The Owl House: Emperors and T...

By IsabellaAnne1803112

38.7K 1K 413

Luz travels to the Boiling Isles after following a witch girl named Cerise. She meets Cerise's "family". Eda... More

Season One Theme Song
A Lying Witch and a Warden
Witches Before Wizards
I Was a Teenage Abomination
The Intruder
Hooty's Moving Hassle
Lost in Language
Once Upon a Swap
Something Ventured, Someone Framed
Escape of the Palisman
Sense and Insensitivity
Adventures in the Elements
The First Day
Really Small Problems
Understanding Willow
Enchanting Grom Fright
Wing It Like Witches
Agony of a Witch
Young Blood, Old Souls
Season Two Theme Song
Separate Tides
Escaping Expulsion
Echoes of the Past
Keeping Up A-fear-ances
Through the Looking Glass Ruins
Hunting Palismen
Eda's Requiem
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
The Blood Moon Ball
Eclipse Lake
Yesterday's Lie
You Will Know Fear
Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Elsewhere and Elsewhen
Any Sport in a Storm
Reaching Out
Them's the Breaks, Kid
Hollow Mind
Labyrinth Runners
Clouds on the Horizon
King's Tide
Thanks to Them
For the Future

Watching and Dreaming

1.7K 37 28
By IsabellaAnne1803112

The platform suddenly starts to shake, surprising everyone, "Huh?"

Pink strings drop down from above and wrap around Willow, Gus, and Zora, dragging them upwards, the trio gasping and screaming. Most of the palisman also get snatched up by similar pink strings.

Camila cries out as she hugs the palismen tight, pink strings dragging her up as well.

"Mama!" Luz cries before reaching out to her girlfriend, who was getting dragged up by pink strings as well, "Amity!"

Cosmo lets out a yelp as he gets dragged up.

"Dad!" Cerise cries out before reaching out to her boyfriend, who was getting dragged up as well, "Hunter!"

A bright flash suddenly appears behind Cerise and Luz, the two turning around to look at it before shutting their eyes as the flash was too bright.


"What happened?" Luz asks as she tries to reach the portal.


"We were just about to enter the Archives..." Cerise adds.


"We were just about to rescue Eda and King."

"Cerise Clawthorne and Luz, the human!" the Titan can be seen, still alive as something which looks like Hooty can be seen coming out of his right eye, "You have to wake up."


Luz's eyes shoot open as she was inside the throne room of the Emperor's Castle, sitting on Belos' throne and wearing his outfit. Above her, the heart can be seen beating. She sits up from the throne, clutching her head and grunting, "How did I get here?" she looks down and notices her outfit change. Shocked, she gasps, then yells out in fright and falls backwards, landing on the ground in a sitting position. She then looks up at the throne, "What is this? Is-Is this a dream?"

Stringbean appears from behind Luz and bites on her ear, squeaking.

Luz cries out in pain, "Ow! Stringbean, it's you! You sweet, little power noodle. I'm so happy to see you. Are Mama and the others okay?"

Stringbean floats towards Luz's hands as she carries the palisman in her palms. Stringbean squeaks apologetically in response, making Luz look to her right worriedly.


Luz walks down the corridors of the castle. Eventually, she finds the front door and walks out of it. She walks up the bridge and looks around in fear, "Where is everyone?" she walks over to the edge and looks down, gasping in shock. Beneath the bridge, various residents of the Boiling Isles have been petrified, with an expression of shock and horror frozen on their faces, "No! No, no, no! Wh-When did this happen?

"Don't you remember?" a familiar voice asked her resentfully.

Luz looks towards the source of sound, eyes wide and in surprise. Far away from her, Amity is standing on the platform on the other side that connects the bridge, holding her staff. She doesn't look at Luz, but her voice is filled with anger.

"This is all your doing. You helped Belos meet the Collector." Amity turns to face her, staring at her furiously with tears forming, "Your actions led to THIS. You've been the real villain this whole time!" she raises her staff and points it at Luz.

"Wha-Listen, I-I don't know what I missed, but I'd never do this." Luz takes off her cloak and throws it aside, "See?"

The cloak flies down the bridge and drops among the petrified statues.

Amity looks to her left with a despaired look on her face, before shutting her eyes, "I'm sorry, Luz. But I have to take you down." she draws a spell circle and summons some abomination goo, riding on it and rushing towards her.

"Amity, please!" Luz narrowly dodges Amity's abomination goo and runs away. Amity then draws another spell circle and launches the goo towards her. Stringbean immediately transforms into a staff, enabling Luz to escape on it and narrowly misses another attack from Amity. Luz flies past an angry Amity and into the castle. The doors slam shut, finally blocking the attacks, "This isn't a dream. This is a nightmare!"


Eda gasps as her eyes shoot open. She then sits up, finding herself locked up in a cell, "Huh?" a bright yellow flash emerges from inside the cell, then Harpy Eda kicks down the steel door. She walks over to the edge of the walkway, "Lily? Maya? Hooty? King!" she looks around and finds no one nearby. She then flies through the hallway, barges through the front door, and flies towards the sky, frightened and panting, "Huh?" she looks up and sees a net coming towards her. The net captures her, causing her to drop to the ground. She sits up, "If you think you can keep me from my family, you got another thing comin'!" she looks up to the platform of the front door of the Conformatorium to see Lilith and Gwendolyn standing there.

Lilith chuckles, "Don't worry, Edalyn. We're all present and accounted for."

"Lily! Ma! Thank goodness. Hey, help me out. We gotta find King."

"No. You'll be staying right there." Lilith told her as multiple shadowy figures walk out from the front door of the Conformatorium.

"Huh?" Eda looks confused as coven scouts appear and point their spears at her.

"Dangerous beasts need to be kept in cages, after all."

"What are you talking about?"

"Why, Eda?" Dell walks out from the door with his right hand covering his right eye, "I forgave you." he lowers his hand to show that his right eye is also now injured and blinded. Eda gasps at the sight of this.

"I gave you one simple task. Look after my daughter." Cosmo appears, tears running down his face, "And you couldn't even do that."

Eda gasps, "Cos?!"


King's eyes shoot open as he gasps. He then sits up, clutching his head. Two torches in front of him suddenly get ignited, surprising him. He is inside the room where the shrine of the Huntsman is located, back on Titan Trapper Island. The skulls of the deceased Titans are scattered around the room. King stands up, looking terrified.

Bill suddenly emerges from behind him, "Nice, right?"

King screams and runs away, then turns around to look at him, "Bill! You crazy jerk, how'd I get here?"

"I brought you here! I wanted to show you our new collection."

King turns his head and stares at the skulls in fright.

Bill walks down the stairs, "What's wrong? Don't you recognize your siblings?" he chuckles, "But don't worry, we saved the best spot for you!"

King turns around and a door somewhere above opens, casting light into the shrine. He whimpers in fear as Bill grabs onto his arms.


Cerise gasps as her eyes shoot open. She looks around, nothing happening, "Huh? Isn't this supposed to be the part where I relive a nightmare?" she thinks to herself, "I mean, there was Belos' mind, me turning Boiling Isles into a full on jungle, I'm just full of trauma. I honestly don't think you could do any worse." a puppet of her father appears, "I already saw that happen." the puppet disappears, "I accidentally killed my own mother. I don't think you can try and scare me. Now, let me out." she uses a light glyph and all goes black.


Cerise is now standing on a checkered pattern platform with large toys around her. A meteor shoots across the sky above. The scarlet brunette walks ahead and looks at the surrounding in shock. She notices King on her left, who is still stuck in his own nightmare and whimpering in terror. Beside him, puppetified Tarak and Bill are being controlled by strings and used to terrorize him. King looks up, looking terrified, his eyes glowing, just like Bill and Tarak. Cerise then looks to her right and sees Eda getting terrorised by puppet Lilith, Dell, Gwendolyn, and Cosmo, all of their eyes glowing too. She gasps as she turns to the middle, spotting the puppets of her friends terrorizing Luz.

"You destroyed my home and any chance I had at happiness. I have no future now. NONE OF US DO!"

"Everyone helped you get back to your mom. Meanwhile, because of you, I'll never see my dad again."

"Why, Luz? Why do you get to have it all?"

"You are just one big magnet for disaster, aren't you?"

"I challenge you to a WITCH'S DUEL!"

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it!" Eda cries out.

"Guys!" Cerise summons three balls of light and sends them to the three, all of them snapping out of it.

"Cece?!" Luz runs over to her and hugs her.

"I got you. It's okay." Cerise hugs her back.

"Weh? Cece? Luz? CECE! LUZ!" King happily pounces towards them while laughing and crying happy tears, causing them to fall backwards.

"Hey, buddy!" Luz chuckles.

"We missed you." Cerise adds with a smile.

Eda stands up and looks over at them, "Is this real? Is that you?" she starts crying happy tears and exclaims in delight, running over to them, "Are you really here?"

"Get over here, you witch!"

"Join in, Aunt Eda!"

Eda rushes over and kneels down right next to Cerise, Luz, and King, hugging them both tight and squealing in pure happiness. She then kisses them. The trio hug each other blissfully as Stringbean floats over and attaches herself onto Luz's face, smiling.


The Collector looks at this scene on the screen of a yellow star-shapes object angrily. He groans, turning around to Belos, "I thought you said this would work, Rae-Rae. You said, it would make them all "see the error of their ways." But King is gonna hate me for this! Now what do we do?" he casts the star object away using magical powers before finally sitting down on the bed with his arms crossed.

Belos sighs, picking Francois up, "Why bother teaching them anything when you could just wipe them out?"

The Collector snatches it away, "I WANT to be their friends! And besides, my powers don't work on King." he caresses Francois' head before setting it on the table next to their bed.

"The dog?"

"Yeah! 'Cause he's a Titan!" the Collector waves their hands as two illusions depicting a Titan's skull whooshes past above their head. Belos' eyes widen, then he appears to be deep in thought, "You worked in the castle, Rae-Rae. You've seen the big old heart, still beating too. Titans are AMAZING!" they float up and lie back down on his bed, grinning, "When they're full grown, they're more POWERFUL than anyone!"

"You know, I just had an interesting idea." Belos smiles and sits down on the bed next to the Collector.


Belos waves their hand, "No, it wouldn't work."

"What? What wouldn't work? Tell me, or I'll hold my breath for a million years!" the Collector floats up and then grabs onto Belos' face.

Belos chuckles and gently puts down the Collector's hands, holding them in his own, "Well, if you insist. What if you played with those four yourself? Showed them just how much fun your games are in person? Then they'll ALL want to be your friend."

The Collector smiles as their eyes light up, "You think?"

Belos nods, "Mm-hmm."

"ALRIGHT!" the Collector summons the yellow star from below and places it above his head. He then floats up towards it and waves at Belos, "Wish me luck, Rae-Rae!" he flies upwards and through the star, which then shrinks and disappears.

Belos grunts, swipes Francois to the ground, and rummages through the drawer of the table beside the Collector's bed. Eventually, he takes out a blue star, smiling evilly, "Perhaps this will be easier than I thought."


"Oh! I thought I'd never see you again! How did you get back to the Demon Realm?" Eda asks.

"It's a very long story." Cerise explains before looking at her aunt's arm, "Whoa! When did you lose your arm?!"

"Ah, it's a shorter story. Oh, Luz! Is that your palisman?" Eda asks.

Stringbean sits on Luz's shoulder. Owlbert appears and the palismen greet each other.

"Hey, hey, all I wanna do is hear both of you talk over hot chocos smilk, but first, we gotta find a way outta, whatever this is!" King says.

A bright flash of light appears and a pink star manifests above the four.

The Collector comes through the star, "I don't get it, King. I really don't get it. I thought you loved playing our games. Why do you choose these itty bitty spiders over me?"

"Because your games stink, squirt!" Eda steps forward and turns her arm into a claw.

"And cause spiders are awesome!" Luz activates her staff and aims it at the Collector.

"Yeah! Especially the itty bitty ones!" King adds.

"Your little games are over." Cerise points at them.

"Ah, you act like I'm doing something bad. But I'm just having fun."

"Trapping people and scaring them and controlling them? That's not fun, Collector." King told them.

"And everyone nearly died from the Draining Spell!" Eda adds.

"So? Toys break all the time, you just fix them." the Collector creates a doll of himself and splits it into two. The pieces fall to the ground and fix themselves.

"Mortals aren't toys!" Cerise told him.

"Do you...not understand what death means to mortals?" Luz adds.

"Well, don't worry 'cause I don't wanna scare you anymore. I think we can all be great friends. So, let me show you some of my favorite games!" the Collector levitates into the sky and starts to summon something.


Raine limps through the Archives, a trail of black goo following them. Collector's spell vanishes and Raine gains control of their body, "Ah, let me go!" the two fight for control before Belos takes over.

"Ugh, Raine's always been annoyingly powerful." Belos pulls out the blue star from earlier, "No, I think I'll keep you around a little longer." he flies on the stairs.


The puppets of Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, and Zora lay on the ground before one of Amity's fingers start to twitch.


After playing four of the Collector's games and winning each time, the group gets transported back to their original location.

"Thank...whoever. I think I barfed, like, twelve times." King says.

"Wanna make it a lucky number thirteen?" Eda smiles as she picks King up and throws him in the air. He lands back in her arms.


Cerise and Luz suddenly hear the Collector crying in the corner and go to them.

"Cerise. Luz."

"Eda, let them go. If anyone can talk some sense into them, it's Cece and Luz."

"Collector, you know this can't last forever." Luz kneels next to him.

"We can't keep playing games." Cerise adds as she puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

The Collector wipes his tears on his sleeve, "Why, 'cause you know you'd lose?" his face becomes sad as Eda and King come up behind Cerise and Luz, "I just wanted a friend who wouldn't lie to me, or trick me. But everyone's the same! King lied, Belos lied, even they lied."

"They?" Cerise looks concerned.

"Who's they?" Luz adds.

"The Archivists, my siblings. "Oh, let's play a game", they said." the Collector clenches his fists angrily, "Let's play hide-and-seek." thunder rumbling could be heard, ""You go down there and see if the Titans wanna play!""

The others look up to see an image of the Collector's story in the stars.

"So I played, and it was great. The baby Titans were the cutest, just like King! And they were all so welcoming! But the Archivists were scared of their power, so one by one, they disappeared, until there was one Titan left. And he thought I was the bad guy. He hid his egg from me and trapped me. But I showed all of them. Even when those trapper jerks started acting weird. Even when Belos lied to me! I found King! I found the last Titan, and he's my friend now!"


"I know it's just pretend. I don't care. I'll pretend as long as I want." he angrily runs forward, sending a small breeze towards Cerise and Luz.

"But that's not what you want, is it?" Cerise asks.

"What do you know?"

"We know what it's like to feel alone."

"And abandoned-"

Eda and King say.

"And misunderstood. Hey, what if we showed you how we became friends?" Luz suggests.

"King already told me about your adventures." the Collector says.

"It's different when you can see them." Luz told him as she pulls out a stack of memory pictures.

Cerise does the same, "What do you think? Can we tell you our stories?"


Belos is atop the Collector's shooting star, the star crash-landing while he attempts to keep control of a resistant Raine.

"I said, GET OUT!" Raine inhales, then whistles as the vibrations repel Belos, sending him toward the castle.

Belos reforms, "That's fine. Only one vessel is big enough to do what I need." he advances toward the castle entrance.

"Huh?" Raine realizes his plan, "No." they stand up and follow Belos, leaving their earring behind. They run inside the castle after Belos, running up the stairs, hitting against the wall on their way before continuing onward. Raine finally makes their way to the door that opens to the main chamber containing the Titan's heart, summoning their instrument.

"You know what this is, don't you? It's the last of many, but it still beats."

Raine scans around them, looking for Belos. Belos comes from within the ground and crawls up to their upper body, expanding and seizing Raine's instrument.

"It's the Titan's heart!" Belos bites Raine's arm, causing them to drop their instrument and yell in pain.

Raine attempts to use their bard magic by whistling, but Belos engulfs them to prevent this. Belos then leaves behind his parts that are muting Raine and makes his way to the heart. Raine manages to move their body close enough to grab their instrument and slam it against the ground with enough force of sound waves to surround the room.

Belos manages to make contact with the heart before the sound waves reach it, expanding, "Poor Raine. You tried so hard, didn't you?"

Raine gasps as Belos fully attaches to the heart, then unleashes mold-like branches from his chest beyond them. They spread through the castle and the Titan's right eye begins to glow blue.


In the Archive House the corridors flow green.

A semi-conscious puppet Amity's hand etches a light glyph into the ground and activates it, releasing a ball of light that returns her to her active state, "Oh my gosh. It worked!" she looks around the room she and the others are in. She rubs her left eye as she focuses on one puppet, "Miss Lilith?"

Hunter awakens next, Gus, Willow, and Zora following soon after, "Cerise? Cerise?!"

Gus looks at the Collected figures and screams in terror, "Where the heck are we?"

"These must be the Archives." Willow guesses.

Gus spots Camila in her Collected form, "Camila! Willow, help me get her down."

Zora spots Cosmo, "Mr. Clawthorne! Hunter, a little help?"

"Guys, where's Luz and Cerise?" Amity asks as she looks around for the two.

"Did they not make it up here?" Zora asks back before spotting a familiar figure, "How did they get Hannibal? Guys, help me get him down!"


The Collector lands in front of the Owl House, following by the others.

"Wow, I thought we would just, like, flip through these." Luz comments as she holds her photos.

"So it all started at the birdhouse."

"The Owl House." Eda corrects, "Speaking of which, what happened to it?" she flies up and views the current state of it.

"You, uh, haven't been here in a while." King told her.

Luz looks at a picture of her at the Owl House, "For me, it started in the Human Realm. Things were not great, but I found my way here, and I met Owlbert, Hooty, Hannibal, Cerise, and Eda the Owl Lady." she wraps her arm around Cerise as Eda flies back down to the ground and places her hand on the human's back.

King then jumps into Luz's arms, "And the King of Demons!"

"None of us felt like we fit in. So we decided to not fit in together." Luz says.

The Collector crosses his arms and scoffs, "It was that easy, huh?"

"Some things are much more difficult than they seem." Cerise shows a few photos to him, "I always felt like an outcast. Living with my aunt, not going to school, learning common spells at a later age..."

"I had a lot to learn. But after a little while, Cece and I met more people who helped us." Luz adds.

"It started with us. But then, we gained Willow, Gus, and Amity along the way." Cerise shows a photo of the Grudgby match they played against Boscha and her team.

"Whoa! That game looks fun. I wanna go there!"

"Sure thing." Cerise smiles gently.


The group flies to Hexside's Grudgby field.

"This is where we play a game called Grudgby." Luz explains.

"The ball can bite you, the rules are nonsense, but it's still kinda fun." King adds.

"Nonsense? Ha! Hexside lets you play any magic sport these days. Grudgby was all we had and we made the best of it." Eda says.

"And you were the star player, we know, Aunt Eda." Cerise smiles.

"Did you know Lilith was their captain?" King asks Luz.

"Really? Now that's a spinoff I'd watch."

The Collector sees Jerbo, Matt Tholomule, and Moon girl, all hiding from him. He uses his star to glide over to them, grinning, "Hi, I'm the Collector. Wanna be my Grudgby buddies?" his eyes begin to glow.

"It's him! Run! Go, go, go, go, go!" Matt screams and runs with the rest.

The four make their way to the Collector, who frowns.

"I wanna go somewhere different."

"Take your pick." Cerise holds out her deck of photos, the Collector taking one of the Knee.


"This is a wonderful place that you chose, Collector." Cerise smiles down at them, "It's really special to Luz and I. Aunt Eda taught me magic here."

"It's where Eda helped me make a connection with the Isles." Luz draws an ice glyph. She activates it, and it takes form into a small block of ice that raises from the glyph.

The Collector scoffs, "A baby could do that. Still, I've never seen an itty-bitty spider do it that way. Not everyone can recognize Titan magic. He must really like you if he showed you this much. He never told me about it, though." he puts his left pointer finger above the snow, creating a snow sculpture of a Titan, "Did you force him to be your friend, too? Like, uh, what are their names, Lilith, Amity, and Hunter?"

"She didn't force anyone to do anything." King told him.

"Yeah, people are complex. And sometimes they just need a little kindness and forgiveness." Luz adds.

The Collector looks down at the ice before looking back at them, "Kindness and forgiveness, huh?"

Suddenly, heaving breathing could be heard in the distance, drawing everyone's attention.

The Collector begins walking toward the edge of the Knee, "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah." Cerise looks out into the distance

"Hear what?"

The breathing continues louder. Trees shake, birds flee, water begins to recede, and rubble falls from landforms.

"Breathing..." the Collector and Cerise look at each other.

A glowing eye shines and continues to glow.

"Those eyes. Don't tell me it's-"

"Belos." Cerise and Luz exchange a look.


In the alleyway of Bonesborough, a rat runs through a large crack. Tinella Nosa appears to be thrown out of that crack. Seeing the dangerous branches spreading throughout the alley, she screams and runs away as they follow her. On a railway in one of the Knee's tunnels, three Coven Scouts are sitting around a fire. They are interrupted by the branches of mold that sends them fleeing.

As Cerise, Luz, Eda, King, and the Collector fly above, they see the branches violently spreading throughout the Boiling Isles.

"It's coming from the castle." Luz says.

"Let's go!" Cerise flies down on a star that the Collector conjured for her, the others following suit.

Belos has now taken on a massive, monstrous form. His eyes continue to glow blue, and he now has wings. He growls, "Finally! I can cleanse this perdition...MYSELF!" three times, Belos unleashes blue fire upon the land.

"Is that Belos?" Eda asks.

"How'd he get here without a body?" Luz adds.

"Maybe he found a substitute after he left Hunter." Cerise suggests as the Collector picks up Raine's earring, looking visibly worried.

"What do we do?" King asks, "There's no way we can stop that!"

"Yes, there is." the Collector begins glowing, "And I know how." he flies through the air, cutting away at the moss. He stops short of Belos's face.

"No, what is he doing?" Luz asks.

"Oh, Titan." Cerise facepalms, shaking her head.

"I get it now. You just need kindness and forgiveness, huh?" the Collector hugs Belos's skull. As the others have exasperated expressions on their faces, Belos blinks in confusion, "Look! We can all be buddies now!"

Belos prepares to fire at him as the others watch in horror.

"No, Collector!" Cerise uses the star she had to fly towards him.

"Cece! Wait!" Luz flies after her.

As Belos fires, the beam heavily collides with flashes of light from Cerise and Luz.

"Huh? But I thought I was doing the right thing." Collector says.

"No, no, you did good, Collector. But this is a little more complicated. Don't worry, I think it...missed..." Luz turns to Cerise, who had her hands over her chest, "Cece?"

"Oh...look at that." Cerise uncovered her chest, to reveal moss slowly covering her, "I got hit."

"No, no!" Luz looks at her in concern before moss covers her own fingers and slowly takes over her body.

"Cece? Luz? What's happening?" the Collector asks.

"Eda, King, looks like we're all gonna be split up again. I feel like I should be used to this feeling by now, but...I still don't know what to say."

Eda covers her mouth, tearing up.

"Cece..." the Collector starts tearing up.

"It's okay." Cerise reassures, "We'll beat Belos. Do you know why?"


"Nature...always...wins..." Cerise closes her eyes as she slowly dissolves into plant particles.

Luz slowly splits into several balls of light once her body is covered by the moss.

The Collector catches one of the light orbs and one of the plant particles, "Where'd they go?"

Eda and King are too stunned to speak as the plant particles and light orbs flow through the damaged areas, the plant particles harming Belos, who then lets out a howl of pain. Eventually they reach the Archive House, the group looking confused.

"What is this?" Amity asks as Camila's puppet begins crying.

Hunter holds a hand close to his chest as he catches the plant particle closest to him, tears welling up in his eyes, "C...Cerise?"

Cosmo's puppet sheds a tear.

"Cerise? Luz? Yoo-hoo! You can come out now. Well, it's okay, they just broke, so I'll fix them." the Collector snaps his fingers, but the spell dissipates, "What? Why isn't it working? The Archivists aren't here, they couldn't have taken them."

Belos aims another beam at the Collector.

King suddenly roars and defends the Collector, conjuring a round shield with glyph patterns on it. His eyes have become purple and extra fangs have appeared in his jaw. A blue light glows in his mouth and tears flow down his face as he roars again.

"Owl Lady, you know where Cerise and Luz are, right?"

"Back up, kid. I don't think I can control myself right now." Eda roars and grows in size, reverting to her original Owl Beast form. Her eyes have become orange and she has extra sets of wings. Roaring again, she joins King and they attack Belos. King releases his power and they avoid the blasts. Terrified, The Collector trips, causing him to let go of the light orbs and the flower particle.

"They're really gone."


A light orb and a flower particle float into the In-Between Realm and settle into the water. From it, Luz and Cerise reappear and they sink into the water.

"Oh. I know what I should have said...I should have thanked them."

Two hands reach into the water and pull the two girls out.

Cerise lets out a cough as she looks up, gasping, "Are you..."

Luz looks confused, "King?"

Papa Titan chuckles, "No. But he does get his good looks from me."

"Oh, Titan." Cerise and Luz say at the same time.

"Oh, me. Nice to meet you, Cerise Clawthorne and Luz the Human." Papa Titan shakes their hands.

"Are you really the Titan Titan?" Cerise asks.

"You can't actually be the Titan Titan, right? You're the Boiling Isles, and that Titan is all-"


"Does that mean we're also-"

"Did we die?"

Luz and Cerise look horrified before Papa Titan lifts them up from the water.

"Ah, no, nope, no. Don't wanna do that. If you go under without a portal, you really will be dead-looking." he sets them down.

"I can't believe this. You're King's dad!" Luz exclaims.

"I think King said it best once. "I am both King and Queen, best of both things."" Papa Titan chuckles, "But Dad works fine."

"What is this place?" Cerise asks.

"This is the space in between. Well, in between a lot of places. And I've been stuck here for quite some time. But at least I can keep an eye on my child. And those who have been kind to him." Papa Titan picks up a floating block and looks through moments of King spending them with Cerise and Luz.

"We're not so kind. When we saw the Collector fly up to Belos, we hoped with all our hearts we would see them blast him away, and-" Luz sighs.

"Hey, I can relate. I was willing to do anything to keep my kid safe. But I attacked the wrong person. Dragged the Collector down here for nothing." Papa Titan told her.

"Does that make us as bad as Belos?" Cerise asks.

"What? Have you been drinking your aunt Eda's homemade Apple Blood?"

"Well, Belos says he's trying to save humanity. And we are saying we want to save our families. So isn't that the same thing? Don't-Don't these feelings come from the same place?" Luz asks.

"You assume Belos's goal comes from a genuine place. But that man doesn't care about about anything but his need to be the hero in his own delusion. And because of that, he fears what he can't control."

"And now that fear is going to win." Cerise wraps a comforting arm around Luz.

"Ah, dang." Papa Titan looks down at his chest to see it being affected by Belos' possession, "I thought I had more time left. But Belos will have full control soon. You ready to stop him?"

"What? What can we do?" Luz asks.

"You've already helped King so much. So let me use my last bit of life to help the two of you." Papa Titan extends his hands, various glyphs appearing.

"Woah...are you sure about this?" Cerise asks him.

"Well, you're the ones here, and you seem like good witches. But I can't give you two anything unless you choose to accept it. So the question is, will you choose yourselves?"

Cerise and Luz look at each other and nod before taking Papa Titan's hands, golden orbs surrounding the two as they start to float up.

"Now, Belos will be able to control everything, so you have to defeat him fast." Papa Titan explains.


"And my power won't last forever, so use your time wisely."

"Oh, but what about-"

"Eda the Owl Lady?" Papa Titan salutes, "Send her my regards, big fan."

"No, your son!"

"What about King? Don't you wanna say something to him?"

Papa Titan thinks for a moment, then whispers something to the two.

"Oh. He'll love that." Luz chuckles.

"Yeah. He'll be so happy to hear that." Cerise adds.

Papa Titan takes on his larger form and starts to sink into the water. His body slowly sinks until it finally disappears into the water, "Goodbye."


Camila begins to wake when Gus holds a light spell above her.

Gus gasps as he deactivates it, "She's waking up!" he helps Camila into a sitting position.

"So is he!" Zora adds as she deactivates her light spell and helps Cosmo up.

Camila repositions her glasses, "Wha-what's happening? Where's Luz?"

"Where's my daughter?" Cosmo asks.

The group's facial expressions drop.

Hannibal, who had woken up, starts bawling as he saw the plant particles Cerise's sacrifice left, "She knew how to water my roots! I don't trust any of you!"

Hunter tears up as he buries his face into his arms, " beautiful sweet Cerise..."

Cosmo wraps an arm around him, tears falling, "She's not gone. She's not. She can't be."

Suddenly, rumbling is heard as the walls and ceiling begin to collapse.

Amity tries to create a shield with abomination matter, but it does not take form and falls on top of her, "What's wrong with my magic?"

Camila stands up, helping her up, "Can't you tell? You're exhausted. You all are! None of you have gotten rest in days."

"But what can we do? We can't leave everyone like this." Willow gestures.

"And what about...Cerise and Luz?" Hunter asks with tears in his eyes as Amity's face saddens.

"Luz is a Noceda. You know what that means? It means she's way too stubborn to let any of this get her down." Camila told them.

"And Cerise is a Clawthorne. She won't let anything stand in her way." Cosmo adds as Hunter hugs him.

Camila walks forward, looking up at the Collected figures, and sighs, "They'll be okay." she wipes away her tears, preparing a notepad and pencil, "In the meantime, I think I know how we can help, even without your magic."


The Collector attempts to deescalate the battle as Eda and King continue to fight Belos in a state of rage, "No, please stop! Run away" he snaps his fingers, but nothing happens, "Why isn't anything working?" he sees the moss growing onto his hands, "I don't want anyone else to go away. I don't want anyone else to go missing! I'm sorry for everything!" he starts crying and feels his face, noticing the tears, "What is this stuff? Why-why won't it stop?" he sees the moss growing onto Eda's claws and desperately brushes it off, "No! No, no, no, no! Get off of her!" he gets scared when Belos prepares to crush them with his hand. He brings his hand down but two separate beams of light deflect it, one green and one purple. Two figures could be seen holding hands as the taller figure snaps their fingers. Suddenly, Periwinkle flies in as Stringbean becomes active. Eda and King slightly revert as they and the Collector look in shock, "Huh? It can't be-"

"We're back!" Luz and Cerise say in unison as the two now have more Titan-looking appearances.

"I-wait-Uh. Couldn't keep me away from-Hang on. Ugh! I still can't think of anything to say!" Luz says.

"You should have said something like, "I'm here, witches!"" Cerise holds her arms out, "Your savior is here!"

Eda squeals and reverts to Harpy form as King hugs her, "It's them, all right!

Belos roars in anger. This causes everything to shake, including the Archives. Cerise and Luz create a glowing orb around them, King, Eda, and the Collector. It shoots up suddenly and goes in a series of erratic motions. The group can be heard screaming inside. It finally stops and everyone is shaken.

"Woah!" Luz laughs, "Overshot it a little. Still getting used to these powers."

"We'll get the hang of it." Cerise adds.

Belos roars and the Archives shake precariously.

"Oh no, everyone's still in the Archives." Eda says in realization.

"Leave them to me." the Collector jumps onto his blue star and flies off. He notices that the mold is progressively getting worse, "Come on, you can at least do this."

The others travel to the stage below the Archives. The mold approaches quickly and takes forms of monstrous faces. Luz starts a spell, but struggles to make it.

Cerise holds her hand, guiding her, "Just concentrate. Let's think of what we want and..."

The spell manifests into a large shield and the moss bounces off of it and curls upward. Cerise, Luz, and Eda push it forward and it eradicates the moss. Red grass takes over and shines in the arena.

Luz chuckles, "Yes!"

"Look alive! We got more!" Cerise warns as the moss appears on multiple sides.

"Cece! Luz! On three!" King told them.



"Weh!" the trio are able to get rid of most of the moss. The rest of it starts to engulf the roof of the arena. They rub their faces together, smiling.


Cerise and Luz fly upwards with King in tow and indicates for Eda to follow them. They extend their staffs and Eda grabs Cerise and Luz's free hands. They spin in a circle and create a giant light spell that clears the entire area and turns the moss into red grass. They notice a looming shadow and realize the left arm of the Titan is rising.

"Hold on." Cerise and Luz fly up in the sphere with the others, heading up to the arm.


Amity rescues Cat using a plant glyph as a giant rock falls above her, which Willow destroys with a fire glyph. Camila continuously draws various glyphs and hands some off to Hunter. Gus is seen on his staff holding Amelia over his shoulder before a stray rock hits him and he falls. Gus uses a safety spell to gently fall and Hunter saves Gus's palisman by using an ice glyph. Hunter carries Amelia away as Gus flies off with more glyphs in hand. Zora and Cosmo work together with Hannibal, who stretches his vines to grab multiple puppets. Everything violently shakes again, causing the castle to lose its support at the Titan's horn. They panic as they plummet, but pink strings manifest and hold it up. The Collector is seen straining to hold the structure up.

The gang stares in shock as he smiles down on them.

"The Collector?" Hunter looks at them in confusion.

"Is he-?"

"He's helping!"


The group makes it to the top.

"Hah!" the four look at the full form in awe, "Wow."

The Titan's power begins to fade from the two as they look at the glowing orb coming from the skeleton.

"We have to cut Belos off from the Titan's power." Luz says.

"And quick before our powers fade." Cerise adds.

"What are you thinking?" Eda asks.

"Pop quiz. Where does magic come from?" Cerise asks with a smirk.

"From the heart!" Luz, King, and Eda say in unison as the sphere rockets down and lands forcefully near the Titan's heart, Belos screaming in agony.


Raine whistles their version of Eda's Reqiuem in order to halt the moss's growth. Their glasses have fallen off, and a beam of light can be seen on the glass reflection. Raine becomes wary, "Who's there? Stay away!" they struggle in the moss's hold as a hand puts their glasses back on.

"It's okay Raine, I got ya." Eda pulls them out of the moss and hugs them.

"I am-still not used to this new look, but it doesn't matter." Raine embraces Eda as she kisses them, "I'm just happy you're here." they notice Cerise and Luz, gasping in surprise, "Cerise? Luz? You two look...fluffier? How long was I out for?"

"Months..." Cerise gives an unsure look before her and Luz's power start to fade.

"We don't have much time. Let's end this." Luz says.

"Once and for all." Cerise adds.

"Finally." Raine smiles.

They clear a path to the throne room in the castle. They see Belos's form in the heart and prepare for an onslaught. Cerise and Luz launch spells that destroy the upcoming branches of mold, then summon a set of ice stairs and climb to the heart. They grab onto Belos' ribcage and start pulling.

"You can't defeat me!"

"Eda, Raine, King, back us up!" Cerise shouts.

A large number of hands manifest and attempt to hurt them, but the others fight against it. Eda slices them up with her harpy magic, Raine whistles at the moss and causes it to retreat, and King releases his powers and helps to protect the two.

"Do not underestimate us, Belos." Cerise narrows her eyes.

"For I am the Good Witch Luz, Child of the Human Realm, Student of the Demon Realm. She is the Good Witch Cerise, Student of the Human Realm, Child of the Demon Realm. Together, we are the Warriors of Peace!" Luz adds.

Cerise's and Luz's eyes glow, various glyphs manifesting around their hands.

The Titan yells in agony and everything shakes again, the Collector struggling to hold up the Archives as Eda, Raine, and King continuously attack.

"NOW EAT THIS, SUCKA!" Cerise and Luz shout as they successfully tear Belos out of the heart and everything falls silent as their screams echo into the silence.

The monster Belos outside the heart screams in agony as its heart emits a flash of purple and black lights and it explodes. The Titan's hand is stabilized as a rush of energy runs through it. The Titan's eyes lose color and turn off. Back to the castle, the monster turns to stone and eventually turns into dust and is blown away, along with the mold, thus restoring the red grass across the isles. The Archives building is slowly lowered down to the Titan's head. The pink strings disappear as a tired Collector flies to where Camila and the others are. The blue star disappears as the moss around his hands slowly begin to fade away. Cosmo steps closer as the Collector recoils in fear. Cosmo then offers his hand out to him. He takes it, and small tears form in his eyes. They all rush to the balcony and they stare in awe as the moss slowly clears up. At Hexside, the mold at the front door starts to fade. Skara slowly opens the door as she and Matt stare in shock. After fully opening the door, they and a few other students observe their surroundings and slowly smile at the sight. Back at the castle, the mold also starts to clear up one by one. Raine, Eda, and King burst out of the moss. King gasps for air as Raine and Eda look at each other.

Cerise and Luz smile before frowning as the small remnants of Belos' goo form and slowly turn into Philip.

"Cerise, Luz, I'm-I'm free. Thank goodness you saved me from-" Philip pauses his speech as he sweats nervously, "From that horrible curse." the two simply glared at him as their hair and dresses slowly bounce off and back into the wind, "Yes, I-I was cursed with a terrible, terrible sickness, by-by dark magic, just like your mentor." the sky slowly turns dark, signaling the fall of boiling rain.

"You mean the sickness Evelyn Clawthorne gave you after you killed your brother?" Cerise raises an eyebrow.

"Yes! It forced me to do all those horrible things, but-but now, I'm free." Philip screams in pain as a drop of boiling rain falls on his hand, the spot turning green as more boiling rain starts to fall from the sky, "AH! Qui-Quickly, now!" he slowly crawls towards them, begging for help, "Don't-Don't you want-to make peace?" he slowly reverts back to his goo form due to the boiling rain. The two remain unfazed as the rain turns to sparkle as it hits them, "Don't just stand there!" his body decomposes as he is fully back to goo form and starts to crawl back to them, "You'll be just as bad, just as conniving, just as evil, and just as unforgivable as those witches, Luz!" he holds her leg in an attempt to convince her, "We're human. We're better than this!"

Luz steps back with a blank expression on her face.

"Well, I'm not." Cerise steps closer, "And neither are they." she gestures to Eda, King, and Raine, who use a magical leaf to protect themselves, "As much as I would love to have them stomp you to death, I think some of your old friends would love to watch you suffer the way you made them suffer all those years ago." she uses her magic to conjure an illusion around Belos, "Eda, King, Raine, he's all yours."

The trio raise their feet and stomp on Belos repeatedly, bringing him to his end as the weather now clears.

"That was extremely satisfying." Raine comments as they shut down their leaf.

"Ew, it's on my claws!" King adds.

Luz turns to Cerise, the two beginning to glow as they hold hands, "Who did he see?"

"He saw those he hurt long ago. Instead of Eda, Raine, and King, he saw the Golden Guards, Evelyn, and Caleb." Cerise smiles.

The two float, their powers from the Titan finally released as the energy manifests into the form of the Titan.

Raine, King and Eda stare in shock.

"Is that..."

Eda smiles, answering Raine's question, "I think it is." she turns to King, "Dang kid, you do have tall genes."

King's eyes sparkle in wonder as the manifestation of King's father flies away.

Cerise and Luz open their eyes before the two start to fall, the former quickly summoning a plant to catch their fall. Eda and King rush over to them. The clouds slowly start to reveal the sun shining as the four look on, their faces steady.

"Oh! Your dad had a message for you." Luz told King before she and Cerise whisper to him.

"I loaf you? I loaf you." King chuckles, "Bread pun!"

The four laugh together.

"We did it. After everything, after all that...we stuck together." Cerise smiles.

"Yup, we did alright." Eda comments.

"I'll say." King adds.


"And that's how we saved the Boiling Isles." Luz exclaims.

" much as we could." Cerise reminds her as she remembered that some of the pine trees were placed horizontally.

Everyone safely comes out of the Archives.

"We were so relieved to see everyone safely released from the Archives. They were spared the worst of it, at least." Luz says.

Cosmo holds his arms out as Lilith runs into his arms, hugging him tightly and crying tears of joy. He then scoops the Collector up and hugs him, the star boy blushing in confusion.

"Because of that, everyone got to reunite with their families and loved ones." Luz continues.

Amity runs over to hug her father, who happily hugs her, "Dad!" she laughs happily as Odalia was on the side, scowling.

Gus looks around for his father worriedly. When he finds him, he releases several illusions of himself, which all approach his father. Once surrounded, Perry tries to hug the first 2 illusions until he gets to the third one, who turns out to be the real Gus. He picks him up and hugs him as the other illusions disappear.

Willow looks around for her fathers, accompanied by Zora and Hunter.

"There!" Zora points.

Willow instantly stares in shock and she runs to hug her fathers tight, who then kiss each other after.

Zora smiles before helping as Willow dragged her over, introducing her to her parents.

Hunter's expression returns to gloomy after realizing no one might be probably waiting for him.

"And if someone thought they had no one waiting for them, well, they were in for a nice surprise." Cerise said.

Someone suddenly ruffles Hunter's hair, and he looks towards them in annoyance to reveal Darius and Eberwolf, with an appreciative look on both of their faces. Darius then suddenly points to Hunter's shirt to which the blonde goes into detail explaining everything while Darius and Eberwolf look on, interested.


Back in Hexside, everyone celebrates the return of Principal Bump, which is met with applause. His long black hair, which is flowing in the wind, stops to reveal Amelia and Cat, who wave happily. Boscha suddenly pushes through the Blight twins, who were in front of her, Edric falling due to his cast, runs over, and hugs them, crying, with everyone celebrating. She then introduces them to Corbin, who smiles.

"Still, there was a lot of work to be done..." Luz points out.

Various citizens of Bonesborough, including Morton, observe all the damage done. Darius and Eberwolf, inside the ruined castle, look on at the Titan's hand, now in its new position.

"And not everyone was keen to change things..." Cerise continues.

Vitimir, Terra and Adrian all walk towards Belos' throne with mischievous looks on their faces. Two big shadows suddenly loom over them, revealed to be Darius and Eberwolf. Darius forms his left hand into an abomination fist, seemingly threatening them. Eberwolf gives them the "I'm watching you" stare, pointing his fingers at his eyes and then at them, as the three Coven Heads walk away nervously. Vitimir suddenly returns to touch the edge of the throne and it is promptly smashed away by Darius's abomination hand.


Coven scouts attempt to unsuccessfully move a tree. Yellow energy then surrounds it, and it slowly lifts to reveal the BATs and Steve using their magic to lift it as the coven scouts step back in shock. Steve then looks at the scouts with a firm expression on his face. They all take off their masks to reveal their true faces. The tree is then set down as Steve shakes hands with one of the scouts.

"But we were ready to give it a shot. All of us." Cerise and Luz say together.


Eda fixes the nest as she lays Raine down, then resting by their side. King jumps from behind, plopping into the spot beside Raine as the group laughs.
A blue light suddenly flashes outside and the gang turns to look at it.

Cerise stands up before smiling and running to the door. Cosmo and Lilith hug her tightly, smiling.

"Cosmo?" Eda stands up.

"Hey, sis." Cosmo opens his arms, Eda immediately running into them and hugging him, Lilith joining in.

Camila and Amity rush to Luz as the Collector walks up to Cerise and hugs her. Amity hugs Luz and the tow share a kiss before Camila shares a hug with them. Cerise, Eda, and King share nervous expressions before Camila grabs them and pulls the trio into a hug with Luz.


Cerise pulls out of the hug as she looks toward the door, "Hunter!"

The two run towards each other, Hunter holding Cerise in his arms as he spun her around the two laughing.

The Collector approaches Lilith and summons a puppet Hooty and his birdhouse, Lilith touching it. In a puff of smoke, Hooty is returned to normal as he and Lilith share a happy reunion, the bird tube wrapping her in a tight ball as Raine laughs at the sight. Camila and Amity watch this with concerned looks as Luz pulls them both into a hug.

Hunter carries Cerise in his arms and kisses her face repeatedly, making her giggle.

"As for The Collector, we made a pinky promise to keep trying our best. He said he had a lot of growing up to do, so he decided to return to the stars." Luz says.

"However..." Cerise trails off.

Cosmo approaches the Collector, who looks up at him in confusion.

"My dad suggested to basically be...well, a dad to him!"

The Collector tears up and hugs Cosmo tightly, the man laughing as he picks him up.

"We got our happy ending, but I realized something in that moment."

Luz takes a deep breath and observes the light glyph in her hands, tapping it with no result.

"When the Titan had finally passed on, so did the powers of the glyphs."

Tears start to form in Luz's eyes before tons of light orbs could be seen. She looks  over to see Cerise smiling at her and having Periwinkle and Stringbean on her shoulders, the scarlet brunette holding Luz's hat.

"We had learned the Titan's language, and we only have each other to speak it to. It had helped me find my place when I had no other way. In my heart, I'll never forget it. A whole chapter of our lives were over..." Luz trails off.

Luz puts the hat on as Stringbean and Periwinkle turn into their staff forms. Cerise smiles as she and the human look over the horizon.

"...but a new one was just beginning." Cerise finishes.

Four years later...

Luz had her room backed up, ready for college. She had graduated from high school and won a writing scholarship.

A slightly older Camila comes into the room, "¡Ahí estás tu! ¿Puedes ayudarme a envolver a estos maduros? (There you are! Can you help me wrap these maduros?)"

"I'll be right there."

Camila sighs, "I can't believe you're already leaving for college. Remind me, what major did you pick again?"

"C'mon mama, you know me. I picked all of 'em!" Luz proudly shows her mother all the list of courses at the University of Wild Magic.

Camila walks closer to her, "All of 'em? How is that even possible without your glyphs?"

"It's been tough, but me and Stringbean figured out our own way of doing things." Luz pets her palisman, "And, it'll be nice to finally see everyone again, after all this time."

Camila smirks, " saw them last week."

Luz chuckles, "That doesn't count, I was studying for finals."

"It's time. Go get the others." Vee orders to Owlbert, who flies off to the door in the Human Realm. It has been remodified to look like the Collector's Archives. Owlbert lands on the doorknob and activates the portal.

"Welcome to the Boiling Isles! Watch your step." the Collector's voice announces.


Cerise tends to some plants, Hannibal being one of them. Owlbert flies down to her and lets out a hoot.

"Is it time?" Cerise asks, getting a nod in response. She turns to Hannibal as Periwinkle turns into a staff, "Hannibal, gather everyone up by the portal door!"

"On it, Professor!"

Cerise rolls her eyes before turning to the three statues standing in the middle of her garden, "Evelyn, Caleb...Mom...take care of the garden while I'm gone." she flies out to meet up with the others.

Three apparitions appear, each one smiling softly.

"You know we will, rosebud." Rosemary smiles.

Cerise flies around, meeting Willow in the sky, "Ready?"

Willow, who was now a professional flyer derby player, nods at her.

The two and Owlbert dive into the forest.

Hunter, who had become a palisman carver, carves a palisman from palistrom wood and gives it to Braxas.

Cerise lands on the ground.

"I'll go find Zora!" Willow flies off.


Hunter turns to her with a smile, a bluejay palisman on his shoulder. He glances at the Bat Queen, Dell, Gwendolyn, and Cosmo, who were working on the garden, "Love!"

Cerise holds her hand out and Hunter takes it, the two running off and sliding down a stepping incline. They stop in front of a gravestone for Flapjack and Cerise conjures delicate vines to decorate it.


Cerise and Hunter stop at the library, which is in the process of renovation. Mattholomule is seen overseeing the construction, while Kikimora is struggling with wooden beams. Lilith unfurls her plans for a library wing, and Hooty eagerly watches. Willow and Zora land nearby, the two having their arms wrapped around each other.
The wind suddenly picks up and an Abomination themed blimp lands in front of them, Amity stepping out and hugging Lilith. Lilith then reveals her new Harpy form, which resembles a raven.


At Hexside, Skara can been seen playing the harp to young children, Barcus assists a kid with his plant magic, a new principal is hired and Bump has retired to gardening.

Alador had a metallic glove on his hand. Raine, Jerbo, Darius, and Eberwolf are observing the machine. Alador places the glove on a student's coven mark, and several Healing Track students, including Emira and Viney, send their magic through a thick wire. After several seconds they stop and the glove emits a puff of smoke. The student's mark is gone. Darius is excited and shakes Alador, making him embarrassed. Raine is called to the courtyard and flies with everyone else.


Lilith and Raine stop at the University of Wild Magic. Owlbert flies through the academy as various activities are shown: Edric is seen entertaining a bunch of students, the Illusion master is teaching about the Looking-Glass ruins, and Gus is doing a Human-Witch exchange program. The Headmaster's door comes into view and Eda excitedly comes out. She has a hook for a hand and performs a staff trick with the other. Raine and Lilith happily wave at her as she rides down on her staff.


Back at the Owl House, where the portal door is now connected to, an older King is guiding people around, with one holding streamers. The door opens on the other side.

"Hurry, hurry!" Vee phases through the portal and morphs into her basilisk form.

"What's the rush Vee? No one's gonna be mad if we're a little late." Luz asks as she had her eyes covered with her hand, Camila guiding her other hand.

"Yes, but today is special." Camila told her.

"Okay, okay." Luz opens her eyes and gasps.

"SURPRISE!" everyone exclaims in unison.

"Happy King-ceanera!" Cerise adds, everyone applauding as Amity runs up to Luz and hugs her, kissing her cheek.

"What is this?" Luz asks in shock.

"Well, since you spent your fifteenth birthday helping us rebuild the Isles..." Eda trails off.

"And sixteenth, and seventeenth." King adds.

"We wanted to make it up to you." Amity smiles.

"Camila told us all about your quinceañeras from the Human Realm." Willow told her.

"And they sounded a lot less haunted than our birthdays." Gus adds.

Lilith unrolls a scroll, "Nevertheless, I made sure we followed Camila's instructions perfectly!"


Hooty has made a structure with a Snaggleback hanging downwards. It is titled "Pain-yata." The Bat Children come by holding a purple bell piñata and hide the demon. The Echo Mouse sews on a jewel and shows off their handiwork. Steve cuts a slice from a Good WItch Azura themed dress cake, and hundreds of small spiders pour out. They cover Steve and he smiles widely.

Camila is visibly concerned, giving a thumbs up, "Great work everyone. Muy bueno."

"And look, look!" King starts drawing a sigil on the ground, tapping it as a light orb manifests.

Luz gasps as she holds it in her hand.

"King's powers are getting stronger." Eda explains, "Yeah, and it looks like they're different from his dad's. But hey, you've got a whole new glyph language to try out."

Luz smiles, "Guys..."

"And there are two more surprises in store!" Zora informs, "Both from members of the Clawthorne family!"

Hunter shakes his head at her as he holds Cerise's hand, "Luz, do you remember last week when I asked you about what Cerise likes best?"

"Yeah, but I never got an answer to why." Luz looks confused.

Cerise smiles softly as she holds up her left hand, her Flapjack tattoo shown on her left wrist to compliment the tattoo on Hunter's right wrist. On her left hand, was a moonstone ring of some kind.

Luz gasps happily as she rushes forward and hugs the two, "I'm gonna be an aunt soon!"

"Woah, Luz!" Cerise blushes.

Hunter's face turns red, "Calm down! I just proposed to her!"

"We've got another surprise." King adds, "The Collector wanted to do something special for the occasion. Look!"

"Go for it, son." Cosmo pats the Collecter's back.

The Collector uses his magic to manifest in the sky. A blue star flies through the air, sending pink magic in different directions as everyone looks in admiration.

"Guys, thank you." Luz looks to Cerise, Eda, and King, "For everything."

"Right back at ya, kiddo."



Cerise spots a few more stars in the sky smiling, "Okay, everyone! On the count of three!"

"One, two, three!" Luz counts.

Everyone waves up to the sky, "BYEEEEEEEE!!!"

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