By sedrose24

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FATE has always been intriguing, especially when it comes to the fate of two souls. Many believe that two sou... More



640 29 3
By sedrose24

Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the of the most feared man. The trap of statue was laid for him and he was moving towards them to get trapped in it. This was the only chance they all had, if today they become successful in their plan, then no one can stop them from ruling. To strengthen their hold on power, they have to face him no matter how. Rajendra Desai, Andrews, Kamal, Daya were all waiting for the moment when the mammoth would come out of his kingdom and they could strike. And like the calm before the storm, everything was calm and then the storm finally arrived. The voice of his arrival was first heard by Daya who had seen him coming through his binoculars. Seeing Daya connecting the parts of the guns one by one, everyone understood that he had arrived. As soon as he added the last piece, his eyes started searching for a certain long-haired man and as if he has realised his need, he moves towards Daya in a very murderous way and Daya also started moving towards him after seeing him. Rocky takes out the bullet lodged in his mouth and is about to take the gun from Daya when people disguised as waiters point guns at all of them and divide them into two. And then, Garuda comes from among all the people and crossing all the other puppets he went directly towards Rajendra Desai. Everyone trembles with fear seeing him there, but him, except Rocky who was surprised to see how much, this man, that he was supposed to kill, was influencing them all.
"My father trusts you guys a lot and I have come to keep that trust alive."
He moves towards the statue and grabs the cloth by the rope and pulls it.
"My father has built a huge empire... I will build an...EVEN BIGGER EMPIRE THAN THAT." When the cloth is completely removed from the statue, everyone, even Rocky, is stunned to see the scene in front of him. The statue was have to be of Suryavardhan but it turned out to be of Garuda. He stands exactly as the idol was made and by this he wanted to show his power. Rocky was really stunned to see his status. Garuda goes ahead and stands before them all
"I didn't think you guys were so stupid. You were trying so hard to get me out of your way when you already had her. And as I see she's not here, does that mean you didn't give her this job but handed it over to someone else. You also have an idea of ​​her capability and I also have to admit that I am in danger if she was there, but what to say about your stupidity. Tch tch you guys will regret a lot." After saying this he leaves. Rocky was very surprised to see Garuda. He had never left his victim till today, but today he could not do anything even after wishing. He was waiting for the right opportunity and when that opportunity comes, he is not going to leave it, he was determined.
As we know that the breath of a wounded lion is more dangerous than its roar.

"Gate locked? Invited everyone in? Don't let anyone in." A terrified Andrews was giving orders over the phone.
"He won't kill so easily. We will be shot and hanged in front of the Vidhan Sabha." Rajendra Desai said with a monotonous voice.
"It took so much effort to get a gun inside and there was an entire army there to protect him. I thought more than half the people who were carrying guns were our men, we thought were ours." Daya said with a little trembling voice.
"Where is that Bombay one?" An angry looking Kamal asked a man.
"He is inside." Kamal snatched the gun from the man and went inside.
"I thought this place would be ours after killing him, but now we have turned our own heaven into hell in greed for the world." Andrews trembling with fear, was repeating their previous mistake. And in a fit of rage, Kamal was moving towards Rocky with a gun in his hand.
"But why did he spared us?" he asked worriedly.
"Power! He can kill us whenever he wants but he had come to show the world his power. He's just waiting for his father to die. We have very less time. If Garuda doesn't die now, we all surely will be killed". Desai said.
"He knows her too. He knows what she is capable of. But how did we remain unaware of this? She was in front of our eyes from the beginning and we did not think even once that she would finish Garuda in any way. We kept wandering from door to door, but despite knowing this, you did not give her a chance even once, why? And now will you go there, at that place, among those people? Can anyone go in that hell? How can you even think like this? After what he has done to us, we cannot even think like this". Andrews was in disbelief. He had known about her and even had asked her to kill a couple of people for him which she had done in return for a good pay.

"I knew what she could do even I had seen her kill those people but in this case I didn't want to take any risk. I thought what would happen if he survived even by mistake, after all she is a girl. But see today happened what I feared." Rocky, who was standing with his back to all of them, did not even know when Kamal pointed the gun at him, nor did it matter to him, raised his hand. Just listening to these people's words, the same name was coming again and again in his mind. KAYRA! Is this the girl who they are talking about, even Garuda himself was doing this and if it is so then he needs to find the reason for this.
"In a fight, it doesn't matter who kills first, what matters is who goes down first. I will not leave here without killing the one whom I was called here to kill. Wherever that place is, whatever it is, I will go there and kill him."
The waves are waiting to kiss the earth, the sun waits to set, the procession of lightning stands for rebellion, fate is also trembling.
Everyone was surprised to hear this from Rocky. They thought that after seeing Garuda, he would run away from here out of fear, but this is Rocky we are talking about, and to give up, it is as if he had not taught. And on the other hand, Kamal became very happy after hearing this.
"Go!!" he encouraged Rocky.
But this was not the only reason for him, there was another reason which was more important at that time.

Rocky and Kayra had one thing in common, and that was stubbornness. Both of them were so stubborn that if they want to achieve something, they will do whatever it takes to achieve it. Both went to find each other's past life Kayra had got all the information about Rocky's dream of coming to Bombay and ruling there, but she did not know about his life before Bombay, which was still a challenge for her. She didn't even realise when it became evening from morning. She had so much information that she was repeating them and knowing what was the condition of Rocky in Bombay, she felt sad but now the Rocky in front of her is a different person who had learned to fight for himself and that made him more attractive than ever. She was walking on the crowded street of Bangalore, her attention went to the people around her and she saw that some people were watching her every move and that made her suspicious. To convert her apprehension into confidence, she started walking towards a dark alley and seeing this, those people also followed her but now they were unaware that there was someone else who was following them all. She stopped and as soon as they got a chance, all of them surrounded her. "What time has it come, we men have to run after these women, but no problem, if every woman is like you, we will chase and will catch you too." Hearing this, Kayra's blood boiled and as if these people were not aware of death looming over their heads, a man with a sharp knife started moving towards her.
But before she could do anything or the man could harm her, someone held the hand holding the knife and stopped it. Kayra raised her eyes and saw that it was none other than Rocky himself. she was surprised to see him there. But Rocky's full attention was on the knife which was only a few meters away from Kayra. His grip was so strong that the man felt himself breaking a bone in his hand and he screamed in pain which caused Kayra to realized the reality. The hand that wanted to attack her was broken in an instant and Rocky stood like a wall in front of her and those people. Kayra looked at him fondly over her shoulder. There was so much intensity in her eyes that anyone who would have seen her eyes at that time would have said that she is madly in love. She was realising that she was also feeling what it was and why it was there. But she was afraid that what would happen if she was left alone in the end because of this. Two people ran towards them shouting and Rocky broke the neck of one and hit the stomach of the other and broke his spine as soon as he bent down. More people started moving towards him. Kayra could not understand what was happening. She knew how to fight and she could beat them all in a single moment. But seeing him fighting, Kayra forgot for a moment that she was also capable. She didn't know why but he was fighting for her, protecting her and this was the first time. Lost in thoughts again, she didn't realize when one of the three men who were fighting Rocky was walking towards her with a bat. Before she could feel the pain, she was trapped safely behind his well built framework again. Rocky snatched the bat and broke every bone of that man. Seeing this, the remaining people got scared and started retracing their steps. Rocky started laughing seeing this,
"What happened? Don't you want to fight now? You were following her, wanted to kill her, so come, now show me you strength by touching her in front of me."
He threatened everyone. And listening to his threat, the condition of those men worsened, but Kayra felt something else, as if current had run through her whole body. And even after hearing Rocky's threat, they attacked again and this time all four of them came together, Rocky tried his best that none of them could reach Kayra but one man escaped from his clutches and he moved towards Kayra. And all this happened in the blink of an eye, with one of his blows, all three people were in the air and fell down on the ground. And then suddenly Kayra was in those strong arms, pinned between wall and him. The eyes of both met, the heartbeat fasten and the closeness increased. And as soon as their closeness increased, only then they heard the sound of someone attacking and this sound was of bat attack on Rocky's back, which made them both aware of the truth.
"He's so dead." Rocky said to himself more than the girl standing in front of him and then turned back and made the condition of that man like all those who were lying on the ground half-dead. After giving a good beating, he moved towards Kayra and without saying anything grabbed her wrist and started walking. She didn't say anything, just kept looking at him and wherever he was taking her, she also walked thinking that what is it that she is feeling when he's touching her. The silence was so much but it was equally comforting. They both kept walking and came out of that street and stopped near a bike parked in front. Rocky let go of her hand and she lost the feeling of warmth because of that, she was a little disappointed. As soon as he got on his bike, he started the bike and on the other hand, Kayra did not understand what to do. She was about to tell him that she would go on her own but, his one glance told her that neither will she do this nor will he allow this to happen. She understood what to do and she did the same, she quietly sat on the back seat of the bike, but the seat of the bike was very small, as if he had never taken anyone with him. Somehow she finally sat down. And Rocky sped away without giving any warning. Although Kayra herself rides a bike at a higher speed, but today when she is sitting on the very edge of the bike, she was scared. Without thinking anything, she held Rocky from his waist tightly and with this action, sparks started burning in his body, he did not know why he did not regret sitting with someone for the first time. After some time they reach Kayra's house.
"I also know how to fight, you know. You didn't need to do all that." As soon as she got down from the bike, Kayra saw his bloodied knuckles and she realised that she should not have let Rocky come in between, she should have stopped him. But she was so mesmerized that she didn't pay any attention to it. Rocky followed Kayra's eyes and saw that he had some minor injuries on his hands.
"I know what you can do, I just wanted to do some warm up, so I did it." Kayra didn't said anything just shakes her head.
"Now don't praise yourself too much and come inside."
She started moving forward but Rocky didn't even move from his place. She turned to see that he had one hand over his heart and he looked like he was about to cry.
"Are you going to cry? Did I say something wrong?" she asked
"Are you really inviting me to your house? You? Me? at home?"
It took her a while to figure out what Rocky was saying and that he was totally doing a drama.
"Are you really thinking of doing drama? At this time? seriously? You are hurt, I am speaking only to mend your wounds. Why are you so dramatic." she rolled her eyes.
"I didn't even say anything, you are thinking yourself, it means you want something to happen." She chocked on the dry air. Did he really said that and that too so casually. Unbelievable she thought.

"Will you just stop? God! Now, If you want to come then come or go wherever you want."
"Seriously Kayra would you do this to me? I fought for you and you are throwing me like this. Not even thanking me properly." he pouts
"Oh God you get off the bike and walk inside quietly and if you say a word then no one will be worse than me. And I didn't asked you to fight for me" She had enough of his dramatic ass now and Rocky didn't wanted his condition to be bad because he have seen this woman thrashing people like a cloth. So he did as he was asked to do. She sighed deeply and also went inside.

"Couldn't have you come without creating drama?" Rocky didn't say anything just stared at her and her voice seemed to disappear under his intense gaze.
Not to be too obvious, she went to get the first aid kit. He was really impressed by the way he was affecting her just by looking at her. He smiled a little and made himself comfortable on the couch. His mind went back to the incident that had happened a while back. He already knew about those people who had come to kill her, they were sent by none other than Garuda. He didn't question her ability, he can never but when he thought of someone harming her, he could not stop himself and reached there at the right time. When he saw a man about to stab her, his whole body shook with anger. He wanted to rip off each and everyone's skin from their body. And when he stood as her shield, he made a promise to himself that no matter what happens now, he will not let even a single flame come on her. He will protect her from now on.
He was a little scared when he heard the sound of a chair rattling. He saw that the one he was thinking about was sitting in front of him with a bandage. From up close you look even more beautiful. And these eyes of yours, this is the most beautiful creation in the world. What all are you thinking, Rocky, control yourself.

Kayra waves her hand to get his attention
"Hello! Where are you lost? Come on, give me your hand." She smiled a little. And what was it then, in an attempt to control himself, he again gave himself to this smile of hers. What is she doing to me? Why does even the smallest of details of her affect me so much?
"Here, it's all done now. As far as I think you will not let it last long but still leave it for a day till then the wound will heal. But wait, your back, it's also hurt."
She kept on talking and he kept on listening, all he could see was her lips moving and looking at them no good intentions were coming to his mind. He mentally slapped himself and comes back to the reality.
"No it's all good. He didn't even had half of the strength compared to me. So, I must go now. Anyway, I have troubled you a lot."
"Now you yourself are thinking something. Did I say that? But yes if you want to go then go. Do you know that you have very important work?" Kayra put more emphasis on what she said in the last but Rocky is Rocky. Where was he going to understand so soon?
"So, shall i stop? I'll stop if you want." he said while raising his eyebrows in a flirtious way.
"No! I think you should go. You go right now."
"Hey!! Just a while ago you were stopping me and now suddenly you are shooing me away." he complained.
"I didn't stop you and you want to go yourself." she responded.
"Arey, I know I'm too handsome and you can't control yourself. Me understand you." he made a face to show his understanding.
"What the hell??? You just get out of here!!" she shouted on him which made him realise his mistake of provoking the fire. He stood up and moves towards the door.

"Fine I'll be going but remember I will coming soon." he said in his famous broken English.
Ughhh why does he have to be so cute. She thought. And just like that he left. Whatever happened, today was a very beautiful and memorable day for both of them. The smile of both of them was bigger now and both of them had become known by this smile of theirs and the reason behind it.

𝑆𝑜 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒.
𝐼'𝑚 𝑠𝑜 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑢𝑝𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒.
𝐼𝑘, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑧 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑒(;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑢𝑝𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒.

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