Battlescars | HP/SPN Crossover

By WinchesterMars

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The Winchesters, along with Gabriel and Castiel are on the road, hunting down a mysterious supernatural being... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

542 18 4
By WinchesterMars


As we all walked to dinner, i was in a heated debate with Savannah over which Muggle things were better, sports or music.

"It's definitely music, because how else can people entertain themselves?" Savannah asked.

"Easy, with sports. People like watching sports" I replied.

"Well, I'll admit it's a major pastime over in the U.S, but we also have those people who are more into music" she told me.

"Not over in London" i said,

"Um, yes, in London too, you guys have millions of singers and bands that are famous, although, they went overseas to the U.S, but music is better. How else can people express themselves? You can't express your emotions in sports" Savannah pointed out.

"Well, you can express your anger" I said.

"Yeah, but not love or sympathy or just pure joy. You can't do that with sports, only with music or any other kind of art." She said.

"Just lettin' you know, Harry-boy, you'll never win against Savannah, she's a Winchester and they never give up" Gabriel said as he came up beside us.

I was about to respond back to Savannah when I realized they both had a point. I sighed, defeated, "okay, you win" I told her.

Savannah grinned, "yes!" She cheered.

I laughed, smiling as i watched her celebrate.

"Hello Harry, Savannah" Luna said from behind us as she skipped over,

"Hey Luna" we both responded.

"Have any of you guys seen Neville's toad?" She asked,

"He lost Trevor again?" I asked.

"I take it he loses the toad a lot?" Savannah asked

I nodded, "yeah, been that way since our first year" I told her, then we stepped into the Great Hall. "It's Friday and we're allowed to sit wherever we want, you and Sam wanna come join us at the Gryffindor table?" I asked her.

"Sure. Sam?" She asked.

Sam shrugged, "why not?" He said, then we walked to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey guys" I greeted.

"Hey Sammy, Savannah" Dean said, hugging his other siblings, then sitting back down with Castiel who was beside Iris. Gabriel sat on the other side with Sam and the twins, while Savannah sat in between me and Luna, Hermione beside Luna and Ron on the other side of me.

"Good evening, everyone, next week, we'll have our annual trip to Hogsmeade, so i suspect you all have your permission slips signed." Dumbledore announced, watching as students agreed or nodded, "wonderful" he added, "we'll all meet in the corridor leading to the courtyard and will release you all once we accept your forms" he told us, then gave a nod before sitting at his center seat, the food appearing along the tables, Dean and Ron instantly digging in.

"See, we are going next week" I told Luna who smiled, "great" she said, then began discussing her plans with Hermione and Iris

"Hogsmeade?" Castiel asked with a tilt of his head.

"Yeah, it's our village. Pretty fun once you know what places to go" Ron told him. "It's different compared to the towns and shops out in the muggle world"

"Muggles?" Castiel asked,

"Humans without magical powers" Ron said.

"Wait, but aren't they just mortals then? I call regular humans mortals, but I suppose that's just us a---" Castiel was saying when Dean cut in,

"Amazing wizards" he filled in, grinning sheepishly.

"So anyway" Savannah cut in as things began feeling awkward.

I turned to Savannah, "hey, Savannah. Do you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me next week?" I asked her, slowly realizing and hoping it didn't sound like i was asking her out.

Savannah shrugged, "I don't see why not" she said.

"Great, that way i can show you around" I added.

"Okay, sure, sounds good" she replied, smiling,

I smiled back, then began eating, looking up to see Iris was staring at me with a smirk. "What?" I asked.

She shook her head, then turned to Luna...


-Later; Harry-

"You like her don't you?" Iris asked me as me, her, Ron, Hermione, Castiel, Dean and Gabriel sat in the common room.

"Like who?" I asked, looking up as she paced in front of the fireplace.

"Savannah" she said, looking at me with a 'duh' face, earning a look from Dean.

I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe, why?" I asked,

Iris rolled her eyes, "please, don't give me that 'I don't know' rubbish, I can tell you like her, I noticed the way you were looking at her during dinner and also in Snape's class. Don't think I didn't see, 'cause i sure as bloody hell did" she told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked,

"Harry, you were obviously checking her out in Potions, then you practically asked her out at dinner, trying to cover it up with the whole 'showing her around Hogsmeade' story. You like her Harry, admit it"

"I don't like her, Iris" I said, not meeting her gaze, feeling my cheeks heat as i realized she noticed me staring at Savannah during class,

"Oh don't give me that." She said, "I know for sure as hell that you'd be willing to snog her if you had the chance"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" I stammered, realizing Iris was right, Dean looking at me with a raised eyebrow,

Iris rolled her eyes, "whatever Harry, just trust me on this" she said, heading for the girls dormitory. "Besides, she likes you too" she added, then left.

"She's right you know" Hermione said.

"About what?" I asked.

"Everything. You and Savannah obviously have eyes for each other" she said. "You should ask her out"

"I-I don't know, Hermione. I don't even know her that well. Besides, she's your sister" I said, looking over at Dean.

"Hey man, you like her, you like her, I'm not gonna stop you from asking her out. She may be my sister, but she can date whoever she wants. If you wanna go out with her, then go for it" Dean told me,

"Wait, really?" I asked,

"Yeah, why not?" He shrugged.

"Ha, so you DO like her!" Iris suddenly chimed as she perched herself on the arm of the couch.

I sighed, "fine, yes, I like Savannah" I admitted

"Then ask her out, Harry, otherwise someone else will claim her. You're not the only one that has eyes for her" Iris told me.

"Who else?" I asked.


I sighed, "great"

"Who's Malfoy?" Gabriel asked.

"Draco Malfoy, he's a Slytherin--"

"And he's a cocky, arrogant, sleezy little weasel" I cut Hermione off,

"Oh, if that's the case, then Savannah won't go near him. She hates people like that." Dean said. "Which is why she likes YOU"


"Ooh, you know what you should do?" Iris asked.


"You should ask her to the Yule Ball" she suggested,

"Yule Ball?" Castiel asked,

"Yes, it happens during the Tri-Wizard Tournament" I said,

"Tri-Wizard Tournament?" Gabriel asked,

Ron nodded, "yeah, it's like a competition between us and two other wizarding schools. You have to be 17 years or older in order to volunteer. We have a ceremony where students from each house puts their name in the goblet, then at the end, Professor Dumbledore reaches in and pulls out 3 names and whoever gets the most votes gets put into the Tri-Wizard Tournament" he explained,

"That's not dangerous? It sounds dangerous" Castiel commented,

"I think it is, I don't know, but the wizards have to complete like 3 or 4 different trials in order to win the entire thing and get the Tri-Wizard cup at the end"

"So basically the hunger games minus the killing?" Dean said,

"Hunger games" we asked,

"It's a-- nevermind" dean said.

"But yeah, you should ask her to the Yule Ball, it'd be incredibly romantic" Iris told me.

"I suppose I should" I said, shrugging,

"You should ask her when we go to Hogsmeade next week" Hermione suggested.

"Yeah, you're gonna be alone with her aren't you?" Gabriel asked

I nodded, "yeah"

"Then ask her there" Iris smiled.

"Okay, I'll ask her" I said,

"Great!" Iris said...

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