Burning Desire of a Super Sai...

By Smokey_Saiyan

30.7K 804 756

Son Y/n is just an Earthling boy adopted by Son Goku after his parents were murdered, but his potential is fa... More

Awakened God Of Destruction
Beerus the Almighty
Saiyan God vs Destroyer God
Resurrection of Frieza
Prophecy Realized - Frieza's Vengeance
Visitors from another Universe?
Tournament of Destroyers!
Ultra Instinct vs Time Skip - Y/n vs Hit!
A New Battle of Gods, Beerus vs Y/n!
Traveling to Universe 6, Y/n trains Cabba!
Feisty Female Fighter! Enter Caulifla!
Shy Girl with Untapped Potential - Enter Kale
Recruiting an All Star Team
Golden Opportunity for the Perfect Team
Tournament Start!
Y/n vs Jiren, Round 1
Warrioresses of Love?
Dance of Lovers - Y/n vs Kefla
Trooper Trouble
Topple Jiren!

New Feelings and Intense Training

1.5K 40 40
By Smokey_Saiyan

A few days have passed since Y/n began training Kale along with Cabba and Caulifla. Each Saiyan was trained somewhat differently. Cabba was trained to fight with more passion and to increase his self esteem as well as power. Caulifla was taught to fight with a style, rather than her brawler fighting style. She was also being taught to not underestimate her opponents. Kale, like Cabba, needed work on her self esteem. She also needed to be taught not to be scared of conflict. With a work load of three Saiyans to train, Y/n had his work cut out for him, but he never backed down from a challenge. Currently, his usual Gi was in wash. Y/n currently wore a white tank top, a pair of jeans, and black Air Force 1s.

Cabba: Sensei, that clothing style is... It's a little...

Y/n: Hm? What's wrong with my casual clothes?

Cabba: N-nothing, sir.

Caulifla: I dig it, it's gangster as hell.

Y/n smiles at Caulifla and the Saiyan girl quickly looks away as a light blush dusts her cheeks.

Kale: It looks like something Sis would wear.

Y/n: Yeah? Well then, I could let you have my old outfit Cauli.

' Wearing Y/n's clothes...? They must be nice and comfy... ' Caulifla thinks to herself.

Caulifla: Yeah, whatever!

Y/n: Okay, anyway guys, for today's training session you guys have one simple task.

The three Saiyans all look at Y/n with a look of surprise. Caulifla speaks up.

Caulifla: So what is this simple task, huh?

Y/n smirks and starts stretching, but this only confuses the Saiyans more.

Y/n: You guys...

He stops stretching and stands up straight.

Y/n: Gotta hit me! Doesn't matter how ya do it, as long as you make contact.

Caulifla: You taking us lightly or somethin'? Come on, there's three of us. That's a little unfair ya know!

Y/n raises a brow and glances at Caulifla.

Y/n: Surely you're not going to chicken out, Caulifla. That's not like you.

He smirks at her, his tone was taunting on purpose. He knew how she'd react, he just wanted a rise out of her.

Caulifla: You asked for it then! I'll kick your smug ass!

Kale: S-Sis...

Cabba is the first to rush Y/n, he throws a punch at the Earthling, but he suddenly disappears from Cabba's line of sight.

Cabba: Wh-what?! He disappeared!

Y/n: Wrong! You can't expect your opponents to play " fair ", Cabba! There's no such thing as fair in a fight!

Y/n had actually just dropped down incredibly fast and sweeps Cabba off his feet, but as he goes for a follow up attack, Kale and Caulifla attack from opposite sides of him, but he manages to avoid both attacks before creating a small explosion with his Ki, which knocks all three of them back.

Caulifla catches herself and looks over to Cabba, who was getting up, and then to Kale, who was still on her knees and rising back to her feet.

Caulifla: Alright, Y/n's getting a little serious! So we're gonna have to coordinate our attacks!

Cabba: I didn't expect you to say that.

Caulifla laughs.

Caulifla: Yeah, I normally wouldn't, but knowing Y/n, this is what the real purpose of this exercise is.

Kale: So what do we do, Sis?

Caulifla: You're barking up the wrong tree, Kale. We'll have Mr. Sadala Defense Force issue those commands, he's a strategist.

Cabba: A-are you sick?

Caulifla: Nah, but Y/n lit the metaphorical fire under my ass and I gotta get him back!

Cabba: Alright, well then, we should be able to get him if we all attack at once.

Caulifla frowns at Cabba's idea.

Caulifla: What? Didn't you see how easily he slipped outta the way when me and Kale double teamed him! No way that's gonna work!

Cabba: I know, but me and you can both become a Super Saiyan, so we can transform in a burst of energy to surprise him!

Caulifla: Hey, that's actually smart! Ya ready, Kale?

Kale nods and the three Saiyans take a battle stance before charging at Y/n, Kale throws a punch, Y/n dodges to the side. Immediately following up, Cabba goes for a kick at Y/n's head, but he flips over Cabba's leg. Caulifla goes for his legs with a sweeping motion, but Y/n flips into a handstand. As soon as he does, Cabba and Caulifla simultaneously transform into a Super Saiyan and throw a punch at Y/n, Cabba going high, Caulifla going low. However, Y/n does half a flip to avoid the attacks, then does a spinning kick to knock them back.

As Y/n lands on the ground, a Ki blast comes hurtling towards him, but he flips over that at the last moment.

Kale, who had fired the Ki blast, could only stare in shock. Y/n moved as fluidly as water.

Meanwhile, Cabba and Caulifla both rise to their feet and glance at each other.

Cabba: I wasn't expecting that...

Caulifla: You've seen him in action more than us, I figured you'd be more helpful...

Cabba: H-hey, cut me some slack... It's not like I'm not trying. And to think, this isn't him at his best.

Caulifla: Wait, what?

Cabba: Oh, I guess you and Kale are completely unaware. Apparently, Y/n can use a technique called " Ultra Instinct ", and it's so incredibly rare that even Gods of Destruction can't just use it all willy nilly.

Caulifla turns her attention to Y/n, who was standing there with a blank expression on his face, but his eyes were seemingly peering into her very soul. She started feeling smaller by the second, her, the great Caulifla. But she couldn't make herself feel any bigger. Y/n seemed like an insurmountable wall of strength now, like she'd only ever be an ant in comparison. How could he be that strong? It didn't really register. And he looked so calm, it was a little unnerving for her. Normally, she's used to people gloating and showing off their power, and yet Y/n stood there completely outclassing all three of them. And he wasn't even trying? Unreal. Suddenly, Caulifla found herself admiring the young man even more. He was this powerful, and he was willing to teach her and train her? She felt honored now, and she couldn't really understand why.

Caulifla: He's... So cool!

Cabba smiles at Caulifla, amused by her response.

Cabba: You're right, he's really something else.

Y/n: Are you all just gonna stand there, or are you gonna fight me?

Kale looks to Caulifla and Caulifla nods. Kale, Caulifla, and Cabba all rush Y/n but he continues to effortlessly dodge all of their attacks. The longer they tried and failed to make contact, the more Caulifla began to respect Y/n.

Caulifla: You really are something else, even if you're a smug jackass!

Y/n smirks at Caulifla, amused by her reaction, he then sweeps all of them off their feet simultaneously and flips away as they hit the ground.

Caulifla, Kale, and Cabba all grunt in pain as they bust their asses on the ground.

Caulifla: Ya jerk! Here I am complimenting you, and ya make me bust my ass!

Y/n chuckles and walks back over the three Saiyans, smiling.

Y/n: You guys are getting better, believe it or not.

Caulifla: Huh? Don't try an' make us feel better, you kicked our asses! We don't need ya to patronize us!

Y/n: No, really, you did good. I've been practicing martial arts since I was 6, you all grow quick, I'm just more experienced is all.

Kale: Th-thank you, Y/n!

Cabba: Yes, thank you, Y/n!

Caulifla looks up at Y/n, and he still felt like he was untouchable, but she grins and stands up.

Caulifla: Thanks.

Y/n: Alright, you lot should get some rest.

They all nod and Y/n starts doing some stretches, but notices that someone was still there. He looks up and sees Caulifla eyeing him, he couldn't quite figure out what she was doing.

Y/n: I thought you left with the others.

Caulifla: I changed my mind.

Y/n stands up and raises a brow.

Y/n: Yeah? Why's that?

Caulifla: ... I wanted to talk to you...

Y/n: About what?

Caulifla: ... Just now, even if you were telling the truth about us getting better-

Y/n: I was.

Caulifla: ... Cabba told me about your Ultra... Whatever it is. Why would you sell yourself short like that?

Y/n: Oh, that? To tell ya the truth, I try to be a little more grounded.

Caulifla raises a brow.

Caulifla: I'm sorry?

Y/n: I mean... Well, I know I'm really strong. But I tend to kinda get... Carried away sometimes, but I really don't like it sometimes. I get kinda full of myself.

Caulifla: Well, Y/n, I don't know what to tell you really. Most people lose themselves to their power, no matter it's form. You're damn impressive to even try and be humble.

Y/n blushes lightly at her praise and looks away.

Y/n: Thanks, Caulifla.

Caulifla: But... I'm curious, does your personality change when you use that power?

Y/n: Yeah. I get a little cocky.

Caulifla: I see, you don't like that character trait?

Y/n: I... I didn't say that.

Caulifla: Hm? Then what did you mean?

Y/n: It's just... I don't like being overly cocky and arrogant.

Caulifla: So you're gonna sell yourself short?

Y/n: ... Yeah.

Caulifla walks over and grips his collar.

Caulifla: Well stop, idiot! You're so damn cool, don't you dare put yourself down!

Y/n blushes a little bit and smiles.

Y/n: Y-yeah, you're right... S-sorry Caulifla.

Y/n's heart was pounding like he was in the middle of a battle, this scrappy Saiyan girl had his heart beating like he was in an intense fight. She made him feel weird, but a good weird. While Y/n was grappling with his pounding heart, Caulifla couldn't help but let her thoughts roam as she looked at the taller male. He was so strong, so incredibly powerful, but here he was blushing at a little bit of praise and stammering. Caulifla decided it was absolutely adorable.

Caulifla lets go of Y/n, but she continued to stare at him. She couldn't take her eyes off him and she didn't know why.

Y/n: Sh-shouldn't we head back soon?

Caulifla looks down.

Caulifla: I don't wanna go yet...

Y/n: Huh? Why not?

Caulifla looks back at Y/n, a smile on her face.

Caulifla: Cuz then I gotta share your attention, I like it being on me.

She leans closer to the Ultra Instinct Warrior and she runs a finger up his chest.

Caulifla: Anyone ever told you how muscular you are? You could grind meat on these bad boys.

Y/n: Are you feeling me up?

Caulifla smirks at the Earthling and bats her eyelashes at him.

Caulifla: Am I, pretty boy?~

Y/n blushes and looks away.

Y/n: You're a tease...

Caulifla: Yeah, I guess I am, huh?

Y/n takes a deep breath and slowly exhales before taking Caulifla's hand and smiling at her.

Y/n: And you're beautiful.

Caulifla goes beet red and buries her face in his chest.

Caulifla: Ugh, that's cheating!

Y/n chuckles and lifts her chin, making the embarrassed female Saiyan look him in the eyes.

Y/n: I meant that.

Caulifla: You... You did...? You think I'm beautiful?

Y/n nods and Caulifla leans closer to him, and he leans closer as well.

Caulifla: You sure know how to... Make a girl feel special...

Y/n: You are special, Caulifla.

The two stop when their lips are only an inch apart.

Y/n: Should I stop?

Caulifla: ... No.

Y/n closes the distance between them, their lips locking as they kiss. After a moment, they pull away from each other, both clearly flustered.

Caulifla: Can't believe I just had my first kiss so casually, I was expecting fireworks.

Y/n: I can arrange that next time then.

Caulifla smiles and kisses his cheek.

Caulifla: I'm really starting to like you, jackass.

Y/n smirks at Caulifla and smacks her ass.

Y/n: I like you too, punk.

Caulifla yelps and punches Y/n in the shoulder playfully.

Caulifla: We should head back now.

Y/n: Yeah, you're right.

Caulifla flies off and Y/n watches her for a moment.

Y/n: A tomboy girlfriend with a temper and a bit on the shy side... Nice.

He flies off after her.

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