Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs...

By _Kim_Haru_

62.9K 2.7K 622

Y/N L/N is an optimistic girl, with dreams of a better world, and the hopes that she can make a difference. D... More



1.8K 96 28
By _Kim_Haru_

(There's a special treat at the end)

November 23rd

"Hello," Y/N said to the woman at the desk. She had just walked into the police station and after taking a quick glance around, she realized she was the only person there except for the workers. "My name is Y/N L/N. I was called and told to come here."

"All right, just one second," The woman said. She clicked something on her computer before smiling and turning back to Y/N. "If I could just see a form of identification, please?"

"Oh, right," Y/N nodded as she opened her purse and began to rummage through it. "Of course." She eventually found her ID and showed it to the woman. She nodded and reached for the phone that was sitting next to her computer. Before she could actually call anyone, she was interrupted.

"What are you doing here?" A male voice asked.

Y/N turned to the source of the voice and immediately recognized the person talking. It was the male officer that had interviewed her family. Behind him was the female officer. What were their names? Leah and Andrew!

"Officer Pryce, Officer Polton," The woman greeted. "This is the young lady you were wanting to speak to."

Andrew made eye contact with Y/N. "I knew it," he said. "I knew that name rang a bell."

"What is this about?" Y/N asked. "If you haven't noticed, it's late. And, it's Thanksgiving. You've already questioned me, what more could you want?"

"Please, just follow us," Leah instructed. "We'll try to explain everything as best as we can."



"Is this still about my Uncle?" Y/N asked. She remembered the conversation she had with her sisters the previous night. She grew nervous the more she let their thoughts and ideas eat at her.


"And, we overheard some of the officers talking about JB and Raven's...accident."

"They were talking about where they found the crash," "It was on a deserted country road in the middle of nowhere."

"That's what the officers were talking about. They think this was a setup."


"Did something else come up in the case?"

"No, no," Leah answered. "This isn't about your Uncle."

"It's not...?" Y/N asked. Leah shook her head. "Then, what is it about?"

Andrew leaned forward in his seat. This was the first time he had said anything - or moved - since they had entered the interrogation room. "This morning... a woman was found dead in her home. She was murdered. And, guess what?"

Y/N felt uneasy. The way the police officer spoke to her. It was so demeaning. She could tell he was accusing her. He thought she did it. Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat. "What?"

"You were the last person she tried to call," Andrew stated.

Y/N's eyes widened slightly. "M-Me?"


"Wh-What?" Y/N's breathing picked up a bit. "What do you mean? Who was it? How-"

"Ma'am, please," Leah cut in. "Take a deep breath and ask one question at a time. You aren't being rushed, by any means."

Y/N felt her nerves calm down by the way the older female officer treated her. Y/N took a deep breath and looked up at the two. "Who...Who was killed?"

"Irene Moore," Leah answered. Y/N's breathing hitched and she tensed up. She knew that name. And, it was true. When Y/N woke up that morning, she had a missed call from Irene.

Y/N wanted to curl herself into a ball. She wanted to crawl into a hole filled with thorns at the thought that Irene could have tried calling her in her final moments. It was already hard enough to come to terms with her actually being murdered. But, it's even harder when guilt feels like it's eating at your back. Slowly. Making sure you feel every slice of flesh being torn from you.

If Y/N had answered the phone, could she have saved her? Or would she have just traumatized herself further? What if she had answered the phone and still couldn't save Irene? What if she answered the phone and had to sit and listen as she was killed?

This had to be the murder that Robin was talking about at Thanksgiving dinner. Even though, Y/N lived in a big city, it had a relatively low crime rate. It was rare for one murder within three months, let alone two in one day.

"You seem to recognize the name," Andrew commented.

"Yes," Y/N nodded.

"Did you have anything to do with this?"

"Andrew, let me take it from here," Leah suggested. "We answered a question of yours. May we ask a question, now?" Y/N nodded. "How do you know Irene Moore?"

"I've only known her for two days," Y/N responded. "I met her on November 22nd. She was my waitress at Big Mike's. The breakfast place I told you about, remember?"

"Yes, I remember," Leah nodded.

"Right," Y/N cleared her throat and continued. "Well, we exchanged numbers after breakfast. And that was the last time I saw her in person."

"Why did you exchange numbers?" Andrew asked. Y/N felt annoyed just by the mere sound of his voice.

"Well, I thought she was cute," Y/N shrugged. "She thought I was cute. So, we just went for it, I guess."

"So, you could say that you were romantic partners?" Andrew asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say that," Y/N bashfully denied. "Maybe, potential romantic partners. But, we didn't know each other long enough to make a commitment to anything. We were barely even in the talking stage."

"Right," Andrew nodded. "And, where were you the night she died?"

"Making dinner for my family," Y/N answered. "I remember it because I had gotten interrogated an hour before." Y/N sent a sassy glare towards Andrew.

Andrew held back a snarky comment and instead went quiet to let Leah finish the rest of the interrogation. "Well, Y/N, it seems we have almost everything we need from you,"


"We need a DNA sample," Leah stated.

Y/N was caught off guard by the officer's words. "What? Why?"

"We found DNA of the murderer at the scene. Only a little bit, but it's enough to find a match," Leah explained. "So, we need DNA samples from all of our suspects to test against the DNA found at the crime scene."

"I'm a...suspect?" Y/N asked. She spoke the last part barely above a whisper. She couldn't believe it. It didn't sound real coming from her mouth.

Leah sighed. She felt sympathy for the young girl in front of her. Leah didn't believe Y/N had anything to do with either of the cases. She just believed that she was a girl who got mixed up in two very unfortunate tragedies.

"Technically? Yes," Leah answered. "But, if you didn't do it, you have nothing to worry about. It should only take a few minutes. Follow me."


As Y/N made her way down the corridor of the police station she couldn't fight the tired feeling that washed over her. She just wanted to go home. And, sleep.

"Oh!" Y/N exclaimed as someone randomly turned the corner and bumped into her. "I'm sorry! I- Oh, it's you."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing," The male commented. She had run right into Andrew. And, Leah wasn't with him. "What are you still doing here?"

"They had to take a DNA sample," Y/N said. Although, she wasn't fond of the police officer, she still did her best to be respectful.

"Hm," Andrew stifled a laugh. "Good luck, then."

"I won't need luck," Y/N replied. "I know that I didn't do it."

"Really?" Andrew asked. "I wouldn't be so sure. Your whole "girl romance" story sounds very suspicious."

"Is that what this is about?" Y/N asked. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Me liking girls?"

"Oh, please," Andrew rolled his eyes. "I couldn't care less about who you fool around with."

"You don't act like it," Y/N snapped. "You've questioned me twice in the past 48 hours."

"Listen to me, closely," Andrew demanded. "Everything about you and your family screams suspicious. And, whatever is going on, I'm going to find out."

"Well, I hope you like being disappointed," Y/N said before she continued down the hallway, hoping that he hadn't seen how much his words had affected her.


"I fucking hate men," Y/N sighed as she leaned her head back against the seat of her car. "Ugh. They're such babies."

Y/N rummaged through her bag and found the cookie that she had tucked away before she left. She took off the paper towel she had wrapped it in and took a quick bite.

She smiled and closed her eyes as the flavors melted on her tongue. The cookies were no longer fresh, but the flavor had stayed prominent and it was just as delicious as the night before when she had tasted them.

Within the blink of an eye, the cookie was gone. And, Y/N was left with that euphoric feeling again. But, she would have a different reaction to the high this time.

Last time, she felt bubbly and everything was oddly hilarious. But, this time...she would be getting emotional. She thought about the way Andrew spoke to her. She thought about how he basically accused her of murdering Irene. Not basically. He did.

"Men are so infuriating," Y/N stated to herself. She crossed her arms and pulled her knees up to her chest. "They never understand! Because they're just...dumb!"

Y/N's vision seemed to go a bit blurry, both from the high and her tears. She let her head rest against her seat as her body eased into a calm state. A few tears slipped down her cheeks, but she wiped them away.

No, she didn't.

Y/N never moved her hands. They were limp by her side. Who had wiped her tears for her? Y/N wondered.

"Don't cry, my dear," A voice spoke. She felt a sudden weight on her lap and hands on her cheeks. A panic fell over Y/N and she began to squirm trying to escape from the mysterious person. "No. Calm down. It's all right."

Y/N moved her head, hoping to catch a look of her attacker, but before she could see, a hat was placed over her head.

Mrs. Claus had taken her hat off and used it to temporarily blind her struggling victim. She couldn't allow her to see her face. Not yet, at least. One day, she would. She was sure of it. But, now wasn't the right time.

"L-Let me go!" Y/N exclaimed. She felt defenseless. Her vision was gone and her brain felt completely flustered due to her intoxicated state. But, the worst part was that she didn't even know she was intoxicated. She was simply confused and terrified and blinded to everything.

"Stop struggling," Mary said. "I'm not going to hurt you, if you stop struggling."

Mary would never hurt her. Even if she didn't stop struggling. But, she was hoping that her bluff would work. And, it did.

Y/N came to a halt and she relaxed into her seat. Her chest heaved and a line of sweat decorated her forehead. Mary gazed down at her temporary captive.

She felt completely overwhelmed in the situation. She imagined that Y/N probably did, as well. She hadn't planned to do this. But, seeing Y/N lying there in distress - after eating her edible - she couldn't help herself.

She had to feel her. And, Y/N felt amazing. Her face was so soft and her waist fit perfectly between Mary's legs that were straddling her. "Darling~ did you like my cookies?"

Y/N gulped. "Y-You gave me the cookies?"

Mary leaned down to Y/N's ear and chuckled before whispering her response. "Well, of course, my dear."

Y/N could tell by the voice that her attacker was female or had a very feminine origin. She wasn't sure what the person wanted, but she felt like the smartest thing to do would be to try and follow their demands. She didn't want to piss them off and risk them lashing out.

She decided that she would do her best to follow through with whatever the mystery person wanted because that would hopefully get her out alive. Y/N took a deep breath. "D-Do you want money? I don't have a lot of cash on me, right now. B-But-"

"Ah, ah, ah,"

"Please, please," Y/N begged. "I'll give you whatever you want. D-Do you have CashApp? I-I can send you money!"

"Stop talking," Mary instructed. Y/N went silent. "Darling, I don't want money. I don't want diamonds. I don't want drugs. I don't want violence. Do you want to know what I want? Nod your head 'yes' for me."

Y/N hesitantly nodded her head. She was worried. What else could this person want?

"I want..." Mary buried her head in the crook of Y/N's neck. "You~"

Y/N felt a wet muscle on her neck. It moved back and forth before Mary's lips attached to Y/N's neck. Y/N gasped and jolted slightly. Mary gently placed kisses along Y/N's neck, just under her chin. She used her pointer finger and her thumb to push and hold up Y/N's chin. "You're so beautiful," Mary mumbled against Y/N's delicate skin.

"I-I..." Y/N whimpered as her head began to pound. "I don't understand."

"Oh, you will soon," Mary assured. She placed a light peck on her lips. "I promise, you will soon,"

"But, I-"

"Darling, just quiet down," Mary soothed. She caressed Y/N's cheek, making the girl shiver. Mary took notice of Y/N's attire. She had left her home without changing, so she was still in her sleepwear, which consisted of black sweatpants and a black tank top.

She looked amazing to Mary, dressed so uncaringly. It was admirable. But, she was probably cold. Mary left a trail of kisses down Y/N's neck and continued further down until her shirt got on in the way.

"Darling," Mary began. "Let me warm you up."

"Mmm~" Y/N mumbled. She felt like she couldn't form words or certain movements. So, she just lied there and allowed the intimate moment to take place.

It started with a small amount of sucking near the top of Y/N's tank top, not enough to leave hickies, but enough to gain a reaction out of the human girl. Small gasps and quick jumps whenever Mary wanted to have a quick nibble.

"It's all right," Mary mumbled into Y/N's neck. "I won't leave any marks. Not yet, not yet..."

"N-not...yet?" Y/N asked. "What do you-"

"You don't need to worry about it," Mary said. She placed her hands on Y/N's hips, then dragged them up to her waist, and finally, her rib cage. "Just let me...please you."

Mary knelt down and pulled Y/N's shirt up a little to reveal her stomach. The cold air that seeped in through the old car made contact with Y/N's exposed skin. Y/N shivered and tensed up, Mary rubbed her hands in circles on Y/N's stomach.

"Oh, darling," Mary whispered as she placed kisses just below Y/N's breasts, which were covered by her tank top. "You really do need to be warmed up, huh?"


"You don't need to answer," Mary said. "Just nod."

Y/N felt her insides erupt in butterflies as Mary placed multiple kisses across her entire stomach. Y/N sighed in a sort of relief. She felt calmer than she had when she left the police station. Which was weird because...she was supposed to be getting attacked.

Mary lifted Y/N's chin and began to kiss her neck. Mary felt ecstatic. It seemed like Y/N was fully submitting to her. Like she was accepting her as a lover.

Mary wanted to bring her back to the North Pole immediately. But, that would have to wait. She still had other things she needed to do. Things she needed to prepare. And, Y/N couldn't find out who she was, until Mary was sure she wouldn't be able to tell anyone.

"I think I'm in love with you," Mary sloppily confessed as she sucked on Y/N's neck.

Mary forced herself to stop. She needed to get Y/N home. Y/N couldn't drive herself. Not after eating an edible. It definitely wasn't safe. Plus, Mary would have to erase herself from Y/N's mind.

That was the worst part. Y/N wouldn't remember the lovely, heavenly moment they had together. But, Mary would. And, she would melt in the memory for as long as she possibly could.

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

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