Roller Coaster - Lauren/You

By coconutwater1234

59.1K 1.8K 452

Life is a highway? No. Life is a roller coaster. What happens when you're thrown into a crazy lifestyle of f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
New Fic
New Story

Chapter 13

1.6K 78 24
By coconutwater1234


"Alright, I'll see you guys later." I said before heading out of the club.

What I didn't realise was the group of paparazzi's waiting for me as I left. Usually i'd be fine with all the flashing lights, but once you've had a few drinks, it's definitely more unpleasant. Thankfully the bouncers saw I was struggling to manoeuvre my way around them and came to give me hand. Once the cab arrived I thanked them and hoped in as fast as I could, wanting to get away from all the cameras. As I told the driver the address, the door opened and Candice was sat next to me with a smirk on her face.

"Mind dropping me off?" she asked.

"Yeah no problem." Candice sat right next to me and cuddled in my side and I let her. Keep in mind that I'm still quite tipsy right now. Through out the trip Candice had been a bit too touchy for my liking and definitely for Lauren's too! By the time we reached her apartment I decided that enough was enough and that I had to be clear with her. I walked her down to her door and before I could get a word in she quickly leaned in. Thankfully I stopped her just as she was about to kiss me.

"What are you doing?" she asked still trying to lean back in, I brought her wrists down from around my neck and sighed.

"Candice. Come on, you know I have a girlfriend."

"Well she's not here right now," I pushed her back gently. I seriously can't believe she's trying this shit right now. "come on Y/N. Don't you miss the good old days?" she whispered seductively. My breath hitched at the sight of her biting her lip. I have to admit, we had a lot of fun back then. I mean there was a reason as to why we kept hooking up with each other.

She opened her door and took my hands in hers, slowly pulling me into her apartment.



We were in-between interviews at the moment. Man has it been a busy day, I barely had time to reply to Y/N's messages.

Me: Hey babe! I've got about 5 minutes right now

Y/N: 😁

Me: So how was last night?

Y/N: Yeah, it was a lot fun....haven't seen those guys in forever

Y/N: Though I may have had a bit too much to drink

Me: lol you sure did miss the drinking age huh?

Y/N: Hell yeah! I just don't get it. You guys are allowed to drive at like 16 and buy guns and shit at 18!          Why on earth is the drinking age 21?!

Me: Oh will you stop complaining 😋

Y/N: Only for you baby 😉

Y/N: Guess what?

Me: What?

Y/N: I get to see you in a week 😀

Me: You do don't you 😉

Me: and I get to meet your family

Y/N: you nervous?

Me: hmmm, just a little. But that's normal 😊

Y/N: you have nothing to worry about. Mum already loves you lol

Me: What can I say, we had a great conversation....about you 🙊

"Yo Lauser! Come on, we have to go." Dinah popped her head in front of me.

Me: sorry babe we have another interview to do 😔

Y/N: 😩 aww but I wanted to keep talking to you

Me: I know, me too. I'll talk to you as soon as I can. Love you xoxo 😘

Y/N: love you too 😘

After our first interview we had a chance to grab some lunch back at the hotel room. The girls and I were all eating sitting by the TV looking at whatever is on.

"So Lauren," Ally spoke up. "you nervous to meet Y/N's family and friends?"

"Definitely. I mean not so much her family, but more so her friends."

"What why?" Norman joined in. I thought for a moment. Why was I more nervous to meet her friends than her family?

"I don't know...I guess I'm just worried they won't like me or something. Then it would be weird when we hung out with them." I thought out loud looking down on my plate of food. I felt someone grab my hand and it was Camila.

"Lauren, you have nothing to worry about. You are an incredible person and Y/N knows that. Just be yourself." she offered with a soft smile.

"Thanks Camz." After a few moments of silence Dinah broke it, trust Dinah to say what she was going to say.

"So you going to jump that girl when you see her?"

"Dinah!" Ally smacked her arm.

"What? I was just wondering. I mean they've been together for how long, like 8 months?" she looked over to me and I nodded in response. "I'm just wondering if they've done the dirty yet." she finished with a smirk plastered on her face and the oh so subtle wiggling of the eye brows.

I couldn't help the blush that appeared throughout my cheeks. Y/N and I have only been intimate once, back in Christmas. It's only been a month, not trying to say that I'm some sort of sexually frustrated teenager....but I definitely do miss being with her like that too. I guess from my silence, the blush and my fighting smile from recalling our first time together, the girls caught on.

"Oh shit! You guys totally have done it!" Norman pointed out. Ok now I really can't help but blush even more.

"Girl why didn't you tell us?" Ally asked. I simply shrugged my shoulders.

"When, where and how the hell was it?" Dinah asked excitedly. Geez I did not realise the girls would be so interested in my sex life with Y/N. Especially Ally.

"Ok. The night before she had to leave, Christmas break and in my room at my house."

"At your house!" Dinah, Normani and Ally shouted. I quickly shook my head, figuring out what they were so worried about.

"Everyone was out for the night, so we had the house to our selves." They had a relieved look on their faces. "it was....god it was perfect. She was so nervous, it was so adorable. She was gentle and soft, I remember her asking me if I was ok with it. It was amazing and I honestly wouldn't want my first time any different and I wouldn't want it with anyone else." As I gushed out the details of our night where I completely gave myself to Y/N, TMZ came on and usually we would ignore it but they mentioned Y/N's name. Thats when I stopped talking and our attention diverted to the TV.

"Yo so right now Y/N is on brake back in Australia and boy do we have some juicy news for you. We've got exclusive pictures and footage of Y/N having a fun night out with friends. Perhaps a bit too much fun?"

Pictures of Y/N with a girl sitting on her lap with her friends came up on the screen. I have no idea who that girl is and what she is doing sitting on my girlfriend's lap. Then more came up with her leaving the club with Y/N.     

"And that's not all, someone posted a video of the two entering an apartment together." Sure enough the video showed Y/N going into the building with that blonde bitch.

"Hey hang on a minute," the screen crossed over to where the group of idiots talk about what gossip is on. "isn't Y/N going out with that Fifth Harmony girl?" There were a bunch of oohs coming from everyone.

"Yeah the two came out as a couple on Christmas."

"Looks like someone might not be as invested in this relationship."

And with that the TV was switched off. Camila had the remote in her hand so I'm assuming she turned it off. At this point I was fighting back the tears that were trying to force they're way out. I know Y/N and I know our relationship. She wouldn't....she would never do anything like that to me. This is just another stupid rumour from pictures. The girls all had sympathetic and worried expressions.

"Lauren," Ally came beside me and started rubbing my shoulders gently. "it's TMZ you can't believe what they say."

"Yeah girl, besides you know Y/N would never even think of cheating on you." Normani added. i was now lightly sobbing, wiping away those droplets of water.

"Yeah and that girl is hella whipped!" Dinah joked, which I appreciated cause it made me giggle a little bit.

"She is isn't she?" I played along.

"You got her wrapped around your finger Lo," Man I love these girls, they always know how to make me feel better. "there's that smile." Camila wiped the rest of my tears with her sleeve.

They're right. They are absolutely right. I trust Y/N, we trust each other to be faithful and we don't need the stupid media to make us doubt one another and put a strain on our relationship. I refuse to let that happen to us. Just another week then I'll be in her arms, never wanting to leave. Speaking of, my phone started ringing and sure enough it was Y/N calling. What is she doing up? It's got to be like 4:00am for her right now.

"Can you guys pick that up for me please while I go freshen up a little. I don't want her to know I've been crying." Camila nodded. When I reached the bathroom is heard from afar a faint collective 'y/n!' from all the girls. I looked over myself in the mirror, cheeks covered in tear stains, nose and eyes red and puffy. God I hate crying. I splashed water on my face and patted it dry before returning back to everyone.



You have to tell her Y/N, she's your girlfriend and she deserves to know the truth. I've been tossing and turning for the last five hours trying to get some sleep, however I've been kept up by my conscious. When I was texting Lauren earlier today I wanted to tell her straight away, but she didn't have long and I couldn't just dump it on her like that and oh hey have fun at your interview babe! Fuck it. I sat up and reached for my phone before dealing Lauren on face time.

After a few rings, four faces squeezed into the phone frame. There they were, Dinah, Ally, Camila and Normani. "Y?N!" they all greeted at the same time. Freaky.

"Hey guys. Where's Lauren?"

"What we aint good enough for you?" Dinah placed her hand on her heart.

"How are you guys?"

"We're good, how's Australia?" Normani asked while in the background Dinah and Camila were play fighting, with Dinah holding her back by having her hand on her face. Man those two are so funny.

"Yeah it's good to be back and see everyone. You guys should really come down and hang," I knew the girls had been to Australia before, however it was just for a short while and they were here doing promo so they didn't really get to enjoy and relax as much. "where's Lauren?" As much as I love talking to the girls, I really really need to look at my girlfriend's face, her smile and hear her voice.

"Hey babe." There she was, looking as beautiful as ever. Normani passed the phone to her as the other girls left us alone.

"Hi," Lauren smiled even more and gave a small wave. Somehow even the little things she does, she does it so angelically and just perfectly. "how was your day?"

"It's still going unfortunately. What are you doing up?"

"I just...I really needed to talk to you. Just about the other night when I went out."

"Oh, yeah that. There were some stuff on TV about it." Seriously! Can I not get any privacy.

"Do you believe any of it?"

"No," she shook her head and answered without any hesitance. "at first I was just upset cause I'm your girlfriend and only I'm allowed to sit on your lap and go home with you. But I trust you. I know nothing happened that night." I released a breath that I unknowingly was holding, full of relief that Lauren knows I would never do anything to hurt her.

"I promised nothing happened. We shared a cab, she was a little handsy and I walked her to her apartment. She tried to kiss me but I stopped her as soon as I realised what she was doing. We went inside her apartment, I sat her down and played down the facts. You Lauren Jauregui are my girlfriend that I am hopelessly in love with. Eventually she got the picture."

"I'm hopelessly in love with you too, my little Koala. Now go get some sleep, you look like a zombie." she stuck her tongue out. God how I wished I was there so I could suck on it. Ok. Reel it in you horn dog, just another week then she's with you.

"Koala? That's new. I like it."

"I thought it was fitting."

"I love you Lauren."

"I love you more," Urgh why does she have to bite her lip like that. "one more week."

"One more week. Goodnight Laur."

I was watching Lauren push a little girl, not more than 4 years old on the swing, laughing along with the little angle who's trying to reach the moon, with Lauren's help of course. They've been at it for, well I'm not sure how long, but with each push the little girl was going higher and higher.

"The princess asked if we could go get ice-cream now. What do you think?" Wait how. Lauren stood next to me now with the girl in her arms. Just a second ago they were still playing on the swing set. But all those thoughts vanished when I took a closer look at the girl in Lauren's arm. She was an exact replica of Lauren and I. She had those deep emerald eyes, my nose and Lauren's hair.

"Come on Mama!" the mini us giggled before opening my arms and crawling in. I guess she wants me to carry her. "you can have Vanilla, cause that is your favourite. Mummy can have raspberry, that is her favourite. And I can have chocolate! With Sprinkles! Cause that is my favourite!" she exclaimed full of excitement. Geez if you ask me, seems like she's already had ice-cream.

I held our daughter in one arm, keeping the other free to hold Lauren's hand. When I did, I notice the wedding ring on my finger. Plain silver, simple but yet the thought of it being put on my finger by Lauren, made it even more perfect.

"We're married," I whispered to myself, but it was loud enough for Lauren to apparently hear because she just smiled and nodded. "we have a daughter." I looked into those perfect green eyes.

"Grace." Lauren whispered.


"Grace. That's her name," Grace. It was perfect, it suited her so much. "you picked it."

"She's perfect."

"She's our's. We're a family."

A family with Lauren. The love of my life. I don't think this could be anymore perfect that it already is. As we were walking to the ice-cream store, I realised we had been walking for ever. But when I looked back we were only metres from the park bench I was sitting on. Then all of a sudden there were flashes surrounding us. Of course the paparazzi couldn't ever leave us alone. Not even in my dreams could Lauren and I have some peace of mind. They were shouting out all these questions and Grace started to cry, saying that they were being mean and loud. I tried asking the paps if they could quiet down and give us some space, but the more I asked the louder they got and the closer they got too. I turned to Lauren, but she wasn't there. Looking around frantically Lauren had vanished. Then next thing I know Grace was gone too. Leaving me alone.

AN: hey guys! Its been a while, but here's the next chapter, not my best but like i said its been a while :) i'll also try and make the chapters longer since i dont update that frequently.
Also if you havent already, check out laurenjaureguis-  work :)

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