The reaper

Oleh kaylaLEMKY

20.1K 534 207

Meet Athena Russo, a 23-year-old woman who is not your average heiress. She is the deadliest person in the wo... Lebih Banyak

Chaper 1 the reaper
Chapter 2 surprise visitor 
Chapter 3 underground fights
Chapter 4 desire
Chapter 5 tease
Chapter 6 siblings
Chapter 7 clubbing
Chapter 8 payback
Chapter 9 too far
Chapter 10 followed
Chapter 11 fuck ups
Chapter 12 a date ?
Chapter 13 sunken
Chapter 14 memories
Part 15 scars
Chapter 16 sleep over?
Chapter 17 hurt feelings
Chapter 18 broken tears
Chapter 19 greif
Chapter 20 the damage
Chapter 21 love & support
Chapter 22 love and support PT2
Chapter 22 unexpected 
Chapter 24 Confession
Chapter 26 pinky promise
Chapter 27 crisis
Chapter 28 broken trust
Chapter 29 waiting game
Charter 30  accident 
Chapter 31 round 2
Chapter 32 communication

Chapter 25 without her

430 16 15
Oleh kaylaLEMKY

Romeo's POV

On the car ride to the hospital I desperately hold onto Athena's hand. I look over to see her eyes flutter shut as her body fights with itself.

No love, you can't close your eyes, you can't.

She gives me i little nod before opening her eyes again, after a few seconds they start to close again.
The last thing she says is, I can't do it anymore. Im too tried.

No! Athena you can't closes your eyes! please!

I'm sorry Romeo, she says before she becomes completely unresponsive.

Dante! Call the surgeon right now!

He nods before franticly searching for a phone. He dials the surgeons  number, it rings out for a few seconds making me feel nauseous. After the phone rang out four times the surgeon finally picked up.

Hello, what seems to be the problem?

We're coming to the hospital right now, Athena started coughing up blood! I yell into the phone stepping on the gas.

Was she moving around this morning?

Yes, I tried to stop her but she insisted on it.

She could have punched a lung, with her broken ribs! I told you and her she was not to move under any circumstances!

Will she be okay?! I hear Dante question from the back seat.

If there's already blood in her lungs it's highly unlikely. She need immediate medical attention.

FUCK! I yell slamming my fist into the steering wheel. We'll be at the hospital in about 4 minutes, I hang up the phone and hit the gas more than I thought was possible. It's gonna be okay love, I say rubbing her thigh. I can't help but think that once again this is my fault, I should have sent her home.

We arrive at the private hospital where the stretcher is already at the front waiting for us. I hurry out of the car and grab Athena out of the passengers side and bring her to the stretcher. I see her eyes flutter open as the doctors start running the stretcher into the surgery room.

Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to stay here now, one of the interns orders.

I'm not fucking leaving her, I yell. I feel Dane wrap his arms around me holding me back. The doctors take this as there chance and rush my love away. The last thing I hear is the faintest voice from Athena.

I love you Romeo, she whispers as she try's to smile but instead just makes her cough up more blood. I try desperately to get away from Dante but to no avail. Once she's out of site I can't handle it anymore more, I drop down to the group clutching my stomach.

I feel hot tears fall from my eyes, I feel like someone has there hands around my throat. I can't breath, I feel sick to my stomach. I don't know how'll I live if she's not with me, I need her. She's my better half.

Dante eventually pulls me off the floor and to a waiting chair. I sit there with my head in my hands and my heart on my sleeve.

Do you want some food boss? Dante try's to offer me a hospital sandwich, I sake my head no, the thought of food makes me want to vomit. After four hours I feel like fucking shit without my love beside me. It makes me think about the feeling of her sleeping body pressed safely against mine, her heart beat calm and steady like a still lake on a spring morning. The way she plays with the hair at the nape of my neck, it's the most oddly comforting feeling in the world. Her child like grin after she's done something bad, the smell of her soft brown hair. The way she'd fall asleep on my chest reading a book, the way she cares for everyone around her.

I can't Imagine my life without any of those things. Without her I would just drown myself in work and alcohol. I get up from my chair and start pacing in the waiting room. Dante notices this and tries to calm me down. Just than an intern comes running out of the room Athena was in and into another. I feel my heart drop as worry floods my system. I quckily run over to the operating room she's in and stand there watching behind the glass of the operating room.

I come in right as her monitor starts to flatline. She's going into cardiac arrest! Grab me the defibrillator. The surgeon on her case yells making all the staff frantically run around. Dante comes running behind me realizing where I went. I feel like I'm frozen, unable to move.

She's gonna be okay Dante says grabbing my shoulder. The staff start up the defibrillator and start the shocks. I see her body jerk upwards to no avail.

Again! Her body jerks upwards once again with no luck.

Turn up to 200! the surgeon yells shocking her again.  It feels like the surgeons keep shocking her for what feels like hours. As there doing it the realization dawns on me, i might never see the love of my life ever again. The wort part is I can't do anything about it.

Doctor where having no luck we have to stop soon. I feel my heart drop at her words words.

Not yet we haven't reached ten minutes, keep going.  Give it six more shocks if she she doesn't pick up a pulse we call time of death. I bring my hands to the glass and repeatedly hit my fists against the glass.

NO! I yell as my hits get harder against the glass causing the staff to look my way.

One , her body jerks up as the doctors shock her.





Six, by the time they've reached six and she still doesn't have a pulse I feel tears well up in my eyes.

Time of death 3:47 PM the surgeon announces unhooking the chest pads from the defibrillator.

NO! I yell bursting into the operating room despite Dante's attempts to hold me back. 

I'm sorry there nothing more we can do, we'll step out of the room to give you a moment to say goodbye. With that everyone leaves the room leaving me with the body of the women who owns my heart.

Your can't leave me, Athena! I drop to my knees and tug at the roots of my hair pulling out strands of hair in desperation. Why, why, why, why,why. I need you you can't leave me! I repeat almost as though she'll be able to hear.  I barely stand up to my feat
and pull her lifeless body frantically to mine. She can't be gone because if she's dead so I'm I. I gave my heart to her, to live and die with.

I love you, do you hear me? Fight for me damn it! I wish I said it more but I fucking love you, you need to wake up so I can hear you tell me you love me too please! I yell my voice sounds so cracked and broken I can barley recognize it myself. I sit there as tears soak her hospital gown.

As I lay here emptying my eyes on her gown I feel the faintest beat against my ear, it was almost like a heart beat. I shoot up from my position and check her pulse point on her wrist. She has a pulses! I hear the Monitor picking up the beat and starting its rhythm again. I press the emergency help button before running back over to Athena and starting chest compressions.

Romeo she's dead you have to accept it, Dante yells tears welling in his own now dull eyes.

She's got a fucking pulse! Now where are the doctors?

Eventually the surgeons and staff come bursting through the door. Holly hell it's a miracle the surgeon  exclaims.

Volker I need you out of the room now! One of the staff members yells to me.

I. Am. Not. Leaving. Her. I explain deathly slow.

The staff member looks at the surgeon for an answer.

You and only you can stay, you will have to put on scrubs and a mask and if you disrupt my surgery you will be kicked out immediately. Do you understand me?

I nod in response. The surgeon starts the operation and fuck it's hard to watch. I stand there for hours as they cut through layers of skin and insert a chest tube through the chest wall between the ribs to drain the blood and air out of the lungs.

I had to try really fucking hard to stand still and not rush to her side but this is her life.
It feels as though the surgery has lasted hours, it probably has. I turn behind me too see Dante standing behind me, the only thing between us is the glass wall.

After another hour the surgeon removes his blue rubber gloves and walks over to where Dante is standing and washes his hands before removing his scrubs, I follow behind and do the same.

Could you meet me in my office right now? The surgeon questions looking towards me.

What about Athena? It doesn't look like the surgery is complete yet.

They just have to finish stitches, that's all. I am surgeon I'm not needed for doing stitches.

That will work than. I follow the doctor to his office and sit down.

She is stable right now but a chest tube is left in place and attached to a suction for several days to re-expand the lung.

How long do you think until she wakes up?

Most likely somewhere between 5 hour to a day.
Once see wakes up there's a good chance she will still be a bit loopy from the anesthesia, see might be slightly disoriented too.

I see. Thank you so much. After we finish discussing her recovery and others things I leave his office and go back to the waiting room to see Dante.

Dante see's me and quickly stands up. How is she?

She's stable but will have a chest tube left in place and attached to a suction for several days to re-expand the lung.

I see, since she will be fine I'm gonna go back to the warehouse and make sure things are going smoothly. You stay here.

Thank you Dante. With that we both walk separate ways mine to Athena's hospital room.

Sorry for the wait and thank you for reading! I tried to make the medical terms somewhat realistic, but I have no medical knowledge whatsoever lmao. I'm so excited, I'm releasing a new story soon! This one is far from over though.

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