Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F...

By SadSaltyQueen

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Kid x Reader x Killer. Can Reader remember and embrace who she is to save the ones she loves before she lose... More

Chapter 1 : A Lullaby
Chapter 2: Dreams
Chapter 3: Lets go!
Chapter 4: Bloodlust
Chapter 5: Prank gone wrong.
Chapter 6: Confession
Chapter 7: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 1:Time to Shine
Chapter 8: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 2: Fyre To Burn
Chapter 9: Sabaody Archipelago Part 3: The Auction House
Chapter 10: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 4: A Prophecy to be told
Chapter 11: Deep Sea Encounter
Chapter 12: Syren's Call
Chapter 13: I See Fyre
Chapter 14: Childs Play
Chapter 16: Whatever it takes.
Chapter 17: Broken Trust and Promises Part One
Chapter 18: Broken Trust and Promises Part 2
Chapter 19: Broken Trust and Promises Part 3
Chapter 20: Painful Truths
Chapter 21: Strong Emotions Part 1
Chapter 22: Strong Emotions Part 2 ๐Ÿ‹
Size charts!
Chapter 23: Betting Games๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 24: ๐Ÿ‹Midnight Desserts Part 1๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 25: ๐Ÿ‹Midnight Desserts Part 2๐Ÿ‹
Update 2
Chapter 26: Nightmare of Memories ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 27: Behold Water 7, The City that floats!
Chapter 28: ๐Ÿ‹First night in Water 7๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 29: ๐Ÿ‹A Day of Rest, A Day of Fun Part 1๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 30: ๐Ÿ‹ A Day of Rest, A Day of Fun pt 2 ๐Ÿ‹

Chapter 15: Rare comfort

259 10 7
By SadSaltyQueen

(Hello hello! Hope you enjoy this super sweet chapter as the 2nd half to the previous. Enjoy! )

(Soldier, Poet, King
Song by The Oh Hellos)

Main story


You let out a small groan and turned your head to burrow deeper in your pillow. You didn't want to wake up. Your bed was so comfortable. You felt your bed shift slightly as someone climbed up and then suddenly felt a weight on your stomach. You tiredly opened your eyes and let out a groan when you saw your Captain still well.... A kid. "5 more minutes Kid. Lemme finish my nap."

"Wake up ya lazybutt." You felt him begin poking you when you didn't move. "Wake uuuuppppp."

Fast as lightning you reached up and grabbed him as you rolled over, chuckling as he tried to protest.

"Lemme go Shrimp!" He tried to wiggle out of your embrace but you held him tightly.

"But you're the perfect teddy bear size my Tulip." You mumbled as you nuzzled into his hair. Even as a child his red locks were soft. You gently began stroking his back and smiled when you felt him finally relax against you, his arms coming up as he curled up against you. You stayed like that for a couple more minutes until you heard a knock at the door.

"Little one, are you awake? I think your help is needed in the kitchen."

You let out a groan and let go of Kid as you rolled over to face the door. "It's open Heat." You felt Kid hug your back as the door opened and Heat peeked in.

"Is Captain with you?"

"When is he not?" You snickered. "Ow!" You held your head when the latter smacked it. You sat up in the bed and grabbed the red head as he tried to flee towards Heat laughing hysterically. "Get back here you brat!"

"Lemme go lemme go!" He said when you grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and held him up, his arms and legs pinwheeling as he tried to free himself.

Heat let out a chuckle as he watched. "What, only like 1 more day right? Before you are back to normal Boss?"

You nodded as you moved to place Kid in your lap, holding down his arms as he tried to squirm out of your grip. "According to Bonney, yes. But she didn't say when on the 3rd day they will turn back."

"Next time I see that bitch ima kill her!" Kid seethed. "I hate bein a kid. This is so fucking annoyin!"

"You can try but I have a feeling the outcome would be the same Cap." You snickered as you poked his face, the latter trying to bite your finger. "Anyway, where am I needed Heat? You mentioned something about the kitchen?"

Heat chuckled as he watched the 2 of you bicker to each other. "Killer's in the kitchen and he's asking for you. Something about his turn today?"

"Oh yeah that's right. I promised I'd help him with his chores today since I helped Kid yesterday." You stuck out your tongue at the redhead in your lap.

"That's cuz I'm the Captain and I come first." He finally was able to wiggle out of your grasp and darted towards Heat, hiding behind the tattooed man as he stuck his tongue out at you. "Now hurry up and get out of bed. I'm bored waiting."

"You're lucky that you're the Captain or else I'd dunk you in the sea and hold you there." You glared as you stood up.

You saw his eyes widen. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yeah? Try me Tulip."

He gave a small yelp as you moved, the 2 of you dancing around Heat as the bluenette sighed. You came to a stop when he placed a hand on your head and grabbed Kid with the other.

"I am too old for this shit. Knock it off you two." Heat groaned.

"You're telling me. At least they leave you alone most of the time. I'm too young to be a mom yet these 2 are all over me." You stuck your tongue out at Kid as he grinned from behind Heat.

"What? Don't want my rugrats Shrimp?" He asked with a devilish grin on his lips.

"Hell no. Not anytime soon anyway. You 2 boys are more than enough for me right now. Besides, maybe I'd want Killer's since they might be more well behaved than yours would be." You smirked as you turned away from the door.

"That's it, I'm done!" Heat threw his hands in the air as Kid growled and threw himself at your legs, tackling you to the ground. He left the 2 of you roughhousing on the floor as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

You sat up and laughed as the door closed. "Guess we shouldn't keep Kil any longer. C'mon let's go." You stood up and fluttered your wings to get them back into place.

"Carry me?" You looked down to see Kid looking up at you, arms outstretched making grabbing motions with his hands, a pout on his small face.

The action made your heart scream with how adorable he was being. Fucking hell this is torture. "You're lucky you're cute." You muttered as you bent down to pick him up, placing him on your hip to keep steady as you walked out of your room finally, making your way to the kitchen.

"What was that Shrimp?" He smirked as he wrapped his arms around your neck. "I didn't quite hear ya." His red hair tickled your neck as he clung to you.

"I didn't say shit Tulip. Don't forget I can easily drop you in the water." You said as you kept walking, brushing the tempting thought away of flying over the ship and dunking him in the sea. You heard him grumble then rest his head on your shoulder, his grip tightening slightly on your shirt as you walked. You made it to the galley and after waving to some of the crew who were sitting in the mess hall, you finally made it to the kitchen.

"Killer, come discipline your son." You said as you walked into the kitchen, putting Kid down and stretching your arms up high as the latter ran to where Killer was.

Killer looked down from the chair he was standing on in order to reach the stove comfortably. He was also still child size so it was amusing to see him trying to cook for the whole crew. "Just because I raised him doesn't make him mine. Kid, no." He swatted the red heads hand away as he tried to steal a handful of noodles that were on the counter cooling off.

"But I'm hungry." Kid whined as he nursed his smacked hand, his face in a pout.

"Food isn't ready yet. Be patient." Killer looked back at the pot he was standing in front of, his small form shaking slightly as he struggled to stir the contents.

You walked up to him and peered into the pot. Inside was his famous pasta sauce for the spaghetti noodles that Kid tried to eat. "Need some help, sugarcube?" You reached over and gently took the spoon from his small hands, taking over the stirring as the blonde gave a big stretch.

"Thank you. I hate being this size cuz even cooking is tiring. I miss my adult body." He gave you a small kiss on the cheek as he leaned over your shoulder to watch you stir. "Keep doing that for about 10 more minutes and we should be good." He turned to start rummaging in the cabinet, standing on his tiptoes to reach the inside.

"Kid, can you get the silverware out?" Killer said as he began placing plates on the counter. Kid perked up from his spot on the floor with a cocky grin on his face.

"Finally something to do!" He stuck out his tongue as he concentrated, raising an arm towards one of the drawers.

You watched out of the corner of your eye with amusement as the drawer shook then slid open with a bang. Silverware flew out and swirled around the redhead, purple sparks flying as he giggled gleefully. You made a small clicking noise with your tongue and motioned with your hand towards the counter. "Please be careful. Put them down now before you stab your eye out or one of ours."

"I'm not that weak Shrimp. I got this." He rolled his eyes as he moved his hand and the silverware floated down on the counter in neat piles on a tray next to the dishes Killer had placed down. He stuck out his tongue at you when you chided.

"Ok lemme see it now (Y/n)." You moved slightly over as Killer moved the chair back and handed him the spoon when he stood up. He took it and tasted the sauce before smiling, a proud look on his small face. "Perfect. Dinner's ready."

"I wanna taste!" Kid tugged at your pants and you let out a huff as you knelt down and picked him up. He let out a mischievous giggle as you picked up the spoon and let him have a taste, his amber eyes lighting up with delight. "As always Kil, your food is still the best!" He reached across you and patted the blonde's hair, causing the older man to turn away as a blush sprouted on his face.

You also let out a chuckle and leaned over to give him a kiss on his cheek causing the blonde to crouch down and hide his face as it became red as the sauce in the pot. "It's true Goldilocks. Your food is the best out of the crew. Pepper's food is good but when you cook, it's our favorite." Pepper was the other cook when it wasn't Killers turn. His food was good but since you and Kid grew up with Killer, his food would also be number one. "Alright I can hear the men going crazy out there. I suppose we should go feed them." You put Kid down and he ran to the door and held it open. Killer grabbed the tray of silverware and you waved your hand and the pot of sauce and noodles floated up and followed the blonde out the door.

"Dinners ready boys! Let's eat."

***Time Skip***

"So Kid.... Any more ideas for finding Shanks?" You three were currently in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess from dinner. Well you and Killer were doing dishes while Kid was lounging on the floor on his back, absently floating a fork in the air. You grabbed a dish Killer handed to you and dried it as you waited for the other to respond.

"Well we know he has the smallest territory out of the current Emperors right?" Killer said as he handed you another dish.

"Yeah that's right or so people say." Kid said as he rolled over to his stomach, face in his hands as he pouted, poking the fork into the floor.

"Do we know which islands are under him? Maybe if we go there someone might know where his current base is." You said as you grabbed the stack of clean plates and fluttered your wings to get up in the air. You flew over to one of the cupboards to put them away.

"When did you get to be a smartypants Shrimp?"

You let out a small laugh as you sat on the counter and watched as Kid scrambled up and strode over to the chair where Killer was cleaning from. He climbed up and stood on the counter next to you, a face set in a pout. "Well someone besides Killer needs to be the brains of us. You are all brawn. He is brains and brawn. So that would make me the 2nd brains to even it out." You poked his nose as you giggled.

"Fuck you."

"When you're back to normal, yes please." You heard Killer snicker as Kid's face turned red. You almost fell off the counter when Kid pushed against you to hide his face.

"I'm holding you to that."

"Sure sure whatever. Killer, are we done for today then?" You said as you patted Kid's head.

Killer gave a sigh and wiped his hands on a cloth before turning to the both of you. "My chores are done for the day. One last thing to do though." He ran a hand through his blonde locks, his sapphire eyes peeking out from behind his bangs. "Bath time." He pointedly looked at Kid.

"I don't wanna." The redhead said as he moved to hide behind your back, holding up one of your wings to cover himself, glaring at the blonde.

Killer let out a frustrated sigh. "It's been a couple of days Kid and frankly you stink. You were in the shop yesterday and today. Don't make me drag you." He jumped off the chair and moved to stand in front of you, moving to stand between your legs as you shifted.

You let out a chuckle and wrapped your hands loosely around the blonde, stroking his head as he leaned against your stomach. You felt Kid leaning on your back, his pointy chin digging into your shoulder as he looked over. "What if I gave you some motivation? Because you are not sleeping with me again if you don't take a bath Kid." You hummed as you felt Killer relaxing in your embrace.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be Shrimp?"

"....I'll take you flying." You felt both of them stiffen as they processed what you said. You gently opened and closed your wings around Kid temptly as you waited.

"C-can I fly too?" You looked down as saw Killer looking up at you, his blue eyes wide open in excitement.

"Of course Sunflower." You booped his nose and giggled when he smiled happily. "Kid? Is that offer enough for you to get clean?" You knocked your head back, gently hitting the redhead.


"Good. Let's go." You felt Kid wrap his arms around your neck as he jumped on your back as you slid off the counter. You bent down and picked up Killer, the blonde snuggling up to you, a small smile on his face as you held him close. With the boys on you, you walked out the kitchen and walked towards Kid's room.

Some of the crew waved as you walked past, chuckles leaving them when they saw the boys clinging to you like koalas. You hummed a random tune as you made your way around the ship. Killer reached out and opened the door for you when you reached the room. You gently kicked the door open and walked in. You went to the bed and sat down, still holding Killer in your lap, the latter moving to straddle you as he sat in your lap.

"Ok you two. C'mon get off me." You patted Killer on the back and he looked up with a pout. "Please go get the bath running while I try to get this one in there." He huffed slightly and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before finally letting go of you and climbing down to run to the bathroom to get the water ready. One down, one to go.

"Kid c'mon. Get off me." You tried to reach behind you to grab him but he shifted so he was slightly out of your reach.

"I don't wanna. You're comfy."

"You leave me no choice then."

"What do yo- ACK!" His question was cut short by you falling backwards on the bed, effectively squishing the small captain underneath you. "Get off me, you're heavy!" He weakly said as he pushed at your back as you laughed.

"I'm not that heavy. You're just weak Kiddo." You felt him move underneath you and you yelped when he began kicking you, pushing you up and off him as he panted. You hung limply on his feet, your long hair getting in his face as he strained to keep you up and off of him.

"Get off me! Fine I'll go, I'll go!"

You laughed and stood up, stretching up high as your back cracked. You turned as the bathroom door opened, Killer peeking out as steam surrounded him.

"C'mon Kid. Water is ready."

You gave a chuckle as the red-haired groaned, then slipped off the bed, his tiny feet pattering on the hardwood floor. He looked back at you, his brilliant red hair framing his small angular face.

"You coming?"

You smiled and nodded as you followed him into the bathroom. When you got in you saw Killer already in the tub, bubbles everywhere from bubble bath soap. They would swear they hate the stuff if anyone asked, but it warmed your heart that deep down they were still kids at heart. You turned to grab a towel to place on the ground next to the tub since you weren't going to get in as Kid stripped and joined his first mate in the tub, water splashing as he jumped in. You smiled as you watched the 2 splash each other, memories of when you 3 were young coming to mind. Gods you love these 2 so much. They truly have no idea how much they mean to you.

"Sea to Shrimp, sea to Shrimp. You in there?" You blinked as a wet finger poked you in the forehead. Amber eyes looked into your (e/c) ones as you came back to reality.

You gently blew into his face and smiled when he scrunched his nose. "I'm OK sugarcube. Just getting lost down memory lane. Want me to wash your hair?" You leaned over and grabbed the shampoo bottle as Kid turned to get his hair wet before leaning back. You squirted some of the liquid in your hands before running them through his crimson hair, creating a lather as you worked, the red head visibly relaxing under your touch.

"There will come a ruler
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
Smeared with oil like David's boy
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord"

You sang the melody that came to mind as you washed Kid's hair. You sang it when you were very young, the 3 verses describing all 3 of you perfectly. You felt Kid give you complete control of his head, as he let you dunk his head back to gently rinse it clean. You gave him a kiss on the forehead when you finished, with him moving to finish cleaning himself as Killer took his place. The blonde let out a sigh when you tangled your hands in his hair, your fingers gentle on his scalp.

"There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
He will tear your city down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord."

Killer sang with you as you cleaned his hair, his voice harmonizing with yours. You smiled as you sang, then dipped his head as well to rinse it, running your fingers through until his hair shone bright as gold again. He blushed slightly when you gave him a forehead kiss as well before standing up to grab towels for them. You handed them each one as they got out before grabbing an extra.

"Come here silly." You wrapped the extra towel around Kids head and gently but vigorously rubbed his wet red locks dry, chuckling when he made weird noises as his head moved.

"There will come a poet
Whose weapon is Her word
She will slay you with Her tongue
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
She will slay you with Her tongue
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord."

As you finished the song, Kid moved out from under your hands and swayed a few steps before falling on his back, towel wrapped loosely around his waist. Killer came to stand in front of you and you smiled as you wrapped him in the towel, giving him the same treatment as Kid, drying his golden hair as he stood patiently.

"That song fits us doesn't it?" You looked down at the floor where Kid lay. He lifted a hand in the air as he thought. "I'm gonna be King of the Pirates, ruler of the Grandline. Killer is the soldier, his mighty blades cutting anyone and everything down in our way. And that leaves you as the poet Shrimp. Your beautiful words flowing like the best wine." He pointed a finger at you, eyes closed, a small smirk on his face.

You gave a small chuckle as you finished up with Killer's hair, running a hand through it as he hummed softly. "The 3 Musketeers til the end." You gave Killer a small squeeze as you stood up, throwing the towel over your shoulder as you walked out of the bathroom. You heard them follow you, their small feet almost silent on the floorboards. You concentrated on the bed and with a flick of your fingers, 2 pairs of boxers and tank tops appeared in a puff of (f/c) mist. "Get dressed and I'll meet you outside ok?" You gave a chuckle when you heard them run towards the bed as you headed out the room and onto the deck.

You shrugged your shoulders and fluttered your wings, breathing in the cool night as you flew up into the sky. It was a beautiful night for flying. The sea was calm as the Victoria sailed, a gentle wind blowing, filling the sails with a favorable wind. You held out your arms as you flew, flying in lazy loops as you made your way to the front of the ship, sitting down as you landed gently on the figurehead. You gaze up at the clear sky, head tilted back as you look up at the shining stars.

"Shrimp, get down here!"

You laid down and rolled over to your stomach, knees bent so your feet were kicking in the air. You peered over the edge of the figurehead and saw Kid and Killer standing there looking up at you, dressed in the clothes you left out. "What's the magic word~?" You said in a singsong tone, a hand under your chin as you smirked. You chuckled as the captain stamped a foot impatiently, his ADHD not letting him stay still for long, before Killer placed a hand on his head, holding him still. You smiled then gripped the edge of the figurehead and flipped yourself over and down, your wings fluttering behind you as you landed in front of them. "I didn't hear ya." You knelt down in front of the tiny redhead and poked him in the forehead as he pouted.

"....please?" Kid looked away from you as a slight blush bloomed on his face, with Killer next to him giving a small chuckle, his short blonde hair blowing in the slight breeze.

You reached out and grabbed Kid's face, smashing it between your hands as you cooed. "Awww, how can I say no to such a cute little face? And when said so nicely hmm." You giggled when the blush deepened on his face, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. "Alright hold on tight." You moved to hold them, the 2 letting out small yelps as you flew back up to stand on the figurehead, gently placing the 2 small boys down. "I'm only gonna take you one at a time if that's ok?"

Killer nodded as Kid jumped up and down excitedly. The red head practically jumped in your arms as you held them out, his limbs wrapping around you like a monkey.

"Cmon cmon! Let's go!"

You shifted Kid to a more comfortable position before tightening your grip on him, wrapping a hand around his head to hold him close. "Alright, hold on tight!" With that you jumped and got into the air, wings fluttering as you flew.

"Holy SHIIIIIIT!" Kid let out a small scream as he scrambled to hold onto you even tighter, his small body trembling against you as he buried his face in your chest.

You gave a small chuckle before you slowed down to float in place above the Victoria, wings fluttering a little faster than normal as you were carrying more weight than you're used to. "You can look now Kid, I promise you're not gonna fall." You stroked his back in a comforting way as Kid nervously lifted his head and looked around, his red hair blowing in the slight breeze.

"Holy shit we are high up!" His amber eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he looked around, his porcelain skin almost glowing. "Wow.... This is what you see everyday?"

You gave a small chuckle as you gave him a slight nuzzle on the side of his face. "This is nothing. Ready to see how I really see the world? Just let me know if it gets to be too much ok? Let's turn you around. Don't move too much or I might drop you." He nodded and twisted slowly in your embrace until his back was flush with your front, your arms wrapped tightly around his middle.

"Let's do this!"

You gave a small chuckle as you leaned back until you were facing the sky and stilled your wings, causing you to start falling backwards towards the sea.


Right before you hit the water, you twisted in the air and snapped open your wings, causing Kid to let out a strangled yelp as his body grazed the water below him before you lifted up. You watched as he tentatively reached out a hand to drag along the surface, a grin spreading across his face before he started laughing in delight.

"Faster, faster!"

You gave a hum and sped up, wings fluttering so fast they were a blur. You lazily fly up and fly around the Victoria, passing by crewmates as they jump out of the way. You flew around and then up, flying between the sails as Kid held out his arms, laughing with glee as you did lazy corkscrew moves. You looked down and spotted Killer still on the figure head, his small frame turning with you to watch, a big smile on his face.

After a couple more minutes, you lightly landed next to the blonde and let go of Kid when you settled. You gave a chuckle when he wobbled for a few seconds before falling on his back.

"That was.... Wow. That was" He put a hand over his eyes as he struggled to make words.

Killer tilted his head a little, a smile on his face,before making his way to you, arms up.
"My turn?"

You nodded and picked him up, his limbs curling around you before he buried his face in your chest, his blonde hair tickling your throat. "Hold on tight." You held him like you did with Kid earlier before jumping and flying straight up. Killer didn't scream like Kid did but you heard a small gasp as he tightened his grip on you even more as you moved. You gave a small chuckle as you hovered over the ship, wings fluttering. "You can look now Sunflower."

Killer took a shaky breath as he lifted his head to look at you, his sapphire eyes blinking tears away that had appeared, the moonlight shining through his blonde locks, giving him a halo looking effect. He gave a small sniffle before he turned his head to look at the scene around you. You heard a small gasp as you spun around slowly.

"Pretty isn't it?" You said as you rubbed his back comfortingly. You looked around and night had fallen completely now, a full moon shining brightly above you illuminating the sea well.

"This is like this for you everyday?" He looked up at you for a moment before looking back out in amazement. "How can you stay grounded?"

You gave a chuckle at that remark. "I do love flying so much that some days I never want to land. But having you 2 be here makes being grounded worth it." You kissed the top of his head. "Ready to see why I really dont wanna stay on the ground? Hold on tight. Lemme know if it gets to be too much." You shifted him so his back was flush against your chest, his hands gripping your arms tightly as you got him into place.


You let out a small giggle before leaning back until he was looking up at the sky and like before, you stilled your wings, causing your body to start free falling towards the sea below.


Right before you hit the water, you twisted and snapped your wings open, coming out of the fall into a glide. Killer let a sound between a yelp and a scream, his nails digging into your arms as you soared.

"Relax my love, I've got you." You murmured in his ear as you felt him trembling against you, wincing slightly as his nails dug deeper. You pressed your head against his as you hummed, moving one of your hands slightly to place it on his chest above his heart, his heartbeat frantic under your touch. "Kil, do you want to be done?" You straightened up and hovered in place as you waited for the blonde to answer.

The little blonde took a few deep breaths before he shook his head. "I'm OK. Just wasn't expecting that." He patted your arms that were wrapped around him. "Can we go slow?

"Of course." With a small chuckle, you leaned forward and flew back down towards the sea.

Killer tentatively reached out a hand and touched the water, his hand dipping below the surface, creating a small wave as you flew past. "Woah."

You gave a small hum deep in your chest as you then did a few lazy corkscrews, smiling when Killer finally let go of you and spread his arms out like wings, letting out one of his rare laughs as you flew around the ship.

Kid watched as you flew past and stood up as you finally landed next to him, letting go of Killer before falling to your knees yourself. The red head got behind you and lifted your top wings as you yawned. "Wish I had some wings like this." He giggled as the wings opened and closed around him.

"You are a handful enough as is." Killer quipped from where he was sitting. Kid let go of your wings and leaned against your back, chin digging in your shoulder as he pouted at the blonde.


"Well I'm glad you boys had fun but I am exhausted now. Can we go to bed now?" You gave another big yawn before rubbing your eyes. " I just wanna cuddle now."

You felt Kid give you a kiss on the cheek before wrapping his arms around your neck and nuzzling into it."Yeah, let's go to bed. I'm tired."

You let out a sigh as you moved to stand up, Kid clinging to you back as you did. Killer followed as you climbed down the figure head and grabbed your offered hand when you started towards Kid's room.

Killer opened the door when you reached it and moved to plop on the bed, with Kid letting go of you with a yawn. You gave a chuckle as he moved to curl up next to you as you laid down, a small hand reaching out to grip your shirt as he snuggled close to you. You looked over and patted the open space on the other side of the bed and smiled as Killer jumped up and crawled over to you. As he curled up on the other side, you gave a content hum and you wrapped you arms around them as you pulled up the covers, sleep finally over taking the 3 of you as exhaustion set it.

**bonus time skip of a few hours*

You let out a groan as you woke up, sleep fogging your brain as you laid there. As you struggled to think what woke you up, you felt something heavy shift on either side of you. As you groggily blinked you felt an arm wrapped itself around your waist and you gave a small moan as someone began to kiss your neck.

"Wakey wakey Shrimp."

You opened your eyes and as they got used to the darkness, you saw Kid and Killer over you, with Kid next to your head, hungrily attacking your neck with licks, nips and kisses, and Killer pressed up next to you, pulling you so you were almost draped over him. Realization hit you as your brain finally woke up.

"You're back to normal!" You let out a squeak as Kid moved to kiss you on the lips, barely letting you breath as he devoured you, his hands roaming your chest as you squirmed. You let out a moan that Kid swallowed when you felt Killer begin placing butterfly kisses starting from your neck and slowly moved down your body, his lips making a trail of fire that went straight to your lower stomach.

Kid pulled back and stared down at you as you laid there panting slightly. "I seem to remember 2 promises you made Shrimp." He licked his lips. "One, was to give us all the kisses we want," he gave you a peck on the lips ,biting down softly on the bottom one before pulling away, "and two... well you did ask nicely for some fun and it has been 3 days." He shifted slightly and a blush bloomed on your face when you realized they were both naked.

"So shall we have some fun Butterfly?" Killer said as he came back up, moving to give you a deep kiss before pulling away. "You did take care of us the past few days. It's only fair that we take care of you now."

They both looked at you, amber and sapphire eyes almost glowing in the dark as you could feel the tension they had from holding back. You gave a small nod and let out a yelp as they jumped you, whispering sweet promises of the things they wanted to do with you. This is gonna be a long but pleasant night.

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3.1K 48 9
One Piece X Reader Fluff, Angst, Yandere, and Au Stories centred around the characters of one piece and their wonderful world. This is my first time...