Adopted by Natasha Romanoff

By avengersmcu11

70.5K 1K 698

Y/N is a 17 year old girl who was put in foster care at age 4 by her mother cause she couldn't look after her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

1.5K 25 25
By avengersmcu11

Natasha's POV:

"I will fight for them Natasha! I'll see you in court!" I hear Maria yell before I speed off in my car.

I make my way back to the compound, the boys still following behind me in their own cars. On my way back, Y/N's favourite song plays on my radio causing me to tear up. I absolutely adore these girls, i'm so lucky to have them. I mean yeah sure it wasn't my intention but when I took them and read their files about their upbringing, I couldn't send them back. I've never meant anything as much when I say that I love them more than anything.

I get back to the compound, tears running down my face. I get out of my car and just as i'm about to walk to the front door, Clint gets out of his car and grabs me to pull me into a hug. At first I fight it, I don't usually do hugs but Clint just holds me tighter and I break down in his arms.

Tony goes inside to make sure the girls are okay while I stay outside with Clint until i've composed myself.

"She's going to try and take them Clint, she could possibly win. I mean i don't have the cleanest record whereas she is an agent. I'm a deadly assassin. I'm going to lose them!" I cry as Clint just stands there holding me until i've calmed down.

"You've got all of us on your side Natasha." He says back.

I'm not so worries about Y/N she's eighteen so she can choose who she stays with but Bella is only three, she's four next week. There's a possibility that Maria may win custody over her.


Two weeks go by and i've been a mess. Today is the day we have to go to court. Y/N has her heart set on staying with me, so has Bella but i'm terrified that she will have no choice but to go with Maria.

On my side I have Tony, Clint, Steve, Wanda, Thor, Yelena, Vision, Pepper, Fury and even my parents, Melina and Alexi have come to support me. Maria just has a few S.H.I.E.L.D agents that i've never even seen before in my entire life.

"Miss Romanoff." The judge says, grabbing my attention.

"Yes, your honour" I reply, my palms are sweaty and my heart is racing but I don't let that get in the way.

"What makes you believe that you are a fit enough guardian for Y/N Y/L/N and Bella Frost?" He asks.

"Well your honour, i've been taking care of Y/N and Bella for five months now, I live in the Avengers compound with every superhero in New York. I know that both of them are safe at all times, they are both still in full time education and everyone loves them both dearly." I say, crossing my fingers that my reason was good enough.

"Right, thank you Miss Romanoff. You may sit." He says as he gestures for me so sit back down, which I do.

"Miss Hill." He says, even hearing her name causes my blood to boil. She stands up from her seat, looking professional. he then proceeds to ask her the same question that he asked me.

"Your honour I have been looking after the girls a similar time to Miss Romanoff as we had previously been in a relationship. She kicked me out around three weeks ago as she clearly didn't want me to know what was actually going on in the compound. Your honour, Miss Romanoff and the Avengers that are living in there all neglect little Bella. She's locked in her room most of the time as they apparently 'cannot deal with her tantrums' which is why I decided that being here today was a good idea as I can provide a safe and loving home for Bella." She says, so confident in her answer.

"You liar!" I yell at her from across the room.

"Miss Romanoff sit back down!" The judge yells. "It's settled, Y/N id old enough to make her own decisions so Miss Romanoff, she can still stay with you. As for Bella, she will now stay with Miss Hill. Court dismissed." And that was it. My little Bella, gone in a heartbeat. After we got back to the compound, a social worker came in to take Bella to Maria.

"No I don't wanna go Mama! Please! Don't let me go!" Bella screams as the social worker scoops her up and clips her into a car seat in the back of her car. I feel my heart shatter completely. How the hell could this happen?!

Maria's POV:

I get back to my house, satisfied with the little lie that I knew I had to tell to get Bella. The social worker notifies me that she is on her way so I quickly finish up Bella's room before the social worker comes in to examine my house.

Not long after I finish Bella's room, I hear my doorbell ring. I open it to reveal the social worker and a crying Bella, I crouch down to her level and pull her into a tight hug.

"Oh my little Bella, Momma's missed you so much!" I say as I scoop her up.

"Well your house looks perfect to me Miss Hill, I will be back to check on Bella in exactly a week." The social worker says before leaving my house and driving off in her car.

"So what would you like to do Bell?" I ask.

"I want my Mama and Y/N!" She yells, tears streaming down her little face.

"Yeah well Mama and Y/N don't want you anymore. Why else would you think that you're with me?" I say back as I crouch back down to her level.

"R-really?" She asks between sniffles and I just nod my head before scooping her back up to take her to see her new room.

It's getting late so I put Bella to bed, she's still upset but nothing I can't handle. I turn on a night light and turn off her big light before kissing her head and leaving her room, closing her door behind me.

Y/N's POV:

As soon as we get back to the compound, I run upstairs and lock myself into my room. I don't cry cause where is that going to get me. So instead I sit at my desk and make a plan, ignoring every knock on my door, even Mama. I can't believe they let this happen, how the hell could they let this happen?!

I come up with a plan and decide to act upon it at midnight when everyone is sleeping.


The time for my plan has finally come around. I had ignored everyone in the compound since coming home. After everyone had gone into their rooms and fallen asleep, I figured this is the perfect time to sneak out of my bedroom window. I know exactly where Maria lives so I decide to take one of Tony's cars seeing as I managed to steal a key on my way to my room earlier and I drive to Maria's house.

When I pull up outside, I see that all of the lights are turned off. She lives in a two bedroom bungalow, far from the tower so no one suspects anything. I make my way toward the window that has pink curtains and I peek through the small gap and see Bella sat on her bed crying. My heart breaks at the sight in front of me then I knock on the window and her eyes dart towards me.

"Y/N" she whispers as she makes her way over to the window. I signal for her to open it, which she does. I then grab her through the window and run back to Starks car, clipping her into Morgan's car seats.

"Y/N where are we going?" She says, confused.

"Remember when I said that I know a secret place that we could visit one day?" I asked her, she just hums in agreement.

"Well that's where we are going." I say back as I smile at her through the rear view mirror.

"But what about Mama and Wands?" She asks, I tear up at that question. I don't plan on going back to the compound for a long time.

"It's been just be and you for a long time before baby, it can be just me and you again okay? I have to keep you safe." I say softly, letting the tears in my eyes finally fall.

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