Suffer Not The Radiant

By IronWithin

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In the depths of the grim darkness that shrouds the 41st millennium, the Astartes stand steadfast as the stal... More

Chapter 1: Initium Novum Per Mortem
Chapter 2: The Playground Incident
Chapter 3: Transhuman Dread
Chapter 4: The Feats of an Astartes
Chapter 5: A New Purpose
Chapter 6: Boredom
Chapter 7: Radianite Warehouse Purge
Chapter 8: The Urge To Murder
Chapter 9: Cruelty Commands Submission
Chapter 10: Getting Used To Each Other
Chapter 11: Tolerance
Chapter 12: Not So Human
Chapter 13: Another Of Me
((((((((((((Author's Note))))))))))))
Chapter 14: Chapter Master
Chapter 15: Brethren
Chapter 16: Fate
Chapter 17: A Peaceful Night
Chapter 18: Visions Of Apocalypse
Chapter 19: No Reason To Hate
Chapter 20: Rest Not
Chapter 21: Unbeaten And Broken
Chapter 22: Bloody Symphony of Shock and Awe
Chapter 23: To What Extent
Chapter 24: Uneasy Closure
Chapter 25: Break
Chapter 26: Beyond The Shore
Chapter 27: Peace
Chapter 28: Tales Of The Ancient
Chapter 29: A Chapter Master's Conviction
Chapter 30: Difference (New Arc)
Chapter 31: Unrest
Chapter 33: Thousand Strong
Chapter 34: Enforcing Law
Chapter 35: Bloodlust
Chapter 36: Damn Them
Chapter 37: Revelation
Chapter 38: They Hunger
Chapter 39: Blood Once More
Chapter 40: Beneath The Surface
Chapter 41: Up Above
Chapter 42: Jaws
Chapter 43: Malevolence
Chapter 44: Slaughter
Chapter 45: Not To Be Trusted
Chapter 46: Primal Hatred
Chapter 47: Tolerate No Longer
Chapter 48: Unwanted Return
Chapter 49: Path And Fate
Chapter 50: Suffer Not
Chapter 51: Divide
Chapter 52: Breaking Point
Chapter 53: Long Time No See
Chapter 54: Hatred Unchained
Chapter 55: New Sides
Chapter 56: Beginning
Chapter 57: Hatred's Place
Chapter 58: Resistance
Chapter 59: Regret

Chapter 32: Distress

580 29 5
By IronWithin

The conflagration swept through the metropolis like a tidal wave of flame, engulfing shops, households, and towering edifices alike. The once vibrant streets were now shrouded in acrid smoke, the scent of burning books and furniture assaulting the senses of any who dared to venture out into the inferno.

At the heart of the city, the skies were obscured by the swirling maelstrom of ash and cinders, a roiling tempest that seemed to herald the end of days itself. Flames leapt and danced from rooftop to rooftop, devouring everything in their path with a ravenous hunger.

The crackling of timber and the hiss of water could be heard amidst the cacophony of destruction, as brave firefighters battled valiantly to stem the tide of devastation. But it was a battle they seemed destined to lose, as the fires continued to spread with a malevolent persistence, laying waste to all in their path. Along with the looters themselves who harassed the responders.


Manila Police District

The agents had arrived ahead of schedule, anticipating a warm reception from the police chief. However, to their dismay, the commanding officer was conspicuously absent, with no one on site able to make contact. As a result, the remaining law enforcement officers took it upon themselves to rally the evacuation of civilians, and deter any opportunistic looters and agitators who may emerge.

Reyna gazed out of the window in disbelief at the sight before him. What was supposed to be a peaceful protest had spiraled out of control, and the once serene skyline was now marred by thick plumes of smoke rising into the sky. He couldn't help but wonder what could have caused such chaos.

Meanwhile, Neon was deep in conversation with the high-ranking officers, trying to piece together the exact sequence of events that led to this mayhem. It was evident that the situation called for more than the expertise of the enforcers and SWAT teams present. The city was on the brink of total anarchy, and it was only a matter of time before things spiraled further out of control.

Suddenly, Ranesk's voice boomed through the vox, jolting everyone in the room. All conversations ceased as the commanding officer spoke with an air of authority that brooked no opposition.

"This cannot be solved without bloodshed," he said, his voice rumbling with a gravitas that sent shivers down everyone's spine. The agents and enforcers stood to attention, listening to his every word.

Ranesk's piercing gaze scanned the room, sizing up the agents and the enforcers before him. He knew that this situation would require more than just brute force; it would need a masterful strategist, someone who could lead a battalion of the best-trained men and women in the force.

Ranesk's gaze flickered over the assortment of posters plastered across the walls, each one depicting a heavily-armed SWAT operative ready for action. With a steely determination in his eyes, he turned back to the assembly of men standing before him, their faces grim and resolute.

"I require full command over a battalion of these... SWAT teams," he declared, his voice commanding attention and respect in equal measure. His unwavering gaze locked onto the agents and enforcers before him, as if daring them to deny his request. Normally, such a number of personnel were impossible to be deployed, as usually, numbers never reached close to that. But SWAT operatives from other cities also came to help.

The room fell silent as everyone contemplated the weight of his words. It was clear that Ranesk was not one to mince his words or make idle threats. He knew what needed to be done to quell the unrest and bring order back to the city. He had dealt with worse, afterall.

A silent exchange of understanding passed between the agents, as they grasped the full implications of Ranesk's demand. It was a complete reversal of their original mission, and the implications were troubling. For they were here on a humanitarian quest, not a martial one, and as such, they were entirely unarmed. The lack of weaponry left them vulnerable and ill-equipped to deal with the violent scenarios that Ranesk's request implied.

Sova's expression revealed his unease as he addressed Ranesk. His voice was soft, but his words carried a hint of concern. "You do understand that our mission here is one of humanitarian aid, right?" he asked, hoping to impress upon him the importance of their task.

Ranesk regarded him stoically, his features obscured by his helmet. Without uttering a word, he gestured towards the window, where the dark smoke and ash of burning buildings filled the sky. His silent gesture was enough to convey the dire situation at hand.

Reyna, who had been observing the exchange silently, allowed herself a small, knowing smile. She knew the answer to Sova's question before it was even asked.

The officers in the room were all of high rank and had been sent a dossier on Ranesk by the Kingdom themselves. According to the file, Ranesk was purported to be over two hundred years old and possessed an incredible speed and agility despite his larger size. Despite their initial surprise at his demand, they all reached a unanimous decision.


Ranesk's demand for command over a battalion of SWAT operatives was swiftly granted, along with a fleet of heavily armored vehicles. The agents assigned to the humanitarian mission were to assist Ranesk in leading the charge to restore order and liberation to the besieged city.

Their mission was clear: to capture as many looters and rioters as possible, then coordinate with the fire department and other damage control services to extinguish the raging infernos and repair the extensive destruction wrought by the chaos. Unfortunately, even the local hospital had fallen prey to the mayhem, leaving the injured and sick without medical aid.

To compensate for their lack of weaponry, the Valorant agents were issued assault rifles from the armory. The armory, consisting mostly of aging AR's and variants of the Phantom rifle, would have to suffice. Though the agents expressed confidence in their equipment, only time would tell if it was enough to meet the challenges that lay ahead.

The ululating wail of police sirens and the strobing glare of blue and crimson inundated the locale as they careened by, scattering scraps of paper in their wake like flurries of ash. Their destination: the beating heart of the riot in the city center. With each appearance, the rampaging mob dispersed, obscuring their identities with gas masks and tattered rags.

The convoy ground to a halt at the epicenter, disgorging a phalanx of black-clad troopers sporting lethal rifles. Like a virulent contagion, they would fan outwards from the core, meting out justice to any misguided souls who dared to impede their mission.

Amidst the ebony-clad troopers loomed the formidable figure of Ranesk, his towering presence casting a long shadow over the SWAT operatives gathered around him. Peering out from beneath his helm, he surveyed his surroundings with an air of implacable authority, his gaze sweeping over the rioters who thought themselves beyond his notice.

"Divide the deployed forces," Ranesk boomed through the vox, his voice resonating with the weight of unyielding justice. The SWAT operatives trained their rifles on the surging throng, awaiting their orders. "Half of you shall take charge under the banner of the valorant agents."

The SWAT operators exchanged a quick glance, then rallied around the four elite Valorant agents, awaiting their next move. Meanwhile, their compatriots maintained a vigilant watch over the perimeter, ensuring no hostile force could penetrate their defenses.

"What's now, Ranesk?" inquired Breach, a cigarette dangling precariously from his lips, its source a mystery to all present.

"That will be revealed in due course," Ranesk answered, striding toward the five hundred strong guard force stationed at the perimeter. "The remainder of you will fall under my direct supervision. Form up before me, and I shall brief you on the operation."

As one, the assembled warriors converged upon Ranesk, eager to receive their marching orders.

"As for the other half of our force, those under the purview of our five esteemed agents," Ranesk declared, gesturing to the Valorant specialists standing stoically amidst the gathering. "You are to take the North and West flanks, dividing command amongst yourselves as you see fit."

A wave of nods and affirmative murmurs rippled through the crowd, indicating that all present were in agreement with Ranesk's directives. With that, the squad divided into their respective groups, ready to unleash their formidable skills against any foe foolish enough to challenge them.

Neon's arm rose limply, weariness etched deep into her features as she gazed upon the once-beloved metropolis now engulfed in flames and bedlam. "What's the plan for the armed ones? she queried, her voice laced with exhaustion.

A stillness settled over the group as Ranesk regarded her, his helmet emanating an ominous aura. "The weapon you clutch in your grasp shall be your answer," he replied curtly.

Neon remained motionless for a beat before nodding, seeking solace in some personal space as she inspected her armament. Ranesk watched her retreating form pensively, the other operatives sharing concerned glances as they comprehended the city's devastation as the source of her profound sorrow.

The sound of a chopper slicing through the air abruptly shattered the somber moment, prompting all to crane their necks upwards, including Ranesk.

"The rest of you, we shall secure the South and the East," he barked over the vox, his subordinates nodding in grim agreement. "We shall scour this city of every last vermin. It shall be a painstaking process. Our vehicles will provide support." The SWAT team double-checked their gear with a fervor, their visages concealed behind onyx masks, but their readiness for blood was palpable.

"Are the four of you ready?" Ranesk bellowed at the Agents, who appeared to be gathered together for some unknown reason. With a firm step, Ranesk approached the huddled group.

Ranesk's words trailed off as the operatives parted, revealing a distraught Neon. She was sobbing heavily, gasping for breath while Reyna embraced her tightly.

"Sova," muttered Ranesk, sensing that something was amiss. He hoped that Sova could enlighten him as to why Neon was in such a state. Sova himself was speechless.

"Neon, hear me" Ranesk's voice rumbled through his vox caster, his tone reflecting neither anger nor pity, but rather a sense of authority. Reyna glared at Ranesk with fury in her eyes as he spoke those words. "Can you not see the condition she's in-?!"

"I-it's alright," Neon interrupted Reyna, wiping away her tears. "I'm fine."

Ranesk looked down at her, and Neon flinched slightly as she met the gaze of his helmet.

"If you are not well, you may stay" Ranesk said firmly, surprising the Agents with his sudden hospitality. But they remained silent, taking in the scene before them.

"No, really, I'm alright," protested Neon.

"Your distress could hinder your decision-making in the heat of battle," Ranesk interrupted her once more. The Agents were taken aback by Ranesk's words, realizing that he had suggested she stay not out of courtesy but rather out of concern for her well-being.

Neon's eyes narrowed, anger flashing in them. "I kneww this city since I was a child, I will not stand idly while I watch this city burn, and I've been here more times than I can count. Don't you dare speak to me about leaving again during this operation. I'll see to it myself that these bastards are either rotting in prison or lying dead in the streets."

Ranesk remained still and silent, a moment of tense stillness passing between them. Finally, he spoke. "Very well."

Turning to the hundreds of SWAT operatives under his command, Ranesk addressed them. "The operation will commence shortly. Do not kill unless it's necessary. These are but lowly looters, but be prepared for bloodshed."

With that, Ranesk gazed out at the ashen skies and littered streets. No looters were in sight, as they had likely fled to the outskirts of the city center. Ranesk had only brought his bolter, leaving his chainsword back at headquarters. Such a weapon was deemed unnecessary for this mission. As they prepared to embark, Ranesk gave the operatives one last warning.

"Show no mercy to those who would threaten your life," Ranesk's voice boomed with the authority of a Space Marine. "If they seek to take your life, do not hesitate to take theirs in return. "

'Yes sir!' The operatives replied.

Ranesk cast a vigilant gaze upon the faces of his officers, each one eager to carry out their mission. He silently vowed to himself that he would ensure the safe return of every man and woman under his command. With this steadfast determination, he spoke words that had not passed his lips since his days in the realm of the Imperium.

"The Emperor protects"

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