen.. I have something for you. Hope you like it. "

Then she gave me a small box.

I excitedly opened it. And got my eyes wide open with happiness.


Then i  kissed the girl on her cheek which made her blush really hard.

"Well.. I want to give something to you too.. " then i gave her a small box.

As she opened it. In the box is a necklace exactly the same with the one she gave me.

The only difference is what written on it .

This one says.


And on the back.


" Well.. You know. Freen Loves -----------"

" We now have a couple necklace! Its so cute right -----?"


I woke up because of a sharp pain that crosses my head again.

And those pieces of memories started to replay on my head again.

But the weird thing is.. I cant heard her name. When ever i say her name on those memories my mouth just open with out a sound.

I held my necklace..

So.. She has this necklace to..
Couple necklace?

" Hey youre awake. Are you ok now?"

I suddenly rouse my body up on the bed.

" Hey hey . Its ok." then she slowly lay me on the bed again.

" S-Sawadee ka. "

I said in a low voice.

I feel so awkward. I dont know why. But after two weeks of her ignoring me then suddenly talk to me like this?

I looked at her worried face.
she tried to smile at me.

" You want something? Water?"

That's then i realized how dry my throat was and i nodded at her

She then left the room.. I look around. Its .. You cant say its messy.. But you cant also say its neat.. On the left corner theres a bass guitar. A red on. And an acoustic one. Im not good at musical instrument. Then a piano on the other corner. 

This is not my room. Becky's room?

Then she stepped in the room again.

And hand me the glass if water.

" Sorry my room is a mess. I tried to open your door earlier but its lock. So i just.."

" i-its ok. Thank you.. And.. Your room is.. Not a mess.. I actually like it. " i said sincerely.

I do really like it.

" Really?"

then i remember something.

" Yes but i guess i'll die here. "

I said which made her confuse..

" What do you mean?"

" Enter If you want to die. Was on your door. But maybe im exempted? Its you who brought me here. " i said while smiling.

" oowwhh.. Yeah.. That.. Of course you are!" then she immediately went to her door and removed the tag. And put it somewhere 

" Becky.. "

She  immediately shift her eyes to me.

Ok.. Why did i call her?

" Uhmmm . . "

She sat on her bed beside me.

" You ok? "

She asked worriedly now i regret calling her. 

what will i tell her?

That im really happy where together right now? and i wanna kiss her so bad coz i love her ?

owh no. I wont. Not now.

" Sorry.. "

I said. Sorry? For what? Ok... I need to think.

" Huh? Sorry for what? "

yeah for what? Then i remembered something.

" About the thing i accidentally broke. I learned that Rosé gave it to you.."

i said looking down. now i feel bad again. That thing is important to her.

" Owwh that.. Its ok. I.. I somehow manage to  fixed it. "

She said while smiling at me. I missed that smile.

" So.. Im not your Slave anymore? You said its ok!"

" Huh? What? Of Course not! Youre MY Slave! You're mine"

I looked at her..

I think i heard her say..

You're mine.

" What did you say?"

" I... I said You're My Slave! Ok?"

Im just hearing things?? Sigh.

" But you already fixed it!"

i said trying to make my voice annoyed but i guess i fail coz i cant help my self from smiling.

" No buts. You're My Slave. And you wont stop being one until i say so." then she gave me a smirk. .

I pouted. .

"Well i guess i'll be forever your slave then."

This mean girl. If i dont love you i already punch you..

" Dont pout. "

" Huh? Why?"

Whats with her. Being suddenly so serious.

" Just dont!" then she looked away.

" What if i keep on pouting? What would you do?" then i cupped her face so she can face me. And i pouted.

"i.. I.. Might.." she said while trying to remove my hand.

Owh.. Her face is getting red.
Haha i'll tease her more.

" Might what Becky?"

" Freen stop it. I.."

She tried to stay clam..

" what bec-" i was interrupted by her lips.

She kissed me!!
I froze.. Becky kissed me. .

Then she pulled away.

" that.. "

Then she looked away. Shes blushing. Becky is blushing. And i know i am too.


Yuko POv

I wasnt able to stop my self.. I kissed her..

And now awkward silence is between us.

Gosh i ruined the good mood we manage to build earlier.
Crazy becky!!  Crazyy!

But.. I missed her lips.

its been a while since the last time i kissed her.
And since then i kept on wanting to kiss her again.

And now.. I did it..


What do i do now.

P'freen might hate me now. Really hate me.

I keep on stealing kisses from her.

" Becky.. "

Gosh this is it. I felt her body rouse from the bed

I slowly turn my face..

"Ummmhh  P-P'Freen. S-Sor---"

Omg.. P'Freen....
P'Freen kissed me!
P'Freen kissed me!

" Y-you.. You kissed me. "

She just smiled at me, and lay on the bed again.. And suddenly pulled me down.

" Lets sleep" she said then closed her eyes.

S-she wants me to sleep beside her??

" P'Freen? You want me to sleep here?"

"Why? This is your room. And im not planning to move on my room. Im to lazy and sleepy to do that. Unless you want to sleep outside its fine with me" she said while her eyes are still close..

I blushed. Gosh.. Sleeping together with her??.

" O-ofcourse not! This is my room so i'll definitely sleep here!"

I said then tacked my self under the blanket with her.

After a few minutes.. Gosh my heart.. Its beating like crazy.

I cant sleep!

is she sleeping already?

Then suddenly..

She got up. Sat on the bed.

" Becky can i use your arm as my pillow?"

" Huh? "

" I cant sleep. Come on. "
she said then with out my permission she grabbed my arm, placed it on top of her own pillow and she lay beside me.. Her head on my arm. And the most unexpected thing she did was, she hugged me.

" Hmm.. Better.."  she said

I was frozen.. My P'Freen.. She so close to me. super close!

Woah! What if she hears my hear beat??

Aah.. Forget it!

This is heaven!

Then i put my arm that she used as pillow around her shoulder.. Then my other hand around her waist pulling her closer to me. She then hugged me tighter and buried her  face on my chest.

This is so comfortable.

Her warm body on mine.
I can also smell her sweet scent.

I wish this night will never end.


Waking up with a with a smile on lips.

Last night was heaven. Is that a dream? If it is.. Then that was the sweetest dream i have ever had in my life.

But then a warm body beside me and a light arm around my waist confirmed that last night was not a dream.

I stared at her.

She's still sleeping. Aah.. She looks so beautiful..

I brushed off some hair that covers her perfect face.

I love her eyes..

Her noses.
her flawless and soft skin..

Then when my eyes went down on her lips.

I remembered what happened last night.

I kissed her.

And she kissed me.

The thought of it made me want to kiss her..

Then she moved.

I thought shes going to wake up. But instead she moved her body closer to mine and hugged me tighter..

I smiled. I wish its always like this.

Waking up with the person i love beside me. Its perfect.

I wonder if she loves me too.

I wonder if she remembers me.

Then it came to me. She.. She.. Wont kiss me if she doesnt have feelings for me right?

Its ok if she dont remember me then. Whats important is now.

P'Freen.. Do you love me?

I asked on my mind.

Then i looked at her again.. She really looks like an angel.

I lean down and was only few centimeters before our lips meet. But suddenly she slowly opened her eyes.

And upon realizing how close my face and lips to hers.. She immediately covered her mouth and pulled away..

"S-Sorry  Its just that.  .. Aaahh.. Im really sorryyy!"

I said looking into her shock face stillcovering her mouth.. Waahh! Why cant you behave your self Becky! Of course she wont just let you kiss her!

last nights kiss was just..

just that!

" I..i.. I.. " fuck i dont know what to say..

Then she shook her head.

" i-its ok.. Just that.. I havent brushed my teeth. " she said still covering her mouth then she looked away.

Waohh.. Shes blushing..

It made me smile. So its not that she doesn't want me to kiss her.

i gentle hover over her body then removed her hand on her mouth.

" Look at me. "

I said in a soft voice. And as soon as she turned her face to me.

I kissed her.

I felt her hand around my neck. And she started to respond to my kisses.

I actually dont want to stop. but i have to. To get some air.


i was interrupted by the sound of my phone.

*Order from the heart*

/RoséChipmonk Calling/

P'Freen raised her eyebrow upon seeing the caller I.D.

" You're mean. Stop calling Rosé that. "

she said and i just stick my tongue out  her.

" Oi.. What do you want?"

i said in my annoyed tone. tsk.. this Squirrel

"Hey relax. "

she said in her usual calm voice.

" Tsk what do you want?" i asked then noticed that P'Freen is already getting up from my bed.

then i mouthed 'where are you going?'

She mouthed ' Take a bath ' then she left.

tsk damn this Rosé! I want to kiss  P'Freen more!

" We need to talk"

"talk about what?"

"Freen , See me at the rooftop. Now. "

Upon hearing Freens  name. I immediately got up. And prepared for bath . I'll just asked Irin to let me use their bathroom.

But before i leave our room. I left a note on the table.


After taking a quick bath i went straight to the roof top. There, Rosé laying on the bench with earphone plugged in on her ears. 

" Oi! Wake up!"

" Kyaaaaaa!!! Jfjeovkrnt!"

she screamed on the top of her lungs.

and her expression.. Its priceless!! and i can't stop laugh out loud.

" Wahahaha ROSÉ! You... You look.. Wahahaha---*smacked* OUCH!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR??"

I looked at her with disbelief.

" Hmmff! Thats for laughing! "

" The heck?? Tsk.. Any way what do you mean you want yo talk about P'Freen?"

i asked while rubbing my head. It really hurts. Damn this rat.

" Well.. I think something happen before. Thats why she dont remember you. "

i looked at her with my puzzled look.

" What do you mean?"

" I mean. I think she didnt purposely forget you."

That confirms it. P'Freen really did forget me. But not on purpose? How is that possible?

" well.. You know , Yes you can forget someone. If you want. Or things forgotten by time.  But once you see them you can at least recognise them right? But isnt it weird? She didnt even recognise you. Or said you look familiar to her. And i can say you didnt changed that much." Rosé explained.

ok. she has a point.

P'freen said she loves me back then. Always saying theres no way she Would ever forget how bright my smile was.

So that Means even if five years has passed. If she saw me with my smile or just my look. She should recognise me right?

" Yeah. I think thats odd. The first time we saw each other i immediately knew that it was her. But for her.. Its like that was our first meeting. That im a complete stranger."

"  i think something happen before. What if she had an accident or something? Should we ask her? "

should we?

" I dont know. But if that so.. Maybe i'll try to do something that could make her remember "

i said then sigh.

" But i think its ok. You know? Whats important is now right? I'll just.. Just.. Make her love me again. " i looked a way.

" if you only know. You dont have to. haha"

" huh? what did you say?? "

" Nothing. .."

i just frowned at her. .

shes smiling like an idiot again.

but then her facial expression suddenly changed.

" You!!" she said while pointing her finger on me.

" Huh? Me? Why?"

what did i do?

" Tsk! Stop flirting with Jisoo!"

owwhh... i see. Shes jealous.

i smirked at her. . .

"Ahh . So thats what you want huh? I'll play with your little game Becky." Rosé said while smirking back at me.

oohh.. shoot.. this is bad. i hate it when Rosé smirks.

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