The Boogie Woman (COD MW2 Dar...

By lovergirl9023

4.1K 97 58

After breaking up with her abusive boyfriend, a woman in Australia joins the army and becomes a corporal in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 6

318 7 19
By lovergirl9023

You walked through the training grounds and behind the building barracks. Turner had told you to meet him behind the Barracks for he has something to tell you. You got to admit, Turner is quite attractive, despite your trauma from your previous relationship, you've admired him a bit.

"(L/N)" you hear Turner's voice from behind. You turn to face and smiled."glad you made it Turner," you said. He blushes while he smiles.

"So, why'd you request my presence here Turner?" You asked."well you see..." Turner started, blushing even more. He then grabs both of your fingers in a loving matter." the thing is, I like you-"

Before Turner could even confess his feelings, there was an explosion to your side and you went flying and everything goes black.

Slowly waking up, you were met with your base on fire and in ruins. You attempted to get up but you couldn't move. You examine yourself and you found your body has been badly burned from the explosion and you were buried in debris. You tried to speak or call out for help but a weak gasp was all you could make.

"(L/N)!!!?! ANYONE!!!?! IS ANYONE ALIVE!!?!" You heard someone call out, it was Turner. With the strength you have left, you mustered all of your strength and spoke out."t-Turner I'm here!" You managed to call out. Turner quickly turns to you and rushes over and pulls you out of the debris."(L/N) thank god you're alive!" Turner said in relief. He throws you on his back and began to carry you."let's get outta here!" He said, "The attackers might still be here-" Then without warning, there was a gunshot and Turner collapses to the ground.

"TURNER!!!" You called out. You pulled yourself up and started nudging and begging Turner to get up but he didn't even move nor did he respond. You look up to see a figure moving towards you with a gun in his hand. You couldn't make up who it was as their face was covered in a black mask. He sees you and points the gun to your head, he pulls the trigger after saying in a familiar voice, "Corporal
(L/N), Shahid alealam yahtariq min hawlik wa'ant tamut"

Your screams echoed throughout the cabin that you were in. You are startled wide awake in a cold sweat, hyperventilating as your heart beats at a fast rate in your chest. After a little bit, you managed to calm your breathing and you wiped the sweat off your face.

It was just a nightmare, but it was similar to the attack back at the base the figure in your nightmare had a familiar voice but you couldn't make out who it was. You sighed and get up from the bed. You now have to leave this place and find a new place, hopefully, it will have a radio to contact help.

You open the door and were met with a morning breeze. You take a deep breath in and left the cabin in search of help.

Your arm and cheek felt sore but much better than before. But the blood loss from your injuries has already taken its toll. You were pale and you felt light-headed and dehydrated. Despite this, you pushed forward as you were determined to get help and stay alive.

Hours passed and still no sign of anything that could provide help. Eventually, you came across a drop, down below was a rapids river with rocks and tree logs. It was around 12 meters below you, which is pretty high up. You backed away from the edge and kept moving on until you heard someone call out." hey! Corporal! Is that you!?" Your heart soured. It was turners voice. You quickly turn to see him stumble up the hill towards you. Turner was badly injured, he has blood dripping from his forehead and his left leg was badly burned, along with his torso.

"Turner!" You cried out and rushed to him. Without thinking you threw yourself at him and hugged him tightly. Turner was surprised at your sudden hug but returned the hug as you were both relieved that you were both still alive." Turner! Thank god for you alive, I thought I was the only one alive" You cried."I thought I was the only one left alive as well" Turner said.

You both released yourselves from each other grasp and gazed at each other for a moment."(L/N), I thought I lost you" Turner said with relief."And now that I've found you here, I have something that I'd like to say" "yeah, what is it?" You asked softly.

Turner blushes and confesses."Corporal (L/N), I've always admired you and I like you a lot, like, I really, really like you-" Without warning, there was a gunshot and a bullet went flying at Turner and was shot right through his temple. You stare in horror as Turner's lifeless body collapses onto the ground and you scream out his name."TURNER!!!"

You collapsed onto your knees and you began crying and begging Turner to get up."Turner no!! Don't leave me please don't die on me please!!!" But it was pointless as Turner didn't respond not made any sound. Jack Turner is now dead.

"What a shame he couldn't finish his last words before his demise" a familiar voice spoke out. Your turn to see who it was and to your horror it was Elija. He stood there holding a PC-9 19mm Semi-automatic Zoaf Pistol, which he used to shoot Turner dead. You get up to your feet and stared at him in disbelief. There's no way that is Elija, he was your comrade, your friend.

You called out to Elija in an attempt to reason with him."E-Elija... why? Why did you...just...why?" Your mind was racing as you were in so much shock. Elija pointed his gun at you which made you flinch." because
(L/N), your country and those other superpowers dared to go after my father Hassan. And my name isn't Elija, it's Tagiya Zyani"

You started hyperventilating, you couldn't believe the words that he was saying. His name is Tagiya Zyani the whole time. And Hassan is his father!?

Tagiya then continued explaining everything."My father sent me off to Australia for me to join the army and after a few years, I managed to graduate and ended up being in the SASR and was sent here to infiltrate the base. At first, things were going smoothly as no one suspected a thing of me but just as I was about to carry out the plan you showed up. I heard rumours about you and being near you made me forget about my mission for a moment but luckily for me, I managed to plant the explosives inside the base and got out there just in time and here you are, you managed to survive the explosion"

As Tagiya was explaining everything, rage being to boil deep within you. This man was playing you all the whole time and he's killed all of your teammates and comrades and now he's killed Turner just as he was confessing his feelings to you. Your expression quickly changes from shocked to enraged. You pulled out your knife that you keep with you at all times. You stare directly at Tagiya with hatred and vengeance. He just smirks and pulls the trigger to his gun but to his surprise, the gun only made a clicking sound, signalling that the gun was empty. You then took this opportunity and charged at Tagiya in a blind rage and stabbed him in the shoulder while screaming at him," I'LL KILL YOU!!! I'LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY COMRADES!!!" Tagiya tries to fight back but he was no match for you and your rage.

Just as you threw him onto the ground, you pinned him down on the ground and raised your knife high and plunged it down, aiming for his chest it never plunged into him for your wrist had been caught but someone, not by Tagiya, but by someone else. You turn to see who it was only to be met with a punch to the face and you landed on your side off of Tagiya. The Mysterious person then grabs you by your right arm and lifts you off the ground and holds you up by the arm. Your struggle to get free but the man's physical strength was unlike anyone you've ever met.

You look to see who it was and saw it was a large man. He looked like he was of Persian descent and he was massively well built and he was freaking tall as well. He lets out a grunt of disgust before snapping your forearm in half like a twig which causes you to scream out in pain. Your scream was interrupted by the man grabbing you by the neck and squeezes on your throat tightly, causing you to choke and try to use your left bandaged arm to try and escape from his grasp but it was no use.

The man lifts you by the throat and holds you over the drop where the rapids raged below you. The man has your knife in his free hand, he brings it to your forehead and hovers it just above your left eye. "this teaches ya not to mess with Hassan's son you little bitch" the man snarls before slashing your face with the knife. You screamed out and thrashed as blood began to drip from your wound. The man left a cut that stretched from your forehead, over your left eye and cheek. Luckily you managed to close your eye just in time so that your eyelid was only slashed.

Tagiya steps forward while clutching his shoulder and stares you dead in the eye and said his last words to you."Corporal (L/N), shahid alealam yahtariq min hwlik wa'ant tamut" Then the man lets you go and watch you fall 12 meters into the rapids below. Thinking it was the end of you, Tagiya chuckles to himself before he and the man turn and leave the scene.

Meanwhile, you struggled to keep yourself from drowning. You only have one functioning arm and you were quickly tiring yourself out. As you were being carried away your body collided with some branches underwater, and two of them plunged into your left hip and thigh which caused you to scream out more. Now your left leg was unavailable and the rapids only grew wilder as you get carried downstream.

You cried and screamed out for help, or for anyone to hear your cries but it was difficult due to your struggles to keep your head up at the surface. Eventually, your body grew ever sorer from struggling and smacking into rocks, you stopped struggling as you use up every last bit of your energy and you began to sink.

Luckily, the rapids stopped and you eventually washed up on a shallow rocky bed. Your body was managed and battered and you were too exhausted to move. Blood from your wounds began to turn the water around you red and your breathing was heavy and weak but despite all of this, you're alive.

You were on your back, which meant you were staring up at the sky as if you couldn't even move a finger.'I'm alive...?' You thought to yourself.' how? How can I still be alive after all of this? It doesn't matter as I will surely die in a few moments.'

Just then, you heard footsteps. You couldn't turn your head so you could see who it was as they were coming towards you. Then they stopped right next to you."Hola, Coronel!" It was a man's voice."Encontré a alguien, debe ser un sobreviviente de la base SASR!" You then heard someone's voice coming from a radio but could make out who or what they were saying,"¡Es una mujer y parece muy herida!" The man says. Then you heard the voice on the radio again but still couldn't make out what they were saying."Sí, señor" the man says.

You were beginning to black out, the last thing you remembered was being dragged away and the sound of a helicopter before losing consciousness.

To be continued

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